PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News limited. Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use lor publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local netrs published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week. .15 Per Year - $7.00 Per Month .65 By Mall., per Month . Per Year , . $4.00 ADVERTISING RATES Death, Funeral, In Memonam, Engagement and Wedding Notices. Card of Thanks - Birth Notices Funeral Flowers, per Name - Classified. 2c per word, per insertion, minimum Transient, per inch Contract, per Inch ; Readers, per line Black Face Readers, per line --- Business and Professional Cards inserted dairy, per month, per inch - 8 Columns. 12 ems. 287 Lines to Column. DAILY EDITION $2.00 .50 .10 JSQ .75 JO .25 30 $3.75 Monday. April 24, 1944 Looks Like Invasion Soon . . . Unless it is just a great "war of nerves" which the Allies are staging to synchronize with the mighty air offensive which is rapidly softening up the war industries and communications of Nazi Europe from every angle, the land invasion of western Europe should soon be getting under way and may come any time now. The great campaigns of the last war came in spring or summer generally and, in spite of the great developments since those" days in motorized and heavily armored fighting equipment, spring may still be regarded as the most auspicious time" to make progress in land fighting. So the invasion may come any time how. Certainly, many signs and statements point in that direction. One of these days we will probably wake up and find it has commenced. War Boom Receding . . Even here in Prince Rupert the war stringency seems to be relaxing with a recsaiori in a measure at least of boom conditions. We are told by bankers, business people and others that the population here is less than it was a while back. About the only thing that seems to be little changed is the" shortage of living accommodation. Goods are beginning to loosen up.- Help in some lines at least is said to be not so hard to obtain as it was. Prince Rupert business people, perplexed so long with the problems of obtaining goods and getting help, will welcome an easing up. It will help them in a measure to give the service that the most of them really would like to give ahd the impossibility of which has been taxing their nerves. Business in Prince Rupert is getting back in a degree to more "usual" conditions although it cannot by any means be suggested that it is back at the level of four or five years ago. Most likely it will never be anything like that again; Finland Still Says No . . . The way Russia has dealt with Finland over the armistice question is at least worthy of a passing reference. Breakdowns have occurred and recurred in the negotiations, with Finland taking the daring position of rejecting Russian terms which most of the Allies had characterized as satisfactory and evert moderate. The world waits and watches. Will news of further raid on Helsinki darken the front pages because of the latest rejection of Russian peace offers 1 leni ine oaa news does not come. The excuse to visit terror on Finland to force acceptance of peace terms hag not been seized. Finland's friends continue to hope that Russia will continue to hold those reasons valid. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. I'hone 775 "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 15 Kitchen Tables White Wood, Drop Leaf. Each BUY VICTORY BONDS $7.90 327 3rd Avenue MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.CA. and Y.W.C.A. (By DOROTHY OARBUTT) I don't Know how many 6T the' ' commanding officers of the troops In this area have written to the head office of Famous Plairr in cvnrAtt tViVr innr. 1 elation Of the Sunday shows given in this area for the boys but I fancy most ot them have. I certainly think It Is a very definite and worthwhile war service and I think also that thanks are due to Mr. Borland and his assistant, Mr. Reid, for havins everything ready and the theatre nice and warm for each Sunday afternoon. Tomorrow night Is the Ack-Ack unit dance I told the Junior hostesses about and I shall remind them once again tomorrow as I really waat their help and co-operation in these two dances this week. Mrs. Martm of the ROA.F. and I are going to write a book. At least we're talking about it and I imagine that Is about as far as well get She?! sapjfly the inspiration and enthusiasm and quite a few of the anecdotes and 111 do the slugging. All well need will be a nice kind publisher-angel I believe they call them fh the show business to publish H for us and well be rteh and famous overnight. The question H what night? Oh. forgot to say It's going to be an about our own dear Rupert during its very recent boom days from the first day I hit the town and Mr. Kelly gave me an ice cream cone free gratis and for nothing until today. But then again, we mightn't. Have you boys who have gone to the dances Job's Daughters have given ever won-ered how they came by that name. I did and looked It up. In the very fast chapter of the book of Job, after rams of suffering, it says "So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than the beginning ... He had seven sons and threr daughters . . . and .In all the land there were no women found so fair as the daughters of J6b" A very apprcp:IaTe"derlvtlon I think, don't you? MIDLANDS The town of Cobourg has been asked to lend $400,000 In the Sixth victory Loan. Northum berland County's quota was set at $1,600,000. One Isolated case of spinal meningitis has made Its appear ance lri Cobourg, the Medtea. Health Officer reports. The dis ease shows no indication of spreading. The corvette Cobourg, which has the heartfelt sponsorship bt Cobourg citizens, Is expected to visit here about May i before going on operations. Tiy a Results. Want-Ad for Quick THE DAILY NEWS UNSEAT HOUSING PROBLEM MAY LAST By FRANK HINDS Canadian Press Staff Wrlttr VANCOUVER, April 24 (T A new note has been injected Into discussion of wartime housing pioblems In crowded Vancouver with the suggestion that the adjective "wartime" is an optimistic qualification and the housing problem would remain Just as acute here In post-war years Wartime Industrial expansion on the west toast brought an Influx of workers and technicians from the east which coirtpared only with the push westward In the old boom days -which culminated in the Yukon gold rush. Interviews by National Housing Registry officials with Vancouver's new worker populaUon Indicate that only a small percentage of the thousands of newfiamers Intends to return to whence It came when hostilities cease. About 1.000 prairie fanners who came to Vancouver to work In the slack winter season are already heading back home, but ;hey represent only a small fraction ot the war woikers who Jam transportation facilities' and housing accommodation here today. Vancouver shipyards provided employment for most of th mole workers imported to the city since the outbreak of war. The success of efforts being made to make permanent the shipyard boom which hit the west coast In 1940 would probao- ly result In these workers remaining on the coast. The arreralt industry In the city attracted thousands ot workers also and every indica tion Is that this Industry far fro.n falling oti in the post-war years, is likely to reach new records in production and employ ment. National Housing Registry has ecelved 12,831 applications tor homes since It opened in Decem ber, 1942. Multiplying by 355- the average number .of persons In a Canadian family the total jppficants since that date would be rAout 74,000 men, women and -hlle'rwT vho have sought accommodation through the regls-:.v. If the number 6f persons who came to the city prior to the opening of the registry and the number who found accommoda- on without Its assistance could e aided to this figure, an estimate of the wartime Increase n the coast city's population might be given. A suivey of parallel conditions In Portland, Oregon, reports '21 percent of migrant vorkers In that city definitely ntend to stay put after the war. U Portland figures may be taken as representative of coast cities, at least 5,000 families who have come here frcm other parts of Canada since December, would remain. HAVE YOU ORDERED NEXT WINTER'S COAL YET ? If not, do it TODAY! BY PLACING YOUR ORDER NOW . . . You enable your dealer to deliver when he can and fo make room for new supplies as they are mined. You help lo keep the mines producing . . . the miners working without lost time ... the rail roads moving the coal need. you Yctu Insure your home against nexf winter's cold weather . . . You are more likuly to get the sizes and grades you ask for, Nutritltiii By ELIZABETH YOUNG Eggs and Egg Cookery Eggs are packed with food values. They contain most ot the known vitamins, the highesr quality protein, important amounts of the minerals lion, copper and phosphorous and easily digested fats. Eggs Are th best source of protein for children. They resemble milk more nearly than does any other food. But in spite of eggs being such a valuable food don't get too en thusiastic and serve them too often! Your body Can use only so much protein. If yen eat more than Uie required amount the protein win lie In your stomach and putrefy and tire you a headache and bad breath. The ideal number of eggs to eat is four per week. Nevef eat more than one egg per day. Eggs are sold In four grades Al. A, D, C and In three weights large, medium and pullett. Local grocers usually stock only Grade A Large. This means that you are getting clean eggs, sound in shell. These eggs aie the top commercial quality and will be found reliable for any use. To be marked "large" they must, weigh 2 ounces or over per do en. At the present time the price of eggs in Prince Rupert ranges from 42 to 77e per dozen. To judge eggs for freshness at the store look at the shells. They should be clean, lough ahd dull. Pick up an egg1 an shake It. In a slrliUy fresh egg" you Can-m ff? '. inside of the egg move back ahd forth. The reason tor this is that as the egt ages, some of the water which It rjmtains will evaporate through I the porous shelL The color ot j i the shell has nothing to do with i th quality or the food value of ' I '.he e?f . The color is determined by the breed of hen 6r by the food which Is fed 16 the hen. At hbme It you are In doubt, ai to whether or not an egg is rit to est, place the egg in a pan of salt water. Good eggs will sink. Spoiled eggs will float. The loss of water by evaporation makes them lighter. When the egg Is br6keil open notice the odor. When eggs spoil, some of the materials change, with the result that a gas Is found which has a disagreeable odor. Notice i whether or not the white and yolk are mixed together. In r fresh egg there is a membrane t which separates the yolk from j the white. When an egg spoils' this membrane disappears and ; the white and yolk run together. 1 It sometimes happens that an! egg shell may be carelessly! broken so that this membrane 1 will break also. You can tell' whether such an egg Is tit to eat by looking carefully at the j yolk and white. If the egg white : Is thick and clear and if the yolk is thick and yellow, the eg? is probably good. The color of the yolk, like the color of the 1942, ' .hell, has nothing to do with the quality of the egg. Keep eggs fn a coll, dry prate Eggs should be washed only Just before being broken. Washed eggs do not keep well. Most people do not cook eggs correctly. Eggs should never be boiled. Polling tempeiature toughens the protein ot the egg and makes it less easy to digest. There are two method! of cook ing soft cooked eggs. The first is to put the eggs in boiling water cover the pan and place It wher' the water will keep hot but not boil. Let the eggs remain In the hot water for five minutes. The second method Is to stand the' eggs In cold Vvater, bring It slowly to the boiling point and remove the eggs at once. Always cook- eggs or egg mixtures very riowly. 1 Eggs can become unpopular if j you seive them the same way! over and over again, Serve them t in a variety of ways soft-cooked, hardK:6oked, scrambled, I poached, baked, creamed, devil- j led. 6efve them In salads, souffles, omelets, custards, sand-' wtches and sauces. Egjs are so. adaptable that you can find many companions for tHem. ' If yon remember nothing else about eggs, remember the two "don'ts." Don't cat more than ?ne egg per dayl Don't boll eggs! FOUR YEARS AGO IN THIS WAR Aprfl 24, 1940 Royal Air Force planes raided Nazi bases In Norway and Denmark. British War Office Indicated Allied front in Norway unbroken. Stockhbhn reported big battle in progress at Stelnkjer whll Germans claimed Nazi troops -were In control of southern Norway from Oslo to Stavanger, LONDON O When the Duke of Gloucester, governor- Gener al designate of Australia, goes td the Commonwealth to assume his new office he win take a gold cup of greeting from the RAT. to the Royal Australian Air Force. LONDON O -The DrlUsJi Ma. Utry of Food U negotfatrnif a deal to buy nhyd:ate3 on!6ns from Nigeria. Sport Chatl lopped off a great Manitoba yea. In winter sport with a four-way banquet a Winnipeg 13 yt?n ago Elm wood Millionaires, Can adlan Junior hockey kings, Onk- ed a ms with Winnipeg. Dominion senior tlttlsls. Also feted Removal Notice Dr, Jens Munthe, Dentist, announces the removal of his office from the nesner Block la the KIHas and Christopher Block foppo-lte Post Office), effective Monday, April 17. PRINCE nurr.UT ROOFING CO. Dox 72S Specialists on Bulttup Roofs Itepalrs, Re. tifngllng Free Estimates Joe Jacctos. popular boxinc' manager and promoter died j four years ago from a hea t attack. At the time of hi death Jacobs was manager of Tony Oalento although he had been ; better known a the manager of the German Max Senmehn wh " ion the heavywe:M t't!c Sium t Jack Sharkey In lttiu I Government and civic officials i were Frank Stack of Winnipeg international indoor speedskat 1hg king and R. O Oourlay curhrt rinb. winner of the Mar donald Brier Trophy. I THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP Sl'EY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours 5 p.m. to 2 ajn. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel" Phone 173 Mutual Benefit FOR Health and Accident See JOHN L. WRIOHT Phone 741 Pioneer Rooms. No. o Barr & Anderson LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 PLASTER SUBSTITUTES I yv trvrvtt ant . . I irgass, crusmea SOVTHBrtaX cane which remains after mo- land iana P TT0 lasses and sugar have been extracted from sugar cane. Is now being ased in the" West Indies for fibre-board, a substitute for plaster SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 51. FRASER STREET Prince Rupert tzui -Mr Was fin. miff! S . V ATTENTION... NEW HOTE A Home Atij , " Rot tl Witt I Phone tt Astoria Hoiel, Jasper, newly deconti renovated, now under new management class Dining Room and Lunch ( ouste. served at all hours. tfU rooms, 15 vM ueasonawe rates. GEORGE ANDKFW il iiiiiiiiimijinaniiiiiiiiiiinn k, Vl XCbn kt'l rt nd koawick idl bo it will htlp tft wkrxrl u borne trjtiU bik.' !" ' fat dollr tbey Cn ipift. Itm1-i e do tot our fighting ana " j ibey will return, anJ At fat el rorae borne i"eljr. Uo4 u-str PUT CT0RY Fll Seal Cove Trucking an Transportation Co. PHONE -T2 TAXI 1 . u IT'S UP DELIVER TO 95. THE GOO" H, S. WALLACE CO, LTD. DRV GOODS and LADIES' WEAK