Sometimes Scarce UOIi.KKMAKKKS' ATHLETIC CLUH irniiri lloxiiig Show BAFF DINING HAM, SEVENTH AVE. K. Saturday, April 29, 1944 sroNSonEn nr the nou.t;itMAKt:RS' union LOCAL No. I .MAIN EVENT URBAN HERNANDEZ, 117 lbs. Hollywood, Calif., and VS. Army -. v. - PHIL PALMER, 117 lbs. WrllrrMrlght Champion of Canada IS SUPPORTING HOUNDS TtktL; jd Sale at Grotto Cigar Store, and at the BcJrr.-kr:s Union Office, above the Dairy News. Ringside Scats $3 : Reserved Seals $2 Rush Seals $1.50 Proceeds for Oymnaslum equipment ft FREEDOM is your dividchd! On th -battle front of Hie wotld, thousands of Canadian men and women are gallantly fighting a war 16 Insure freedom for EVERYONE. They're ready (o ilve (heir Htm, all you're being asked to do It lend your dollars. YouH be anxious to share the freedoms . . . are you willing. lo share the com? Kt Victory first rut victory noNns ELI0 Furniture Store Third Avenue Model Airplanes Wo have a complete assortment of Model Airplane KHfrom-Se to $1.75. These include (he Hcll-Aircolira, Mus-W Mosquito, Hurricane, Spitfire, Soaring Seaplane and numerous other designs. SHOT AT TllE SEVENTH AVE. MARKET "the Friendly Store" e handle HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS arid YAW'S UREAti Also Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Our Prices Are Right ce an Ad in The Dally News-It Pays o Some day toon, ve hope, wor-Hme rtitriclionj will be ovfef and you can buy all you want. Communion Not Denominational save the BrbueaJ atertmt of tl The Royal Norwegian Consulate Is being removed from the Besner Block to the Killas and Christopher Block (opposite;, Post Office), as from Monday, April 17. Cemetery Service Those wishing plots tended to Phone Blue 615 and leave phone number for J. M. S. Loubser D C, B-A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 k a rui mm 1 11111 FIRST MIDWAY GROCERY - LOCALS Tier. a. A. Rlx left on Batur 13. THE DAILY NEWS day night for a trip to Vancou- ver. A Special Meeting of the Rod and Oun Club in Legion Room. Tuesday April 25 at 8:00 pjn. Important Business. Good at-tendance requested. W) A Women' Canadian Club nomination of officers, Council Chamber, City Hall, Tuesday, April 25, 2:30 pjn. Election of officers, Wednesday, May 3. Leading Seaman Jack Lipsin left on Saturday night to return to Victoria, after spending some time In the city following the death of his father, the late Ben Lipsin. A AH members are requested to attend a special meeting of the O.N.R.A. Lawn Bowling Club to be held In Canadian Legion Rooms, Monday, April 24, 8 pjn. Important matters to decide. I Club, Monday. April 24, East End I Hall, 8 pm. All members are urgently requested to attend. I Open to the public. Important developments to discuss. Im- , t. ..ri Tne ervlfe o, ummunton wasi (W ,01 'scribed by Rev. A. F. Mac-'Prtant! r,reh 2 J"? .ifli Bruce Mickleburg returned to ith aLSai ?h 1 the dty thU morning from tL SJ ' , . , fhurphtrip -Unded to Vancouver where he at- , "J1 the Easter convention of ai.omt affiliation. !.. . The. ptor . u. the Rritlsh Hf. nn,mM Columbia Tpaehers' Advc-tlfe in The Daily News. Notice -'. Inquiry Is being made for Edward Harold Carey, who has been missing for ten months Last heard from by letter from Prince Rupert. B.C. He had been employed at Ocean Falls. He is JecrHd as tall, fair with curly hair. Age 32. Anyone knowing ot i!s whereabouts please com- 'jnlrate with the Salvation Army. Prince Rupeit. or direct t the Salvation Army Hdqts, nmes and Albert Sts.. Toronto 1. Ont Announcements All taTfrtlwrarnts In this Column will be charged for a tull month at 2Jc a word. ' Dry Dock Employees Dance r t the Staff Dining Hall are 'cancelled until further notice. L. O. B. A.Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, April 27, De Carlo's Orch- ;tra, L. P. P. Dance, Eagles' Hall, April 27. Eastern Star Dance, April 28. Valhalla Dance, April 28, Oddfellows' Hall. Machinist's Dance. April 24, Oddfellows' Hall. . May Day Celebration meeting, speakers and music. Booth Mera-oiial School, May 2, 8 p.m. 1 Nurses' Spring Dance, May 2. Oddfellows' Hall. Presbyterian Missionary Tea. Mrs. A. Flaten's, May 3. United Cnurch Spring Sale, May 4 th. Women's Auxiliary Canadian! Legion Dance, May 5, Oddfel lows' Hall. Jean Do Carlo's orchestra, Refreshments. Cambral Tea, May 11, Mrs. Munthc's. C.C.F. dance, Oddfellows' Hall I May 12, De Carlo's Orchestra,; 9:30 to 1:30 a.m. Concert by Drydock Malf Choir. May 15 and 16. Hospital Auxiliary Tea, May New Padre For Navy in Rupert First Oprn Air Division Held at Court Haute Grounds Rev. O. L. Douglas of Niagara Falls, Ontario, newly arrived naval padre at Prince Rupert, save his first sennon in the Drill Hall of ltM.CS. Chatham Sifn-day morning. j Formerly chaplain at Esqui mau, Rev. Douglas succeeds Rev. M. McKlttrlck, who has left for a new position in the south. Sunday alio marked the first tune that divisions were held Outside trje Court House Instead of in the Naval Drill Hall. The proceedings were witnessed by civilians who happened to be passing by on McBride Street. 25 YEARS AGO Ios to the extent of $100,000 was caused to logs owned by the P nr Ruwt mill toy (he action IMPORTANT! Meeting of ; of teredos. The logs, which have Prince Rupert Labor-Progressive I been lying in salt water for sev eral months, have been moved to Silver Creek where the fresh water kills the toredo. " wu.i..v..v v.. jiu.uac. r mr.rmnt f', I tUrn ..wtlj Labor Progressive Party. He h.n i ' 'per wnen the Lord exhorted w the provincial election can- ... ii. .i. 1 " Hi, duelpte to lore one another ...... . . , I,MM..,lf. of the precepts of Com- "' v 1 n union There was a good con-i reflation at the commtinton irvlce. Seven jiew members of the church were announced. Notice B.C. Police Constable J. W. Todd of Telegraph Creek, who .has been in the city for the past A shortage of refrigerator cars caused a pile-up of 300,000 pounds of halibut In Prince TEETH FOR SEA WOLVES ,two weeks after returning from escort duty to the south, left PHOENIX. Ariz, fc Four this morning to return to wolf teeth sought as good luck ""etegraoh Creek by way of j charms are on their way to, Wrangell. Alaska, and the SU-four sailors aboard the USjS lr"ne Rhrer. Constable Todd flew (Texas. E. M. Mereerjof the VS. out. I Fish and WlldliieijSerTice ex- tra'cted the molars1 from wolf A nan? of Royal Canadian heads in storage'. Aif vow entertainers are leav- j . .. ir to-narrow night for Belial BIG TIN PKODUCER Bella where they will entertain jft 4 ?il?t! members of the Air Force sta-: LAOOS Ifr Nlgerla'js the thirl jtlon. The party, consists of Ray most important producer of tin jund Barbara Romalne, Harry I remaining to the United Nations. jntrfVrJTrFrTTm. Marr-krjltrffnnuil previr out ul . 1 70 Hiina McLennan, t'n.vns ae$- ow aav ia; ex.:e aca. cott and Doreen Woodley. CFPR 1210 Kilocycles SCHEDULE MONUaY P.M. 4:00 Sound Of I 4:15 a. I. Jive 4:30 California Melodies 5:00 Peter and the Pygmies 5:15 Canadian Pattern 5:30 Personal Album 5:45 Melody Round-up 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6: If Are You a Genlus7 6:30 Serenade in Rhythm 6:45 Ann Watt 7:00 Fred Waring and His Pennsylvanlans 7:15 Front Line Family 7:30 Music from the Pacific 8:00 Music from America 8:30 CBR Singers 9:00 Hit Parade 8:30 Waltz Time 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Yarns for Yankj 10:30 Great. Music . 10:45 Band Wagon 11:00 -Closing announcement TUESDAY A-U 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical dock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Singing Strings a: uo- lo De announced 0:15 Nelson Eddy 9:30 CBC New.-: j 9:35 Transcribed Varieties William Bruce, an architect, .J Je wrote a letter to the city council l!! Mint the sale of lot. west of SSJttUUUn the Borden Street School at a ; U:l5 Broadcast of Messages reasonable price. He is looking III: 17 Recorded interlude for land to build a terrace of houses with a 300 foot frontage and found the property suitable 11:45 Dick Ulbert PJI. 12:00 March Time 12:30 Spotlight Bands 12:45-CBC News 12:50 Recorded 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 School Broadcast 2:00 Silent For that Long-wanted MONUMENT OR MARKER See National Monuments 602 5th East Box 1425 Station B Prince Rupert, B.C. Fresh Local llaw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 7 PUT VICTORY FIRST Qua lily... Marks These Style Right TOPCOATS IN SMART TWEEDS FROM SCOTLAND ahcVtlKT ISLE OF MAN $27.50 to $40.00 FINE WOOL NAVY GARARDINES.CJf nfl Beautifully Tailored . 4l.UU SIGN UP FOR VICTORY Prime Minister Churchill stated the other day, "Victory may not be so far away, and will certainly not be denied us in the end, but the task is heavy, the toil is long, the trial will be severe." You can hasten victory you can lighten the task and the toil by signing for more bonds this time than ever befoie. Put Victory First BUY VICTORY BONDS Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUrF.RT CO. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA i PAGE FTVt, OVERWAITEA SAVES YOU MONEY Free Delivery Phorte 843 ' SPECIAL I Pork Shoulders .r6 33c ( ! Lobster Paste v, tln 29c I Grade 'A! Large Eggs In Carton, 40c Puffed Wheat r.;,,c, 25c Rolled Oats TjFZr"? 25c Five Roses Flour 7lb. Sack 25c Beet Greens 17c Pea Soup Meal SSTffW. 17c Dried Apple Ringsa, 20c Tnimilkpr"0L' M,u' P0WDra 48c ' " SPECIAL Rolled, Boned Pork Shoulder Fry. Boll or Bake. QQ No. 1 Per lb. OtIC O I O D In Tomato Sauce. Off rork & beans R0yai cuy tms o5C Rogers' Syrup ISaT 24c IJI 1 SUGAR-HOUSE, 28 -oz. QQf9 lYlOiaSSeS 2 tins for 1 coupon, ii for OOl Red Rose Salmon TaU tin. Each ... 22c FRESH PRODUCE No. 1 Tomatoes, lb. .... 27 f Green Onions, 3 bnchs. 2."iC No. 1 Mushrooms, lb. ."Dc No. 1 Cauliflower, lb. 18c No. 1 Asparagus, lb. 27c5 New Carrots fn bulk. No waste weight in tops 2 lbs. 1.-c Old Carrots, lb. I? Pembrook Turnips, lb. ff Bunch Carrots, it lbs. 25 14 New Gieen Cabbage, lb. 7f WINESAP APPLES Fancy, per box Per lb. $:t.O.- YVrapprd, per box $.'." Cee Grade :t lbs. 20f Fels Naptha Soap Ivory Soap Sauerkraut Fry's Cocoa LIBBY-S. Size 2U tin FRUIT Natel Oranges Heavy with sweet Juice. She 252 2 dox. 73tf Size 20i 2 dor. 0 Size 176 2 doz. !)il.OO Juicy Lemons-Thin skins. Size 588. Dozen Hit GRAPEFRUIT Texas Pink, 80 Each 1 If Coachella Valley. 8rs :t for 2()ri -1 bars Large Size Bar. : for NUTS Spanish Tarragans. Almonds, lb. California Baby Emerald Wain tits, lb. Fresh Roasted Peanuts, lb 2lci Shelled Pecans. HaWes, U lb. Limited Quantitr of Nuts. "A Cup of Fry's is a Cup of Food." 1 lb. tin 29C 29c 15c Cut Green Beans t?ortia' 25c 31c 0 SPECIAL No. 1 Chippewa Potatoes 'Stay-White Cookers. 100-lb. sack, OA Qff delivered 50 lb. sack delivered with order ,SI..V Creamette Soup Mix wgetaNbie?,lepkt 9c n . . WESTMINSTER. A (g OerVietteS Bundles ot 100. Each XVI Vegetable Soup ?9c O r Per dozen t $1.13 THE IDEAL COLD MEAT Prem, Spork, or ICam p5 tm 30c Raspberry Jam 2 coupons. Each " 35c Marmalade 29c Lemon, 2 coupons. 24-oz, Jar Chicken Haddie 5Srr 33c SALE PRICES GOOD ALL WEEK