1 f hi si hi 1m pi s1 ID c St HAOE two THE DATLY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMniA Published Every Afternoon Excepc Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR Death. Funeral, In Memorlam, Engagement and Wedding Notices Card of Thanks Birth Notices su Funeral Flowers, per Name - 10 Classified, 2c per word, per insertion, minimum ...... .50 Transient, per inch - - Contract, per inch - -j Readers, per line Black Face Readers, per line 50 Business and Professional Cards inserted dally, per month, per Inch 3-'5 8 Columns, 12 ems. 287 Lines to Column. tl tr -i DAILY EDITION Monday, March 13, 1944 A Well Deserved Honor ... An event of unusual interest quite unique in the annals nf the affairs of the native people on this part of the coast will take place on Wednesday of this week when Indian Agent James Gillett journeys to the native village of Kitkatla down the coast to conduct the investiture of Chief Edward Gamble with the British Empire Medal. Chief Gamble, owner t the state of his health, was unable to go to Ottawa to receive the medal, personally from the Earl of Athlone, Governor General, on behalf of the Kinp so the happy alternative was conceived of bavin-the award sent to the coast and conferred the re cipient's own home village. Native delegates from several communities alone the coast will proceed t Kitkatla to participate in the ceremonies and event Which will be held in connection with the investiture. ' It is fitting that our good native friends shoulf1 be honored in this manner through the medium o Mr. Gamble. It is an appropriate mark of apprecia tion of their loyalty-and service to the Empire which by the wav includes the voluntary enlistment of manv of them in this war as thev did in the last. While Tsimosean tribe and Kitkatla band mav feel particularly gratified that one of their number has been sinWl out for the honor, it is a timely gesture to all the native neonle. Chief Gamble and his family are well known and respected not only in their own village but among the whole community of native people of the coas The recipient of the King's honor is no stranger in Prince Rupert and he is highly respected to all with whom he has come in contact over the years. The Daily News is happy to c&ngratulate Mr. Gamble and to concur in the action of the crown in thus honoring a loyal subject -- -' Argentinean Situation . . . Apart from any possible Axis influence, the present ferment in Argentina is due to causes dating much farther back than the attack by the Axis on Western Hemisphere security. It is the effect of a long contest between the old land-holding aristocracy and the newer idustrial groups which demand national economic policies detrimental to the cattle find cereal growers. .ill. The ousting of the Ramirez regime a regime plosely connected with the Radical Party and thus vith the industrial powers could not, have been clue wholly to pro-Nazi leanings among the Conservatives. True the reason for their coup does seem to have been that Ramirez was about to declare war on the Axis. Rut what the Conservatives probablv feared more than that was the likelihood that the Ramirez regime, by making itself a war government, could perpetuate its power indefinitely. : When this background of the Argentine spectacle s appreciated it becomes clear that Argentina was most concerned with the internal battle which has raged in there for nearly fifteen years. The Far-rell regime must be, not an expression simplv of a pro-Nazi attitude but the result of a complex situation, political and ecoromic, within Argentina. Wales To Fight Lung Diseases CARDIFF, Mar. 13 CH Wales is launching an Intensified campaign against lung diseases with ?. mobile cine-camera x-ray unit installed in a bus. The unit, said to be an advance on those about to be operated In England, uses ordinary mlnl-eturc cinema films and can take more than 500 photographs a day. The tiny pictures, each one inch square, are projected on to a screen and the presence of active tuberculosis can be detected. The Welsh National Memorlnt Association ts playing a promin ent role In the campaign. Selected groups of people will be examined first and later the mobile plant will "mass radiograph" workers in factories and children in schools, reaching thv remotest country district. FIJI GENEROUS SUVA W Before the end. of the third year of the war, Fiji had given two bombers, five fighters, and had sent 20,000 ($88,000) to the Red Cross and St. John of Jerusalem Joint Appeal and other war charities. LAMP FOR FLICKS Fliers downed at sea on a rubber raft now are equipped with a small electric lamp which projects a 1,500 candlepower beam to aid tn nln,lit lescues. ACTivmns or Y.M.CA. and Y.W.C.A. Dy DOROTHY GARBUTTt walk In front of us and knock- $2.00 ed down a hydrant and only a few day before a big electric cable broke on Third Avenue and swung crazlly over the pavement, making a couple of soldiers race for their lives. I think I missed my calling, I should have been a war correspondent. You know, sort of Dotty-on-the-Dot when anything happens. We've had one casualty among the furnishings since closing. The glass on our framed map of Prince Rupert has broken. I laid It carefully on the counter and someone laid a hammer equally carefully on it. Result. naiv Ar C.L0RY ,1 ! rni v r A . h i f IS 1 1 1 i' ,hearmy iiM-ircvM lit1! IP Ik a Dig crack -acro ihe CNR .station, the Empress "Y", Uor ucu Street and the United Church. Air. Currie was up measuring On Friday I had occasion to things the other day and he U-lephone one of the messes. I ami Breen Melvin have concoct got through. The orderly said to ed some marvellous changes be- a moment ,n U Usual tween them- A11 sorts of new bUBbtKiriiON eiitnqrmPTTnv tjatttq KAihb , 1S way. So I waited and walled, ' "na .Central kept coming in to see on cupboards (boards and and doors, doors, locks locks put put . eirtAfrl and taken off and, biggest j y fh il'nui" Per Month I'" " ' " .65 how we were getting along and change of all, the ladies' lounge By Mail, per Month . - 0 ' then an excited voice said "I is going to be made about a Per Year $4 00 'can't call your party just now, third smaller. I suggested tha ' MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS we're on flre!" And bv gum' as 11 wiU ,ve more room for were! I call that calling the tables and since they ping pong The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to use for publica-, Hon of all news despatches credited to It or to jthe Associated up at the psychological mo- we only allow boys in the ladlr Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. ment. I remember recently lounge who are with the girl All rights of republication of special despatches therein are . walking calmly along Second friends, it. seemed only fair to also reserved. .Avenue when an army jeep give them more room. We can ADVERTISING RATES suddenly leapt up on the side- make our lounge cosy and per- haps keep It It Is smaller. warmer now that Remember that all the 'Y' activities are at the Empn now and that means bingo as well on Friday nights. So make the Empress your meeting placp. BKLLKINOEK AT SIX LOUGHBOROUGH, En.. 9-Nolan Edwards, six. Is believed 1o be the youngest bellrlnger tn Britain. Every Sunday mornim he walk? 2'-. rrl!; to rlnt; th-bells of Sh?pshed Parish Ohun-'-near hr? Hi? fafher and m ther are boU:ingers. They instrurte:; U:tn ".v.it. he was five SHAVES HI , i i Four Years Ago In This War i March 13. 1940 Finland and Russia signed a peace treaty giving Russia the Karelian Isthmus Including Vilpuri. Assassin killed Sir Michael OTJwyer. former lieutenant-governor of Punjab, and wounded the Marquess of Zetland at London meeting of East. India Asso at . n the necu carries orA nunts tVicrc couiu be no Can r vork, can do iv ls for pru- LrOS Cross . :5ons of food Parc" r tc packed ny' for Thcy'md"5ofsurS' millions of j 5CWCd XTuse. They cut "nJfo5rC(lrcssingS.ioo'. Incus and cson o yet tl cy ? hospitals, for reai thc gt only The ine r ; Red ask no pay- from thoUsand prayers that nsc outposts. c iias intent - ThaWnofVic.oOr ;"plics. Surc6 dany daily as wai -i . . . unSCi lfish Cross volunteers . ..,,.., wo rk. Give liberally' MMI TUB tiBEd crows MVicroRV j ' '.-V HEROES ON CORVETTES Men or ILCN.'s Utile Shl Uke VaKesiu anil Sunmtersiile ! Kit Job By ROSS MUNRO Canadian Press Correspondent A PORT IN NORTHERN IRELAND. Mar. 13 V The frigate Waskefclu" and the corvette Sun..i:eiiide" are two ships of t'ie Royal Janadtan Navy which nUbly haven't hanl .uuch about iecently. If at all. Th?y hscn't jut sunk a sub-.i-Tij;? ar two. In fact they ..a vca : done anything spectacu-. at ad. But they have done a ;eady, skilful escort Jtij bringing convoys over the Xorth Atlantic. It is roujh and dangerous work but It doesn't make headlines when Its everyday duty for ihese crews. However, these ships are ipreirntatlves of secret oi ciher Canadian frigates and cor vettes who may ntve. see &ettor tor a year on end but whose constant vigilance enables huge convoys to reach the British Iilei. Eo this is a little yarn about two "regular" ships and the men who sail In them, who get no great praise but who are helplnv. plenty to win the war. The Wakeslu was the first fri-tate built in Canada for the R. C N A shipyard turned he: out nd she was commissioned las'. The capuin is Lt-Cmdr. J. II. n M.trDonald of Liverpool. US.. w )mmlaloned the first Can-,a ; corve:t, the "Wind flower"' k tn 1940 and sailed her 353 the Atlantic on her first . age. with scarcely any a r main abiard at all, to be fitted ut in Britain. John Lincoln of Calgary is the Ueuttnant and other of file are LieuU. Ed Williams and ai k Holmei. both of Victoria, A A. MacLeod of Sydney. N. 8.. r.J Caurtenay. B.C Jim Far-xsr of Wlndwr. Ont. George Manson of Vancouver. F. J. Ren-nle of Beanlchton, B.C.. and Sub uieui Peter Nates of Winnipeg. KW MKDICAL FICKIt NOW Lieut 'tommy Rusell of Tor-.10 was the medical officer nee commissioning but he has .one to another appointment jmd taking his place U Lieut. R. i. McFatiane ol Winnipeg. Lieut. Tom McPhee, Bala, Ont.. signals ifficer for the group In which he Waskeslu opeiate. is saiiinK tn her now too. On a icccnt trip the Waskeslu was at sea for 31 days without a break, one of the lonjest periods any Canadian escort or sub-hunting ship has been constantly at tea. She returned to this pan .tii her larder practically bare. Incie wasn't even any hardtack left. Ine Summerslde was commls- s.uned In September. 1941, and has been slogging around the Atlantic and the Medlte.ranean ever since. For a while she ran from Newfoundland to Iceland and from November, 1942, to April., 1943. was In the- Mediter ranean where she did morn ia lime than any other corvette there. She ran rnnvnvt tntn Vint irv.ti ruim like Bane, east of Aisle O i man and Italian bombers wse supreme in that area. 8h worked from Olbraltar to Oran .o Algiers and back again many times. It was all heavy work with little glory. Last spring she joined- an all-Canadian escort group In the Wn'ui Atlantic and hasn't seen a sign of the enemy since. Lieut. O. St. A. Mongenals, i Frcnch-ypcaklng officer from Montreal, Is commanding the Summerslde now and his officers Include Lleuts. O. E. Cross of Montreal, O. C. Carscallen of Hamilton, Ont.. H. P. Tlmmoni of Sydney, US., and Sub. Lts. B. J. Kennedy of Hamilton, Don McOlvern of Saint John, N.B., E. .T. Cogglns of Weymouth, N. S., and Dave Howden of NOTE FOR COUCHKIIS' LONDON, C-4ev. J. A. Aln-?y. writing in Morden parUh magazine, says coughing In a ihu ch is unnecessary and tha; many people do It unthinkingly. When he appealed to coughers to stop couihln?, he said, "hardly a cough was heard at any Fresh Local Haw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONP. C.T7 iftvnnmiiiin ... M MM K H Al the Staff House l)jnin. ,., TONK51IT, (Monday, March 13)" ' At the Navy Drill Mall WEDNESDAY (March 15,, - MOVIE F1LM3 "WITH TIIKRE WKAPONS" "MM; CENTS I'l lt CAPIT1 "HEALTH IS A VICTORY"' "ITfiHT SYPHILIS Uarn the Fact about Venereal I)iy, Sponsored as a Community 8rr..ce tr This space donated by J, ItL'I.CI.K, Jeweler IWCOX riSlin; l.)Vi: rXIXTIMC CO. RUPERT flRAH SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Si ritlNCE HLTtKT Co. I ,t(l. "nill Cold Wave Coming Soon! demoiutiation for the nt r irmamnl without heat, radv or mathin. I SliWCEAUTYS VIOMT m.ui Cnr. till Mt. and Fulton Si. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY ' Wherfollars have ir. :t - ill We have a complete variety of i""1 tirot'encs', I rcsh l-ruits and t Tobaccos and Confectionery . ....u. .... fr.a. w . - 'Tueidnya. Thursdays ar.d Opponlte Tanadia Ut 7 Down through the years, almost slrei first existed, we have served the peor!" ' j1 laboratory we have always tried to keep skilled pharmacists, quality drugs, the brt cf : As we start a new year, we are k:r:sd cf nH rmtofnl Inr h rnnfMniu. vmt hlVJ ll"'' " we continue to serve you. Ormes Pioneer Druqsi't PHONE run nrXAt r. Rmnr. Open Dally from 9 a.m, t.l! 9 P18 Sundays and Holidays from 12 2 p'. nj Coal Orders Wc can now deliver your coal order ..i... .... .t t.... lfnrC Wfl Kivc us mree nays wanunK pected. ncoYll ALDlKI & YCLI I - PHONE 110 and