6 GET . Idrincc Uupctt Daily rSctus Saturday, March 23, 1946 Rebekah Lodge Pre -Vuc EASTER FASHIONS Montreal and Toronto Importations . . . Courtesy RUPERT PEOPLES STORE I.O.O.F. Hall - March 25th Monday, 8 p.m. Admission 50c DHIHBIBBBDBIIDPIIIIIHIIIIBIIIII The "World's most wanted Pen" PARKER "51" WILL BE HERE AT THE END OF THE MONTH Watch for this amazing new instrument of writing case. JOHN BULGER LTD. .1 E W E L E R S THIRD AVENUE ( Opposite Post Office Take Invigorating steam 1 baths and massage to relivei that tired feeling. t R.Y.WALKER i Graduate Masseur Reducing, Facial and General Swedish Massage JPhone Green 507 evenings for appointment 837 THIRD AVENUE WEST Action! Use Keep your Orders well Ahead for our Quality Coals ! UBOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBOBlflBBBBBBBBI Goodyear BELTING HOSE and ACCESSORIES NOW AVA1LAK LK Sec Your Local Dealer (iooriyear Tire & Rubber Company, Ltd. DISTRIBUTOR PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE P.O. Box 772 J Phone 632 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while yon wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street when you step on the starter of your car or truck CHRYCO Power Line BATTERIES RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED PHONE " PHONES 116 - 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY I &s: Waterfront Whiffs Netmcn's Strike Called New Meth-of Loading Alaska Cod Fishing Gets Body Blow Labor Board come to an agreement before the men get scat-! tercd to the fishing grounds. The i union Is seeking an Increase In wages as well as the establishment of an eight-hour day or 208-hour month. Mariners are advised that Fog Rocks light, Fisher Channel, Is not burning, but will be relighted at the earliest opportunity. A new method ol caigo hand-ling on coastwise ships may be I built into a projected vessel for I Union Steamships Ltd. The principle is designed for speedier handling of cargo and to reduce handling costs. Instead of beint; swung out of the ship's hold on portable platforms as at present, cargo, by the new principle, will be hoisted from it by an elevator which will not only rise I to the level of the hatch coam-I Ing but above It. The elevator, ; It Is understood, will be able to i hoist a load of cargo to the level of the wharf, from which a to take it directly off the ship either by hand trucks or mechanical freight handlers. For cargo handling at low tide, the arrangement seems ideal but how it will work at tide levels which bring the ship's side up over the level of the wharf Is something that will have to be seen. It is likely that the present sling method will have to be used then. A surprise move by the American Fish and Wild Life Service which set back the opening date for the American black cod season In Inside Alaska waters from March 15 to May 1 Is causing Alaska black ccxjders to fish outside the three-mile limit and deliver their catches to Seattle. It is also causing quite a stir in Ketchikan. Protests have been sent to Washington in a volume reminiscent of Prince Rupert's recent Civic Centre and Highway telegram bombardments. The arguments advanced by the Fish and Wild Life service that the postponement Is a conservation measure are falling on deaf ears .In Ketchikan. Said Emil Gregorson, skipper of the black coddcr Garland: "There is some thing dirty afoot. I am taking my gear and ice aboard and heading south where I can fish." A' second blackcodder, Agnc B'.endhelm of the Alice, announced similar action. Cana dian and U.S. continental waters are open to black cod fishing. Most of the boats m Prince Rupert's halibut fleet lying at 'heir winter berths arc being made ready for the opening of .he fishln? season. In addition tc minor hull repairs which have been going on all winter, some major changes have been made in a few of the vessels. Notable among these is the rebuilding of ;he halibutter Selma H., owned by Jack Strand, which has been lengthened seven feet to a nev; length of 48 feet. The Anker A., Only a few native nctmen on the Skeena River are affected by the strike call made the latter part of this week by the United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union (A.F. of L.), thejnost of the workers on nets having yet to reach jobs in this area. The strike of the netmen was called in support of a demand that the companies and Regional wai George Howe, who recently purchased the 50-foot seiner Wales Island No. 7 at Vancouver, is fitting it out for halibut FOR SALE-s-33 acres, one mile from Kltwanga, B.C. School on land. Price $500.00. Good buy. Apply Mrs. Fay Rowe, Kltwanga, B. C. (70) FOR SALE Furniture. Apply T-81, Army Barracks, Skunk Hollow. (70) FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (75) gangway can oe connecieu. i Longshoremen then will be abl? 5f t""?JrPKS ! apartment, stucco front. 327 2nd Ave: West. Phone Red 839. (tf) FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon of Saturday, March 30th. for the purchase of Lot 19, Block 4. Section 5, City f.f Prince Rupert, together with two-storey, six-roomed frame building located thereon. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms strictly cash. Premises may be viewed by arrangement. Occupation subject to Rental Control Board regulations. Gordon F. Forbes, Administrator of the Estate of Oscar Olson, deceased. (76) FOR SALE 1934 Chevrolet sedan, good condition. Serial No. 4053697. 1320 Eighth Ave. East. (73) FOR SALE Chesterfield suite, kitchen set, congolcum, etc. Apply 1515 8th Avenue East. (70) FOR SALE Modern C-room house full basement. Owne.' leaving town. What cash of-1 fers. Apply H. E. Alton, 109 j 11th Street. 74' FOR SALE Drop leaf kitchen tables and chairs, new press Irons $7, new hot plates $4.75. 9x12 axminstcr carpet, just FOR SALE Modern home in excellent condition 'on double corner, 4th Ave. West arid Grant Place. Large concrete basement; hot water heating. Apply 401 4th Ave. West. Phone 344. (71) FOR SALE 1939 Indian motorcycle; one gillnet drum; 5 h.p. Palmer engine. Atlas Boiler Works. (70) FOR SALE Eighth Avenue West, large house containing 5 suites, with cabin at rear; fully furnished, modern. Income $100 month. Vacant possession of owner's suite. $3250 on term?. Apply II. G. Helgerson Ltd. (71) owned by Otto Jcrstad, has had F0R SALE-Sherbrooke Street a new niiot nouse installed anu the A tH, William Bussey. recently came off the Co-op grid after having a larger wheel installed. She also has a new engine. The Larry H. has been .standing on a grid at Cow Bay undergoing minor hull repairs. The Rodney P owned by Kalen Industries, has ben in process for some time of receiving a complete new upper works, which Includes a new pilot house and deck. The Louise, E. Skogmo. has been receiving minor hull repairs at Cow Bay. Other vessels, too. have been getting the necessary amount of attention to keep them shipshape for their heavy summer work. Additions to the fleet this year Include vhe 48-foot Five Princes, built durin? the winter for Jack Prince at the Cow Bay Boat Works; a 45-footer jus: completed for Chris Vlklin by Edward Wahl of Dlgby Island, and possibly a 45-foot halibutter for Elmer Anderson, which U now building and may he completed in time for part or the season, new 5-room house, furnished with shower bath. 2 lots 2 sheds, fenced. Possession in 5 weeks. $1500. Apply H. O. Helgerson Ltd. (71) FOR SALE 5-room bungalow with large attic, bathroom, pantry and open fireplace Also furniture If desired. 600 Thompson St. (741 MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber mon economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufac tured by National Machinen Company I'mited. Vancouver B.C. (tf SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Spring and Fall examinations Letter Cur. rlcr, Postal Clerk, Clerk 1 and 11, Customs Clerk, etc. F11II particulars upon request to M.u.o. civil Service School. 301 Enderton Bldg.. Winnipeg, Man. Oldest In Canada, No Agents. COMMERCE'S COMPANIONS Cockroaches, originally confined to the tropics, spread with, the increase of commerce. MOVE Y.M.C.A. MEN FROM INDIA Already One Former Prince Rupert Man Is There To assist in post-war emergency work with British, American- and Indian troops, three Canadians have been appointed to India by the international committee of the YaM.CA. They will work under the Indian National Council of the Y.M.C.A. The three secretaries are Arthur H. Peacock, Oshawa; Llnd- be planning to go seining after the close of the halibut season. During the next month, the waterfront will see a considerable increase in activity at halibut men begin to prepare their gear for the season which is fishing, and Is reported also to I scheduled to open May 1. Classified Advertising - - - - Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum choree. 50c. Birth Notices: 60c; Cards of Thanks, Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: (2. FOR SALE FOR SALE Four-room house, centrally located; full plumbing. $1500; $1000 cash, balance on terms. Phone Green 628. (71 FOR SALE Good 4-10 shotgun, or will trade for small battery radio. Phone Jay at 532. (71 1 HELP WANTED WANTED Two girls to work in local dry cleaning plant. Good wages. Apply Pioneer - Canadian Laundries. (72) SALESMAN in local district to sell and install Reclaimo Oil Refiners on cars, trucks and boats. Require car and mechanical experience. A permanent paying business for the right man. Reclaimo Sales & Service, 1353 Seymour Street, Vancouver, B.C. (76) EX-SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN to sell service crests and plaques. Good sellers, good commission. Write for free samples and particulars. Golden Art Plague and Crest Co., 4C97 N.W. Marine Dr., Vancouver, B.C. (70) WORK for Prince Rupert Dis trict Men Keiley Logging Co. and others. Transpottation advanced. For particulars apply Carl Zarelli, Savoy Hotel, or National Employment Service. (70) WANTED Man for work in milk plant, steady position for right party. Valentin Dairy. (70) WANTED FOR RENT lieges. 549 9th Ave. West. (75) like new. cabin cook stoves. F0R RENT Two.room housCf UUVV1 WilVCUUt linO uv V uuu used tools, large stock to choose from, dining rooiri suites, used beds, complete,' studio couches, easy chairs. Phone Black 324. B.C. Furniture, (tf) WANTED One only, two-Inch, flyball, steam engine governor, threaded connections, in good condition. George Little & Son Ltd.. East Kwinitsa. B.C. (70) WANTED Two housekeeping rooms, unfurnished, for couple. No children. Postal Station B. Box 1216. (74) WANTED IMMEDIATELY To buy or to rent house in good condition. Must have three bedrooms, with all other modern conveniences. Rent up to $75 per month, buy up to $8000. Must be near high school. Reply to P.O. Box 808. (71) FOR RENT Two sleeping rooms 209 5th Avenue West. Phone, Blue 184. (72) FOR RENT Room, close in. Apply 209 6th Ave. East, after 6 p.m. . (72; FOR RENT Fully furnished housekeeping room and one sleeping room. E01 Borden St. (tf) FOR RENT 6-room house with bath. Apply 217 8th Avenu;? West. (74) FOR RENT Nice bright front bedroom. Mrs. Bcattle's, 643 Taylor St. Phone Green 830. (70) SWAP SWAP New 4 -piece bedroom suite for dining room suite. Phone Blue 318. (71) PERSONAL Look younger! Restore natural colour to greying hair with Angelique Grey Hair Restorer. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (70) ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 1 This Is a positive and perman-1 eht release from drinking without cost or Inconvenience. It is a personal and confiden-1 tial service rendered by other 1 alcoholics who have found free-1 dom through Alcoholics Anonymous. Box 78 Daily News.1 RADIO SERVICE j RADIO SERVICE For guaran-) teed radio satisfaction phone ) - u and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRae Bros. Ltd. Storage and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 sey B. Bagot, Islington, and Alfred G. Morris, Toronto. Mr. Peacock joined the'Cana-dlan Y.M.C.A. War Services In 1943, and served in Canada before going overseas as a supervisor in 1945. Mr. Bagot has been with the Y.M.OA. since 1943 and was senior supervisor with the Fourth Canadian Armored Division overseas before returning to Canada. Alfred Morris was connected with the 23rd Canadian Field Regiment, R.C.A . overseas. Three additional Canadian Y.M.CJV. men. Jack Dunderdale, Robert Gibson (formerly supervisor at Prince Rupert! and Jack Purves are doing Y.M.C.A. War Services work in India. FORCES CRAFT SHOP MAKES FALSE TEETH Hobby Interest Routed in K.C.A.I', and Army Overseas AURICH, Germany W Craft shops in the R.C.A.F. and Canadian Army arc rousing Interest of men In hobbles which later may become their livelihood and also serving as a centre where the men repair all sorts of personal equipment boots, false teeth, or cameras. One of the men responsible for crafts shops In which the occupational forces take their recreation is Y.M.CJV. Crafts Adviser R. D. (Bob) Wallace, former English teacher at Brant-ford Collegiate In Toronto, Bcb came to Germany early this year after setting un shopi at the Canadian Reinrorcement Units area in England. First interested in crafts at Taylor Stat-ten's camp Ahmck In Algonquin Park. Ontario, in 1938, he has requires for Cumshewa Inlet I since left a trail of shops at camps: fallers, rigging men Camp Borden. Petawawa, Kingston. Barrlefleld and the R.C.A.F. station at Rockcllffe, near Ottawa. His job Is to set up craft shops in old horse-stables, jails, garages or whatever accommodation Is available. He says, the shops have filled a great need among service personnel and "many have gone back to civvy street determined to make room In their homes and their lives for a craft which will make their lives happier and themrelves better men." The crafts program In Eng land reached such proportions last year that a central suoply depot was set up in Farnbor-ouph, Hampshire, to handle the various requirements of 60 shops operating in the Canadian Reinforcement area and serving more than 6.000 men. Outstanding among articles produce was a model steam cn- irlni nmHt!nH In H-in n-irrlo- FOR RENT-Three housekeep- ZlZl nr'Z . fIcld thnD- Ornamental cedar imr mnms ith v-Unhnn nri. I chests, laminated skis, radio sets, handbags, bows and arrows. furnished or unfurnished. . " J '? Phone Green 906. (71) I r!,PPEr travs arc ai- a among I inc nanaicrau products, radio'Ipairs All Work Guaranteed ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME APPLIANCES FLUORESCENT LIGHTING PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mall Orders shipped same day as received RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue West Phone 644 Box 1321 FURNITURE MOVING PACKING - CRATING and STORAGE Est. IDIOv LINDSAY'S 1 I CARTAGE & J V STORAGE J LTD. jjjf PHONES CO and C8 You Call f, . . ...We Haul J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractlcl If nerves- doubly so! Smith Block Green 995 Ski Scenes Motif For Club Dance Ski scenes of nearby Mount Blaln and cartoons depicting the winter sport were the motif for the Mount Blain Ski Club's dance held In the Oddfellows' Hall last night. More than 130 attended the function) dancing to music by Jean De Carlo's orchestra. Ingvcr Morse was master of ceremonies and Bob Eby was chairman, of the general ccmrhllte? which also included Bud Tlmmermelster Ai ' stronir anrt n,,.. hk During the even lu .r. tn,. . . "" y tn. ice consist f m.. . a. l : n i. ann mm a n v ..Proceeds will ro w. facilities. Anatl MICK MITES Mini hrlrifT f....ii- mi I - - iiiim - . Utters a year rnNir.HT 7 n.m. -9:00 D.m. "ctatp "J If w.ni, f fl SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ONtf LIONEL ATWILL CEO. ZUCCO "FOG ISLAND" TWO FEATURES ISL'STKi; CKABEI AL ST, Joib "Li r. .1 . his oromer s Ghost" MON. -TUES. atl15 312 508 -u Afefterfr tVIE j HUNT-CARROLL m i 111 1 1 . i L,ivcai van Record Selections from a 1 Aiii riin (Capitol Theatre Thursday, 1'iiday, Saturday) "It's A Grand Night For Smsing" uv uiuik iiavmirx !..' "It .Might As Well He Spring" f r "That's For Mc" ujr wnik iiaviiica - "All I Owe Iowa " uv a- 11 iv xiatiic3 Watch for the opening of the HOLLYWOOD CAFE Early in March Designed and Built by the NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTIOI BlOllC 11IOCK L.I31IJT.U -' Phone Evenings; Green KM PHONE: I v ' ' FOOTHILLS Lump, Egg, Nut & Stoke BULKLEY VALLEY Lump LUJURER AND BUILDING MATKIUAI Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd Phones G31 and 052 112 TAXI ON CALL NIGHT AND DAY EMPIRE CAFE ' (Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 a.m. to 1 ajn. SAVOl . 11! Prop- .'ill iui ' Prince RUPe"