rw . R m - - - One Bright Spot in the World W 351 - ' i Tlk I aww i "Z. ' HA I IWVW i - - . ".'JBwawawawal ws -a .'sittvtKlJ njiAtfiHP m. mi iswa n DibL Printing Company OFFIGE.SUPPLIES PRINTING- BOOKBINDING STATIONERY W a T I li M A N ' S I' O V NTAI N V K N S 'pi We Lienerouslu... THE NEED IS GREAT! einer B hrk XrH St-rnnr 5-T v IK S Phone 234 IT'S MUSIC TO OUK KAILS . . . Tofcr..r praising the Variety Store. They "e car 'rrniMidous Mloction of merchandise m at i j..,.. It makes us. really proud to ' a' f'no people of Prince Rupert can buy '"il CrU,di-n'P iinil anriafaotSnn linro. THE VARIETY STORE COALS 00(1 ir,i. ... .in1 i i ii ill i . . I iini'inir uouuus, niDerui, aim miuw 'H' v Coals nnw nn hand tt'ill be appreciated. JHIIPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. riioNi: c.k ADVUTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS HARRIED SATURDAY Mis. The Ida MrKwrn is llrldf of Corporal (ialbrmra at Pretty Ceremony. F;nt United Church wa the -t i f a lovely weddln on Sat- nyf:y a: 8 prn. when Thelda Joyce, youngert dauthter of Mr. M.-h J. L. McBwen. beiame K.s bride of Cpl. George Oal- bencea on of Mr. and Mm. D. Caibencea of Warren. Ohio. C'hi.;:lain Ctpt. Wm. M. D. Row- arid, read the marriage service. Own In mar.lage by her 'j'her. the bride wa charming n a floor length gown of white eir.Oosscd gatln. Her flawing vr J Jit net was caotht in halo 'fort and she carried a ih.wer c iqur-t of aweetheart roaei and f, Mr Ted LewUy matron of moi wore a gown of blue net t taffeu with a ahoulder if th veil of blue net. Miss Donna McEwen. aUter of e bride wa brideamald and k :' a pale pink sheer gown i shoulder lertfrh veil of pink ' Doth carried bouqueU of ; k and row carnation and Cpl Fred Oriey aUended the oom preside at the urns, and ser-teurs were Mrs. Oeo. Shenton. ie Misses Vera Lewis. Hasel Hill. Inan Hill and Doreen Calne. .an Seville uneh bowl. 1)14 presided at C.N.R. Trains ("or he r:at rvilf ttjrpt Bund ay rrnm I lie l'al DaUy except Xtonday THE DAILY NEWS page m, LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Concert and Organ Recital. Monday, 8 p.m.. First Presbyterian Church. (60) Charlea M. Adam, well known Terrace moving picture theatre operator. i.s paying a brief business visit to the city loday. MRS. MARIETTE BURROWS found out the cttue. A itk Dftr ft ket &aj oHii tlvrolru aiU( auiU hrr laA ni twutipklrd, Fruii--(n uicUf tatia del tironf and hultJiy f tin Juti try (bea Fniit--litr art Caoada'l Lafttt SHang Liter TaUtU. R. M. Burnett is leaving tonight for Vancouver, having Mrs Clarence Taylor presided been transferred there for a the o gap-, for the wedding few weeks In the United States uslc and uas apeornpanist for transport service. : JUrpld Normaa who sancm HardeloU because" during, J. P. Downey, well know i sigoing of the rosjitter. (SmiUvm hotel proprietor, ar-der the suervurton of Capt. rived in the city on 8a tarda a lew days in ine city. 11 daughter. Mrs J Silver, will :emaintng iiere for a Utile whljr longer. During her st:iv here the Mrs Warner and Mrs Silver are . ' ihihis fc.. i.niui j sixth A V nn uornNtcK awns iricnii awn nd "The Yanks" nine piece or heatra kept the dangers happy ntil an early hour. Cpl. and Mrs. Oaibencea. who iave the hearty felicitations of lany friends, will reside In the It y. The bride Is well known and popular both here and at Smithers She is In the service of the Northern B.C. Power Co. 10:4S pm I "or Tfrrace nwnday. Monday, Wednesday. munaay ana i-rway .... 4 front Terrace ..: 1 ' ' Monday. Tuesday. Thursday. Frhtey and Saturday It am. HISTOKV i:l(ltS pm. Catherine the Great of Russia was neither Russian nor namea Catherine she was born in Stettin. Oermany. and christened Sophia. Announcement AU advertisement m this column will hi charted far a full month at 35c a word. Presbyterian March 13. i Choir Concert, Queen Mary Easter Tea, Mrs. Parkin's. Monday Dry Dock Employees' Dance. Friday night. March 17. Proverb's Orchestra. fst,, Patrick's Tea, sale home cooking. 3 p.m. Card party 8 pjn. K.O.C. Hall. March 17. Valhalla Dance. Oddfellows' Hall. March 2i. W.A. Canadian Legion Dance I.O.D.E. Hall. March 24 Little Norway Tea, Lutheran Church, March 25. SC. Peter's Sale. March 30 St. Andrew's Cathedral Sprine Sale. April 13. Mr. Ray Cheater leaves to TIMELY HECIPES IT'JIPKI.V PATTIES i cup canned pumpkin j cup dry bread crumbs 1'4 teaspoon salt '4 taspoon pepper 2 tablespoons grated cheese " - -.. company commandtr. night's train from Smithers and u agRresslve irit need. Aiw ; - -as held In :'."' . cemen's Cltfb . w. iiwud " . . iui nn av urgently mm tt Kinro Ol ir (aaya. "id and g moss , - - i -way of thf i Robert McBwen, after cr. ' Ing a few days here to attend a eeptlon the wedding of his ssster. Mis ' r "rss 3er- j TheWa MeBwen. leaves by tist i h? vm at evening's train on his return to ' cropoiis H1U. Mis; Mtre' Par .ott. dlreotor of rrea '.m far ' ic Amefiean Red Cross, was in targe of ar aattementa. Mrs MtEwen. who ebese a aek rnpe lon-n with red Tra- -ntc embroidery, and black ae ssor!-. a Misted in .it ruests. Smith era. rrl Uotkan and others fiwr rni " tht city fmaj flr Interior on lasi 5 1 . 'etas; on their way to KitkaBa where they will at rectiring tend oe junonles this week in eoanectJUtf wiUi taw tevesttture Th bride cut Use first slice of of Cthaf Edward O amble wito k' which was then served by . tiie British Empire Medal Irs. Stan Savtlle. Mrs. Harteyj lewt- and Mrs. J. Silver of Mra. L B. Warner leaves Jp-' mlthe v. Mrs. Ralph Bsmford thU evening's train" -"on her r- -id Mrs. c Ola ad wfff'WkeB'Ul.fl 't9 SBktthers war sj kk. add pumpkin, bread crumbs, alt. pepper and cheese. Mix u-.: and shape Into patties. Roll :i fire b:;ad or cracker crumbs ind saute in hot fat until golden brosrn, about 10 or IS minutes. a brush with melted fat and oake in degiees F. about 30 minutes. Makes eight patties. Note. Onion, salt or poultry seasoning may be used instead of cheese ANOTHER WAR JOB LONDON 9 Here's the wartime version of a lady-ln-walt-lng as outlined in an advertise ment in a London suburban.! newspaper: Wanted queue com panion, younv, lady In her twen lIEBglEIIIIlIIIIKIIIIIIll "Build B.C. Payrolls" WHY PACIFIC IS (JOOI) 111 IThe other dar we mentioned fz-. . ai 1 i ... quality. Troth is the fresh I mJTk la,, of such quality that our work Is to see It reaches you In the same pure state. p.cnCiM a .... ... .. .. , the, gut! Of Mrs. M. Mcbeod,,; irrarmteu unri vacuum racKra ue: West IBIBlElHOElRKaiSlflCDKr f)0 NT FORGET . THE BIG DANCE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13 9:30-1:00 a.m. I.O.I). E. HALL (Formerly Eagles'. 5th and McBrlde $1 Couple Ladles Free Roy Proverbs and His Orchestra Everybody Welcome CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean job. Phone Black 735 IIOMW SKRVICE HANDYMAN Sometimes Scarce... Soma day soon, we hope; war-time restrictions will be over and you can buy all you want. Family, Friends At Anniversary night on her return to Smithers On Friday evening at the after spending a few dayi in the home ol tlwlr parents, Mr. and city. Mrs. A. E. Dickens Sr., the twenty-fifth wedding annlver- Mrs. J. Williams and Mrs. J. sar of Mr. and Mr S. E. AH-1 Duchan. after spending a lev; ander was celebrated by the , days in the city, will leave to- larmly and a few friends. ntRhi on their return to Smith- Highlight of the evening was served a beautiful anniversary I cake given by their daughter, , Evelyn. . j Besides the guests of honor ahd the host and hostess those 'in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dickens' Jr., Mr. and Mrs. D am pumpkin in a sieve foriW. Rothwell. Mr. and Mrs. S. minutes, saving the drained W. Dickens, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. 1 i?i . quor for soup or gravy. Beat Dickens, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mor- low, Mrs. J. Bond Jr., and friend Dot, Mr. and Mrs. P. Bond, Mrs. F. Gomez. Mrs. R. Long and Mr. and Mrs. F. Barber. AID MANKIND The:e are approximately 2.000 a, moderate oven, 350 ! kinds of plants which yield fib- i res useful to man. i r-p'iv sai.i: TniniK 5i.i: iu;9 There will be offered tor sale at Hv some ioi nu mc , j.,. .. ta thd! seem surprised that Pacific I (or noon m tlx xui tey oi March. Milk has been able to main tain its original standards of MTiri: roK riiic or mmi: NOTICE IS KtKEBT OIVES bt sn application will be made to the Director of V1U1 Statlatics (or a ehaoge of nan;, purauant to the proTlalona of the "Chaste of Name Act." by me: Paul Pobldmakt. r-t 1370 Bttrrard St.. Vancouver , B.C. i presently ported at Prince" Rupert. B.C.J. In. .the Prorlnce of " Brltlah OofumoW. aa rollwi To chaDge my name from Paul PobUBnskl to Parti Pa: my wtfe'a name from -Sandra Pobtndlnakl to Sandra Pas'- No children. Dated this 7th day of March. AD 1944. PAUL POBIDINSKI. MiTKi: or r.wrii.iaTiov or KtlslKVE KOTICK W hereby given that the reaenre eatabltehed under authority of Order-tn-Councll No. 16S3. approved December 9th. 1943. notice of which was publlahed in the British Columbia Oazette of December 16th 1941. la cancelled In so far as it rotates to Blocks 4 and 5. Sub-rtlvislon of District Lot 1699, Plan 1410. Rante 5. Coast District. H. CATHCART. Deputy Minister of Lands. Lands Department. Victoria. BO. February 11th. 1944. 044 In the office of the District Forester st Prince Rupert. B C . the It&w X34S79. to cut 4.9SOJ0OO f.b.m. of Spruce. Cedar. Eemlock -nd Balm on Lota &616. 5619 and the West half of 5617. .half a mile West of Shames Sutton. Range 1. Ovist Land District Three 3 years will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend tbe auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated an one bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Chief Forester. Victoria. BC or tbe District Forester Prince Rupert. BC. TiMiini stir, jiiio Sealed tenders wUl be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria, BC . not later than 11 o'clock In N- forenoon on the 34th day of March. 1944. for the purchase of Licence X34410. to cut 2.357.000 feet of Fpruc. Hemlock and Cedar on an ire.i comprlslrif! part of Fractional South half of Section 19 and Fractional Section 18. Township 4. Kagen Bay. SkMefate Inlet Queen Charlotte Islands Land District Three 13 1 years will be allowed for removal of timber Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B C . or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. IX TIIK SlTRKMr. t'OI'KT PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 723 Specialists on Builtup Roofs Repairs, Re-shlnfling Free Estimates or !KITIII COI.lMllIt IX I'KOIIATK In the Matter of the "ArtmlnMra- 1 ration Art" anil In Hie MJltrr f the r.tiate of Knul OIeii. Deceased. Intei-Ute. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge Flshen Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I was on the 18th day of February A.D. 1944. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Knut Olsen, formerly of Montreal. Quebec, deceased, who died on or about the 3rd day of January. AD. 1944. All persons Indebted to the said Estate tre required to pay the amount cf their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said Estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 31st day of March AD 1944. falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which 1 shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. BC. this 18th day of February A.D. 1944. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from P lncc Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 Sergeants' Mess Opening Party icsum. Aooiuituiju li III fu.nifhings and fil l- - .,( tW mess was generally voiced Dancing commenced a 6 o". clock, fine music being turn' v by toe Air Force orehmn R Happy I'arty Saturday Night ? r.'hcien'.s feaiurfd a taiy b-.r' Aittndfd by Upward of Four fet supper. -Hundred Person. j Master Gunner Sweet ; re: Jsldent of the mess, Cas !n (jrn' " The onening of the new garri-1 eral ton sergeant's mess in the quar-1 j 5 ters at the corner of Sixth Ave. DONCASTER. Engtaml Xii the presenutlon of a lovely and M'Brlde. formerly used asFaul Ashmore has nddetl ?13 tL pair ol silver and crystal can delabra and a silver flower bas an oitlcer'i mess, was the occas ion Saturday night for a very en- mp c2-i ci me iive-es'v n he took with his wife In Jfi ket. Following the presentation danr'.ug party. The place ber. He left a Up auimin ik Mr. and Mrs. Alexander cut and was Packed with faur hundred their home when thtj we-t . vaj or mors rt sjuv .m srjeanu ana 25,009 gallons olvv. naving ;nv:-n th-t- f.-f.nd tr. lost. He was fined 10 I im large number to hare in th- Uwfully wasting water. DO 7S.SS FOR BRONCHtTI COUGHS SORENESS CONGESTION Now fet real relief from bronchitis miseries this double-action way with the home-proved medication that Penetrates deep into bronchial tubes with soothing medicinal vapors. tt'gOBS-w.HlW,lft To get the benefits of this combined PUCTMnNG.STMUUTmC action, just rub throat, chest, and back with Vicks VapoRub at bedtime. VapoRub goes to work instantly 2 ways at once as shown above to ease bronchitis coughing, loosen congestion, re-lieve muscular soreness, and speed restlul, comforting sleep. Often by morning most of the misery is Stimulates chest and back surfaces likea warming, comforting poultice. gone. Now don't take chances with untried remedies get relief from bronchitis miseries tonight with double-action, time-tested Vicks VapoRub. ' ' for ado CD Rfurr Melt a spoonful of VapoRub in a bowl of boiling water. I nhale the steaming medi cated vapors. Feel them .soothe nagging bronchial irritation! INCOME TAX 1943 Income Returns to be filed on or before APRIL30, 1944 FORMS NOW AVAILABLE Prepared bv R, E. MORTIMER 324 Second Avenue A Phone 88 Lustron Cold Wave Permanents Something new in Beauty. Phone now for an appointment HELEN'S REALITY SHOPPE Phone 635 20G 1th Street C00I) FRIDAY comes April 7th SHOP AT THE SEVENTH AVE. MARKET "The Friendly Store" We'handle SWIFT'S PREMIUM MEATS and VAN'S BREAD Also Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Our Trices Are Right BSC" Select Beautiful EASTER CARDS Now! Complete stock now on display. Don't be disappointed at this pleasant and appropriate time to remember your family and friends with suitable cards. Coutfs Canadian Cards 5c to 25c from 1 i 1 'Hi- 1