41, . - "XT) I lAT f : ' u a ;." I- fit 1 ' V. .1 - r.r i. .i SJ.. 1M4 Few Drops Nostril Quickly Relieve MIS u.-uwun - .,rr f, jnch tTlMt. ..,,1,.-r .,:;vo like beam: . . - .... K, nrfrrahlv S ir.k .n form at W pudding H Is y imen wttr iaB)b.v ,.n who need . I &L nave them. The remark. ;.ver I never :; T. one and It ..vcr u (rood a well cooked . v.ivjned. It is ( iron, one p? mf: tv for eooi- :. and also t ' the B eom ra. weicht f m : c Agriculture i c economists W K 1 8. if to tMTIOt 1-' .i. t tor it 2. 3. 4. 5. Vfi tutijrct . vfr with bolllnft A for a few 'iT remove any &af luffiness of Catarrh Soeeicdized Medication Works Fast. nigra rriicic jiuuiic j relief from stuffy, painful distress of acute r... . v.i.tro-noi sritiiu inruuun inc nose. catarrh reduces i .v-tlv-t irritation rrtlvraaa mmmm 2JTOrt flush out ct)1d!ogRcd naHlWICU Ma Drcainm;cuni ua.TafflNfll 1 o4. 11 RWIiWIi r,L..r-tinm In package. jnriui"" The Experts Say ... t Cf f Vrtll Mttt r-v h rr ,ure do any one in miay pjjrasant thlnu o ilia t.at f :)" i torn the Uj! awWy tDr. L B. Pet. ur Numtkui ' Canadian lac- mm a. s'twkers we., they must -s. w . '.'iny oi pro fibrous parts and put through the moat chopper. To each cup of dropped liver add I cup of bread crumbs, 1 egg, cup of grated raw cariot, 1 tablespoon minced onion, or a little onion vlt and parsley, I teaspoon salt. S teaspoon celery salt, 4 tea spoon ippe(. Mix well and pack i atcaMd loaf tin. Bake in. mod-Tale oven. 350 degrees, tor one hour. This loaf can be served with a writ-seasoned sauce or gravy and Is delirious sliced cold for use In the lunch box. LENT will soon be ending but before Easter the.e are many meals at which fish br tea food make a welcome main dish baked scallop and lobster salad BAKED SCALLOPS Place one poend of uncooked scallops In a greased baking dish and pour over them the following sauce: 3 tablespoons melted butter. 3 tablespoons flour blended lit with the butter, add '? teaspoon salt. 2 cups warm milk added wiurh helps and all cooked till smooth and thlek. stir constantly. Sprinkle dry. sifted bread crumbs over the top of the mixture and dot with butter. Bake In hot oven, 450 degrees Fahrenheit, for 10 minutes, or until the scallops are a milky white. Thtt serve six. week. LOCAL NEWS MOTES George Nlckeison left last A. Lena Year Dance. Eagles' Hall. night on a business trip. to. Van- corner. 5th and McBxlde, March couver. Lieut. Col. and Mm. c. V. Evltt left last night on a trip- to Van couver. Local ISO Social Club Masquer- aae uance, Saturday. April 1. 9 to 12. Three Prizes, Best. Ori ginal. Comic. Oddfellows' ILalL DtCarlo's Orchestra. 78 Norman Nelson and George oytha left last night for Vancoaver on business. Lieut. Jack McRae, who naa been spending a couple of days In the city visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McRae, is leaving tonight -on his return to Vancouver. Miss Nora McCaffery. Miss Charlotte Dodrmead, Miss Del-phlne Balagno and Miss Char lotte Balagno are leaving tonight on a trip to Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. A PERSONALLY SELECTED DRESSES: American Jersey-prints Balaclavas and petal crepes In Mexican, Chinee and other latest styles and shades Including Peter Pan, Riiisian violet, etc. Choose your Easter drew now at "Star" Stylewear. Leaving on tonight's train for the army reception centre at Vancouver are two new recruits to tolist through the Prince i iukti rrcruiuiig venue, i nry are delicious at either lunch or :re Omer Arthur Clavetie. aged uinwr hMi nrrmred amirditve 2C u hruu- horn is at New Lis- to these Fisheries Department keard. Onto Mo. and who ha irclpes: been employed as a motor mech- ante with tn Northern Con- Department of the Secretary of State of Canada -Office of the Custodian REAL PROPERTY FOR SALE BY TENDER The Secretary of Stale of Canada, acting In his capacity as Custodian under or by virtue of the Revised Regulation Resting Trading With The Enemy (1913) hereby otfers for ul by public lender such Interests as are vested In him In certain commercial, resl-Vr.!la! and unimproved properties sltuste In the protected area of British Columbia. A CATALOGt'E .,. ,. M1,i .hoxr referred, to ma? eMtr:aad further uitri ..sr. bMairA w iLih'."VJ.?;- tt 1 dmrlbed. but a ..p.rat. Uodtr ma, lrh lendrr mu.t W for or., of the parcels " fUrU lor of trvtfal parttlt. al.em.UY. wlU be ton.Wed an offer onljr for. A trndrr .tferir f p.rr.1. in the parrrl first namrd .J . ( th Secretary ct Slate- a Custodian fnr ,ir ' ' A .rertlfled cheque- pjyaWa lo the V; iaipany ra.li lwlr. Th. U.poslt '' m!"."! t,' IMhe "VmS U MtVrd and not tomMe.Kt by rsrh lender must be In . ..p.rM, Z'TV '"ih envelope mint be marked on ine omiu I'an-el No. . . ." 1 ' tauns t th 4,rfh... price shall 1 MM "h P"M" ,ts prtcf i I pm.l In cash, but wnilderallon i will be I" wivn.n - . , lather wUh f ihe purehase ilre in resh and the rjmjiniKr i' n.sl at 5 (minimum down W.?"' , no ih holanc mv be r-aM In rash, but l m.M the purchase prl'-e exceeds J "4 ,t purchase price In eonsMoratlon will Ih r.Hen ' o'fM'n.0S ,Vciher" w"" lth Interest at 5i tmlnlmum 'sn and the remainder within to ' lSc,n,r ifsn peyment sirxl.iit. 6. A, adjustment, will M mad. a. of the date of conveyance or a.reement. 7. and encumbr.ncea. If any. Ptopertle, will t told luhject to e.l.tlni lessee Prtmertle. art offered for ssU without any "!! Mwr'wlS s to Iwdllon or condition of buildlnre or impruvem vMstrnca or anv encrnachinenla. X The. ru.. .a. IK.-M.hi to cancel m.AJS U 7 . depoii any time prlof "la delivery by him ol in. con.,.. - 0, Neither the hUhrsl nor any tender will necessarily n. ccept.t. Cheque, m mpect f un.ccnled tenders will he relumed In due cur ... ttvnrnICNKn VP TO THK HOUR OF TrNDEng wiu, nr, nreravxn uy T'1E,Xv?frnT s.vviNa timk on tub ran dtlock wm, wcinc nsuUATK IN THE rjTY IRJT DAY 01 MAY. U. ON Tt ' "I:? Tw,rnMUTV or Ejsmn AS'stn hkV. rf- I vif.ar.ta " ' V'N "f1 4 TENDErtS FOR TI.F. iSijS TOVKD UY tiir ijni,7JksIiTnu tit- to "SmSrM "IHTH DAY Of OF JUNI. H44. TIMK ON T PACirjc DAYMCMT AV1N -ir.o at vsncouvvr, urmin t-wuimc, - THE CUSTODIAN, T.- ...... ,- ,.!! Klrref. 9,3 - TV ' Vancouver, Ht wife 31, 0 to 2, Moonlight Serenader's Orchestra. Eveiybody Welcome. A special committee of the Pitnce Rupert Gyro Club,, with Oordon Bryant as chalrmar., was. Instrumental In collecting vass the business portion of the elty for subscriptions. Dr. a ad Mr. 11. O. Knlpe, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Stonehouse and Miss Beulah Fry R. N.. left last night for Vancouver entoute to Victoria where Dr. Knlpe. Mr. Stonehouse and Miss Pry wiU attend a public health refresher course. Corp. Clifford WanamaXer of the administration and training staff of the Prince Rupert Machine Gun Regiment left this week, for Nanalma where he wl.l take a course of training. W. T. Slnton of the staff of ; "Your Health.'' official magazine of the British Columbia Tuberculosis Society published at Vancouver, has been spend- Prince Rupert. Announcements All tdrrrtuemtnu la tbU column will be chnrJ for a full month at 25c word. Dry Dock Employees Dance, Friday night. March 31. Proverb's Orchestra. struetlon Company here. Also ' . . , leavma U Wirham W&IIiif! resoyienan George Verner. age 35, who has 'AprU been employed as a supertn- Norway invasion 8. 8 pjn. 1 nre DAILY KEWS paotthrze; Spring Sale, Servlje. leuaem lor we Otinem ton- r i.thrnn rhnrrh R-itnrHnv Anrll struetlon Company, lives at Smjthers. Queen Mary Easter' Monday The Greenville gasboat Sally Tea. Mrs. Alex. McKenzie. r.M has been In oort this week NavyAuxiUary Dane, fellows' Hall, April 18. Freddie Mills, who is one of the few In Britain to believe he would stand a chance against Joe Louis, stepped Into London s Queensberry Club ring for iui first fight In nine months and won an unimpressive victory some $5000, for the Red Csoss a The British and Empire light a result of undertaking to. can Odd. C.WJ bridge, whist, crlbbage K.O.C. Hut. April 20. Job's Daughters' Dance. Mas onic Hall April 21. L. O. B. A. Dance. Oddfellows' Hall. April r,, De Carlos Orch estra. 1 Eastern Star Dance. April 28. Nurses' Spring Dance. May 2. Oddfellows' Hall A Clasifled-Ad In the Daily News will bring Quick Results. LIVELY AS A CRICKET! Don't tct slugjlsh down. Take Gin Pule the "relief or money back" remedy and see how much better youll feel. Regtrie (It. 40 rills tort site, SO rills (,1mm PMH" NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 193 For that Wanted MONUMENT OR MARKER See National Monuments C02 5th East Kox im Station H Prince Rupert, K.C. FOR ATAXI Telephone 65 Stand: Grotto Cigar Store heavyweight king had a tough time with Bert Oilroy. Scottish middleweight champion, before the referee stopped We fight in the eighth round of a scheduled 10-round bout II nothing elvr, the bout exposed the temerity of a recent challenge to Louis by Mills through his manager. Ted Broadrlbb. The feeling was that if Louis could accept the challenge he would "murder" the former country-fair booth boxer In the- first few seconds. Mills, weighing but 175 pounds was such a long way below the ' form expected of a champion that the crowd began to hoot when some of hl punches miss-, ed by a couple, of feet. Ring- slders agreed that until the Bournemouth Bomber concentrated on something more than a two-handed windmill attack Inz a few davs in the elty. being i he cannot be rated as a world on his annual business visit to I contender, me iignt was siop- i ped with ' Oilroy, weary and bleeding from a cut above his I eye. Many figured Mills should ! have stopped it in the first ! round when he had Gllroy on tbe canvas for a nine count. One of Freddie's punches missed Gllroy by nearly a foot and lended on the head of Referee C. B. Thomas. The officials knees i sagged for a second and he W.O.T-M. Dance Wednesday. , grabbed npes ye nlm. April 5. Oddfellows' Hall. 10 nrom going over. Mills apolo-2. Refreshment. De Carlo's j and e nght continued. urcnesira. Mill's Ust serious contest was last May when he took Just fyvc mmutes to knock out six-foot Al Robinson, a Leeds heavyweight who has .been beaten by Canada's Al Delaney. "I've been In boxing exhibitions and they are no use to me," said Mills, a sergeant physical training In with Captain Philip Clark and St. Andrew's Cathedral Spring ( ar tbe 1 rtai llTe Bertie Nelson on board. They ar , Sale. AprH 13. here on business, having arrlv- , . ; ; , . ed Wednesday morning and be- I st Peter Junlor ADrU 14 Ins due to return home to the Haas HrWr al the "end "of the structor In the Royal Air Force. . fights and I mean to get somehow " TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Local cafe wants clean respectable woman dishwasher. Hours 5 p.m. to. I am. Apply Selective Service AF 116. (79) them Irradiatxd Carnation Milk is just pure, nourishing j cows' milk...frcsh-from-thc-Country milk... with nothing i taken out by evaporation but j part of the natural water, i ilmnogeniration makesijc i creamy smooth. Irradiation adds extra "sunshine" vitamin 1 D. Sterilization keeps it safe until the can is opened. It is the preferred milk for bottle-fed babies . . . and a grand milk for creaming, cooking, drinking. Write for free cook book. Carnation Co. Ltd., Toronto. a IHMAOIATtD Carnation Milk Gnttnted Coifs A CANADIAN PRODUCT Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL UURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job. rhone Rlaek 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN MammmM M M i raaaaafTm .ftjiTiT J . 1 4 k im i TBTiTn 'Iw.ntm'KBlJUt llll'lI'M J. H. WILKES Prince Rupert Hotel ADDING MACHINE, Typewriter and Cash Register Service Wilt be in City until April 8 DO.NT FORGET . . THE BIG DANCE SATURDAY, APRIL 1st 9:00-13:00 p.m. I.O.U.E. HALL Formerly Eagles', 5th and McBride) Gentlemen 75e Roy Proverbs and His Orchestra Everybody Welcome KYVONG SANO RING HOB KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 :th AVE. WEST Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p-m. to. 12 pn. Tuesday.10 pjn. to 12 pm. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 12 pjn. Phone Red 247 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54... FRASER STREET Prince Rupert J. M. S. Loubser wai D.C., B-A. CHIROPRACTOR, lace Block Phone 640 THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 pan. to 2 ajn. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialists on Bulltup Roofs Repairs, Re-shlngllng Free Estimates Meet Mo at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Our Coffee Is Topsl 1 r lite lea u m SAIADA For fishermen and Outdoor Workers PURE WOOL WORK GARMENTS KERSEY SHIRTS- Both Button and Zipper Styles. CCIJ All sizes. Each rVJ FLANNEL SHIRTS . Pure Wool Wincey in Grey and CC Fawn. Each Jtl J Wool Wincey, Khaki. ,. CI QC Each fUi7J HEAVY PANTS Our stock of Humphrey Tweed Pants is complete. All sizes. Priced from, per pair $ to. $8.50 aaTiaaaalaaBaBsaaBaBaBaBaaBaTraaaB MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We hate a complete Tarlcty of aTailable Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetahles Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. WALNUT STEEL BEDSTEAD Steel Cable Bed Spring with Felt Mattress. Sizes 4-G and 4-0 Bed complete $37.50 UNIT STEEL BEDSTEAD Unit Steel Bedspring with wide Steel Ribbon. This is like pre-curtailment but sold as unit. Mattress extra. 4-6 size only .... $29.75 Send In your Mail Orders, they will be shipped to yon the day order received. Phone 775. 327 3rd Arenoe Sewing! . . Ladies: You can now get made to order Buttons and Buckles of your own material and design. . . . Place your orders with Cold Wave Coming Soon! We will be closed for one week while attending the demonstration for the new sensaUonal COLD WAVE, a permanent without heat, pads, or machine. Watch for ltl SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON VIOtET MAI! Cor. 6th Ave. and Fulton St. rhone Mae 911 is4 I! - Sj t"l: 1 i