ft PAGE FOim Hill l EYE! sit 1 OF EGYPTIAN ORIGIN Ammonia, first produced in Libya, gets Its name from the Egyptian god, Ammon-Ra. Of the first 2,000,000 selectees tested recently by the U. S. Army, 100,000 were rejected because they had syphilis or gonorrhea. MEN NAVV Sidney Alexander Peter D. Allen Charles Anderson Harold Anderson Stanley Anderson John Armstrong it Robert Armstrong Kred a. Barber Don Arney Ted Arney W. Q. Barker Emlle BlRln John Bowman William Bremner Bernard Brldden George J. Erown Harold Bunn John Bunu Hugh Burbank Tony Bussonlch Russell Cameron Oordon Calderwood Robert H Capetlck Douglas Chrlstlson Sydney Croxford Spencer Davles Oeorge Dlbb Vincent Dodd John Dohl -1 Robert Duggan Donald Eastman Elmer Eburne Mtlvln Eburne Robert L. Eby Willi: m Earl Eby Robert El kins William P. Elklns Martin Srlksen Bernard Fortune Terry Fortune Gordon Fraser Mitchell Gay Efuer Orecn James Greer "' 'tester Grlmble Terry Grlmble Ian Grimsson f i John Grimsson Carl J. Gustalsnn George D. Hague Haan Ilanklnson Matt Harris Cecil HemmODS Trevor Hill Raymond Houg&n Bill Hunter Foster H'tsoy Peter Husoy Tom Johnstone Rodney Jones Harry L. Knutson Percy Knutson James o. Laurie Jack R. Laurie Richard Ltghton Jantott Leland Fred Uwl! Tilly R. Lloyd Bruce Lore Ted Mills Harry Monkley William Murray William H. Murray Daniel McDonald Jack Mactte Robert McKay Robert McLean E. W. (Ned) McLeod Norman McLeod David McMeekln David McNab Robert McNab John D. McRae John O'Neill Charles Ormlston Oordon Parkin Douglas Payne Albert M. Phllllpson .Clement J. PhUilpson Bud Ponder Magne Rabben A David Ritchie 'Jack Ritchie Robert Ritchie Harry Robb - Jeffrey II, Robinson - Robert Roy Arthur Saunders Bud Skattebol Rexford M. Schcrk Stanlev Bcherk J. D. Schubert Anton Blmundson Melrln Skalmerud Fred W. Rklnner Henry Skinner John Skon Carl Smith ' Jack E. Smith Malcolm Smith Union Smith Walter Smith Carl Strand John Strand Orme Stuart Charles Sunberg James Taylor ' Inge Valen Stanley Vettch SM Whit Robert Whltln Oscar Wlngham Oeorge Vule Jack Yule ' Jack Btorrle AUMY John Armstrong Sr. Louts Astoria Jack Balfour Clifford F Oartlett Some Briefs on Social Hygiene An agreement exhU between toe Prince Rupert Health Unit and the Provincial police. Women picked up by the police on Certain charges are required to r :eive examination for syphilis .and gonorrhoea. There are at least 6J500.W perjuns in the United States Infected with syphilis, accoidin" le reliable U. S. Public Health service etthnates. Oonorrhea is conceded to be at lesst twice at I prevalent. All pregnant women need early examinations including blood tests. An average of 3 percent were positive tor syphilis among 425.- ! IM3 voi ice 1 tested In 300 miscellaneous industrial establish- ' menU in the United States The British Columbia Board of Health has arranged services to co-operate with private physicians In the province. The entire consultative diagnostic and uvdiqal facilities of the various health units in the province are at UjU disposal ot the doctor. Patients suffering from either syphilis or gonorrhoea and going to their own private doctor are assured that they are receiving the finest medical treatment tiinf Is possible. PRINCE RUPERT HONOR ROLL List of Local Men and Women on Active Service Arc YOU responsible' for someone's nam nl in this list? (See entry torn elsewhere) Eric Barton Wm. (Sonny) Beynon Walter Bird Norrorn Elackhall Donald Blake WlUim W. Boves RavTOOiid Brace ell Ronsld Braecve:i wuiUm Brass J. W. Brldden . Earl Brcfhu iwiniirn M. Brown Arthur F. Cade John A. V. Cade Alfrtd ,-Calderone Aldo Campagnola Jack CainpbeU Donald Clark Edward Clark Jim Colussl XUVe Colussl Frank Comadlna Deenond J. T. Cook Martin van Conten Grant Coverdale Walter Cross Bert Cross Charles Dennis Thomas Dennis Paid Dvornek R. C. H. DurnTord George (Dybhavn ,:q2 eoli, Elder JWHtfljJlDdCT Frank til lot t Hele Eaen Charles' V. Erltt Oeorge Flcvrtn Thomas Fletrln William Garllck James Garllck John Gates H .Iph amies Alfred E. 8 OlUls Joseph D. amis Milton P. OtUU Andrew Glover William Gomez Darrow Oorr.ez Earl Gordon Edward Ooenell Thomas 'X Oratum Baton Green Splro Gurvlch James Hadden L J. R. flayiiM H. H. A. Haynes K. C. W. Haynes E. D. Head David Henderson Howard Iltbbard Frank F.. Hodgklnson Harold Hodgson David Huuston Robert Houston Percy Hudson William Hutson Harold Ivarsun Robert Johiuon Walter Johnson S. D. Johnston T. D. Johnston NI'S Kurulok Kverett R. Leek Pierre LeRoss Clarence Lovln O. P. Lyons Danny Jlagnet GeorKe Xlarchlldoa MurUl Mathews Steve Mentenko Michael P. McCaffrey Kenneth MoCrimmon John C McCubbtn Norman McOlashan Arthur A. MacDonald Ian Macdon&ld Jack McEvoy Alex MrFarlsna Gerald Melntyre (Victor Miller Donald M. Montgomery I Robert Montgomery Roderick Montgomery Michael D. Montesano Ford Moran Jack Moran Jamrs Sloran John K. Murray Joseph Naylor Leonard Ness Donald Norton David W. oiand Frink Parlette Robert D. ratrlclc Oeorge F. Penney Walter Perkins Em 11 Perlatrora Peter Petrion Arthur Phillips William A. Plirold Jr. L. C. R. Ran be Ernest ntrhford Robert Ruciderhara Olav RjtaUd William Schcrk Thomas Scully Bob Shrubsall Thomas Blbley Bruce Blmundson Olenn Smith Hush J. Smith James Smith W. D 6m1th Douglas htalker Albert Stiles K. l. m. John James Hudro Roy tiweet D. Dan Ti.per U V. Tatteraal , ' James Taylor Robert Taylor Arnold Tweed Jack Unwln Rodney Valpy Allan (Bill) Vance C'arence Vaughaa Stanley Vickerman Robert Vuckovlch John Walker Clifford v.'anamaker Clirecce D. Watson Raymond M. Watson Jack Wcarmeuth WUllarc White T. J. Williams James Wood lurry R. Wrathall Kenneth E. Wrtthall AIR roucK Ronald Allen Harry Astoria Ales Baulle Howard Beale, Marcel Bialn J. P Bouwk J. J. Bouzek J. V. Bouzek Peter Brass Wiii M Brown Alan Durban k Denis WlUlam Burnlp Peter Cartwrlght Elmer Clausen Jack Corbould BdcU Crosby Ray Crosby James Currle Arthur Davey John W. Davey. Pat Deane Victor Dell Jack Eastwood Donald Eby Thotna J. Evans Jack C Ewart Victor Field . Clarence Flnley Albert Fiaten Charl E. Flewln Hugh L. Forrest Thomas Forrest Louis Orlln Glay Wm. Hadden (missing) Harry Hamilton Elmore Ilanklnson Lawrence Hansen Arvld Hansen Harold KetRerson Robert Henderson HeUte Holkast&d Mike Hud em a John P. Johnson David L. Jones Sam Jurmaln Robert Kelser . t,. . Francis W. Leask Kfrtn Y Ie ' . Alan Lelghton Harold Leverett Donald Llewellyn John. Lindsay Albert Man Cedrlc Mah George R. Mayer Henry Mayer Hector W. Macdonald Don McCavour J. H. (Hlckeyi McLeod Gavin D. Mead Richard Mills Herbert Morgan Ralph Morln Edward M. Ormhcim Robert L. Peachey Paul Postolu Ken Schubert William SbrubsaU Robert Rllversldts Eddie Bmlth James D. Stuart Robert Taper Jsmes J. Thompson David C. Tumllson Robert Turgeon John A. Walker Rudolph Warne William H. Wilson Henry Worsfold I'.S. AUMY Chester B. Clapp George A. Glay P-!rtard Moore Thomas W Pierce Ernest Canturbane t'.H. NWV Howard Frl7zell Ciiirora J. RobrrUon WOMEN N.WT Lavlnls (Winnie) Exley Frances M. Thomsou ARMY Beatrice Berner LouUs Bird rhyllt Hamblin Matilda Larsen ErUth Mutrle Irene (Sully Jane Taper Allt I'OfirE Betty Barber Jeai) R. Cameron Iris Corbould Milan Croxford Isobtl Mackenzie Molly Mackenzie Kay Nlckerson t'.H. A It MY Mary McCaffery t.. NAVY Viols May Dybhavn Made eupremt Sacrifice BKITIS1I THICKS AFLAMK FROM GERMAN HOMIUNC flames rau- from British trucks which were hit by German aircraft raiding the Nettuno sector. Hoevrr. latest reports from Allied headquarters in Algiers say the situation south of Ri me us generally satUfactory." Basketball Buzz With area baskethall activities fast approaching their final stages, the Yanks maintain their perpetual lead in league standing. The only change in last week's league standings as agalntt the previous, week was that Navy Blue moved up from sixth to fifth place. j With two substantial wins to their credit last week. Ihe WJ). Oremluic remain at the top of the heap in the Women'.s Area League. Taking a flight over the heads of Bo-Me-HJ and the j Maple Leafs, the airwomen built I up their unbroken record or six played, six won. Bo-Me-Hl and the Maple Leafs stand at a tie for second place, with four won, three lost. Three postponed games in the Men's Area Leatue are still hanging fire. A virtual sports triangle, the games involve the Yanks. Air Force and Reserve. Yanks will meet Reserves. Re- I serves will meet Air Force and A.r Force will meet Yanks. Two games arc scheduled to be played Tuesday night at No. 4 Oroup. Bo-Me-Hl will tackle the frrmMsMe W.D. Gremlins and the Air Pot ee men will meet tlie Navy Blue. On Wednesday nih1 the WD. Gremlins will meet the C.W.A.C. Jeepcttes on the same floor. MASS KILLINGS It Is estimated that 20,000 Netherlander have been executed by the Germans since May 1P40. jH -it! ut -..I; SHssassHsssss Laundry Zones Irk Oxford OXFORD, Eng.. Mar 13 0 Laundry sonlnc, says Uulntot: ; lion M, P.. U something every-' ;dy can do without. Oxford h ah it. and M.. Hogg has tried !t and. lie addfd. it is f rift ten -r.z to hear the Board of Trade cugyestlon that It will be applied t aerever suitable. When Oxford became an area . f zoned laundries housewives a sueh areas are required U-send their laundry to a govern-T m - designated Uumtry in their own neigiiborhood rather than have freedom of choice It a so became an area of "lot shirts." said Mr. Hogg. The people of Oxford accepted the scheme in the noble desire to save motor fuel and rubber ; out. the member of parliament aaoea, wnen me government toak existing laundries away from their customers they omitted to tell the customers what the new ones would be and when they did tell the people they omitted to airsnge far the laundries to call. So. for a long period, no clothes were washed Ut Oxford except at home. Hot Capt. C. Waterhouse. parliamentary secretary of the Board of Trade, said sontne schemes as a whole have saved' 34,000 vehicles and the equivalent of 2S.000.000 gallons ol gasoline a year, so they must be con- II , - : Canadians on the home front, straining every nerve and tinew in this critical year before Victory, are grateful that wherever they may be their precious cup of Nabob Coffee is never far away. From Atlantic to Pacific, Nabob Coffee in its protective Pliofilm container comes roaster-fresh and flavorful to bring new vigor to the task in hand. Tune to Harmony Home, CBC Wettern Network, Mondays . . . 8.30 p.m. . . , Pacific War Time. NABOB attorn NU13 NirirrcU a success once the etr!y troubles of these scheme wt-i. i ve.rome. HOMLK OP MCOMAN A Australia and America are t hi Hot ItritWh (, eminent lnMs riy cuutltmn which have am Krhemr. Sar Vehicle ami Ud seci tf Nteotiaiu. or iu Cawtlinr , Uv uAuccu plant. IK lie i.. i.. ' SfRVJCE mi Vk n 9K w mi iikiinKr... llarv ilwii all w --"I'lir li sr thv Milinru 1'ull.lp) I'llili r ill! Onler eixileil lllxlrr uulliii. luminal rri-i'iir rire l..i.:i: II'IIU(IHI 1. l.-r L.k. -..r I vuilillljliin of lltr Ull il.M iinirnt, j I... I r. i . i . vii.i;. . nun iiiiniini uiiviie nn lliu. full -lit iroihi r tliirniiiriiL liun hiiiiliiiK iiuilir Multiliuiiuii lt.ulji 2. Tlii e-auiniiiat ton Ik- K.m.x. Mu) I.I, IV 1 1. 3. 'M:MI'UM i:itM inrlu.lra Industrial vM iiir'tl Miilii)r. mill hImi (irmty i. "M A I K I'.MI'l.dYri " S ... l...t .it - ..i tmiii vtnrkiiiK fr tMi. Ip liMling rrL 5. a imm,u-i,"i:mj'i.oyi;i..s (.i ihi; , M'lll life llllllllrljll Ullll flllllllrrrll M.J A rr 1 1 1 r 1 1 imhI run! lm "nr In tmiat fi- If ft.... ..ii.l,.& ..lift in au..... . .1 t - I l H....I ..r .1 ... i.. i ii. iMfil, iinlM't tilt iirnri-l r.iDjJoiitr , in it . , ... . UDIipjilluu HI lliukf llir rtanilfiitKia . . . , riiiiirr imist ucl. i i . t 't . o. I riinilir nrr iriiiuri nir litiiurr u i.i i i i r... .. a I..... .,. .. .) t i.. r i ... i -j. ..1. luniiiifuai t-ii.. ill, vi ill MOBILIZATION REGULATION TV I" T 1 i Ji nn rriii (ti r rr I .nno i HUMPHREY MiTaifLL, AUCTION SALE THURSDAY. .March 16, at 2:00 pin. .In! Ave. and Mcllrlcle (PMle I'ionrer IjiunJry Household Furniture. Furnish lns. 2 ChiMtxrteld Suites. Din Ins; Room Suite. Beds. Drcswis other srticles too numerous to list. Terms of Sale: CASH l.iitincs fur this sale mill be accepted. .1. .MA IK Auctioneer. Phone IJIark 9X1 Ve-e-ew--e-ii- Mutual Benefit FOR Health and Accident Bee JOHN L WltlOHT Phone 741 Pioneer Iioonis. No. 0 KWO.NO SA.S'C msc, HOI KIX CHOP SUEY HOUSE . ci: 7ti AVi- wi:st Next to King Tall All your patronage welcome Open S p.m. to 12 p.m. Tuoday,10 p m. to 12 p.m Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 12 p.m. Plume Ifrd 247 SAVOY HOTEL Curl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Ilox 54 PHASE It STUKKT rrlnce Ilupert ! Bnbs ! Columl i1 nir l; a iiivv - NEW urn !. ( f A II A'1'' v . Plioiie Ml r, r i ' i -w i Ha r