PAGE SIX Your SMART Fall Outfit... Nmv On Display A combination of chic and refined good taste. A selection of both crepes and wools In sizes both large and small. PLEASINGLY PRICED RUPERT PEOPLES STORE J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C, UA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 Delmore Frozen Fruits and; Vegetables Raspberries, j Strawberries, Sliced- Teaches Enterprise Fruit Co. j PHONE 343 I ST Perfumes & Toilet Articles (By Molinartl) 'r"Cl Ashes of Roses i r- - -ii i fi f i - - ' Evening in Pans Skylark Scanty Dorothy Gray .Elizabeth Arclen Pinaud Men's Sets Seaforth Men's Sets Tags and Seals and Gift Wrappings Ormes ltd. Pioneer Druqejiats THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Dally from 9 a.m till 9 pjn. Sundays and Holidays from 12r2 pjn. and 7-9 p.m. ' Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY - THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. ( Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon durin? your delivery day. We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and cooked mcat-frcsh vegetables and ' fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE 21 THIRD AVE. W. Business and Professional HOTEL IDEAL CLEANERS FRASER HOUSE .... , , , IIoUi,X! of Dcttcr Cleaning" Phone Black 823 C. II. HICKS, Proprietor Authorized Clean, quiet rooms. "FLEX FORM SERVICE" 714 Fraser Street ghapcs Without Guesses HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Waterproofing a Specialty Permanent Waving . PHONE 858 Beauty Culture in all Its branches . ' ..., ... ... . . . Mail Orders Box fm 99 200 4 Ih Street : Phone 055 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. BERT'S TRANSFER Plumbing and Heating and MESSENGER Engineers Phones Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Days, Blk. 884 Nights, Blk. 152 .- : Bert Bellamy Reg. Wilson We Aim to Please SHOE REPAIR "You Call ;i We Haul" Work Guaranteed Lumber Baggage Freight, ! Quick Servlcci Express Household Effects 103 9th Avenue West . 225 1st Ave. E. Prince Rupert, GEORGE L. RORIE MESSENGER Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. AND TAXI Jncome Ta Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 PHONE 65 DAILY NEWS I Violet Cla-vslficd Advertising Is payable to the office at time of sub-mlttlng copy for Insertion. FOR SALE chine; also preserved 1321 Overlook Street. FOR SALE 303 Savage rifle. Fred Robertson, C.N.R. Yard office. (280) FOR SALE Radio. Room "E", lorn Lec Apartments. (277) 'FOR SALE Small farm, Queen unariocic islands; 8 headoi cattle, hay, tractor, farm equipment, 150 hens, good buildings, 5-room house on highway. $3,000. Apply S. deBucy, Skidegate, B.C. (280) WANTED WANTED Carrier for route on 6th and 4th Avenues East. Phone Green 186. (279) WANTED Small cook or camp stove, pnone Red 244 between 4 and 8 p.m. (278) ROOM URGENTLY needed in downtown area, by gentleman working steady in the city. Apartment block preferred. Apply Box 901 Daily News. WANTED Furnished or unfur- nisnea suite, lor working couple. No children. Apply uox yuz Daily News WANTED Soldier and wife would like housekeeping room. Phone Black 885," anytime. PATENTED GAS SAVER, crank-case ventillator, proven, guaranteed, fits all motors. Improves performance. Write for proof and spare time proposition. Victory Manufacturing Co., Cornwall, Ontario. BAYZAND & SEEDSY, Painting. Kuuorawng, riaisomining. All work guaranteed. Blue 378. "Satisfaction" bur motto. . LONELY Get acquainted. Par ticulars free. Western Social Club, Sub. 23, Edmonton ' wwwwVA OllUUlU be In 'now. We handle subscriptions for all magazines obtainable. Northern Distributors, opp. Post Office, on 4th St. LOST AND FOUND FOUND One key, outside Dally news uujce. uwner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this LOST Lady's gold watch, Wedr nesaay evening. Reward. Phone S. Chlsholm, Green 471, (281) I fa. CUTS, BURNS I and BRUISES I THE DAILY NEWS Timely Topics from Terrace SERVICE MEN'S WIVES ORGANIZE; CHECKING HEALTH OF CHILDREN On Thursday afternoon a meeting of service men's wives was held in the Officers' Mess for the purpose of oreranizinir and eleptino- officers for the Ladies' I A....:i: A i! rrit J" 1 .ttu.iiiciiy -fissociauon. inose eiecieu were as iui- FOR SALE Household furniture lows: mciuuing electric wasning ma- . , . . , , (279) Ry: President. Mrs. Duckworth; expected to produce timber from . r-rr-l1r.- 4 . . T ! 1 ... 1 I I 1 1 i m - -,, uiwiuchv. Mrs. aus. XMicnon rwenon tne nearuv iimn jor rnanv vcars. mux, Secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Trum- ilUUOVt LJUOL LIS OlJllUUi dllU U1J t ... . dock. Call after 8 p Eighth Avenue East. C3J per; unairman or Hospital Visit-1 Gordon Temple, of the Phil-(tf) ! ing Committee, Mrs. stein; bert Hotel, Terrace, is leaving cnairmen of Brigade Library for the south on December 16 for FOR SALE 2-room cabin, semi- . p.,.. . , , . .... j ,,, . lurnisned. No. 6 wantage! uuj a.. iuim canj Road. 27) FOR SALE Piano, in good con-! dition. Phone Black 800, or i call at 420 4 th Ave. West. (282J FOR SALE 10 -tube Marconi all-wave radio. 855 Summit, Ave., Black 831. (279) FOR SALE One double bed and washing machine, hand power. 313 7th East. (277) FOR SALE 15-foot boat, with cabin; 6 horse power. Phone 358, weekdays. (281) FOR SALE White enamel cook stove, like new; and coal heater, in good condition. 1517 Overlook Street. (278) Vachand; Chairman of Brigade in March. concert Party, Mrs. Reid. LONDQN-LIVEKI'OOL BY AIP, On Thursday morning. Miss LONDON) J First civilian ln-M. Johnson, R.N., arrived at thermal air service from London Terrace Elementary School to , since the outbreak of war will continue her work of checking bg opened shortly by Railway the health of the school child Ar Services Ltd, It will be from ren. Miss Johnson Is the school London to Liverpool and the nurse with the Prince Rupert outward service will connect Health Unit uder the ncharge ; ith an additional service to Bel-of Dr. Kipe. She succeeds Miss , fast, Northern Ireland. Corbould who was married in i Prince Rupert Saturday. Miss MAINLY fabmf.hs FARMERS' MEET IN VANCOUVER This District Represented in B. C Agricultural Federation Sessions VANCOUVER, Nov. 27 A wide variety of matters pertaining to the fruit industry was taken up al the annual meeting of the British Columbia Federation of Agriculture at Hotel Vancouver last week. The membership of, British Federation of Agriculture Includes David Hall, Burnt Creek Ranch, Atlin; Colleymount Farmers' Institute, Colleymount; Evelyn Farmers' Institute; Fort Fraser Farmers' Institute; Francois L'ake Farmers' Institute; Nechako Farmers' Institute, Vanderhoof; Prince George Farmers' Institute: Quick Farmers' Institute, Telkwa; Uncha Valley Farmers' Institute, South-bank, and Woodpecker Farmers' Institute. WELSH HYDRO SCHEME LLAINDUDNO, Wales, Q Pre liminary details of a big hydro Johnson Ls a graduate of . the Only ..,, five 0 percent ui of i Filipinos iiiuiu.' electric eiecinc srhprnr. scnemc for ior North ortn Wains wmus Winninpf Oonprnl ITncnltnl orr? nrn nmnlAi-ftJ I., t . , .. , . I " "npujiu 111 iiiuujuj, mucji nave reen aiscussea Dy me rtorin l came to Prince Rupert from of which Ls concentrated around Wales and South Cheshire Join: ... ... ..w. . .UU...WH electricity authority. Ing for the school children, Miss Johnson helps with the Baby Clinic here. Parents of children of school or pre-school age are encouraged to contact 'and discuss, wilh her their children health problems. Miss Johnson Is Inv Terrace for two or three days , each month. Mrs. K. Mangnall (Dorothy Littls) arrived home last nicht from Vancouver. Her husband. who is in the army, has gone overseas. Captain King. Inspector of School Cadets, spent a dav in Terrace this week. He was en-route to Smithers and will bn back in January. He ls under Major Critchley who is in charge of B.C. Cadet t Will Robinson hasbethl Appointed 'manager of the firm' of E. T. Kennev I.lmltfri'fnlW'trwr (280) I the departure of Hon. E. T. Ken- ney ior victoria to, become minister of lands. Little, Haugland and Kerr. WJS2-2,i?v WSSSS : ymlted th?ir mil, at Lumber Company, Hazelton, B.C. (294) WANTED Two or three rooms; iurnzsnca or unrurnlshcd. Apply Box 890 Daily News. (280) II KM WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED family of three require housekeeper. Private room and good wages. Service couple acceptable. Phone Red 879. (tf) PERSONAL WILL CARE for small child In my own home for working mother. 441 7th Avenue East. (It) Fourteen Mllel, Kalum Road, to Seventeen Mile, on the fame road. The new location will; be "BUILD B.C. PAYROLLS" Irradiate for Vitamin D It i. 1 I When scientists discovered that Vitamin D was necessary for bone and tooth structure " they began to test various foods for this essential ele-1 mcnt. Milk is a rich source, but other scientific minds discovered that milk could be "irradiated" and made still richer in Vitamin D. Pacific Milk is irradiated and, ,you read many letters from mothers about its effectiveness. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed IN THE SUPREME COUrtT OP BKITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE , "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP MARTIN JOSEPH OILLI3, DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honour, W. E. Fisher, made on the 13th day of November, A.U. 1U44, I was appointed Administrator (with Will annexed) of the Estate of Martin Joseph Gillls. deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 14th day of December, A.D. 1944, and all Dartipff lnrlphtpri In thn lPctatA required to pay the amount of their LOST Large Sum Of money ' Indebtedness to me forthwith. luuauay, m aenominat ons of "uprl ,hr. ..7 v h. $5 and $10 bills. FinrW W I !5 s. Uth day ot November - - - . p.vuuv ; itttt. 'ciuwi aajnc w uauy news Liberal Reward. (277) LOST Brindle Scottle. uMt.h harness, 7 months old. Phone Blue 980. Reward. (279) NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. B.C.. A.U. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP RUSSELL JAMES BARR. DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on the 9th day of November. A.D. 1944, I was appointed Administrator (with will annexed) of the Estate of Russell James Barr, deceased, and all parties having claims against the Bald estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 9th day of De-pemhe"-, A p. 1944, and all parties niuiunj iaj viic catuic are required w aj nutuuiii, oi ineir indebt edness to me forthwith. . DATED at Prince Rupert, BC this 9th day of November, A.D. 1944 NORMAN A, WATT Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Buy Christmas Gifts at Savings REAL VALUES in MEN'S & BOYS WEAR Fine ilk, scarfs,, billtolds, silk tics, handkerchiefs, leather belts, younjr men's sport jackets, fine dress gloves, suspenders . . . Come in and be convinced. Men's Dress Rubbers Size 6, Regular $1.50. Now Men's Dress Gloves Kid leather, also lined. Special $1.95 to $2.95 MEN'S LEATHER JACKETS All sizes, special $12 to $16 Men's All'-Wool Top Coats-r- Up to $22.00, to ejear now $12.95 Misses' Lbvv-Hecl Rubbers Size 3 and 4. Now 50c Misses' Overshoes With snaps. 22 to 4'2. Special All kinds of men's Silk Ties ' Big Selection 50c to $1.50 Billfolds All leather, zippers, regular $2.95. Now $1.95 50c T-. to 75c $1.25 Cigarette Cases Men's Silk Scarves All leather, a real Beautiful colors el". Special 1.00 $1 to $1.50 Men's Handkerchiefs Big selection 15c Men's Gabardine Coats Fully lined. Special $14.00 Boys' IBlack Denim Longs-Heavy weight. Spcc-Ial, pair $1.65, Boys' Blue Cheviot Long Pants Good sizes, pair $2.75. Boys' Long Hard-Finish Pants All sizes, good make and fit $2.25 Boys' White Pullover Sweaters-special, each 65c Boys' All-Wool Overcoats Fully lined. Up to $20. To clear, each $12 Boys' Windbreakcrs Good weight, all sizes. All sizes. Special $2.75 Boys' Raincoats-Aii sizes. Special $3.75 Boys' Boots Sizes 11 to 13 V2, and 1 to 52. leather $3.50 to $4.25 Boys' Oxfords Heavy panco soles, Sizes l-5'i well made. Special . $3.25 B. C. CLOTHIERS LIMITED THIRD AVENUE BLACK 321 Flying Company Is Incorporated VICTORIA, Nov. 27 Western Pacific Airways Ltd. of Prince Rupert has been Incorporated for $50,000. Signatures on the incorporation papers are J. A. Lindsay. A. D. Ritchie and Al bert E. Field. The incorporation papers also Include flying FOUR YEARS AGO IN THIS WAR iiy the 'Canadian Press Nov. 27, 1940 R.A.F. bombed Cologne. Lc Havre, Boulogne and Antwerp. Nazis "raided Britain. Mediterranean fleet engaged Italian naval force west of Sardinia; torpedoed one battleship, damaged three cruisers and two destroyers. United States and Russia resumed diplomatic talks. Dally News Classified Atls bring quick results. 'l SIBV1CI ) 7 If Shop at your nearest NYAL DRUG STORE The Nyal, Drugmtt ii the exclusive agent in your neighbourhood for Nyal Family Medicine and Drug Store upplie--made by the Nyal Company Limited, t Windsor, Ontario. You will enjoy doling t Nyt Drug Store and when you buy Nyal Products, you benefit from Nyal quality and economy. . i t r A lie about NYAL VITA-VIM MUITIPII CAPSUIIS Ids mndwi Vitamin Farm 4m nj Mums ior in mi opi.; 1m Nrtl CREOPHOJ. lor tO vstri s fiMnta Cuah and Mtfrsnwir. Krwotwi' cm 1 In "Mil "'ycie snows i .An 1:00 :3:OO.5;oo.70S0 Feature 1:43 - 3:43 - SMi . . I.V 9 tMSM8l 1 APVffTT tfM Btfr5 1 mWmW Mi MM mm H v VI O. fir U 1 tin " - i I ft UfAllltt nll .... . ... .1111 ' -al ,. r-" ALSO "DEVIL BOATS" "IN A IIAKLM" "STUDENTS OF fOi: IQNCEK IASTINS FABRICS $25.00 REWARD 1 A rou-Jirrl nf Ttpnt.v;fivp Dnlhirs 11. , a M ,. win mi n:iiri iri? inrnrminnn in.ifimrr in r ..... r.w ....... a i. . & ... ... w.u.. ...... a. a.k. ... , r ii i -. i: . i'iiiivii'i mil ill I fill fir ii' ri Tilt; wiiwiif in ti .. r ,.. - i - r for the wilful destruction of street lights. CITY, OF IMUNCK RUPKKT. Per II. I). TIIAIN, City Clerk CHIMNEY SWEEPINO OIL" BURNERS CLEANED . . ANL REPAIRED' - New equipment and help assure you or a clean Job rhone Dlack 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN Meet Me at . . JOHNiNTS JOHNNY'S CMATIf RA . V V aV r (Oar Coffee Li Top.) 1045 DIARIES... LOVELY LASTING GIFTS 5-year Diary, with key $2.00 Pocket-size Diaries AH to S--2'' Canada Date Book $2.00 Appointment Book $2- Daily Journals $1.10 to $1.7 CALENDAR PADS AND STANDS Small size Large size S' Holders for above ..... $1.00. to $1.60 McJD ID vojiK fi a arm. A k.ii - .ickiTiir ci iDkllTI IRK L Phone 775 "A GOOlJ PLACE TO BUY" Christmas Gift Suggestions Simmons and Restmore Spring Filled Mattress, Bed Spring, aJl. sizes Bedroom Suites, In 4 pieces Chesterfield Suites, in 3 pieces 250 Pictures most beautiful. Come and see Just came for Christmas 327 3rd all lz