jjp j The Daily News . . . m The East Front M 1 mm. Tuesday, December 12, 1944 Publlthed every afternoon except Sun-U, by fTlnce Rupert Dally- News f tnttM l,... AuAm.A Tl. 11 O A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. EunscnirnoN rates: Py City Carrier, per week Ir Montn IVr Year ' Hv Mall, per month - Per Year ' MEMBER ABC. Russo-Frcnch Alliance . . . Announcement of the reaching at Mo.'-cow, where Premier Joseph Stalin rmd general Charles DeGaulle have been in session, of a new alliance of mutual assistance between Russia and France is important news. Russia and France are in agreement to fight on npaflist Germany until victory is won. So far so good. We all go that far together for it is the simple and immediate object of the war in Europe. However, there is a good deal more that we shall like to know about the accord between Russia and France and we hope that any commitments which may have been made in the way of "working together to prevent future wars" will be as acceptable to us. To ensure the peace of Europe and the world more than Russia and France must be in accord. Pacts between those two nations alone are not sufficient to ensure the peace of Europe, it has been shown already and not so long ago' at that, already and not so long ago at that. Howeve,r, we have been assured that Great Britain and United States .were kept fully posted on the negotiations. The Russian design for the capture of Budapest is becoming clear. The drive north up the west bank of the Danube- will make easier the reduction WEDDING AT PI. SIMPSON Miss F.lhel Reynon Becomes Ilride of Moses Uoss PORT SIMPSON, Dec. 12 A beautiful wedding took place at Port Simpson when Miss. EtheJ. 'Dorothy UeyDon' 'daughter or William Deynon, was United in marriage- to Moses Ross, son of George and Sarah Ross of Port ' ' Simpson. The wedding 'took place in the Qra.v? United Church with Rev. Mr. Wiley the officiating minis ter. The church "was "specially df eorated, showing the popular e.'.teem lit whicli the couple are held by the community. After the ceremony the wed-" din;; procession was led by the Port Simpson Band to ',he Port Gimpson Athletic Hall where a verj Sumptuous wedding dinner aiid reception was held after which dancing was engaged in until the wee hours of the morn ing- ., , v ;;; The bride was a former employee of the Hudson's Bay Co. for" oer three years. PAGE TWO i Social Activity I A i- ,'i.....,.u In a Fraction of the time! PECAUSE of their ability to quick-dry Mduco"; lacquers and enamels, fdhori M'azda Infra-Red Drying Lamp are uied mccejtfulljf .In the Induttrlal fielJ. Lightweight and compact they can also be used' by the hobbyist and handyman for drying pofnt, gluei, bnd aj a source of quick radiant heat. THANKS TO EDISON MAZDA DRYING LAMPS WW of the old town, Buda, which is on high ground, by avoiding crossing the river from the east. Alternately Budapest may be isolated by 'driving through the network of communications which run into .it from the west. Already the Red Army is threatening two Useful railways both of which pass through Czekesfehervar, and is also closing in from a third direction. The fall of Budapest may be only. a matter- of hours. The Civic Election . . . Mayor H. M. Daggett has been reelected by acclamation as chief magistrate of Prince Rupert alul we hasten to extend our congratulations. The fact that he was unopposed may be fairly taken as an expression of satisfaction for his services. He has been a hard-working and conscientious mayor during his first year of office and well deserves the renewal of confidence that has been placed in him. Lines have been formally drawn for a vigorous campaign between the Civic Labor Federation and the Nonpartisan Association for the seats on the city council and board of school! trustees. The campaign is attracting keen interest and in some ways re- With 11)15 promising to be an important year jn the-affairs .of the eib' it behooves all those who have a vot to carefully consider their preference. and jget out and use their votes on Thursday. . ' i s l iviivvuiiya KITWANGA, Dec. i2 A heavy schedule of social activity is prepared for the next two weeks in the community hall. A school children's party will be held and many.other plans-have been laid by- special .entertainment committees for', celebrating the .Christmas season'. On Saturday nisht the ta'dmlnton C'hrb spon sored an entertainment m which 1 a- targe number of people en- J Joyed a' variety of indoor, games. ' .Miss Marney Allen was Jn charge J or inc. entertainment. FAMOUS IN AFRICA . PRETORIA, South' Africa, Dec. 12, H: F. Griffith, the OTlilhall "of 'Edgar. Wallace's character j ''jSanders ot- the River," has died i here at the aKe ot 75. He has j been associated with native af- fairs since 19C1. AN ANCIENT FOOD j Cheese was made in some torm . or pther before the Christian era by Jews, Oreeks and Jiomans. i .'1 MALES OVER 13 VOTE -' ' In El Salvador, all men over 18 must vote in .all elections. . Echoes of . . EAST END ItKI) CROSS Twelve ladies of the Wartim? Housing Red Cross, under Mrs. Robert Cameron, have turned in the work done during Navembe. consisting of four women's nightgowns, four men's pajamas, three children's combinations, one. .woman's slip, three children's slips, two turtle-neck sweaters, ,17 pairs of men's seeks, 22 wash cloths ' This hard-working group of ladies has now suspended for the holiday season and will resume work after the New Year. OLD TIME DANCE CLUB ! The, Old Time Dance Club, under W. Davidson, met at Connd Street Sshocl Saturdav evnlnp It was decided to hold a dance on Hogmahay. Following the business session of thi- cum. m members Joined in old time S ;z .-tUh dancing until n diiiht when they, broke off for the serv- , lhg of refreshments. i BUIIKJE CLUB The Bfidg3 Club, met Sa urday i)Ight at the club hdus: on Hays Ave. S. Craig, the president, I Jdvc ' irectcd trie card playing which iiisted until midnight when refreshments were served. .NURSERY SCHOOL ' The Nursery School broke up ' )n Friday with a party at which (Jiftsf were exchanged amorrg the Children. The teacher, Mrs. Van- derlip, alsi gave a gift t-j -ach cfm Wa.s thus brought to a 4lo.se. , -NEIL.GILLESPIE. Best Poem To Win $100 Prize Award TORONTO. Dec. 12 0t The Women's Canadian Club cf Tor onto announces its annual literary contest ih which a prize of $100 is awarded. The competition Is open to professional and nonprofessional writers, throughout Canada. This year the contest is for the best poem,, which may t: ke the form of a sonneti lyric, ballad, ode or narrative. No. lyric is to exceed 25 lines, and no poem of any other form U to exceed 100 lines, The contest Closes February 15, 1945. LONDON, tt, The Empire Rheumatism Council has tested ft Russian scrum cure for rheumatoid arthritis but f'he results obtained do not Justify a favorable vrdict," Health Minister II. U. Wllllnk Has advised the INTENDED FOR REVELRY The Chinese Invented gunpowder not as d weapon for but as a lively means of celebrating holidays and festivals. Buy War Savings Stamps. 13 THIS AND THAT r am. Dec. 12, 1940 Hitler reassert Mil . ii'ii'Mivsii''. "a iffj '' '2if'i-1 fJ'J 'iiliffIll .. i mmmm 'MMMM THE DAILY NEWS 'Ignore him- he Just wants to give me your seat." FOUR YEARS AGO IN THIS WAR By the Canadian Press sembles the good old lively campaigns ed confidence in Germany's pow- we used to have here back in the early er to win war. Briton govem- days. As we have suggested before m5nt rejected Hoover plan to we hope they will keep the fight clean. ' " The $JO,000 bus bylaw question vies with the aldermanic and school trustee contest in demanding public interest. feed German - occupied areas, ltritaln granted China financial aid amounting to about BIO SUGAR PRODUCER Cuba supplies a quarter of tho world's ugar supply. w PRESIDENT OF MEN'S CHOIR S. li. l'racniry Mrrlrtl Head of Dry Dock Musical - Organization On Monday evening. Stephen L. Peachey was unanimously elected President of the Dry Dock Male Choir, suceerdmg J. 0). Stewart who retired after serving for two successful terms. Mr. Peachey has been associated with the choir from the time it was instituted and has been active in local musical elides for many years. Choir rehearsals arc held in Booth Memorial School each Monday evening and membership has been extended to include any menvber of the Armed Forces and civilians who may b; interested. Adverti.se, in the Dallv News. THE REX CAFE Now Open for Hualness CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2vi Avfnup 'Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 2 X5!WVS?? v wmmm 1926 About 1926 an era of great expansion began in the aviation industry on tliis continent. During tlie following eight years, networks of airlines sprqatl over North and South America. Nickel Steels,' because of their superior strength and toughness, were used for crankshafts, connecting rods, propeller shafts, gears and other vital parts of the new air plane engines.. Other Nickel alloys were used to give longer service mm m 1 fmMi TUESDAY MMtM. TO THE . iukb ij, ELECTORS OF PRINKM! Ladies and Gentlemen: I desire to express my apprcetan ' fact that you have seen fit to elect Z of Mayor of Prince Rupert for the vear ? liVVIUlllltlrlVllt I shall endeavour to work for tho nm. and advancement of the City and S0'lK co-operation of each and every citizen M 2 year 19 15 be a prosperous one. H. M. DAGGETT eena Grocery ACROSS FROM HOSPITAL Wc are here to give our customers the best of service Our prices arc right 500 5th Ave. East Phone 581 WAS GEAftE 10 GOMSRCE life at high temperatures when exposed to corrosive exhaust fumes. The Canadian Nickel industry throiigli its 'research laboratories' and rolling mills, gave every possible assistance to the aviation in-dustry. Thus another new market was develop to help takfc the place of war markets wiped out in 19 1 . Today Canadian Nickel Is again diverted l wr pin-pones, ami ugaiii the industry looks t j ,e future with eonlideiice. Tlans are ready to develop ami expand" old and new peacetime markets, n that Hie Nickel imhiHlry may continue, lhn"8 ' its own initiative itml enterprise, to make eii greater contributions to Canada's welfare. MONILN THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, 25 King Street West, TO