OOSE WOMEN a - a in ID BAtAAK ......fi Affair Yesterday l(Tr-""- fternnoii i "" " all nrnrd by Senior Regent Har- successful bazaar was a Very j ..jnn nfinrnnon In thr " vi -- ycariuajf . .. ... Man nu wcimpn ni renown "j - Miicse under the convenor- ... of Mi" C u-ranam ana .. . i.i (n mnm was tasteiuiiv liniea with daffodils and f)- Uieamers. Mesdames O: ..... t p nlski nnnrprl i3Vl" ,lu ' " beautifully set lea tame. , a r: nn e tea room with Mesdames vnrT.wid. Frank Parlette, Wa.:yli and Dldrickson as ,1..... mul nlstln(r In t.hp Iirii " w ThinilL T. Christ- 11 . A D lh It W B. UOJiamy, n. inline, m. .. nl HfU Sv v h Jnhn- 1 tiu,v " " Tweed, and Mrs. Dybhavni . .. ..1 4. t .A in vi m - i-- ti Vf(co Tnnn m charge assisted by Mrs. in... til. t.. T.ltn Ifnrf Mr C Lundstrum. 1L WalUUClO Ul Vilt tuiiita i"T of lamb, donated by Jones' won by Geo. Murray. AIE1 NIDI FAIOL Weekly Meat SUN. MON.iTUES. WED. THU. FRI. I SAT Veal Lamb Vege- Lamb Meat Fish Baked Steak Stew table Casse- Ring Heart Plate role ' Group Group unrat- left- Group unrat- unrat- B D loned over B ioned loned 1 lb. 2 lbs. Vz lb. 5 6 3 tokens tokens tokens NABOB DE LUXE ORANGE PEKDE pKINCE RUPERT IlPTlnM IV! A DT naiM hvery Saturday . SKLL EVERYTHING f oum un commission OllCoVtnUl rtt. ... . . ..w.u omes uonaucwa at Your Convenience wKNITURE AND HOUSE- (u n ntu AND CRATED Climates Given Free GEO. J. DAWES Aiictlonpfr ''NB RED i7 Ask for George M t ft TtOTRL AND RESTAURANT SUPPLIES n"sthane JANITORS' SUPPLIES Prompt Service Lowest Prices Representing . . . '"""in, II. II IVUUHK railli",i - Hrodie Brush Works, Westlnsliousr Lamps, International l I) T. anil' others. PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 0. Box 772 Phone 632 Y I i r we nave uone it; TiK h Ut,ilng COME IN Look for the Red ""AY'S SPECIAL" Cards with the black arrow a'tatInE one of the Bargains of the Day! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE n. . (Opposite Canadian Legion) 2 tokens left over. Is . Sunday guest day In your house? Veal steak given a .moist and gentle heat treatment can, be" as delectable as chicken, and one pound will nicely serve four. On Monday shoulder lamb chops can be the focal point of a tasty slew. To lighten kitchen duties, make a double order which can sit over a day in the ice box and reappear on Wednesday, godd a3 ever, with atopping of mashed turnip and potato. A vegetable plate can be an attractive and satisfying way to cope with meatless Tuesday. Minerals and vitamins . will be furnished aplenty, and protein provided by a chegpe sauce on one of the vegetables, 6r by an. egg centering a baked potato- or mound o.f spinach, Thursday's minced beef assumes a new role when baked in Individual ring moulds, or simply shaped Into nests. When served, the center may be filled with vegetables or a tasty sauce. Friday Is your day to line up a fish dinner. On Saturday you can forget your ration arithmetic by having, unrationed heart lamb hearts for individual service, the larger beef heart if you want some to slice cold at a later date. The stuffing will help to use up your staling bread so you can start the week afresh without wasting a crumb. The two remalninq tokens ore left-overs for future use. CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates For your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms Cafe In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) I'll ON K 51 i IS HONORED BY JUNIOR CHAMBER As a momento of his stay in Prince Rupert during which he was an active executive member jOf the Junior Chamber of Commerce, serving a term as secre- ! tary, R. G. Birch, Bank, of Mon- ' treal accountant, was presented with a colored framed picture j of a Prinee-Rupert'stniset- scene at last night's meeting of the Junior Chamber. Mr. Birch has been transferred to the Vernon branch of the bank, and will leave for the south shortly. Plan Caravan to Prince George Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce-Is planning to send a motor caravan to attend the provincial conference df Junior Chambers olJommcrce to be held at Prince George In June and Alt Rlvett and Robert Parker were appointed last night to act a.s a committee to arrange for the caravan. I.AMI ItKdlSTUV AI'T lie: Crrtiricate or Title No. 22598-1 to Ixt Thirteen (13). Block Fourteen (14), Townslte of Atlln, Map 678. WHEREAS (satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued in the name of William Arthur Dodd has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby Riven that I snail, at tnc expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a provisional Certificate of Title m lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made w me in writing. HATED at the fjind Registry Office, Prince Rupert. D C this 8th day of April, !!)" M) ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. i Between all Stations In Canada1 ONE-WAY FARE and ONE-QUARTER FOR ROUND TRIP (Minimum Far25c) GOING: APL18APL22' rtfturnin: tin to Midmnht, April 21. Hlcrpiof anil parlor rar privilrgea at umal EASTER GIFT SUGGESTION Prepay a ticket to (omeone dear to you. No extra charge. On tale atallttationi. I'Hti iHfurmttlinH fi w air. A ttHI. wl..tn- I J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chlropractlcl If nerves --doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 I Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers EASTER HAPPY, OCCASION FOR FAMILY TABLE PARTIES Happy Easter Is always an oc- , caslon for special celebration. In. most homes this celebration x-tends to the dinner table where favorite dishes are the order of the day. Suggested here Is-one of many menus which might be used for the Easter dinner. It can easily be changed to quite a different meal by serving a fruit cocktail or fruit Juice instead of the soup, and another type of dessert Speaking of desserts, it Is well to keep' in mind that Jf ham is erv?d the dessert should be light and not. too rich. The "Baked Ham Slice" is suggested mainly, because ham has become such a nopular Easter meat. This year the slice may well take the place of the old-time baked hum. Dinner Menu t Cream of Radish and Onion Soup Baked Ham Slier ' Baked Stuffed Potatoes Tossed Green Salad Hot Spiced Beets Grape Sporige-Custard Sauce Cream of Radish and Onion Sii 2 tablespoons mild-flavored fai 1 cup thinly sliced radishes GIVE THEM ROOM After the first seeds are started the next major Job is thinning and spacing. This is vital work and ap- plies to either flowers or vege tables. Crowded flowers will grow thin and spindly, will not bloom freely and the biggest plants-will topple over In the first storm. Ttiey should have half as much room between as they will grow tall. This means about four or five Inches for things likes nasturtiums, less Tor alyssum, much more for tall marigolds, cosmos or spider plants. With the smaller vegetables, a couple of Inches between plants Is sufficient. This applies to leaf lettuce, early carrots, beets, et,c. Beans and peas should have from four to six Inches between plants, and as all the seed usually germinates It should be planted about this far apart. Rows should be from 15 Inches to two feet apart. Corn Is usually planted three to six seeds to a drill, about 10 inches apart each way or rows two to three feet apart. Tomato plants require at least 1C inches each way, melons, smiash and cucumbers , three plants to a hill,' and hills about two t'o three feet apart. RIGHT AT THE DOOR-It Is a good olan to have the smaller vegetables growing in a plot rl?ht near -the kitchen door. Here they will be handy, especially when one wants to get a few onldns or lettuce in a hurry, and it is amazing how much produce one can grow In such n soacc. As- a matter of fact, for the average smaller gardener it 1 cup thinly sliced green- onions Mr teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons flour cups hot milk Salt and pepper Melt ;he fat In the top part of double boiler over direct heat Add radishes, onions and. .salt. Cover and cook over low heat until radishes and onions are tender, about 10 minutes. If reeded, add one or two table-snpon.s water to nrevent vegetables from scorching. Place over hot water, blf nd In flour. Gradually add hot milk and cook, stirring constantly, until thickened. Cook 3 minutes. Makes about 5T cup soup six servings. Itakt-il Ham Slice , 1 slice uncooked ham, 1-inch -. thick (about pounds) 2 teaspoons dry mustard cup bfown sugar 2 teaspoons vinegar 10-12 whole cloves 1 cup milk or fruit juice. Trim the rind off ham and olace in "hallow baking dish. Mix mustard. surar and vinegar tnciether and spread over ham: sflck with cloves. Pour milk or 4 ur if f M'tULC." kssm 'NOTEBOOI rwAin is be.st to grow all the beets. beans, lettuce, radish. carrot3, ! etc., in rows close together in a i kitchen garden of this kind than j in longer rows out in the main ; garden. The latter of course, is j used for bLg, bulky crops like corn, potatoes and peas and pos- i ibly the main crops of beans, but the heavily planted, often cultivated kitchen plot near the house is ?.n ideal location for tlie other stuff. Located close to the house, one can often spend odd minutes In cultivating and weeding when it would not be practical to make a trip out Into the big garden. Whenever possible this kitchen garden should be located where it can be watered in very dry weather. 'TOO CONSERVATIVE Most of us pre too conservative in ouv gardening. For generations we h'ave been content to grow a very limited variety of vegetables beans, carrots, pea?, lettuce and potatoes covering the complete range in too many gardens. Tills is a great mistake as scores of vegetables can be grown to perfection anywhere in Canada and in addition there are usually-several different varieties of each; In addition to the standard kinds noted there are many others that should be Included such as head lettuce, brussels sprouts, celery, Chinese cabbage, soy bean?, broccoli, cress, parsley, spinach, swl.ss chard, tur-nins. parsnips, onions, broad beans, kohl-rabi, red cabbage, etc. There has also been a vast Improvement In standard sorts. CATELLI MAW-CUT MACARONI IN 1-LB. PACKAGES Ready cut for your convenience We serve you nothing but the best Special Red IJrand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURINQ REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily. We are ready to. serve yon Chinese dishes Chow Mein, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. Till U S t RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel A fruit Juice around meat. Bake, uncovered, in a moderately slow oven. 325- degrees F., until tenderabout r hour. Six servings. Crape Sponge 1 tablespoon gelatine 2 tablespoons cold water I cup unsweetened grape Juice Vz P sugar (less if grape Juice is sweetened) 1 tablespoon lemon Juice Pew grains salt 2 egg whites Soak gelatine In cold water. Heat grape Juice and sugar to boiling point; add soaked gelatine and stir until gelatine Is dissolved. Add lemon Juice. Chill until partially set. Add salt to egg whites and beat until stiff. Beat into the gelatine mixture. Pour Into an oiled mould or individual sherbet glatses and chill. Serve with custajd sauce. Six servings. Some of the. old standbys of ten years ago are completely overshadowed by earlier, smoother or hardier sorts. By choosing carefully from a good Canadian seed catalogue one can create a vegetable garden that will not only have much more variety than was possible a .generation aga but one that will yitld higher quality and over a much longer period. DIG IT Iff The proper way to dispose of grass clippings, sod, ?reen weeds, leaves, strawy manure, wood ashes, etc., is to dig it into the garden where it rots and becomes incorporated with the soil. For common ordinary sort throat -it& COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No; 907 PHONE 676 Storage and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 5S0 ISrfnre Uupcrr DnflP Jctos Friday, April 12; 1946 Date-Bran Muffins Good as Cake! Take no sugar no shortening DATE-BRAN MUFFINS 2 etip Kllog'i 1 egg AU-uran 1 cup antra nmir H nip innlnMes icus nunc 'THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY": 1 t&J'ponn andA ' tcftunoon na.lt ;i cup rnnpppu uates Add Kollopars All-llran to rnolasfles and milk and let soak for 15 minutiH. !oat f KK and add to first mixture. Add eifU-d dry ingredients and fruit. Fill greased mufiin pans two-thirds full and bako in moderate oven (400F.) alxmt 20 minutes. Makes 15 KEEP "REGULAR" NATURALLY Keep your Orders Well Ahead for our Quality Coals ! tender, best-you-ever-tasted muffins. These luscious, spicy muffins are as light and tender a your jroudest cake, but that Un't alll They also have a pleasant texiure-emdrast thanks to the ' delieftto toasted shreds of Kellogg's AU-liran . . . and they have the mouth-melting nut-sweet flavour only A U-Bran can give 1 Get Kellogg's AU-liran from your grocer today ami try them. P.S.- Dun'tjorgtll Suturday it Muffin Dayt PHONES 110-117 TWO SIZES ALBERT McCAFFERY Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 1 I A.M. TO I A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES. CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE l.'fct 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST Seventh Avenue Chop Suey House Reopening Next H'eek. Suits I Coats Blouses BUDGET PLAN A convenient way to have the pleasure of your spring clothes, right at the start of the season. TERMS In accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. Latest in Dressmakers and Tailored Intriguing and Eye-Catching Smart and New Perfect for Every Occasion . , Sheers, Prints and Jerseys Fresh As April Days Sweet Sixteen Ltd. (Formerly Annette's) ... f NT, T.1 4 Jf i- "'