message i Suggestion safc. foo afe OF MUNITIONS AND SUPPLY Hon. C. D. Howe, Minister - I OTE AS YOU PLEASE HUT VOTE llHURSDAY, DECEMBER 14 I Polls Open 8 il.m. to 8 p.m. VAN'S BAKERY Cll 3rd Avenue Jantzen Stoentnrs Billmore Hats 9. "J . Tjea, Scarfs, Belts 4 , If.- 1 Dressing Gowns o 'Brace and Garter Sets' Gloves Socks wm & WUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE WIIKRF. DOLLARS HAVE MORI? CENTS" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh; Fruits and Vegetables. Tobaccos and Confectionery I'E DELIVERY throughout the" City three Um6s weekly (Tuetdiys, Thursdays and saiuraayai Opposite Canadian Legion UT RATE SHOE STORE- ACROSS FROM ORME'S DRUb STORE XMAS Shopping RT EAnt.v Rn vAif r-AM lfAVE FIRST CHOICE OF OUR SMARTER LADIES' SLIPPERS. CFPR PAYS Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) TUESDAY P.M. 4:oo Woics Wtiii Music 4:15 G. I. Jive 4:30 Great Moments In Music 5:00 G.I. Jouranl 6:30 Sports Reviews 5-45Sr,otllftht Bands 6:00 Navy Band Concert 7:0U CBC iSews 7:15 Book Suggestions 7:30 Make Way for Tomorrow 8:00 Of Things to Come 8:30 Classes for Today 9: CO Fibber McGte-and Molly 9:30 Mall Call 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Elmore Phllpott 10:15 CBC News Koundup 10:30 Suspense 11:00 Silent ' WEDNESDAY AM. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Morning uonceri 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Varieties . U: 45- Recorded 10:00 Home-makers lO:15-Johnny Mercer iri !?n mp ofiv nounaun 10:45 Rendezvous with Rhythm 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Studio Scrapbook 11:33 Message Period 11:35 Weather Forecast 11:30 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Concert Hall ' P.M. 12:00 Guy Lombardo 12:30-01 JO News 12:45 Service Digest 1:00 one Night Stand 1:30 High' School Series 2 :uo Silent UNDBlt MANY RULERS The town of Veiilo, the Netherlands, changed hands 10 times in 300 years. r A A W s tor men lPullovcrs and Vests Zipper Style -Jackets E (Promises tJ'.i !sZ I MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS AND NEW YEAR CALENDARS Distinctive with our Local Views 4 WRATHALL'S g Photo Finishing tJL third avenue New Bus THE DAILY NEWS Will be Purchased Immediately Says Aid. Hills Defends Deal at oresent a priority for the pur rlia?c of the new bus and the city council would exercise the priority and buy the bu3 at once, Aid. Hills said. "This. plus In creased use of existing equipment,-' will offset the inconveni ences that are now tolerated by the public," the alderman said. As for other benefits -which might accrue to. the citizens stnuld the plebiscite be favorably voted upon and the bus line taken over. Aid. Hilla said the . , A4J city would be In a position to re- ;bem Demg pair us own moiur irucns auu utility cars as well-as the buses In a city garage, thus resulting ry MasHenrgers. Aid. Hills revealed that the cost of repairs to city motor vehicles hart been running at nn average of $275 per month. Asked as to What w'ould be done with profits if any were de rived from the operation of the hu- Un. Aid. HlllrMUd that the fr-t emsiderotlort would be the yayintf off of. d(n"tares but the nrnfi's would not be pnld cmt on tib 'Joan at the expense of Imnroved service. "The citizens win receive full value for their trimroortatlon dollar wherean. 'inrler private mvnershlp', profit. ! 'mt prvle, is the first consid-nr:it;r)rt. "This need 's (?reat for inwrovc- ' i"M I" th" 'vs service," Aid. ITH1 -.tH. "V,nv "hould we net !be able to 'ink after our own transportation needs? Smaller j coii'm'iniMf s are dclng It suc-! cessfully." j Answering criticisms which IVnvc been vnlrjd hy some at the endeavour o raise money for the purchase of a bus lme while ' pairs to streets were badly needed. Aid, Hills said: "It appears that these people are not aware it;f the council's stand during the Innf tun in dmanriiiHr I MONTH'S WORK IS LAID OUT Queen Mary Chapter of I.O.D.E. Keep Active As part of their community work for December, the memberi ; of Queen Mary Chapter. Imperial bus ' bv the city council if the Order. Daughters of tne Empire. annnn niohwiii. imWtr hpfnrp have voted a considerable sum of the ratepayers this Thursday is money to be spent on Christmas approved, was promised by Aid. gut puiceu, iur Biennis v,c George Hills, chairman of the Eventide Home and other needy c. i t v council's transportation persons in Prince Rupert. ci nimiite-;. in an in.terview vet- i Ten dollars was donated to the tefday. The Arrow Bus Line has I.O.D.E. Cigarette Fund for over- seas servicr personnel Another $10 for liibrary books was ordered lor Borden. Street 1 School. I Mrs. Moses reported the form-lngof a very enthusiastic junior , chapter I.O.D.E. for teen-age , girls. i Mrs. Haudenschild reported on the nund trip to Vancouver raf of the Rehaibllltation Council. In a considerable saving ana . ai i n n l n t n wWch nipn wtb was heW nHiri ;i i. tne i nr keeping vehicles on the streets rMrs. Blackabv. 41, t,Un -lnrr ft in fti f.. I lilUt mv IllCtUaiUVttUJI W The next meeting held at the" home of Mrs. Brass on January 10 having been postponed one week.. from Ottawa some compensation lor tne .overouroening oi me city's utilities. The Sixth Ave. road repair Jcb, lately completed by the Air Farce, is an example of the council's efforts." A?kcd if the bus service could be operated without political in terference, Aid. Hills asked n there was any political interference In the telephone system. "The record of that service shows here has been none at any time." SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli. Prop Phone 37 P O bus a KRASEjf KTRIVH Prtnci" Kupert LOCAL DELIVERY BY 1 I 1 V I SI ISTMAS DAY Published" by Authority of Hon. William P. Wuocfc, jc.C, M.P, Postmdstii Genera - V 1 " 1 " 1 1 1 MAIL BEFORE ! i DECEMBER 19'1 f H I FOR FOR I I 1 B PRINCE GEORGE With mayoral candidate Jchn Nlchchon -proclaiming the need for 'a change of administration," present Mayor A. M. Patterson is ! facing his nineteenth mayoralty campaign with pleas for sup port of his policy of "reasonable ecbnmy." Eleven candfdates will conteH, the seven seats open in the Prince George civic elections on Thursday. Sweeipra s p r o u t s appeared through the snow at the home of Harry Faulkner in Prince George last week. Circulation in the Prince Geerge public libraiy in November was 709 books, almost double the nurrj":sr of books issued in the same mon-h of 1943. JUDGE M'AULAY OF YUKON DIES fle Dec. 14 when the drawing '- on j Mr I VAOUVFn Dec 12 , will be held at the Capitol Thea- , JdS, i . . - ..j I for 40 vears a member of the ter- Mrs. u. y. uan :!u!r torla court. Territory of the appoinieu io me reuica- v,m ' iieri tionand edue&U.DM committee At night at the age of 79 Sunday He wect first tj Dawson.. The regent preslded at the last lQ im as g.ipend!ary'maglsttate, i . - . 1 .I A a year, later Deing eievaiea tu the territorial Supreme Court of the Yukoh. He retired In 1941 and had sirice lived in Vancouver. Funeral s;rvices will be held here Thursday. "CHINA'S SORROW The Yellow River in China Is dubbed "China's Sorrow" because of the many floods it has loosed on the rich adjacent farmlands. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Closing NOVEMBER 30 .Reopening JANUARY 2 Third Avenue, Pr.nce Rupert Military Orders 1st (It.) Un. Prince Rupert Rett. CHG) A regimental dinner dhrf dahce will be held on Thursday, 14 Dec 44. All officers, N.C.O.'J, and .men will be in uniform. Dress for the ladies will 'be informal. Assembly at 7:15 p.m. at JJie Staff House Dining .Hal!, - Hays Cove Circle. Dinner at 7:30 pjm. sharp. At the conclusion of the dinner there will be eritertathmcnl. Dance will begin at 9:00 p.m. For Results try a Classified. Meet Me at' . . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., U.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 Doii't leave it too Close to Christmas-Try Our Hew Nestle YCold Wave You will be Pleased I MAKE OUR STORE PAGE FIVE V A V V V V y y VOTE AS YOU LIKE FASHION FOOTWEAR ' 518 3rd Ave. W. PEGGY SAUNDERS (Annette Powell) Fourth Street (across from Post Office) YOUR CHkb I M Ab Uhl Ml YOU ARE CORDIALLY It M . f INVITED TO INSPECT W OUR STORE TZ A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY"' Christmas Buying Wc haven't everything you would like to buy for Gifts at clu'lst'nias but we have ri great deal to offer and new Roods are ..arriving ..every boat -While on your buying, tour include our storo In your place jot calling.. Vou will not be disappointed. Watch our windows. 327 Third Avenue Phone 775 THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: r.RNT A , lNTUKlUlt ' Reef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 A a a. A a A a A A A A A , A A A A a A A BUT GET OUT - A S nncl J 6 ! V A i!y ON THURSDAY! A A A A A A i A A A A i i ' ' FOR : A progressive and business-like administration : J of civic affairs. ' ; J.H.MAIR Aldcrman'tc Candidate Solicits Your Vole and Influence at the j Polls on Thursday Phone" IJliie' 917 " HE ADQ.U ARTERS I You will find a fascinating array Suggestions featuring Shaving Sets Gloves Suspenders Jackets Wallets Slippers j1 LEATHER of Gift Writing Cases Belts Dopp Kits Vests Money Belts Etc., Etc. Wm. F. Stone "CLOTHES OF DISTINCTION" Yt&i'ail Tunc Up Your Figure - In a TUNIC! Slip Into this silhouette and your figure .will give way to goddess - like sllmness. Ulack crepe with contrasting hip-band and back Interest, touched off with a curt, provocative sleeve. rrfT kMCff IAIO .1 STYLE WEAR -J3 i 1 i f :1 mi m