.'I., Prince Rupctt Daflp X3ctos Tuesday, June 18, 1943 h,Hii?pe,Jde dallI newsPaPer devoted to the up-building ol Prince Rupert and all the communities comprising northern and central British Columbia Published every afternoon except Sun- Limited, Third Avenue Pr Rupert British Colura' . O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRr. Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By city .Carrier, per week Per Month Per' Tear By Mall, per month Per YeA- "uuupes. sne anticipates a heavier ffcw of, contributions during the final weekf'the drive which closes here on Saturday. Members of the executive and variohs stub-committees assisting the drive are listed by Mrs. Gillie as follows: Honorary chairman, Mayor H M. Daggett. Chairman, Mrs. J. j. amis Secretary, Miss Cllenna Mo0re. Finance, Mrs. C. A. Brind Publicity, J. K. McLeod, Bruce Stevens. Shipping and Tying. Frank dinner (Gyro Club) chairman. Collecting committees: wC?Jk?.,e wMnn" League, Mrs. Anglican W.A.. Unjted Church W.A., Mrs. Andrew Thompson. Presbyterian ladles, Mrs. J a Garrett. aonieatln Army' M"- R L; BajJt'lat. Mrs. p. A. Johnstone. Lutheran, Mrs. Thor Sollien. Perjtecostal, Mrs. A. Garten, i ParearTdian Le8lon'''Mrs- Dan Packing, Mrs. K. Tilseth. Mrs; mrhtT MM' PaUrlJse. Mrs. Mj Hlchajdson, Mrs. Gordon DuN Husbands Complain: Tired, Rundown Wives Lose Beauty; Look Old Thousands of Women Regain Health i Easy Way. Look'Yeart Younger. Look Id mirror! IIu run-down condition raiul l look httrrd,joldI Wnt norm , lieuui. "vigor, nrrvct, plua voumotr look it 1hoimn.li IhrlUrd t auch rluuUt rmulti. 'Ihick ;Oitr Tonic. It Lloo.Unrlcbing Iron oftn needed for normal Vim, vigor. Alio liclpa rttUtr pptJtt. HourMutHt to 'fill tut boUowi In fc or nck which mk man look old. Ntrvet Improvt at deprci. ion '-!. AIm conuins vitamin' I3i, al. rlum, plioaphorua. IntroducUrr klrt onln SE I Try OttXtx Tonic TableM for normal vitality, rep, nef vei . prettier, youngar looka ; today. J o; ial at all drug ttorci tvriwhcra. MEMBER ABO. . 4ii t 14.00 (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office uepttrinieni. uttawa). J TOKYO TRIAL -THE TRIAL against 26 of Japan's ' alleged major war criminals is under way in Tokyo. In addition to waging aggressive warfare, the Japanese are charged with violating international law by an attack without a war declaration. In the main, the charter under vhi,ch the trial is being held resembles that laid down for the Nur-emburg proceedings. But no single party such as the Nazi party is indicted. And the list of major war criminals brought to trial is far from inclusive, though it embraces four former Premiers, most of the Pearl Harbor cabinet, three Axis pact negotiators, and the general who engineered the Manchurian aggression. It is expected that individual war guilt m Japan will be much more difficult to prove, due largely to the wholesale destruction by Japanese bureaucrats of vital incriminating documents at the war's end. Mainlv what is needed, however, is the will on the part of the nations concerned to pursue justice without regard to political considerations or distinctions between individual diplomats, militarists, and industrialists. IMPROVING ELECTIONS A PINIONS of representative per-y sons and organizations now are being sought with a view to helping legislators determine the type of electoral registration to be used in British Columbia. . Questionnaires which were authorized at the'last session of the Legislature have been mailed and it is expected that these will be completed and returned by July 15. There may be a choice of four systems: The present federal government method; provision for perpetual reg Clothing Drive Committees Namqd Pafcklng.qf garments collected n the National Used Clothing Driv. which is now on its second week In Prince Rupert, will oegin on Thursdav Mr. t t Glllls, committee chairman, an- istration; compulsory registration and voting; the present British Columbia system. Under the existing system enumerators make a house-to-house canvass and one member of a household may register all others. In rural areas applications register at enumerator's headquarters. . The perpetual registration plan provides for use of the current newly-revised voters' list as a base and builds up a permanent list. Once istered the name will always appear on the list provided a vote is cast at every election or application is made for, reinstatement after failure to vote. Compulsory voting involves two combinations: compulsory registration and voluntary voting; or compulsory registration and compulsory voting. The latter may follow, the Australian systepi which has resulted in 95 per cent of the electorate voting. Fines are imposed for failure to cast a ballot. The present B.C. arrangement calls for registration by sworn affidavit by the voter. Under it have made little use of the courts of revision each year, but a revision prior to election is provided for new applicants and changes of address may be registered. Sixteen questions are asked in the questionnaire, including choice of any of the four systems, or modified forms thereof; whether returning officers should be permanent employees; whether candidates should be required to make deposits (and how much); and whether absentee voting should be abolished. WEATHER DISASTER THE TORNADO disaster at Wind-J sor, Ontario, which we report today, reminds us that such a quirk of v nature may visit any place unexpectedly to bring death and disaster. The Windsor area is known to be normally -one of the most pleasant and tranquil of all Canada as far as weather is concerned. No one would have ever-anticipated a meteorological holocaust to descend upon it such as was experienced last night. Like the disasters of war and pestilence, the violence of weather can hurl itself anywhere without notice. Like death itself, one cannot tell where it might hit next. It might happen here. Whifflets From The Waterfront OCKHWKHKIO01XHKHKHO0OHKK With a good-sized list of passengers including round trip tourists as well as local people returning from trips south, CP. R. steamer Princess Adelaide arrived In nnrt at 1 nvinir terday afternoon from Vanrrm. ver and waypoints, sailing at 10 p.m. on her return south, Aboard the steamer Prlnrpss Louise, Ca'pt. P. A. .Leslie, which was in port from 7:45 to 10-30 a.m. yesterday northbound from Vancouver to Skagway, were ,247 passengers, most of them round trin Alaska tourist? Th will be here again Saturday af ternoon southbound. kin, Mrs. C. Anderson, Mrs. D. Bean, Mrs. W. Wrathall, Mrs. C Moore, Mrs. P. Lyons, Mrs. T Smith, Mrs. O. w. Johnstone, Mrs. J. S. Grter, Mrs. W. A. Mc-Broom, Mrs. H. Johanson, Mrs. M. Seaberge. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 I " . JAP REPATRIATES SAIL FOR HOME VANCOUVER, (Pi- More than .1100 voluntary Japanese repatriates sailed for home Sunday aboard the United States steamer General M. C. Melggs. Advertise in tlu Daily News. HMBi The Met Traffic Safety Check iponicr.d by Mtmalloaal Ac toalalio vf 0!e ol 'slice. RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED CHRYSLER DISTRIBUTORS G. SELVIG General Contractor We do basements, resliingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE 610 and we will, give an estimate. p.o. box 654 PRWCE RupERT Norwegian Artist-Patriot Hopes To Live Here, Paint Scenes A talented Norwegian patriot, who figuratively went through the five-year German occupation of his homeland with a gun in one hand and a drawing crayon in the other, is casting a professional eye over central BritisIrtColumbia scenerv .mrl lw liino if flna 1 V I ill- "It is just about the same as .Norway, only the trees are big ger, commented BJorn? Selvlg. whose amazing talent tn black nud white drawing has already won him an offer to exhibit In the Toronto Art Gallery after only two weeks In Canada "I should like to stay here perman ently and do landscapes and character studies." White-haired and soft-snoken. Mr. beivig and his blonde, pleasant wife, Johanna, are vLsltine his older brother Gunnar Selvlg, 120 tilth Avenue West. Gunnar hopes to have his brother's 30 black - and - white and. pastel drawings of Norwegian landscapes and portraits put on exhibit in the Civic Centre soon. Actually, it will be the second time that they have been exhibited in Canada. They were shown two weeks ago at Port Hone. uniano, where Mr. and Mrs. Sel- vig stopped to visit another brother, Thor. These 30 drawings, masterly limned pieces of the Norwegian mountain country with a few character studies, are really a form of defiant exDresslon tav Mr. Selvlg against the Germans who ravaged his countrv and sought his life. Rather than sub-v it to nsins his talent to do pro-piganda work for the Nazis, he went underground In April, 1940. It was while hiding In the moun tains 100 miles north of Olso that the majority of his drawines were made. However, his hatred for the Nazis was also exnressed In n. other and more dangerous man ner. During the occupation he was in charge of collecting and lLtributin arms and ammuni tion to the underground patriot groups in his district. "We-had many-a dangerous. brush with the Germansaid' Mr. Sedvi, a$ h Mood by .the woman who shared his hiding. "We have seen many of our friend, raptured and put to . death by torture." '. i -i ,11111 .a an artist of standing, Mr. Selvlg W. H. CORRINS Painting and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jackings - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 303 3rd Ave. W.. Books, Magazines, Newspapers Phone Blue 810 (Res. Green 955) HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branchy 206 4th Street : Phone 655 SMITH & ELK1NS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 p.oj. Box 274 ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING Si PAPERHANGING 633 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 p.m.) INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal. Canada IL P. I nviu Representative rugae ureen?f74 Box 826 117 W. Opposite YMDA TONt'B HVFZU1; B O, GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant. Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 FOft PR0MPTani EFFICIENT SERVIC1 mi sour )( to CXM.UMBIA OPTICAL CO.UI M UTMOIMIt WHcmrvULKf. can still chuckle grimly over some of the discomfitures ' Imposed on the Germans by his friends. Such an Incident U Illustrated in one of his drawines It Is a pencil drawing of a har- Dor scene in Oslo showing a German freighter standing half-shrouded in mist. "The ship was damaged by Allied bombs," Mr. Selvle recount ed. "They brought it to Osl0' for. icajr. urainaruy- the work would have taken about a month and a half but. because of Nnr. weglan sabctaga, that ship stood there for more than two yeurs. I had plenty of time to draw it." Another drawing shows a 'mountain farm with rugged mountains in the background. Mr. Selvlg points out a mountain and says: "An American bember crashed there in September, 1944 with 11 people aboard, one a woman. The Germain dumped their bodies into a mass .grave. Later the Norwegians erected a larue crn over the grave and planted flowers. They cared for It Termer Local Man's Picture Perhaps the work of which he is most proud is a nrofile of hi father, tlie late Jack Selvlg, a iesldent of Prince R:, ert for 16 years, who returned to Norway in 1936. If Is a pencil drawing of great skill which probably never Will lpflVP th fimlu- Commemorating the libera-tion. Mr Selvlg created a desUn ' lor silverware symboltzina Nor- way freed from bondaee. This design has since been cast In silver In the fnrm nf i ------ V- VUlIt spoons of considerable beauty The return of peace to Nor-viy has brought about snme changes for the better since the times Mr. and Mrs. filvla nr ulcu io nvr on a aiei oi nom-ing but potatoes and water. How ever, economic Improvement has Deen slow and food, and clothing are still scare!. .."There are many children, In Norway who will never.be nor mal, because of starvation in Business and Professional MERRELL & GRETSINGER CONTRACTORS Buildings Moved Foundations Built -Excavating and Rock Vvork Our .Specialty. With .Modern Equipment. PH. BLACK 926 BLACK 270 For Free Estimate. If It's a Rock Job- Call a Rock Man Cal1 M.SAUNDERS ' Blue 666 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don t.take work I cannot do myself. PARTRIDGE, GUNSTON & RICE General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, 8tation B Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundations Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanging Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs,. Chimneys and Oil Burners Phone Green 486 Evening Green 337 Train Schedule For, the East- Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From the East- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 pjn. their early years," Mrs. Selvlg said with pity In her voice. Both Mr, and" Mrs. Selviz are -agreed that, If It Is possible, they will take upf residence In Canada and probably at Prince Rupert. "This Is a maenlflcent countrv for an artist," Mr. Selvlg says. -mere is much that I should like to paint around Prince Ru-Drt, and nartlcularlv around Kitwanga where I stopped when we drove from Terrace on ONE-WAY TRAFFIC A snake's teeth are pointed backward, to prevent escape of animals captured for food. Better English . By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What Is wrons with this sentence? "We came near losing the game." 2. What Is the correct pro. nunclation 0f "roseate?" 3. Which one of these wordi is misspelled? Gulless, guinea guitar. 4. What does the word "insl-dlpm" mean? 5. ( What Is a word beginning with sat that means "gloomlv dull?" Answers 1- .Say, "We almost, inet v, game." 2. Pronounce ro-ze-at, VANCSCEV0tJ TypasranhioM ,,..Intma by VancouvoV "lm meetlne i,p J"111 t end. uur,n8 the lrd have the 6 m u mneratnr. 104 to l,o d L !i .f 'anrentl 'CSV 4, Tnlj.. - 1 claracteriZtfl-rr.a.,0' dorp, ti. .. . '""etierv IllffA ' diois .v...: . "J mw "4 mis, ui nine " imp 'JvM fH; 7 Government cheques come to this street V every month. The Fosters, for Instance-he was I ClP" C) wounded at Vimy. Now his Veteran son is K I ' '-d 'aking technical training on re-establishment J ill -HB Allowances. It's so easy and private- Ml "7 to take cheques to the bank I around the corner. m 4 fit ,'AN'IXTRA cheque every sewnd You may receive Government cheques. You can cash them without charge at any branch of any chartered bank in Canada. In one year some thirty-six million cheques were issued for Family Allowances, the Armed Services, their dependents, Pensioners, employees of Crown Companies and the like. More than one for every, .second of the day and night! Can you imagine the expense to taxpayers if this money had to be distributed in cash through thousinds of special pay offices . .j. and the inconvenience of hiving to go to luch offices to get your money? taken in Stride Your bank performed many such public services-through-out the war and is continuing to do so. It is taking these additional tasks in stride . . . competent to play its part in meeting Canada's needs of the future. Thl$ Advertisement is Sponsor edby your B a n I .r SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday S3 Catala, 1:30 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time 12:30 Prince Rupert Time) . Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time 9 p.m. Prince Rupert Time) Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert, Agent Third Ave. Phone 888 We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAhD" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIIMTEKS SMOKED ALASKA IlLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or, at your Favorite Restaurant. anadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMP.ANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.