V ,1 'tiff TCtitirrf rnfll) r-)rVt1tr An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of ,111- vwi.ilit - "UI Prince Rupert and all the communities comprising jday, September 19, 1943 If so we suggest you have your wheels aligned and your tires checked. If you hope to drive your car through the winter . . . j-VATCII YOUR TIRES1 IS YOUR CAR SLUGGISIr AVD TEM PERM ENTAL? Jf so bring it in to have a iMotor Tune-Up. Don't wait Juntil cold weather 'leaves you on the road. LUBRICATE OFTEN . IT PAYS I S.E.PARKER LTD. Ford and Monarch Dealers Third Ave. Phone 83 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See It. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 AD23R northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Dep't Ottawa). , tSi&hed every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia, u. A. hum i bit, muwbiub - t'"6 SUBSCRIPTION RATES jBy City Carrier, per week, 15c: Per Month, 65c; Per Year, 7.00; By Mall, per month. 40c; Per Tear, 14.00 MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS SP AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION CHALLENGE TO CITIZENS THRILLING and challenging was an address which the Pr ince Rupert Gyro Club was privileged to hear yesterday on the subject of "Canadian Citizenship" by Mr. Justice A. M. Manson. His Lordship, with his characteristic incisiveness, asked his listeners what they were doing as citizens of a great land with precious birthright to maintain their heritage of Christianity, Parliamentary government, British justice, supremacy of the law, literature and good homes. And those who heard him were constrained to agree that they had not been as good citizens as they might have been and to resolve that it was for them to do better. IS OUR FRIEND Editor, Daily News: As I leave your fine little city tonight to return to my home in Vancouver, I would like to say I like Prince Rupert and shall boost for it after leaving as much or more than I have done while in your midst. I would like to make it clear, however, to all citizens of Prince Rupert that the city council hired my professional services to valuate the assets of all citizens and corporations on a fair, conservative and equitable basis. Everyone was treated alikewith no favoritism whatsoever. The load will be equitably distributed on all shoulders, thereby 'becoming lighter for all proportionately. Instead of being your supposed enemy, I feel that'I am your best friend. You will soon find it tut to your pleasant Feeling that it was too bad that the learned judge could not have been heard by many more than the audience of a service club presents, we are reporting his address at some length today and we commend it to the earnest attention of our readers in the hope that they may do some self -searching on a very important matter. How many of us are casually allowing Canadian citizenship to drift not only as for ourselves but as for our neighbors? In truth, we need rousings such as Mr. Justice 'Jan-son gave the Kiwanians at Vancouver a few weeks ago and the Gyros yesterday in Prince Rupert. Therefore, with our limited resources of space, we endeavour to pass some of the thoughts along to you. Therefore, let us part as good friends but, for Heaven's sake, boost for your home town. Goodbye and Good Luck. GEORGE LAFLECHE, Valuator and Appraiser. f C p p Radio Dial V I T l 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) THURSDAY PM. 4:00 Radio Repenory 4:30 Vocal Varieties 5:00 People Ask 5:15 All the World Sings 5:30 To be announced 6:00 CBC News 6:15 CBC News Roundup 6:30 Eventide 7:0Cf Woman In White BBC 7:30 Concert of the Nations 8:00 Choral Program i 8:30 Gypsy Strings i 9:00 CBC News i Does Your Car Look DOWN AT THE "WHEELST : 10 B.C. News : 15 Eastwood Garden Orch. : 30 Music by Shredhlk :55 Interlude : CO This Week's Composer :55 CBC News and Int. :00 Weather and Sign Off-Ann. .05 Silent FRIDAY A.M. 7,30 Musical ClocK 8:00 BBC News 8:15 Morning Song j 8:30 Music for Moderns ' 8:45 Medley Time ... t o.en mi ni o.aa ume signal 9:00 Little Concert 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30-Wayne King's Orch. 9:45 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Music While You Work 10:15 Thoughts for Today 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 11:25 Program Resume ll:30CBC News 11:45 Weather Forecast 11:46 Message Period 11:48 Recorded Interlude P.M. 12:00 Tunes for Today 12:15 Music of Lower Basin St, 12:30 Musical Program BORROWING CAN BE GOOD BUSINESS... J .AW .V.V.V.VASV.W.V.V.VJW TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd Vancouver Braloyie 11.00 B. R. Con 12 B. R. X. 13 Cariboo Quartz 2.80 Dentonla 31 Vi Grull Wihksne 11 Hedley Mascot 1.20 Mlnto - 05 , Pend Oreille ' 2.15 Pioneer 3.30 Premier Border 07 Premier - 1.30 Privateer 58 Reeves McDonald -95..' Reno , u. .12 Salmon Gold - .20 Sheep Creek 1.10 Taylor Bricge 60 Whitewater : 032 Vananda .32 Congress .09V2 Pacific Eastern 08 Hedley Amalgamated.. .11 Spud Valley 23 Central Zeballos. 11 Oils A. P. Con. 10 palmorit .23 ct.......'...'...:......'. -1.70 FoTtKTiiT.....,.r..l i.65 Home .... 2.50 Toronto Aumaque ..." Beattie v Bobjo Buffalo Canadian Cons. Smelters Eldon. Elder Giant Yellowknlfe Hardrock J.rkknlfe Joliet Quebec Little Long Lac Madsen Red Lake Macleod Cockshutt Moneta Omega Pickle Crow San Antonio Senator Rouyn Sherrltt Gordon .... Steep Rock Sturgeon River .... Lynx Lapaska God's Lake Negus V" ' 'PERSONA PERSONAL If you are short of cash to buy your coal, a B of M personal loan may be the answer. See the manager or accountant of your neighbourhood B of M branch. You will like their help- Jul approach to your problem. ...WW'' .69 :58 . .15 .20 78.50 .50 1.06 6.10 .64 .15 .71 1.65 2.89 1.70 .52 .18 2.85 4.00 .52 2.2? 225 2i .22 .43 .00 2.10 LOANS lor every useful purpose 27H i mtntfefor sua hu ...rifjjiblili II MftttrimUiMnti (qualto 6Mmrilpr annumj - uiiGnt 10m r PROPORTIONATE COST in n a mi Chrysler! Mopar! Chryco! Automotive Parts and Accessories Distributed by: BUILT BY CHRYSLER RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PHONE 566 Sounds Rousing Challenge - - government far superior to that evolved in any other nation. "Fortunate are we that our Mother Country gave us this great parliamentary system." ' His Lordship deplored the tendency on the part of many-business and professional men and trade union men too who refrained from taking part in politics, many of whom were even apathetic about exercising that dearly bought privilege of the franchise. The tendency of Parliament, whose duty it was as representatives of the people, to delegate legislative power to ministers and deputy ministers was condemned by the -speaker. It was a dangerous thing, this assumption of legislative power by persons other than Parliament." During wartime It was necessary to have action and very quick action. Some emergency situations arising out of the war might still even exist but; with few exceptions, so-called regulations and wartime orders actual statutes not passed by Parliamentshould go." Good citizenship will not abide the continued abandonment by Parliament of its legislative function." Justice Not Kept Sacred Then turning to Justice: "Have we kept it sacred?" asked His Lordship. How was Justice to be found administered today? "We find it," he answered, "administered by ministers and deputy mml'ters, hoards and commissions, behind closed doors without regard to precedent, without regard to the great body of the law which has come down to us through the centuries. Is that safe for you? Have you done anything about it? Have vou seen your birthright go without a protest? Have you said a word with regard to the administra tion of Justice passing away from the courts? "Surely the time has not come in Canada when the law is to be taken into the hands of the few! Law is made by Parliament and law should be enforced bv the .state. If it is wrqng it should be changed by you, the people of Canada, and not by a littte group. To have the making and administration of the law car ried out in that way makes for anarchy." Turning to literature, the Judse deplored the trend toward dime novels and trashy magazines, particularly amoBg the yovm peoole. "Why not cjamu down on literature that comes out of the garbage can? It is not freedom to feed children poison in body or mind. That is murdering children. ;And It applies to literature as It does to food. No wonder we have Juvenile delinquents." Then In the matter of naturalization, Canada has not done so well but the speaker put much store In the recently passed new Citizenship Act. Instead of having sections of foreign-born 'continuing old traditions, even speaking the language of then origin after many years In Canada, the foreign-born should be taken in hand and accented' naturalized culturally, politically and spiritually. "I put it to you," concluded i His Lordship. "Have we been good citizens? Have we cherished and malntalnetTour heritageour Christianity, our Parliamentary government, our' British Justice, our supremacy of the law, our literature, our homes? Have we made Canadians, non-hyphenated Canadians, of our foreign born? I think you will agree that we have not been cs good citizens as we should have been. j "Canada is a worthwhile country, a wealthy land, a lovely land. Our heritage Is rich beyond compare. Let us net be Esaus. Let us have high ideals. Let us strive for happy homes, Christian homes. Let us make of this a land where there shall be freedom of conscience and freedom of speech, always remembering that individual freedom, must have regard for the freedom of one's fellow man. Let us dis charge his Individual responsibility to see that we have government of the people, by the oeople, for the people. Let us ?e? that law and order Is maintained and that Justice is administered only in the Courts cf law. Let us see that the worth and dignity of the individual Is rot lost. Let us enrich our culture. Let us weld Canada into a united whole where all shall be Canadians. Let Canada be a good neighbor among the nations of the world. Let us not fonret that our sons fought to make these things nossible nnd that many of them gave their lives. Life Is sweet. Let us not forget their sacrifice. Ultra Nationalism Is Thine; of Past "The day of ultra nationalism is past. Glory In the power of nrms for power's sake is but false glory. Arms In a storm-tossed iBniBaBiiBiiaDanHvr "Build B.C. Payrolls" Get A Can of Goodness! 8' There's aboundant health and nourishment in every vacuum packed can of Pacific Milk. It s irradiated to give you that added measure of goodness that only this process can Impart. At all grocers. Ask for it when next you need milk. PACIFIC MILKI "Irradiated and Vacuum Packed" j M H H H 13 tl B Ef O I (Continued from Page 1) world regrettably we must have, but our flag should stand for nobler things the things of which I have spoken, and Canada should be known among the nations as peaceful land. "Yes, Canada is potentially a great land. It can be the richest Jewel among the nations. Citizenship, good citizenship demands your best. We owe it to ourselves, to our fellow men of this and other lands, and to the thildren of tomorrow, to cease being casual. "Let us malce of Canada a country where all can say humbly, earnestly, but none-the-less proudly Clvis Canadlansls Sum A Canadian citizen am I." Mr. Justice Manson was warmly thanked for his discourse by Gyro President VV. D. Lambie who gave the assurance that hlu listeners had, doubtless, been inspired to think of what they could do to make of themselves better citizens. Guests, besides the speaker of the day, included Archie Dewar. J. T. Harvey, E. T. Applewhalte ' George Dlbb, II. D. Thaln, W D. I Vance. G. F Forbes, F E. An field and A, B. Brown, prime ghorge VAXGOUVBIl 2i Hours Leave PRINCE GEORGE DAILY 5:30 A.M. (Except Monday) Single $30 Return $5 Plui T Further Information from Mr. Bob Boehme Canadian Pacific Air Lines Prince George Hotel Prince George, B. C Campbell's Cosy Cabins Skeena Ilildge Tourist Camp One Mile East of Town Box 13 TERRACE. B.C Prince Rupert Bottle Collector also mi:ssi:nh:u sekvick Wc buy . . . 1'crfcx Ucer Bottles Bottles Phone Blue 737 ALL SIZES Whiskey, Gin and Wine Bottles . PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE SUH, JBBBBBBBBBmvfBBBBBBBBK tBBBBBBBBB'l notatoord more When you say brisk you say everything! Brisk is the experts' own word to describe the lively, spirited flavour of Lipton's Tea never dull or insipid . . ; always fresh, tancy and full- bodied. Change today to the satisfying, deep-down enjoyment of Ar'jyf-tasting Lipton's Tea. ! 30 yWUR FAMlW DESERYES Nflty F air Way Food lh (ROSS INGRAM) week-end values ski:dli:ss RAISINS New Seasons 1 -POUND CELLO t BAGS VKGKTAIJLK SOUP BANANAS Firm and Ripe PER POUND 20c SARDINES 2'"" 19c ALL-BLAN Kelloggs OOP PACKET A .Campbell's 07p I LAKGF CUCUMBERS EACH 15c 10c 17c: 3 Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and OH Burners SODA 615(1 We;t;ni, !-. Salted. EACH VHEA1 i Pkt 2R( FOB FOR LUX SOAP id TINS J I i TK BARS TEItKACF. CELERY Crisp, Green, Utah. PER POUND TERRAIN O FOR BARUEU O Fta O POUNDS MclNTOSH APPLES POUNDS FAIRWAY FOOD MAR A O A IS 0UR PH0NE NUMI T Of Use It Fo - FREE DEU ounnts in nnoiti: 3 p.m. dimvikid sif Business and Profem W. II: CORRINS Painting and Decorating FTIEE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 P.N. Kllborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber Coal Wood - - - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls, Green 977 Prince Rupert If It's a Rock Job Call a Rock Man can M.SAUNDERS Blue 600 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. FRANK H. PARTRIDGE CONTRACTOR Estimates Given On All Work Phone Green 417 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Mti.ageM MARIE BICE rsnADUATE Special treatmer.'.tl piione iui IIEIil BEAL'Ti permanent f Ueauty Cultured 208 4th Street SMITH & ELK' Plumbing Phone 1H Engine"! r.fiftRGElr income TUI Besner Bloc' mNES NEtf ..j trtstl Eastern -j SUBSCRIPT Sixth Street PHONES: at w- Green 488 Red f4