IIHERN LDIERS CUALTIES ' in Mnr- t c-'.uir. "iia and Ln Army Names FRESHNESS ot Bcdtimo Tonight Llmwc Vmi fcmlinp lirnl : in I lie iimniing, Irjr miruml ,Ovaltine tit. Ovallinc Iirl to iiC of nrrvom trnion. rlrmraU arc iroriMtni n. IVuftHxIflfinrnU li.h the lxxly Kliile lOviltinr contain morn Hi ami I), ami th Enii, riii'-pliorii anil Mn rrilrni .h worn oui ,iri Oraltinr. See if it n to ilc iii frr?lirr, OMivaliine tmlay at k! ll'TC itrnort:n LTINE ' A ..if. ST. T ' of soldiers as far south as Bella Coola and as far east as villages near Prince George are listed. One man, slightly wounded, Is from Prince Rupert. KILLED IN ACTION ' Ptc. Michael Griffin, Manitoba regiment. John Griffin, (brother) Qullty Clare, Ireland, a friend, Edward McMullen, wa.. formerly with the Tomlinson Construction Co. at Prince Rupert. DANGEROUSLY WOUNDED Pte. Stanley Park Coward, B.C. regiment. His wife, Mrs. Johanna Coward, lives at Bella Coola. WOUNDED Cpl. James Edgar Patterson, B.C. regiment. His father, Louis Milton Patterson, lives at Red Rock, B.C. Lieut. James Patrick Downey, B. C. regiment. His father, James Patrick Downey, lives at Sml-thers. SLIGHTLY WOUNDED Spr. Irving Raymond Patterson., R.C.E., whose father, Raj mond Morton Patterson, lives at Vanderhoof. His wife lives in Surrey, England. Pte. James Alfred Danes, B.C regiment, whose -aunt, Mrs. Emma Smith, lives at Hazelton. Pte. Leonard James Hitchens. whose wife, Mrs. Mildred Emilie Hitchens, lives at 954 Hays Covt Ave., Prince Rupert. Cpl. William Ralph Andros, I. C. regiment, whose father, John H. Andros, lives at Vanderhoof. Gnr. Leslie Earl Hendricks, R. C.A., whose father, Walter Hen drlcks, lives at Prince George INJURED, REMAINING ON DUTY Pte. Gilbert' Osward Warner, B.C. regiment, whose father, Thomas Corvin Warner, lives at Willow River. LONDON 0 Members of the civil defence services will be iallowed to keep their uniforms i on demobilization but all insignia except war service chev rons and wound stripes must be removed before they may be worn on unofficial occasions. War Brings Girls As Lab Mechanics University of Manitoba Profes sor Says They Show Technical Ability. WINNIPEG, Nov. 0 Ot War has wrought many changes at the University of Manitoba 'but it took five years to touch the physics department. For years two male students were Jilrcd to act as mechanics in the lab workroom. This yea. the inevitable happened both applicants were women. The manpower shortage being what it is, the professor was glad to have them. The girls, Lillian Rlddell, 17, and Connie Cox, 19, are both science sophomores. Now In their spare time they are earning money and gaining valuable ex perience for both intend to fol low scientific careers. After one day on the Job, thei. professor admitted both demon strated a good deal of mechanl cal ability. "By the end of the year should be a pretty good welder," said Connie. "I'll even be able to help Dad with repairs around the house." Construction of New Floats Will Be Started Soon Construction of the new fishermen's floats to be. built on the local waterfront beyond the elevator Is expected to be under way before the end of the year, Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skcena, told the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Monday night Tenders had closed and the letting of the contract was anticipated soon. The statement was made by Mr. Hanson following reading of a letter on the subject from the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce , Buy War Savings Stamps. FOR ARE perature truck will comfortable during the You can hard starting shifting General vehicle This vehicles aaafeviilVaH THE DAILY NEWS ONE OF THE LOSERS IN JAP SCRAP He was a member of the crew of a Japanese landing craft which had the misfortune "to tangle with a VS. Marine Corps amphibious tractor outfit off the shore of Pelellu, Palaus. When the smoke cleared away the enemy craft was crippled and the crew wipe dout. INCREASE IN FISH VALUES Salmon Production Off But Herring, rilchard and Halibut Up VANCOUVER, Nov. 9 O) The Dominion Bureau of Statistics reports that, while salmon production in 1943 fell below 1942 values, herring, pilchard and halibut soared. Herring showed a decrease In quantity landed but an increase in landed value and decrease in market value. Halibut was up 15 per cent in quantity, 51 per cent in landed value and 24 per cent in market value. Pilchards increased 35 per cent in catch, 112 per cent in landed value and 37 per cent In market value. mm A GENERAL COMPLETE OTBffi9Efl2flB9 YOU SURE that regardless of tem and weather conditions your car or continue to provide the same safe, and economical service it did summer months? avoid the costly inconvenience of an ti-freeze leaks tough gear and blind driving by having a Motors dealer "winter-service" your now. year with higher mileages on and with lower quality fuels, Winterizing Service is more important than ever before. It will save you inconvenience, time and money. Be Prepared Be protected Be Winter Wise and Winter'ne Nowl LONG MOTORS Dogfish dropped in quantity but increased in market value. Liver oil more than compensated for the drop with final value of dogfish products 53 per cent higher than in 1942. Salmon catch showed a 25 per cent decrease in quantity, 44 per cent in landed value and 34 per cent in market value. The total production value of salmon was 45 per cent of the total fisheries production of the province. Jap Commanders Being Replaced . TOKYO, Nov. 9 (CD-Tokyo war loTds have replaced all top-ranking land, sea and air commanders in the Philippines in an effort to halt the American onslaught which in two successive days wiped out 469 more planes aid sank or damaged twenty-nine ships. 0ee MOTORS DEALER .... Flujryeze I I!9ht enlnr, 0Pefof, ''on. -i. Fill, m p Pre )r'cat;nn- 'UP Ex Wno tfc- 7m9 choke Test 0"d h e0f Sener Ce vvmr-, inter Obft ,Ql Sou,.. In LTD. STUART FEELS LIKE RALSTON- Resignation of General Being Associated With That of Minister OTTAWA, Nov. 9 Ot The resignation of Lieut. General I Kenneth Stuart, chief of staff at Canadian military headquarters, is being associated with the resignation last week of Hon. J. L. Ralston as minister of na 'tional defence. , Stuart accompanied Ralston .back to Canada following the minister's recent tour of the I battlef ronts. It is understood jthe general planned supporting 'Ralston in an argument before Jthe cabinet on the need -for ! conscrlotlne Home Defence troops for overseas service. Rumors of Stuarts possible resignation began circulating after Ralston resigned. The brief announcement by the minister of national defence, General A. G. L. McNaughton, of General Stuart's resignation contained no reference to a succes sor. The 49-year-old general has gone on leave pending retire ment, the announcement was made yesterday by Defence Minister McNaughton. Previous reports indicated that both General Stuart and Major General Price Montague, general officer in charge of ad ministration at London head quarters, had either resigned or would be retired. However, General McNaughton said that Montague will continue to hold his present post. TOOK THE WASHING MELBOURNE, Ot An Austral ian Beauflghter pilot flew low to fire through the open door of a Japanese hut In a New Guinea clearing. When he got home a length of wire was trailing from ! his tall, and on it were a pair of I Japanese trousers and a singlet. SERVICE if A t - nen . olts. for 'ypc one rions. and u,. " O f. ""5 nn-.i riser. htor. onH set ccrrfc ll,re'r for 'Per. VI-74X Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) wrttrpn. nroduced and enact ed locally, "Lucky Seven," a play for radio, will De presemea the Prince Rupert War Finance Committee over CFPR at 9:30 ' tonight, in tne cast are niu,ei Jensen, Ralpn Meiaram aim CBC announcer bod wweit w w plays a dual role. "Lucky Seven concerns iuxu " Steve Williams, a newly-wed husband with a talkative wife; Betty, the talKative wiie; leauj, their cocker spaniel; an unwel- mmm visitor who iS tOUgh DUt gentle; a salesman wno Knucua on the door in the nick of time, and a chocolate cake. When Betty mixes the cake listening housewives wno lane oown directions will find the recipe a good one. THURSDAY P.M. 4:00 Sound off '4:15 G. I. Jive 4:30-Comedy caravan 5; 00 John Charles Tnomas 5:30 Sports Review 5:45 Indian Trails 6:00 Blondle 6:30 Victory Loan Reporter 6:45The People ask 7:00 CBC News 715 Honorable Discnarge 7:30 Roland Todd's Orchestra 8:00 Drama I 8:30 Music of the New World 9:00 This is the Story 9:30 "Lucky Seven" 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Elmore Phlipott 10:15 CBC News Roundup 10:30 Music Hall 11:00 Silent FRIDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Morning Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed varieties 9:45 Recorded 10:00 Marek Weber 10:15 Johnny Mercer 10:30 Melody Roundup 10:45 Serenade in Rnytnm 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Studio Scrapbook 11:33 Message Period 11:35 Weather Forecast 11:36 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Personal Album PJH. 12:00 Here's to Romance 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Great Music 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 National School B'cast 2:00 Silent ' -mi JUKI SMART'S GARAGE TERRACE, B.C. PAGE THREB Stamp I. Ill J. . .J. THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening" Hours: 3 pan. to 2 ain. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert HoteD; Phone 173 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 PACIFICCAFE Special: Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Hours 8:00 an. to:00 a.m. BUM SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypoints, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands t Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 563 OUR Responsibility... Your dollars must buy the tools of . war. More and more are needed to put an end to the horror and the bloodshed. Let's not lose sight of our responsibility to the lads who are giving so much for us. Our dollars will make it easier for them to reach the goal our leaders have set "unconditional surrender" of our vicious enemies. They're not letting us down! How can we fall them,? Let's buy all the Victory Bonds we can AND THEN ONE MORE! INVEST IN VICTORY BUY VICTORY BONDS OrmesLtd. Jfus Pioneer Druggists THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Dally from 9 a.m till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m.