4. Lri uvih "inn a ori.M( v i v in ii ai ', T iR SCOOTER i.vi Gord : Davjr-i.fl' on the new paratrip motor-scoot -' it will travel more tu.n 30 miles per be dioppod f,rom a plane by parachute It now with Canadian parachutist training , r U III I I .1 1 f I V Here rrrii a m an- Cmmonr Conducted YfirtvW' - a men's und ex- i;. . ill the Siorfc (;..-.. if WW v f L 3, Martyn. T:e-jirri- .. .1 .-.wr ' i- nen-- a t: .dtcreat t'.i were sur- a::a with the ' imi stable : been ' r h . find ! fad-1 "R ": urn's v ,: ' : :111m line (1 been ISi i Col- aiung 1 b( 'uming Rupert in rta to his ' i' mmu-Ai my (I (X-l ') Uit the ...iXiiiary '. the ' :.i'C es-v. ui ! he to the war was i Marlyn, F Col. T. 11 C :ass' " ' Suites r Hudson ..i.i Navy - f:ic oc-.un s. . of Ai ' und 1U John or u.. c. 1 ' w"r I r.. ifnt M a i'C av "'"my be ntM " J. '-a hov for 6; j a'n- ni;r mcn vcr- lwierio. year . .. . " I il rlr '"local auxlll n . hi "u- and tin ,;"":' and 1 D n .k Uiund- (Hp new IJoke " llll "in- ui U.S. NOT ADVISED WASHINGTON. March 17 Secretary of Stale Cordell Hull I . ,1.., L. ,tl.J am wuh; Mm, uiv uiumi States government had not been Informed of Russia's in- Untions previous to Russian recognition of the Badogllo gov- etnmMit-of Italy. He MM- the while he knew unofficially that It might happen he was olflcl- ally Ignorant of the thing un - til It AMiirrM Th mnva t-a si contrary to United States dip - lomaUc policy, and hU country would not recognize the Ragdo- lio government, he continued. Convoy Job Is Still Big nrrxwA M.irrh 17 O Naw Minuter Annu Macdonald said v.-rrfa m the House of Com. andlmona that Canada was doing i alkm of thu Pre-war trend had ,n a dramatic fashion slmultan-i liuecessfully a big naval convoy j job on the Atlantic and that;05' throughout Canada too much time should not be i aroused the peojple and their vernlng agencies. The result isnent in thinking of sending .ships to the Pacific unUl the convoy Job is done. BIG BLAZE . AT MASSETT A fire on Monday destroyed several bulldlnfw at Massctt on the Queen Charlotte Islands. The blaie destroyed the con- tructlon company's camp. Mar tin's store, a pool hall and two house Frank Wright, the company cook was Injured in a Jump from a burning building ana was brouglit to nospiuu m Prince Rupert. acknowledging the courtesy of r I r-. I I P.M V Vsommunacr unanes i. cif. In making It possible for the naval band to turn out and play for the occasion. The.e was prayer by Capt. A. napson, acting senior padre tot .he1 area. The new hostek of course, oentres around the six airy dormitories which have accommodation for a total of 150 men Here at moderate cost clean and comfortable accommodation Is made available for service men on leave and otherwise out of , barracks. Highlight adjunct features Include the large main lounge, a particularly delightfully appointed writing room, a compact little sewing and pressing room, the canteen and lunchroorp. Substantiality, neatness and cleanliness arc to be I noted in All the fenture.i of the and place l Allies New Zealanders Are In Thick of Battle Along Rome Highway API.ES, March 17 (CP) The Kifth Army forces have now fought their way into Cassino to the southeastern outskirts and captured several prominent heights- overlooking the ruined town. New-Zealand troops finallv drove the fiermnns frr.m nil hut one corner of the town. " ELIMINATE VENEREAL DISEASES Never Were Condition Belter to Combat Syphilis and Gonorrhea. "Events and condition are favorable for the final eradication of venereal diseases In Can- I ad." deciated Major B. 0. Mos-jcovkh of the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps In speaking before the Prince Rupert Rotary Club yesterday. Dr. Moscovleh l. poKe in connection wun in current Social HvrUne nam. ipalgn Week. "There Is a full tide of wholesome public Interest, concern and support," he said "lA mM&ft j 1 'dtfWrf THtnsT these master saboteurs of our war effort Never before has ;:here been such an imposing; , .... . Ku l i ' ; available human resource ar- . rayed against the serious threat of syphilis and gonorrhea. If every citisen in Canada takes his station on the health, welfaie. legal or moral sector of Canada's four sector front against venereal disease the favorable outcome of th; battle Is assured " There was evidence even before the onset of war that a growing social consciousness was ! uncovering this long-neglected ' national tragedy. The acceler was a united desire to overcome venereal disease. As a result or the recognition of the need for Immediate action to reduce the threat of venereal infection to Canada's wat effort and home life, a comprehensive central program had been launched last July Integrating the control measures of the forces, the Department of National Health and the Provincial Department of Health followed by a natmal disease con trol conference In Ottawa in December with 105 delegates and visitors assembled. Here principles and policy which would guide the antl-vcncreal dtseasc program were laid down. The purpose was to take the offensive on each sector as follows: Health sectorwaging unrelenting war; with weapons of modern medical science', and public health procedure by physicians, nurses and health departments. Welfare sector Social workers i and welfare agencies aiming I to battle squalor, overcrowding, i lack of food, neglect and I sccuilty. Legal sector courts, legal profession and police agencies seeking out and bringing to Justice those whom for personal . . . . ...... I m. ,.' iir.nl.. gain puiitvjr iv "n" a vw ncsses. j Moral sector Churches' and homes leading I'm battle to strengthen ine moral fibre of (Continued on Page 3) Hockey Scores Detroit 10, Boston 9. Montreal 3, Chicago 2. Taking From that point the Via Cacinlna lead into the Llrlftne Valley and on to Rome. Th German arc still said to be oe-l40 cupying the ruins of Monte Cas sino Abbey, SOFIA IS ATTACKED Second Air Itaid in 21 Hours on Bulgaria Capital NAPLES. March 17 O-BriU toi bombers In the Mediterranean area played an Important nan in , ,..,., . ' " V. Bulgarian capital of Sofia last night. It was the second attack within 24 hours on the Bulgarian capital Red Cross i Donations Previously acknowledged $15,552.21 Kwong Sung Hlng 10 00 Grand Cafe 30.00 King George Hotel 10.00 Sincere Cash and Carry 10.00 International Cafe 5.00 Canadian Army Team No. 183A (additional) 52.97 Norton Youngs 5.00 Mrs. J. Cook. Digby Island 5.00 Delist Chapter No.18. O.ES. 20.00 Mr and Mrs. D. Dlngwell 5.00 Deepsea Flahei men's Union 10.00 Mrs. T. Salmon 5.00 r. P. Balagno 5.00 Louis Rom, Empress Hotel 25.00 Fmpire Stevedoring Co. Employees 97.00 Canadian Bank of Com merce Employees 70.00 Royal Bank of Canada Employees 46.00 Bank of Montreal Employees 23 Qo R. O. Hopkins inno J. R. Blackbourn jO oo W. o. Kennedy lo'oo O. N. Griffin 5.00 Mrs. W. O. Kennedy 5.00 Doreen Tyler 5.00 Grace Browne 5.00 Dorothy Peachey 5.00 Solveig Sorrnson 5.00 Eileen Fcarby 5.00 rhyllls Carwlthcn 5.00 A. Fratcn 12 00 A. B. Armstrong " 00 R. B. Epoonci 7.00 a 11. Linton 5.00 Margaret Smith 5.00 G, R. 8. Btackaby 5.00 n. O. Birch 5.00 Mrs. R. M. Whitlow 20.00 Captain and Mrs. A. Puzlss 5.00 Anonymous 5.00 Mrs. A. R. Nichols 5.00 A Friend 5.00 ' Mrs. D. M. Hill-Tout 5.00 Mrs. J. C. Gilker 6.00 ; W. D. SmHh 5.00 Eileen Gibson 15.00 Mrs, QusSlancy 5.00 Anbr.ymous 20.00 Mrs. M. J. Keays 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. A. n. love 5.00 W. T. Lee 5.00 ' W. B. Cook 5.00 Joseph Anderson 5.00 John Knapp 5.00 C Argyle 5.00 J. S. Wilson 10.00 Wm. Smith 5.00 B. A41en 40.00 Total to date $10,098.18 I' NORTH EKN AND CiSNTflAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 4 -tJ111' Na 5 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1044 price five cents N axis Retreat To Rumania Over Cassino NIGHT OF BOMBING Factories in Fiance Principal Targets for Allied Attacks By Air. LONDON. March 17 Q The rubber tire factory at Clermont-Ferrand, 30 miles southwest of Vichy, and railway targets at Amiens were attacked last night by Royal Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Force bftmber-j, while Mosquitoes struck at western Germany. All planet returned safely. nnihan bombers were about pfr cent of the force sent out during the night to Amiens. 'h-hrfe:) and Augs 'Hi : .? th- principal target? of ye "rrday's raids. Two thousand American and other plane; wtru ovr. Fifty-sU German planp were snjt down durln? the day Finland Asked T r 1 i o rveconsmer i ;STCCKHOLM. March 17 - Guiiav and thr Swedish 2nc vfrnmcnt have appealed to the Finns to reconsider their ! d?f,Mi,n rejecting Russia's peace terms Carpenters' Union Meets No vccial considerations were brought to trie attention of members of the Brothe:hood cf Carpenters and Joiners of America, a; the regular meeting: of the union, held In the Carpenter's Hall last night. Routine business dominating the meeting There was a good turnout of members. DOUKHOBOR VIOLENCE Trouble Between Orthodox .Members and Sons of Free dom Sect at Brilliant. BRILLIANT. March 17 r Violence between orthodox Doukhobors and the radical Sons of Freedom flared up yes teraay and last nicnt, but no one was seriously Injured de ; spite fist fights, clothes tearing land C'UD swinging. The disturb- ances centred around the home oi John Veregln, spiritual leader ne ortnodox Douiinobors. Bulletins I)HOI AIKIIOKNE TKOOl'S NEW DELHI In a surprise move Lord Louis Mountbat-tcn's East Asia command dropped a heavy force of airborne troops behind the Japanese front lines cn the noith Burma front. DENIES FAVORITISM OTTAWA Dr. Frigon, chairman of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, has denied that he has been guilty of autocratic conduct in connection with alloting time for political talks cn the network. HACK TO FARM VANCOUVER .More than 2,000' prairie farm workers employed during the winter months in B.C. war industries, must be released to return to the farm by April 15, Selective Service announced today. REUTEItS SUSPENDED BUENOS AIRES The British news agency, Reuters, has been ordeied to suspend operations in the Argentine. MINISTER TAKING REST OTTAWA Hon. J. L. Ilsley, minister of finance, is taking a much-needtd rest. Hon. J. L. Ralston, minister of national defence, is acting minister of finance during Ilsley's absence. TL'RGEON AMBASSADOR OTTAWA Hon. IV. F. Tur-geon of Retina has been appointed Canada's first ambassador to Mexico. Irish Leader Is On Hunger Strike BELFAST. March 17 tt Hugh McTeer. leader of the outlawed Irish Republican Atmy, today entered the thirty-fourth day of his hunger strike to death. New Westminster Goes Ahead In Play-off CALGARY. March 17 New Westminster went two up without a loss by defeating Edmon- i ton 10 to 4 last night in the ' Fecond game or the Allan Cup piay-ons. for which they brought along 'AVHF.KE TO GO ON A 48? The question of where to go and what to do on a precious 48 hours' leave is not troubling these three hard working service women shown at a station wicket In Montreal. Unanimous choice was Sto. Adele, Laurentian mountain resort, and skiing, plenty of smart ski togs. Girls in the services save up for such trips, and benefit by getting reduced rates on railways. They can secure permission to wear "civvies" on such leaves. From left to right: Wren Helen Brophey. Women's Royal Canadian Nuval Service, pte Marydel Robertson, Canadian Women's Army Corps, and Cpl. Barbara Brophy, R.C.A.F . Women's division. Russians at Dniester River; Enemy Is Now Backing Into Bessarabia LONDON, March 17 (CP) The Second Ukrainian Army has reached the Dniester River at several poh and German forces alreadyhave begun a re-trea into Bessarabia at Mogilev-Podolski. This tfie? that the Russians have reached the old Rumanian frontier and now stand within 50 miles of the Prut River which Moscow ! considers the present Rumanian border. Premier Joseph Stalin today announced the capture of a powerful German bastion from the Germans in Poland. COMMANDER WALLACE TAKES OVER DESTROYER Former .Naval Officer in Charge, Prince Rupert, In Command II-M.C.S. Qu'Appelle. Commander D. C. Wallace, former naval officer In charge in Prince Rupert has Just been announced commanding officer of HAI.CS. Qu'Appelle. This ship is the former H.MS. Foxhound of the Royal Navy, one of the ships which escorted the first contingent of Canadian trooDS to Great Britain. I Commander Wallace has ser- ved on the North Atlantic, for i twtiiare arrtrrr?e-ars highly experienced In anti-sub- j marine duty. With him as first i lieutenant will be Lieut. T W. S. T. McCully, R.C.N.. also well All portents indicate a real known to many in the naval sports feast when the Area All-service in Prince Rupert. stars meet the Port Edward One of the hardest worked team at the big exhibition game destroyers in the Royal Navy, Saturday night In the Naval HJMS. Foxhound, built at John Drill Hall. Lined up against the Brown's, has steamed 240.000 competent Port Edward hoop-miles since the war began and sters are the cream of six Can-claims this as a record unequal- adlan service aggregations. led by any other ship of the Allied navies or merchant fleet now afloat. For almost four years of war the "Foxhound-has steamed an average of 7.000 miles a month In seas from Iceland to the Bay of Bengal In battle and in escort work, patrols and rescue missions, "Foxhound" has put to sea In every kind of weather. Her story is one oi weeks and months ol second place In the league sea going, interspersed with standing, short periods of harbor and, First Item on tomorrow night's once a year, a much needed re- blll-of-fare features a game befit. Fourteen hundred and tween Bo-Me-Hl girls and Last twenty-six days of non-stop Resort. vigilance with action-stations I offering additional entertaLn-Just round Uie corner every 'ment will be the band of HAL moment, of careful tending of c.3. Chatham, playing through high powered machinery which kind permission of Commander In one month alone must per- c. M. Cree. Proceeds of the game fotm tens of thousands of revolutions, are part of her achievement. His many friends in Prince Rupert congratulate Commander Wallace on his new appointment and. while the ship has changed her name and crew, he will undi ubtedly be inspired by her past records and lead her to mo e and glorious achievements Mr Macdonald was replying to Howard Green who had suggested that the Canadian Navy bould be giving more consideration to the war In the Pa-rifle AMERICANS SHOT DOWN Official Statement Throws Light on Confusion During Invasion of Sicily. WASHINGTON, March 17 -The American army announced yesterday that 23 American transport planes and 410 air- I borne Infantry soldiers were lost when they ran Into anti aircraft fire from Allied naval and ground forces as well as from enemy gunfire In the Sicily invasion on July 10 and 11, 1943. MANUS ID. INVADED American Landinr Made on Biggest of Admiralty Islands ALLIED SOUTHWEST PACI FIC HEADQUARTERS, March 17 Oi American troops landed Wednesday on Manus, biggest of the Invaded Admiralty Island group, and within four and a half hours had pushed within half a mile of the Japanese airfield at Uorengau, headquarters reported today. The Americans suffered only minor casualties. The latest re ports said they were still advancing, although meeting with stronger opposition. BASKETBALL C Y 14 1 D IT 1 H kl CAUlD! I lUll Game Has the Odor of a Real Feast. Chosen for their special abil ity to handle their assigned positions, the All-Stars players look like a pretty formidable gang, although how well they will work as a unit pitted against Port Edward Is something for the public to find out by attending the game. The smooth-functioning boys from the eastern suburb, Incidentally hold are to be turned over to the Navy League of Canada. Referees are Gerry Hatfield oi Port Edward and Johnny Comadlna. Lineups for the featured game follow. The numbers are those which will Identify the players on the floor: All Stars Don Fitch (2) guard. Reserves; Sev Dominate (3). guard, Reserves; Bob Houston (4). guard. Coast Battery; Angus Macphee (5), centre, Reserves; Bob Taylor (6). centre. Portress; Oliver Santerbane (7), forward, Reserves; Hal Hether-lngton (8). forward, R.C.A.F.; Nat Kutner (9, forward, On-tarlos; Gord Humber (100, forward, Navy. Port Edward Mollne (5), forward; Hcnscn (6), forward; Southworth (4). forward; Ketch-mark (12), centre; Thompson (9) , guard; Manson (8), guard; Webb (11), guard; Dlrscherl (10) , guard. IRELAND SUBDUED BELFAST In view of the move to cut off the island from Britain, Ireland had a subdued observance of St. Patrick's Day. Premier Earn-onn de Valera wished Irish men in United States "happiness and many year of Joy." 1