,l. If It am 31 IBh PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR DAILY EDITION also reserved. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week , Per Year Per Month By Mail, per Month Per Year ADVERTISING RATES St. Patrick's Day . . . Friday, March" 17, 1944 MEMBER OF' THE CANADIAN PRESS' The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to use for nubllca- .15 $7.00 .65 .40 $4.00 Death. Funeral, In Meraortam, Engagement and' Wedding Notices. Card of Thanks $2.00 Birth Notices .50 Funeral Flowers, per Name .10 Classified, 2c per word, per Insertion, minimum .... 50 Transient. Der inch .75 Contract, per inch. -50 Readers, per line - .25 Black Face Readers, per line Business and Professional Cards inserted daily, per month, per inch - 8 Columns, 12 ems. 287 Lines to Column. 5-Piece DUNCAN 1'ITYFB DINETTE SUITE $89.50 Built of Solid Walnut Four neat-looking chairs to match, have padded seats. A suite that is practical and cheerful. ELI0 Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next to Hie Dally News) SHOP AT THE SEVENTH AVE. MARKET "The Friendly Store We handle HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS and VAN'S BREAD Also Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Our Prices Are Right .50 $3.75 Qf Pnriiflf' Dnv is nnp rhino- nil Irishmen, come ACTIVITIES OF i Y.M.CA. and Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTTi More about the work, of the Y.W.OA. War Services In England duiing the last war.. This time it's all about the services to the munition workers- ..... It was In- the spring of 1915 that the great demand came tor the- services of the Y.W.CV ' tlon of all news despatches credited to- it or to the: Associated . Th. e I,rirt-0 , munitions ,,ninnL,c w had Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. ; shortase,.,0' aii nenis oi repuDHcaticn of sneclal desoatches therein are ' yuun ikusiii. 'Great shell factories -were springing up all over the countty and every engineering shop was turning out war materiel. More and' more recruits' were being-enrolled for the army and th; demand came for women, no enly to serve as nurses and thr hospitals as in previous war but for the first time to take the placr of merr in factories and workshops In making mur.lt.. sn of war. As is well known, the response from every ca. s wa. Immense-so much so that it was imposfible for the governmrat a cope with the emergency witii out voluntary help. For six months the YAI.CA and the Y.W.C.A. worked gether in organizing canteen. but, at the end of that time, was decided to work independ ently although in close tauch with each, other .i - xi i ... . i r.i.c . ' x.w.wv mui .n tney irom norm, soum, east or west, iroin DeuaM,iWoikers. Wclfare CoaimlMes or from Cork, have in common. And each March 17 j worked frcm June 1915 ? Ft St. Patrick works a miracle no less wondrous than.ruary 1919 and m that tjne his driving of the snakes from Erin he rallies airtfK100ne-5i canteen. Irishmen in agreement. They agree' that it's the lT' greatest day of the year; and they all wear paddy ; eminent colony of 700 gtrs green. j working on dangerous war . , . j material. Sometimes the request Conflicting, legends surround the antecedents of was for the Association to pro-Patrick's Day observance- There IS disagreement I ride the canteen workers and be even over the earliest Canadian celebration. Nova ; sponsible for the ma-agement Scotians claim to have remembered the "17th of lr-,$Z land" back in Io0; but the-first certainty on record ( qUentiy the whole financial wit-is an annual Charitable Irish Society banquet inau- lay for equipment and for the gurated at Halifax, March 17, 178G. Quebec records prevision of voluntary staff and 'go back farther, reporting a military celebration of ' Twc rcsponslbmiy 'the day in 1765. The Dominion's first St Patrick's ' J )ay " parade was staged at Quebec in 1819. I in these days of financial cm- , . . , , . , flculty It may be interesting to ' Even dimmer is St. Patrick's history across the . note- that the income of the 'sea. Kilpatrick, near Dumbarton, Scotland, is said to y.W.ca. which in 1913 was un-be the birthplace of Patricius Magonus Sucatus Cal- der 6000 o,ooo rose m mo ijurnius, and many a present-day Scottish , placeame ?-g$8 J -does him homage Kilpatrick, Dalpatnck and Crag- huts harJ: to be put up "phadrig, among Others. quickly for canteens and chibi , , . , and sleeping accommodation T t ir i Just why the ancient saint is honored on March i PIOvided and, although a :i aiSO permits OI speculation. Une Story IS that deal of magnlftcient voluntary March 17; 461 A.D., was the date of St. Patrick's death. Others suggest the seventeenth was his birthday.. Then there's the story that a Father Mulcahey settled upon the March 17 as a compromise between two schools of thought which had claimed March 8 and 9, respectively, as the saint's natal day. Besides driving the snakes from Ireland it's a ;.fact, there's not a snake or. a toad to be found on the ; Emerald Isle, though neighboring islands have them St.. Patrick is ako credited with giving the Irish 'their revered shamrock emblem. He is said to have been speaking at Tara when someone expressed : doubt regarding the Trinity. St. Patrick, then a ; Christian missionary among the pagaa Irish, silently ;plucked a shamrock and held it triumphantly aloft .as an instance of there existing three in one and ione, ia three. Since that day, the- shamrock and St iPatrick have shared their Irish immortality. help was-given by night and day. to the Association, the centres had of necessity to be in charge of trained and experienced women. Later on In the war the same kind of provision was undertaken for the Army pay and other government clerks in which work girls were replacing men In laige numbers. Under this special committee' 55 canteens and hostels were org&nlzed, the largest undertaking being the canteen in the Ministry of Munitions itself at Hotel Victoria, where the Y.W.C.A. fed 2000 men and women dally and provided a rest room for the women. . . . i Tomorrow abouH the work of the Y.W.C.A. in France.) Fresh Local Haw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE G57 KWONG SANO I UNO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WljST (Next to King Tai) All your patronage welcome Open 3 pjn. to' 12 p.m. Tuesday.10 p.m. to 12 p.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 12 p.m. Phone Red 217 PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Rox 725 Specialists on Ituiltup Roofs Repairs, Re-shingllng Free Estimates THE DAILY NEv7S- rniDAY For Eczema Skin Troubles Make up your mind todnr that ymi are going to plve your skin a real rhancv to get wr'i Oo to Oram LM. ur any good drug store and get an. urtglnai bottle of Moon EmrraM Oil U teat many U)ra breamta t la otajrilf eomentMted. The very first a(4ttcat4oa via give ye rell te mMng of Bcwraa. t quickly Mapped eruptkmn dtr up and acale off in a rery fe day. I The same Is true of Itching Toaa and Feet. Barber's Itch. Salt Rtwttm and other akin troubles Remember that Moones OH is a otn. neawfikV pe iniOg Antiseptic Oil rie dm no atata r leave a grew? rraaduex Complin satisfaction r moncv back Ffortgarryi BASKETBALL LAST NIGHT Deployed a:o ig the full ienfcth '. Kaien Ialand. basketbal' -kirmlshers traded shots las: : ;tu in tussles at Seal Cove, the Naval Drill Hall, ana Port Edward.- On of six games s-htduled. Ibur were played, r stponed was the C WA.C J?tett USRD. girls affray cllrd for Seal Cove It will be played off on Tuesday. A so at Seal Cave, Reserves uu by deffcuH over Midlands. . hen tile Ontario boys failed to up R '-ults of other games were Wumc n : U als 19. Last Resort 10. f r Edward 72. High School r . Edwar. v - 101. Co-Ops 27 Per! A7. Coast Battery 34. Drill HaU. . t hog-wlid on a ccr:' g st -he Yanks ran up lr? tn.v the highest tally c;v . d :n area basketball c m It was said this monur- : isibly with some exavge rati, that there was so mum I trirr flying at the co-op's ;) -h.it it :eembled a minor ; i of meteoriles. " . Ued from Wednesday '" when they were to meet ' -c Group 4 floor, the WD -"..::i- and CWA.C. are to j .j.: ontght at the aame i Trv a Results. Want-Ad for Quick n3 f C.lVr. flENEROUSLY .Henry ColHsOIl, Fashion Footwear A. J. noMJXATO. IT IS A CUSTOM OF THE COUNTRY Cuing uphill in Ttirkntun thtyhnngan t' fo (he tail of a Yah. vmitr y. m mm Kitkatla, Dies H r,r? C illuon one of the a k ' w: native leaders of U j d. t . -.. died at hu home Tii.age of KUkatla down th zz.-- from here on Tuesday of s ? week, according to word j , the city. He was abtu x ars of w and U sur-uv .i widow and sons and .ug:'-T He was a familiar " arc .: P.tnce Rupert, having na v -ited the city. HU father 't re Henry Colllson. was a miju chief ciiiNESK itELicr fiirr The subttantlai sum of $500 has been pretented to the Chinese War Relief Fund by th Ir.arvalley Lumber and Supply C of Terrace tt Iv 2P 29"75 33'73 - . mam mmmrc m nil i n.i i oi.r r.,,o.Ha. . ..... mMt 4fa- . "t tin. HM.rr f Iw I. .si. . - " . u w, UL) SH0PPIN Is a tiresome chore. When you come home, relax and enjoy a cup of Neilson's delicious Chocolate Cocoa. 1 lb. 29c, lb. 19c liiljLL - v--ootatotte (''..' Uphill down dale; coast-to-coast, it's BOND . . . Mrrt a man frrmi Vancouver ami he'll praic tli ff-r of Honil Clollirs. "Tlic cornfurt in the cut, he'll nuy. ''ui t from Nova Scotia ami like a not Im'll rave altoiit llu value inlicrcnt in lloinl'a niailctomca'-iirc nit! iiml the ear tliev pc They'll Itotli he riht.. Bond clothes earn the jirai-e tliey geU For style, cut, genrroii liaml.wuinj:, for all the detail typical of good cii-toin tailrtriu?-plu llioronligoing value in stlc that keep U fliape and give hard wear you couldn't find anywhere better to shojr for M'"r "i!iadetoy-Mirmcatirc'' clolhen than at ISond. i,oiiii;s US m 0 Itvmvmbvr. . .Tailorcd-to-Mcnsurc EXCLUSIVELY AT RUPERT MEN'S and BOYS' STORE