r ! ! PAGE TWO THE DAILY KEW8 activities of Y.M.CA. and Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY QARBUTT) '1 One of the young sailors, who shall be nameless, got a rude shock today "when he enquired what the thirtieth wedding anniversary stood for, and found It was pearl. It seems he's Invited -to -a thirtieth wedding an-lversary party and wants to tak a suitable gift. But pearls' "Oee, I aint the admiral yet." he said In despair. Thursday afternoon Mis. Woodside and I. deciding tha: the weather was too beautiful to waste, made an Inspection tour of the docks and found everything to our satisfaction all the minesweepers were in place, the fishing vessels neatly drawn up alongside and the patrol boats where they should be. It was then I had the idea about going as a stowaway on the Island ferry boat. So I slipped on deck unbeknowst to anyone but the crew and the passengers and it was anchors a-welgh for Digby and points south. It was a delightful ride, all sunshine and glittering waves. Captain Calderwood and I swapped Jokes. Says he. there was an old Irish carter eausht violating the traffic regulations. So the cop comes up to him and says: "Now. me man. let me have your name." Says the Irishman: "Sure and me name's on the side o me cart, as ye can tec lor yourself." The policeman looked and looked then said: "I can see your name's obliterated." At which Pat roared: "Make me out a liar, would ye1 It's O'Brien, not Obliterated. ' Oh well, perhaps it was something in the air, but I laughed like crazy. I'm busy like a little bee fixing up curtains for one of the forts. Thought I'd leave it for the. Service Wives' Club but, rV we shant be meeting until May 11, I decided I'd get on with it. I'd like to thank those ladie of the Queen Mary IODE who so kindly took over the chap-erone duties for April. The Women of the Moose will be taking over for May. Cemetery Service t - V Those wishing plots tended to Phone Blue 615 and leave phone number for Meet Me at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) PACIFIC CAFE Will Reopen on Monday, April 17 Special Chinese Dishes Chop Suey, Chow Mein Hours 6:00 ajn. to 2:00 a.m. PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 723 Specialists on Bulltup Roofs Repairs, Re.shlngllng Free Estimates Barr & Anderson LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave, and 4th 8t. Phone Red 389 PX). Box 1294 wmm m mj&mjm nn iria RUSSIA'S FLAT ia turning back the Nazis was ready sidei by the unks, guns, sUeUs, plane4 sad other ri'" tfira ijit iitu. iwvv silipuicai HmiDK. nwaimaiiv x mm i iwiwwuiwMrMTiiir ihimmiii miismtim ss aa nds We Bi MADE IN CANADA for export to Germany, More bonds, more bombs MILLIONS of Canadian shells hve been produced by Canadian men and nu,xi. ijujrina; victory fwnai win pais mure ammunition along. i m F' . riK i m ,-7M i 'Mijc irii 7iit ittii w v nw -sannm rmma wkl uu -mmz txsik HiHk -mmmm. TMmm. mmm. amm mw MIRACLES of manufacturing are bcinj; achieved in Canada. These guns are typical. We must all buy bonds to maintain Canadian producton wide Impac COMMANDERS OF THE INVASION FORCES look to Canada for a never-ending stream of munition, we it home muu first : buy bonds. L to R.: -(seated) Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder. General Dwieht D. Eisenhower. General Sir Bernard Montgomery, 'standing) Lt. General Omar N. Bradley. Admiral Sir Bertram II. Ramsay! Air Chief Marshal S'rTraflbrd Leigh-Mallory, Lt, Geaeral Walter Bt-dellmith. HISTORIC EVENT Sicily, fim invasion point in Furope, wit a nailed by landing-barges built i a Canada, llunds paid for rhote barges. kkkkkkkkHKs.' "kHkkV COMING soon into the sow will be bases for homhiog Tokio. Canadianmade Ba planes and bombs will Iw there-bought by Victory F" WE'RE GETTING FIELDS READ? FOR THOSE WONDERFUL PLANES FROM CANADA UmadiM Utah Acuewti&ffi MUST GO ON! THE PICTURES you see on this page give a glimpse of the tremendous part Canada is playing in this war.j, Now comes the critical hour when we must make Canada's might resound in every theatre of war. That calls for your money-money to provide materials, pay wages and finance an overwhelming programme- of production. k A. 6-17 PUT Wf CTORY FIRST NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE