t Handing Back Oil and n I 1 ! Il I on aaKnaiin isiana 10 T I naira Tkaf Aran DON, Marti 31 (CP)-Japan i . 3.2 to i to RuNsia oil and coal concca or-ki-aiin I and twenty-six years o Vy eduied .o expire, the Moscow nut a granted Japan concessions in 2$' Japan and ofi the Siberian coast iir .Lnc, in rxniri! in 1970. V ''?JH 1 ,panr-e nationals are to he remove "Sum at a Ual'' noi yci uuuuuiici-ii. r, ns f nc southern half of the island. ftp"" 1 Ml.lt. in ilium idi i ciiiiuuioiiiiij r...-. Japan i.-i to receive HO.OOO tons of oil an-m Ru:--iia after the war. ;paper I mtia said today editorially that pjwsz trenKth was one of the reasons r.c a Riving up tne concessions. iVI) JAPAN.. Pact ed Ud A. I' ill 1 1 rn n Hut RrUMnn ! Tit rounlrift Kfmiln . t.-A . 4 1 smI ith Japan, Jipanrtf tvrn panics to fob In Russian far ...... ran mil Japanese rrmain unchanged. I the sgrrrmtnt nmtdiamr known. hf Indrptndrnt Oper- VlltTIIIIS, ' . .( I U.I I . 'aber cruuer and Werrtay told a com. T '..c indepen I ' tipcu mar V 'd;,U of fir -pendent log 1 n:p4i,iri arc 'V -'e hemlock - - Mr lllb. Good Weekly 77 Vmpaptrmtn on rprr Put Out at II. mm . 4 T il.mtn nr. "'on .h .... if ? "" ana 1 . wrens, as- . . 11 i;l he servlri. i b -p:'1'1 "etchej and 'I' . i A. - . ' ,Vi Th5 n rr'm,;nt "tore , '"LP pcr cvtn con-bmd newi 1 tnlt writer ptM "ditn. .. "'. J" "Pen. liHJcnenee. :''omcrTnrnn( HEADS T.C.A. OCEAN PILOTS Appointment Are Announced lX Operation .Manager, J. II. Tudhope WINNIPEO. March 31Capt J J Lindsay Rood ha been ap-, pointed chief pilot. Canadian ; Government TranaAtlantlc Air Ret vice, operated by Traru-Carvada Air Line, it was announced yeaterday by J H Tud- ; hope, opera tlont manager Capt ' Arthur Rankin has been ap- , pointed chief pilot, western dlvi-aion. headquarter Lethbrldge. j Ilia place In the Atlantic service la being taken by Captain Jack Wright, Vancouver. Copt. Rood, one of 'the T C. A. veteran, who entered service In Pep" cn on th. .u,,l "tws-fcrothe- a" the ;ln"e an',""! us. the V:.M(hcr. iwl. 6lu" of football ';3c,jn .... it"!!..,. "a editor nf t 1R fsw - fcilU 1937, was born In Berwick. N. 6. and educated inline- public -aiut high school there and In Dal houile University. He began flying in 1W9 with the R.CAr. at Camp Borden and was later as Air Transport with the Brooks Airways, Prince Albert, and with the Canadian Airways, Winnipeg, going to T. C.A. in October 1937. Capt. Jack Wright, who has been transferred to the government transAtlantlc service operated by T.CA. has to his credit 1139 crossings of the Rockies between Lcthbrldgc and Vancouver In T.C.A. service. Born In Mission City, B.C.. he bcRan flying with the Aero Club of British Columbia in wu. started his own school or aero nautics In Vancouver the following year and left three and a half years later to become Instructor for the Toronto Flying Club. For a time he was associ ated with the Springer Exploration Company, flying in Northern Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba, and was with the Hennessey Air Lines at Sioux Lookout. He went to TransCanada from Canadian Airways in February 1038, and was based at Vancou ver. HUNS RETAKE CASSINO HILL NAPLES, March 31 O-Oer man troons moved Into posl tions evacuated days ago NEEDS HrJK FLEET Japan has 17,000 miles coastline. by I'l f i uit i:s ntvKN Wartime Housing Locally Eapendlture Has Keen .Million And Halt Hollars, Olof Han son Advised OTTAWA. .March 31, (CD -Wartime Homing Limited ha pent $1,526,751 for the pur thase of land and construction of 501 haute at Prince ltutert. Hon. Clarrnrr I). Howe, minister of munitions. ald in the Houc of Comi-ivn Thursday in a reply tabled for Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skeena. Wartime Homing alto built atx room school at a cost of $50,000 and a general sewage system was estimated to tost $75,000. 0l of each of the small two bedroom house wai estimated at $2,113 and the cost of large two bedroom house was set at S3.161 each. Four bedroom houses cost 51,102. RED ARMY ADVANCES Across Prut Ititer and Through Carpathians Toward Hungary and Rumania MOSCOW, March 31. 0 -Across the northern Prut River and'throTigh captured Clerno- wlu the Ukranlan army is moving Into the Carpathian Moun tains toward Hungary and Ru mania The advanee force u -related with the Halifax Aero i u1thm n(tMn mllet Hungary Club and the Cape Breton Fly- j and n.ftr a naM through the Ing Club. Before Joining T.CA he was with BritUh Always Limited, flying the Croydon- ftockholm route. Rankin Is also one T.C. Dloneer pilots. Born lorn In in Carpathian vakla. into CzechoSlo- of Englishman O Dudley. England, he came 'TnVPntc Ipf Canada at an early age and was lilTCUlo ICl educated at the Edmonton pub-1 -r CL lie and high schools and Uv? UHVen UlliP technical technical school. school. He He became became a I r machinist apprentice, machln-j ! LONDON .vr. March ,.-. 31 n O-C r-w osc Ut and apprentice Instructor "J.u Ma.i.i ion the disclosure that a Jet- mitll juc vu4i.ui.il .. . . . 1 latrr Laklnir an over- propcuea haul course with aircraft had been f,M 'built came word that a Jet-pro- der or funnels. It ts the invention of P. H. Wild, an Digllsh-man. whose brother. S. O. W. Wild, has renewed the patent on the Invention In Britain. "My broUier has carried out experiments with a ten-ton boat." said Mr. Wild. "It Is propelled by Jets of highly com pressed products or combustion. He prefers to describe his method as 'ejector' propulsion." SWIFT CURRENT, Sask., ......u ii rvi nnrtnrii are inter arre successive. Mr. and Mrs. Shlek have been n.rrioH seven vcars and now Local Tides Saturday, April 1 High 7:49 16.7 fet 21:21 15.9 feet Low 1:10 10.7 feet 14:25 7.0 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL MBlA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. fttlDAY, MARQH 31, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS War In Pacific Is Increasing '" i &33 I sw jf'-'v . bsIH-JhBBHhbH ROLANTj VOlTfO, iitage and film r a gue;it s'ar in the Bt B; ..' . 3 CupcraWOtJ - New Y'k .udica in a traiu A'ia;.u- r ; m Lend ,; bar he died 1st the itfage at the Acadrx . Llama". 1! At Afte: sevcat appea ancr- in London lie went to New York anrt piayert Uic 1 .art- of Alan Jeffcote in Hindle Wakes at the Maxime Elliott Theatre. Subsequently he appeared with the Washington Square Players, at the Bandbox Theatre, in Ibsen's "Doll's House antl "Iledda Gabler," in Shaw's The Devil' DUclple" and at the 49th Street Theatre, and in innumerable films. DEFER FARM LABOR TRANSFER DATE Those n Outside Industry Now Have Until April 15 to Get Back '.Not .Many Affected Here. The date upon which agricultural workers employed temporarily in otiUkSe Industries are lequlred to report to their local !ttSSHlnWto re sume farm work, has been set back from March 31. as origin ally directed by the National Selective Service CommunHon. to April 15. according to wo:d received by the Selective Service office here. The order does not affect many persons in Prince Rupert, it was learned from E. V. Whiting, local Selective Service officer. This office has not issued that sort of permit to anyone dlrecUy around the city although up the railway line we have Is-iued about 50 peimlts to small farmer who wish to work in nearby mines and sawmills dur ing the winter." he explained. R. C. St. CUlr ominaled as President Yesterday Uodds Again Secretary and McKae, Treasurer Jet propulsion for ships has. the coming 1 years, long been a . subject of experi ment and the Admiralty were responsible for some which were carried out nearly 80 years ago. Record Twin Births Three Times in Row klit Children Born to Swift Cur- rent. Sask., .Mother In Three and Half Years. jus a only name presented when the nominating committee submit ccttve Service office extends as far cast as Endako. Mr Wiling said that the order woatd have its greatest local ef fect on prairie farmers who have spent the winter woiking In this ATM There are not many of those, either," he continued. There are. only about a dozen In the dnfidoc work kandjnore, ihaasU Ing on the- highway." Any In this area who are af fected by the order will have to pay their own fares back to their nrairie homes. It was under stood. While the government will pay the transportation costs of an farm worker who was ordered out of farm work and Into another industry by the Selective Service commission, those INSPECTOR SPEAKS COMMUNITY SURVEY IS PROCEEDING Rotary Club Hears What is Be inr Hone to Improve Social Conditions Speaking before the Piince i; upen Rotary Club at luncheon 1 ye ierday. School Inspector B. Thorsteinsson told of progress that had been made in conncc-1 iion with the recently inaugura-!ad c immunity survey of so-l..al conditions In Prince Rupert ' Wii.h special reference to steps who left their farm Jobs volun- ; and certain groups In early and uafy- tarily will have to pay their own way back. None of the farm workers holding temporary war Jobs around Prince Rupert were ordered to come here so all are responsible for their own trans Iportatlon costs when they rc- The authority of the loral Sel- ; turn to their homes. New President Of Rotary Club R. C. St. Clair, d.strlct will be president of th? .Prince Rupeit Rotary Club for 1 t 1 111 LOG SCALE INCREASED Year to Hate Well Ahead of 1911 In Spite of Lag During Past .Month. In spite of a -March lag, log scaling In Frincc Rupert fores try district for the present year to date has reached an aggre gate of 27.938.526 board feet as compared with 16.562.G36 board feet in the corresponding period tal lL choice for officers for of iasi year, k. ...... in- vor o votrHiv's i The scale for this March has rMiilnr weekly luncheon. been 5.574,906 board feet com- work sided over by President A. s. Nlckerson. Thco Collart was congratulat- this city. The births cheon war savings certificate March. 1943. Slum shlck ui of " v.. i ... . cv i Pnrrtu-ruiH Cordwood raffle for the Queen's Fund was Thco' Collait. A guest at the luncheon was Indian and New Zealand troops-havc clgnt children. The first jW. R. Butchart of tamonion. and small enemy troops attack- tw0 ci,udren were born singly. "TTr.:"" ",0 ed inside Casslno. Dr. J. C. Burroughs, who at- LEANING TOWERS ... j-j Rhiplc n a her Italy has two other leaning confinement's, said he had towers besides that at Pisa, the . .rt nnr heard of three 163-foot Oarisenda and the 320- Ul llllliin -V. sets of twins In succession, j foot Aslnelll at Bologna. this March was scaled at 1207 cords compared with 391 cords In the same month last year. Japanese Bases at Truk, in Carolines, Hollandia and New Guinea Hit R.A.F. HAS tendency towards Juvenile c-Dfl I HCC imquency and to Improve nutti- ,UlJ LIS J J tjon of the children. Mr. Thor- stcinsson also mentioned some dcas which had been developed and weie being worked upon In the matter of public safely and vocation. The speaker suggested possibilities of young people en tering industries on an apprenticeship plan. "The only way we can obtain action on these matters is to get together on a community basis and formulate intelligent plans." asserted Mr. Thorstelns- son ana we wouia nice 10 nave your encouragement in every way possible. What we require Is the interest, time and .ntelll gent assistance of the citizens. Mr. Thorstelnsson acknowledged linanclal assistance that had been given by the Rotary Club in connection with preliminary organization of the council Mr. Thorstelnsson spoke of how the advent of the forces and : the. sudden, arising of. war. Industries and defence construe Hon had all at once completely ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, March 31 (CP) American heavy bombers . mashed at Japanese bases at Truk, in the Carolines, Hollandia and northern New Guinea on Wednesday and destroyed 172 enemy planes, Allied headquarters announced today. In the first bombing of Ninety-seven Planes Fail to Return from Raid on Reich Last Night LONDON, March 31. Royai Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Force bombers numbering more than one thousand smashed at the southeast German transport centre of Nuremberg and other targets last night at a cost of ninety-seven planes, the heaviest tvll ever taken of an Allied air fleet in a single opera Hon The Royal Canadian Air Force lost thirteen planes. It is estimated that 700 Allied air men were killed or captured. British planes were over Eur ope again today. March Police Fines $1520 Ninety-eight cases In police middle adolescence were left un-! There were 89 cases beiore provided for. Home influence the magistrate m eoruary ana had also been relaxed. The situ- 38 In January. atlon was reflected In the schools. Juvenile delinquency had Increased suddenly. While this was by no means the full solution. It had been felt that it was Important to do something in connection with recreational facilities. A public meeting had been called at which it had been de cided to institute the community survey with a view to obtain ing a complete picture of the whole social situation In the city under such headings as recreation, health, vocation, youth, Industry, safety, housing, culture, etc. Of course, It was not expected to suddenly renovate or moralize the city but it was felt that heie was a good opportunity for effective community action. A central co-ordinating suggestion 'that, in travelling the streets yn dark mornings and evenings during the seasons when there was little daylight, white raincoats might be worn to reduce the risk of traffic accidents. The results of a food survey among school children had already been made known. The speaker suggested that, where sunshine, so Important during the years of children's growth and physical development, was lacking. It was Important that the Vitamin D compounds should be made available. Indian children living in the neighborhood were supplied with cod liver oil without charge but what were the youngsters of Prince Rupert getting In that Turning Turning to to the tne Missing In Air Service Ewart Heiherington, Former Ical Welfare Officer, Listed 'ommlttcc had been formed and i j, y , sub-committees on various sub- ASKCQ 10 V lSll Jects were being set up. some having already commenced their , The nominating committee I pared with 6.860,777 board feet Under the heading of safety, hmtvuvt thai rt r Dndd be re- in the month of March, 1913. !Mr. Thorstelnsson made one elected secretary and Alex Mc- j The scale of forest products IUc. treasurer, with W. R. Mc- po' and piling-ln the interior Afce. lied Scadden and C. A. is also up this year from last Blind as members of the execu- amounting to a total of 594.085 live for the year. lineal feet for the first three W. J. Davles. local manager months of 1944 as compared of Canadian National Tele- with 375589 llnctal feet in the graphs, was welcomed as the first three months of 1943. latest new member at yester- The forest products scale for riav' luncheon which was pre- this March has been 49.475 Un- ested In the birth of three sets'! efl ,m tne nslon of hla blrth of twins in three years and five j day. u. vrr nnH Mr. Lvman Winner of the weekly lun eai icct as against ou.ioo iiihui feet In March. 1943. Ties scaled this March numbered 6053 pieces 748 spruce and 5,305 Jackplne as compared with 7,594 pieces In English Club The Rotary Club of Enfield, Middlesex, England, had an invitation before the local club yesterday extending an invitation to members of the local club who happened to be overseas to visit the club there and accept such hospitality as might be made available. The invitation was cccptcd and members of the local club who happen to be overseas will be advised of It. A brother of G. R. S. Blackaby. a local Rotary member, resides In Enfield. tics and industries co-operating. There might even be part-time school and patt-tlme employment. Mr. Thorstclnsson's address 11.1 1 1 .iii Ih DISCOVERED IN 1808 way? ! w" nsienea ""! The lightweight mineral, mag- wavronw mm j nrsium, invaluable in the war I field, the speaker suggesiea me oers una wiuaH c-pffort, was first identified In I organization of an apprentice- pressed to the speaker by the 1808 ship system with school authorl- president, A, S. Nlckerson. Truk from the South Pacific, the bombers scored more than two hundred direct hits on shop and hanger areas and parking aprons to destry forty-nine enemy planes on the ground. The Allies lost only one plane. At Hollandia the raiders destroyed 103 Japanese plane3 on ths ground. Other Japanese plane losses were Interceptors sent against the bombers over Truk, Hollandia and the Carolines. STANLEY CUP ADVANCED TO FINAL Montreal Canadiens and Chicago Black Hawks to Start Closing Series Next Tuesday. MONTREAL, March 31 t Montreal Canadiens and Chi cago Black Hawks last night qualified for the Stanley Cup hockey finals and will meet In Montreal next Tuesday In the . f rrtt-3im?trf&i' best ot'ot-' seven series. The Canadiens defeated the changed conditions In Prince court during the month of Toronto Maple Leafs eleven to Rupert. A situation, unavold- Aiarcn yieioea iu in iiu. able but undesirable, had been ; according to the police record, created and the idea was to meet Three cases were dismissed by it as effecUvely as possible. ! the magistrate. The halls and places of re-! Total of the fines assessed creation in the city. Umtted as against law offenders in police thev were, had been taken over, court so far this year Is $4,240, Men and women as weU as older with $2,105 being taicen tn aur-adolescents were busy working Ing February and $165 in Jan- nothing In a wild scoring spree last night while the Black Hawks eliminated the Detroit Red Wings by winning five to two. JAP MENACE TO IMPAHL NEW DELHI, March 31 The Japanese were disclosed to day to have penetrated into the main allied communication lines of the vital Manlpur plain. Jap infiltration parties laid down mortar fire on the main road running north from Im-pahl, capital of Manlpur province, and another party wa3 Manv frtpnds in Prince RuDert renorted north of Konima have heard with regret that I striking at communications on Ewart Hetherington, who became well known as provincial government welfare officer here, is reported missing after operations overseas with the Royal Canadian Air Force. His home Is in Vancouver where his mother resides. Rotarians Are the road to the Brahmaputra valley and the main Allied supply system. Oeneral Sir Clauae Aucnin- lech told the Indian National Assembly today that the enemy were spreading out in many directions and had reached the main British defences, directly threatening Impahl. General Sir Claude gave assurance that the security of Manlpur Province had never been in danger, let alone that of India. Navy Officer .'Makes Invasion Appear Easy SYRACUSE. Sicily. March 3 C1 They tell a story now abou'. a naval officer who landed wltl Invasion troops at Llcata or the southern coast of Sicily an had to go to Syracuse 200 mile, away. All railway traffic had stopped because the line ran too close to the fighting front. So the officer borrowed a train from the local statlonmaster and ran his own "special." The officer was Lieut. G. 8. Ritchie. D.S.O.. Royal Navy, of Aberdeen. He had several ratings and some gear so. he said, "to go by train was the simplest way." ISLAND-STUDDED There are 500 Islands In the Aegean Sea.