! :paoe four fi- r" KM Expert OPTICAL SERVICE FT DODIMEAD CIIAS. CIIAS. DODL NTl v- j Optometrist in 7 $ I Watch Repairing C,ock Step Into Spring With H ARTT SHOES Charge Jewelry Hind Enjravinf VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties JEWELER MAX HEILBRONER DIAMOND MERCHANT J , Down through the years, almost since Prince Rupert first existed, we have served the people. The prescription laboratory we have always tried to keep modern, using skilled pharmacists, quality drugs, the best of equipment As we start a new year, we are proud of our record, and grateful for the confidence you have shown in us. May we continue to serve you. Ormes ltd. 77ht Pioneer Druggists THE REXALL STORE PHONES 8i and 82 Open Daily from 9 ajn. till 9 pjn. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 pjn. and 7-9 pjn. Lustron Cold Wave Permanents Something new in Beauty. Phone now for an appointment HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone 655 206 4th Street We can think of no better way to spruce up for Spring than to order a Pair of Hartt's Handsome New Spring Shoes fdr Easter. SOLE AGENTS . . . FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" INCOME TAX 1943 Income Returns to be filed on or before APRIL 30, 1944 FORMS NOW AVAILABLE Prepared by R. E. MORTIMER ' 321 Second Avenue Coal Orders I'hone 88 Wc can now deliver your coal orders. Please give us three days warning before delivery ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. PHONE 116 and 117 Classified Ads WANTED TENDERS CALLED SEALED TENDERS for the purchase of the business known as Miller's Flower Shop wttl be received by the undersigned until noon Wednesday, March 15. 1944, inclusive of stock and fixtures. Separate tenders will be recived for the household effects in the rear of store. Copy of inventory will be supplied on calL Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms cash. E. J. Smith, Executor, co G. W. Nickerson Co. Ltd. (68) BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEX FORM- SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty. PHONE 858 Mall 'Orders Box 93 MODERN TAILORS We are open again for alter- tions on Ladies' and Men's Suits. Quick and efficient service. Reasonable prices. 318 5th St. (Behind Royal Bank) AUCTIONEER J. MAIR Phone Black 934 For mGII CLASS DECORATING AND PAINTING Call LEO OYER Red 395 867 Borden St. B, LAMB, TAILOR Ladies and Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes . 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving - Beauty Culture in all its branches 206 4 th Street Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and 'Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited, B. F. Lovln, Representative Box 520 1315 Plggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. FOR SALE WANTED light housekeeping i FOR SALE Solid walnut up- roonu. Apply Mrs. Marie Brooks, General Delivery. (63) WANTED Washing machine. Good condition. 987 7th Ave. E Box 1H4 Station B. (66) WANTED Single or double electric hotplate. Phone Blue 370. WANTED urgently to rent, 2 to 4 room suite or house. Will buy house it necessary. Box 710 Daily News. (66) WANTED Clean housekeeping room wanted by respectable non-drinking young man. Phone Black 937. (65) WANTED One housekeeping room for quiet couple. Urgent Box 711 Daily News. (66) $50.00 REWARD for Information leading to rental of suitable furnished apartment by quiet young couple. Box 712 Dally (News. (67 right piano in splendid con dition. Apply 126, 9th Ave. West. (66) FOR SALE 20 foot motor boat . Apply boat "Seahawk," Cow Bay. (66) FOR SALE Bedroom furniture. 245 4th Ave. West. itf) FOR SALE Empire stove, wood and coal. $25. Blue 624. (67 FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon March, 21 for purchase of gas boat Bella II, owned by Charley Miller, deceased, dimensions 28 x 8' x 3', 6 h.p. Easthope, equipped with trolling gurdy. chain and anchor, dingy, oil burner, stove and poles. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms cash. Boat moored Standard Oil Dock. Norman A. Watt, Official Administrator. (68) FOR RENT ROOM and Board. 976. Phone Red (65) FOR RENT. 2 room suite and contents for sale. 1034 Seventh Ave. East. (66) TO RENT. Two single rooms. Partly furnished. Gentlemen preferred. Apply Hawkinson's Laundry. (66) HELP WANTED WANTED. Men for underground work at northern gold mine.. No experience necessary. Apply Selective Servic AAL 111. (88) WANTED. Experienced miners for Northern Gold Mine Apply Selective Service AAI. 110. WANTED. Old established gold mine in the North wants miners and muckers. No experience necessary. Apply National Selective Service. C 583. (64) WORK WANTED RELIABLE woman will care fo: children during day. Blue 317. (66) WANTED Part time work eve nings. Box 705 Dally News. LOST LOST Man's gold wedding ring. Reward. Capt. Martin L. Dickey. Army Transport Water Division. (66) FOUND FOUND Lady's wrist watch near Ridley Home. Information at Dally News on paying for this ad. (tf) I'ERSOIN'AI, FOR THE BEST in Painting, Paperhanglng and Decorating Phone Blue 378. "We can sat- Isfy." (69) EXPERT PERMANENTS Esther Stanyer, late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver. Phone Blar;k 934 or call at 1345 Pigott Place upstairs. (65) SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54 . ERASER STREET Prince Rupert Mutual Benefit FOR Health and Accident See JOHN L. WRIOHT Phone 741 Pioneer Rooms, No. 6 Mark every grave while you have the opportunity. They, deserve it. See National Monuments C02 5th East. Box 1425 Station II Trlnce Rupert. B.C. J. L CURRY (Late of Yukon) CHIROPRACTOR Smith Block Phone Oreen 995 THE DAILY NHWS FRIDAY march, ! I ijjiiihiiijiy 551 Rheumatic Pains BACKACHE In .'I t M hoors laln Ait llrllrmt ..u ;! Krt Cumfort Again K arcing pains - the kind UUl Drvt-r cwn to let up that rob a man of his sleep--that make him jut a bundle of nerrea: worn out and unable to work The safest and most effectlTe way to get rid of the Insistent pains and achra la to get a bottle of Allenru. Be sure you get Allenru whkh cornea In iiquld form. Take a directed and in about 24 noun you should notice a i tiange for the better Continue un- ! you are satisfied with result t the relief you want and have a rtfhl to expect It doesu't matter now long you rr-ui have suffeml or whether the p nr.- fire In the shoulder, arm, neck r.r leg-Alleiiru should gin you :.: rrlief W J HcCtitcheon. Ormes 1 or n; v l tlxusslst wUl be i...t.. to supply Minora Blades Mean HAPPY SHAVING Comfortable; thavet at a rtal saving that's the net of the Minora story. It's the, quality bloda in It low price field. timiiik su: MWI i Sen:, it t-1 s.. s ... : ivcd by -.in- Ui-'rirt i-r. In:. :e Rupert i Hut w..ii! t, . n ttw 31st day LETTERBOX .f Marvti )!. 1 .r Ui pircluiae of at TOC H. 1 Licence X34H.ll d milr west of Kltaumkalum l-akc to cut 76.300 lineal feet of Cedar roles and Piling Three Oi years wUl be allowed for removal of Umber. rurther particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria BC. the District Forester. Prince Rupert. BC. Ranger 8. O. Cooper. Terrace. B C. NEW ROYAL HOTEL e A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 195 SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypolnts, Stewart and Noth Queen Charlotte Islands i Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 563 NNyuiMO, The Seal of Quality British ColumbiVs T3RsJalVL -J Finest Salmon IN FAIRNESS TO TOC II In an article appearing in the Prince Rupert Dally News of Tuesday captioned "Opening of New Hostel," it states that, "It was in this building where wai services first began during the early days of the present conflict." This is correct so far but when the writer of the article gees on to say Rev. (Major Roy Durnford, assisted by a number of local service otganlaxtlons formed the United Services Hut. the impression Is to anyone not knowing the facts that this was Uie actual beginning of any kind of social service activity carried on for the troops where-1 as you, Mr. Editor. I am sure are well aware that this Is far from i the truth. I would, therefore, j like to say that Toe H started i TODAY and SAT. TO VISIT CANADA OTTAWA Premier Peter I'riter of New Zealand and Premier John Curtin of Aus- to look alter the troops wnen no tralla will vblt other organization was In exls-1 Jfar. tence or able to do so. We J were fortunate in that we had a j fairly large flat In the Stork I Building, well suited to the needs of a social centre on a small Kale. Toe H doe not believe In publicity or bally-hoo but, In Justice to al who so willingly gave of their time and money. I think it only fair that you glvt credit where it Is due. Pilnce Rupert Oroup Toe H had no funds, no well paid staff, none of its members were in a position to provide funds, but they did have the Inspiration und example of their Elder Brethren who at Poperinghe ana Ypres started to put Into practice ideas which many people talk about but do not carry out. Toe H soon after the commencement of hostilities, threw open .Is rooms to all members t ali se: vices and, with the he p of the ladles, wives, daughters and friends, served refreshment every evening. Furniture wis scruunged, begged or borrowed b:oks. magazines, games, wrlUr.t material, etc: provided, and during the week-ends, or at any ; Ume a service man happened to be in town over night, he coutrf always find some kind of a bed At least one marriage ceremony was performed In our large sitting room, service men's wives . or girl friends could came ther to meet their men, two newly wed couples were able to rent rooms theie at a nominal sum. I could go on to much greater length but do not wish to take up too much of your valuable space, but I must mention several outstanding workers, one oi whom our Toe H padre. Roy Durnford 'then the Rev Roy Durnford of St. Peter's. Seal Cove) was a veritable dynamo of energy and beloved by all. Bill Lamb, a genius In organization and catering, and BUI Smecton always ready to help-both these are now among our Elder Brethren who "Orow not old" and in whose memory i (should be enscrlbed "Semper i Fldells." Roy we know is "carrying on'' in the true spirit of Toe H. The time came In our activities when we realized that wc rould not carry on alone hence , 'he United Services Hut. j Over three thousand signatures were In our visitors' book before we were absorbed or unit ed I should say, with the other Prince Rupert organizations. Many of the writers of these signatures have given their lives and lie In far distant lands or in ocean deeps. Many othets will remember their first few months of service and the home far from home, that the Prince Rupert Oroup Toe H endeavored to give them. Several of us receive Christmas cards and letters still from many war zones Italy. Jamaica and naval units saying that they lemember and appreciate the "good thing thus begun" to quote Toe H prayer. Our collection box received many practical expressions of this appreciation and friends of Toe H helped In this and other ways, but the main part of the work and financing was done by the small "band of brothers." "We were the pioneers," can be truthfully said by Ihe group, and the Irish Fusllleis, Signallers, Scottish, Ounners and Matclots will chorus "You bet!" The work Is being carried on by the wonderful organizations now In existence, and good luck to all this personel In this great Job. Hut Mr. Editor, will you 'Jmt print this In fairness to Toe H? "ONE OF THEM." FIRST DICTIONARY Samuel Johnson published tiie ( first English dictionary In 1755, Complete 8howg at 1 09 & , M Canada this Specid Feature at no 7 , ., -u lil'i. mAAtirif ARfaTC... GmlCftAiy ON THI UM1 fioJSj-"What.. Cooti,' w Snex.jK3 c A8iwvl "Hid NAVAL IL PUISONU OTTAWA -XlnitlS( navai men art prh war ii it anhouottt J are in dermin hindij jpine.e ht Us. Increasing Leadership ALMOST 4i )t R the Caroitiai evaporating plan! Itincvj wwk, proJutirj i few hundred rant of CarrutMia Now there are ' I evsporaiioK pUnti and rcttiiog Msltons lonicd in the fincM diinins rtkm ol Canada and the United States, producing di'lr milliuoi ol cast J Carnation Milk. To win Icadertlup ... to h: M and iaiproit i( . . . iodicam that (here hat bro tleady crtntth in the iJitf ol IrrsuuuJ Carnaiitm Milk - the evaporiird milk uwj by more pcT'c ihnwghuuf the orld than ac? exher brand. U'riic for free, illustrated ccuk fc Canutioa Co Lid 470 Oranvlllr S V A CANADIAN MODUCT m MiuT irnat ion milk Men'a Over Coats and Tod Coati.M Grade Materials such as All WoolW lish Tweeds, Carss Tweeds, ti England Tweeds. Best Tailoring It is very difficult to get such ql of material now and at these prices, r can save $10 to $15 on a garment. There are assorted shades and H sizes, 34 to 42. Don't miss them Sec us fin. STORE OPENS 9 A..U MEN'S TOP COATS (I) All Tweeds. Now " MEN'S TOP COATS At MEN'S TOP COATS $ At . MEN'S TOP COATS jJ MEN'S OVER COATS ... l"s'uu,.os: $16.95 ,0 $31 MEN'S RAINCOATS f, Rlue and Fawn. All sizes. Now y HOYS OVER COATS Hl All Wool, full lined. Save $5. Now MEN'S PANTS For Dress and Work. All assorted shades and sizes. CT 7s Price, ner nair. from lJ ' ROYS' WINDRREAKERS . i Assorted shades. CI OS 1 Ji Now, each 1U1J HOYS' SWEATERS m,..t All sizes. 75' )l Low price h ' LADIES' OVERSHOES (j Fur trimmed. Clearing. Hog. $3"W- ,n. ) Now, pair 3rd Avenue. B.C. CLOTHIERS M IIUY WAR WINDS