. 1 PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER. MANAGING EDITOR ADVERTISING RATES Death, Funeral. In Memoriam, Engagement and Wedding Notices. Card of Thanks , , Birth Notices - - Funeral Flowers, per Name Classified. 2c per word, per insertion, minimum , ...... Transient, per inch nnntrnrt. ner inch . . - .... Heavy Plane Losses ... .15 $7.00 .55 .40 $4.00 $2.00 .50 .10 .50 .75 AO Readers, per line - - - .25 Black Face Readers, per line - - -50 Business and Professional Cards Inserted dally, per month, per Inch 3-75 8 Columns, 12 ems. 287 Lines to Column. DAILY EDITION Saturday, April 1, 1044 Situation in India . . . The Indian situation is one of the anxious spots in the war picture today. The Japanese seem to be making somewhat more substantial headway than might have been expected. The Manipur Province zone, with its capital of Impahl, is of much importance in the Far East area since it is through that courftry that supplies have been moving into China sincethe cutting off of Burma. The immediate objective of the Japanese is, no doubt, to put that new Allied supply line out of commission. Quite possi bly they are not in a position to carry on a more e.f-tensive'eampaign in India than that. No particular alarm seems to be manifest among the Allied military leaders regarding the general situation although they do admit that the enemy have been making headway. - The Japanese invasion of India proper brings the Far East into the war picture as far as general interest is concerned more prominently than it has been for a couple of years now. Quite possibly this may be the signal for more extensive land fighting in theSOrientthan there has been for a considerable time." v' "V Russia and Japan ... Two important announcements were made yesterday which have a very direct bearing on relations between Russia and Japan. One was that Japan has agreed to hand back to Russia oil and coal concessions in northern Sakhalin Island and the other that the northwestern Pacific fisheries pact between Russia and Japan was being renewed. It is to be inferred in view of these developments that there is to be no immediate change in relations between the two great powers. Just what is going on behind the scenes or just what the actual relations between Russia and Japan may be is, of course, a matter on which there is gen eral confusion. The situation has its paradoxical angles in regard to international relationships. We have already Earned in this war that situa tions soon change. Two nations may appear to be the best of friends today and tomorrow thev mav be at each other's fronts. The diplomatic battles are usually more mystifying than the military. The Royal Air Force has had its heaviest single night's loss for air raiding stj far in this war. It lost ninety-four planes in operations over Germanv Thursday night, an estimated seven hundred airmen , being killed or taken prisoner. Apart from the human element, since it is natural enough for us to be concerned more poignantly with the losses of men. it is . also a fact that a highly trained airman is much less easy to replace than a great bombing plane. To lose seven hundred such men in a single night is no inconsequential matter. It must be admitted that, at this rate, our reservoir of trained airmen is . being drained seriously. We may be hurting Germany a lot with our bombing raids but they are also proving very costly to us. Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY It IK Til I) AY AND WATER MAN'S K V E It Y I) A Y FOUNTAIN C A U.I)S PENS Besncr Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.CA. and Y.W.C.A. (By DOROTHY GARBUTTi 1 Yesterday afternoon Lieuten i ant Don Adams took me back-Utage at the Navy Show where I pleasure of "meet- MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS I lJje The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publica-! !ng he naV)! , Person- ,Don tlon of all news despatches credited to It or to the Associated i y "e way leaving us soiry Press In this paper and also the local news published therein. i to say. He has acted as special ah rtgna or republication or special despatches therein are i services officer tNavyi at H.M also reserved. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per wee Prr Year - Per Month By Mail, per Month Per Year - - C. Chatham for the past few months but is to be attached to H.M.CJS. Burrard In the near future. He has brightened our lives considerably since coming here. Ah well, out. out brief candle, that's the way It goes. First of all I met Wren Oertrude Shaw, a charming little chatterbox of a person. It is she who does that very clever audition skit In which she outtalks but not quite outwits the three talent scouts. I couldn't find out a great deal about Gertrude but did manage to learn by a well-timed Innocent looking question here and there that she Joined the navy as a cook and worked In that capacity for seven months until her talents were requested for the Navy Show. I Even then she was reluctant about leaving her Job. An Edmonton girl, she was a member of the Edmonton opera company for some time and has been In newspaper work for a number of yean. Happily married she send nil her press clippings to j a chat with petite Anita D'Al- ' 1 n ! .. . U .IU V- 41 U lime mm nun iici nine uiu-thers. Paul, Albert and Rey-nald ""but we call ther Bill, Bob and Pete." explain.1 Anita do lhat marvellous acrcbatlc turn. This quartette Is a French Cana dian family and wouldn't you know It from Anita's big brown eyes, oo-la-la! They have been doing this work for nine years starting in Boston but Joined the navy two years ago and were with the first navy concert party which toured the Marl-times and which formed the nucleus of this show. This brings wrlght Stechyshyn of Fort Wll-liapi, .who. -with Sub-Lieutenant Dixie Deaii, the accordionist, and Sick Berth Attendant Bill Richards, violinist ln the orchestra, formed this early concert party. They toured the Marl- times, played to the three ser vices and the merchant navy. the Free French sailors and the Norwegian Sailors' Home and al' this while doing thefr regular day duties. In six and a half months they played over 35' concerts. Tonv is solist ln the male voice choir. He is a da k. clear featured young fellow and when I talked to him was dressed as a seaman for the chanty interlude. Also In the men's choir is David M. Davles who. during this trip north, is under studying for Oscar Natzke. Coming from near Llanelly only you call it Hulanhelly in the Rhondda Valley, Mr. Davles has the true Welshmen's love of music. He has a rich b,irltonr voice and, before Joining the navy, sang on the radio, in concerts and In church choirs In Toronto. While waiting to go TUB DAILY NEWS SATURDA? wy. I have one up on you there i i HCTI IfHIC or have IT I had a very Interest- RAY I KC I UKIl J in? taiK wun Myron Mason or t lie men's chorus. We found, ou. we were wlh from winnlpe,. and aftev that It was easy. My- lon. wno u or Kussian and uk-ranlan descent, directed the famous Ukrainian Choir In Wlnni- he attained stories In twenty eight different dialects. Sunny-We Beach, but wotta man! And behind this show; the presiding genius, the father of them all whose baby it Is. stands Captain J. P. Connolly, M.C., R. C.N.V.R. As director of special Into the girls' dressing room ection. Thank you sir. Waterfront Whiffs Halibut Ceiling Cut Had for Prince Rupert Herring Hail Situation Serious ,csts admit that the herring bait ever It may appear The order of the United States Office of Price Administration for a cut-back in the price ceiling on halibut landed at Prince Rupert and Ketchikan as compared with that paid at Seattle is not very happy news as far as these two ports are concerned. No bones are made about the fact that dealers had urged this move to "induce" fishermen : to take their catches on to situation lor the 1944 season Seattle rather than landing aDDears serious, with th nor thern at Prince Rupert. Since mal season's requirement some the fish Is handled ln bond iooo tons, there Is less than through Prince Rupert there Is; three hundred tons In store at little we can do about it here, prince Rupert and It Is antlcl-lt being an entirely American .pated that another fortnight matter. It Is to be expected. win ee the end of any chances however, that the American j of getting fish, the run of fishermen will be resentful at which has been very dlsappolnt-thls move to offset the advan- jng this year. Except for some taues that the port of Prince flftv tons towards the mH nf Rupert normally presents to .March, there has been no her- them in the movement of their 'ring landed at Prince Rupert, product. i for bait since January, Seine-! 1 1 boats and scows are out In t Prince Rupert halibut inter- readiness to take the ELEVEN BOATS ranged musical numbers In the McKenzie Russian and Sea Chanty scenes. j The Joan W. II. a large seln-Stoker Frank Thrasher, who wao jer-packer. owned by Mrs. John likewise ready for his cue. is fiddler, f torn Windsor, Ontario, and hat The San Thomas, a large received his voice training from , seiner-packer, owned by the the well known teacher Dr. Er- Northern Navigation and Trad-nesto Vlncl no relation to jnK company Limited. Leonardo da . So you see what yhe Mitchell Bay, a large I meant when I told you that ;selner-packer. owned by Robert each member of the cast pos- js. Turner, sessed outstanding talent. Let's The. Margaret I, a large pack-see I met Robert Goodler and er. owned by George Fritz. this district was carried out by Mrs. J. L. Bethurem, Mrs. Curtis and Miss Muriel Duncan. WAR EFFORT More than 22.000.000 of Britain's 33.000.000 persons between the ages of 14 and 64 are services Navyi for Canada he Is in the armed services or essen- . . . I.!-, ..1.1 .-1.. 11 1 1 u: unlaid respunsiuie mr uie : imi pruuiicuuii. show and its welfare. Under his , :;eisonal guidance the show has l.ved. breathed, and had its being. Born in Halifax of Iilsh parentage did you notice the black Irish hair and the twinkling Irish eyes of himself he was a member of the Canadian Naval Reserve for nigh on to twenty years, going on active service with the R.CJI.V.R. at the outbreak of war. He hat taken his ".Lon N" which In navai wording Is his. navigator's course and at present his full time duty is navigating his show Into the harbors of Canadian hearts with all the skill he showed when navigating ships on Canadian waters. I know one thin? here ' ln Prince Rupert we're all very clad he set his course our dlr- UWil LETTERBOX INDIANS AND IIYCIKNK : Requisitioned by the Royal , Editor, Dally News: Canadian Navy rudlng the early ! I have been following up the nart of the war. eleven west quesUon of Hygiene Week. I am pg which has been heard far jcoast fishing vessels are being very much interested in It. tit and wide over the C.B.C. net- returned to their owners to re- 1 about time something ws work. Myron remarked thatjSUme their part In the fishing done. I have noted the remarks Winn I nee- was an exceptionally huin Lionel Murton. Paymaster Slyme , Takla. a halibut boat, owned many dollars have stone towards and Seaman Smjgg of t he ;by e. N. Parkvold. . the Red Cross. Now the last "Bounty" episode, both with a q c. Lady, a seiner, owned by two and not the least thous- her husband who Is also in the 1 remaricaDie sense 01 ineaire Fran Cvltanovlch. ands of dollars the Indians services. j sained from their experience 1 nores, a service boat, owned have spent In the city of Prince Ali this time boys and girls ; 'ith the Montreal Repertory by tne American Can Company. Rupert. I am sure all places of of the chorus were passing andjTneatre and rom tne,r hiher- cape Beale, a halibut boat, business will confirm this. j rpasjin? us. Old acquaintances ; ent acting ability It looks easy owned by Edgar A. Arnet. Now I understand plans are 1 were coming up for a handshake j t0 be a cornlc and 3,1 tnat but Canella. a halibut boat, own- already under way to again, and it was confusion worse con-1 vou trv making people laugh, ed by Daniel Ursen. hold the Civic Centre carnival, j founded. However I wangled in ' eiung mem ;auzn jusi so long, sienal. a halibut boat, owned We must remember that In not doing the same Joke over by Dr. W. T' Kergin. again ana see wnat you get You're was re right right a a mess! mess! Then Then I I r j 1 m 1 Introduced to Ueutenant USK 1 TlDlCS pmn Or.int Orant. special ni9l jj-rvleei services Cameron officer, known to you fo: his re- jVflif lr Qof Tn maskable Impersonation ' lilallx UCl lU Ch.ir'e Lau?hton and for hr narration of the trials and tri- K nrj I lOSS uv,u l uo bulatlons of one Phlleas Blow Ueutenant Grant told me he hd never done theatrical work USK. April 1 This Skeena prior to this but because deep , River town tripled its objective within his breast and you know : for the recent Red Cross drive, how deep that Is once you've i Its quota was set at $50 but $150 sn him he aspired to be a jwas raised $90 from the town famous afto. dinner speaker, a and $00 from a construction me to Petty Officer Tony Ship-1 ratonteur of note. To that end ;company. The canvassing ln back to what we poor Indians did during World War I. Thous ands of Indians served In our country's armed forces. Now in this World War II hundreds are In uniform and some are already back wounded. Thous-are ln the Rangers up and down our coast and are ready to defend our country If It happens to be Invaded. Thousand of dollars have gone In towards Victory bonds and dlans spend lots of their poor earnings at these affairs. Now ln all of the above mentioned, I wonder If It would be a good Idea to put out posters reading: "No Indians allowed." Sunnyslde. A. J. W. In lhe iiprm -our? nf llrlllh 'Coliimhla In Prvtat In lh Mtttrt uf WMt-ntiliMliiUlrallMt ..!- and In llir .Miller ot the Utatr of John Marnr. TAKE NOTICE ttut bjr Orxfer of Hi Honor W E runtr made on th 34th dar of March. A D. 1644. t " appointed Admlnlatrator (with lhe will annexrdl of In ,EUU of John Warn. drcatd. and all partlra having claim aaalnni lh aald ti an hereby required to furnuh aamev pruperly verified. 10 me 011 or about the Ulh day of April. AD. 1744. and all partle Indebted to the Elat are required to pay the amount ot their tndebtednea to me forthwith IMTTO at Prince Hupert. D. C thl 3Sth day of March AD 1844 NORMAN A. WATT Official AdmlnlttraUir Prince Kmxrt. IVC Attention... Astoria Hotel, Jasper, newly decorated and renovated, now under new management. Virst class Dining Room and Lunch Counter. Meals served at all hours. 30 rooms, 15 with bath. Reasonable rates. GEORGE ANDREW, Prop. RUPERT BRAND SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PKINCK KUI'EKT Co. Ltd. BltiTISII COLUMHIA COAL! Good stocks of Foothills, Alberta, and Rulkley Valley Coals now on hand Three days notice before delivery is expected will be appreciated. PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. PIIONK CM PHONE 1)32 NEW BOWLING LEAGUE HERE Dry Dock Club u Srranlird With Jamr .UCall as. At a meeting of bowling en- of of come ame nartles parties and and I I want want ,it'thu,aaU It of the Pr,nce RuPt musical city and that it's an- All comparatively large, the to be understood that -venereal ompyura neio nual musical festivals were boats range In length from a disease was never known to. ex- an evening plans were drawn known throughout Canada. Wc 90 foot fish packer to a 46 foot 1st among the Indians long up or tne fo"nalln of various also found we both knew Taras halibut boat. ago. True enough In our times leagues with game to be play- Hubickl who Is now violinist The return of the moats, today In all classes of national- d ln lhe MW recreation hall with the Detroit Symphony whlch had been used by the ity there are certain groups recently completed. J. 8. Wilson. Orchestra, and Ronald Gibson, .navv in Datrol and service ac- who hang around the streets personnel manager, presided at still I believe, In Winnipeg, tlvltles, Is announced by Then there was Carl Tapslcott. Minister of National Defence These are the ones that also of the men's chorus. I had (or Naval Services. bound to be Infected with some but a short chat with him as a 1j.1t of the names, owners. kind of diseases. Remarks about lhe sea chanty number was due ;anIi types uf the boats follows: j the Indians I think are In n but I was told that he was res-' The West Coast, a. large iack-'very bad Uste especially In ponslble for the .beautifully ar-ier, owned by Stuart and Mrs. O. (times like today. Let me go I- ui u YKARs IX Til to ... "a. 121 created by . irom Ul ital.T Adve.t :? in Harvev K( roiiowlng Ww ton the mee'inu the tonm'MH n.... . . . .... ... ... .til nrtlmlnilrfa anA a n n.nh n . .u... " the ana tougn joinu 01 tne cities, r Ull.. f - smer recomme - dat! UWU - ... . j. are !""""' lorm" meeting and fv..u. " "" ,ue araw m n 0t """ limit -waiurs nicuii. regulation ' Ti Vlce-chalrman-GIbb Taylor, meet Bernard AIIm SecreUry-W. R. Prior. land report to 1 ,'L Margaret ing to be railed r.Awr.WAVi dit:jm . t. . . . . . . . . J - - - .. .tiwiui H nl MI Pntdured by TIIK ST. JAM! 'TAILORS .Material definitely TUB BEST 121-0. Pure .Wool) Bell Drap or Medium Pants. C4 A rn tm Zipper, Any Width RotUa r-n.. a a . a . i . weiitciiu iu jruu ,iu uays irom rtreipi i pa Use Air-Mall We have measurements on file of t.t Cm made by us In the past 2 years or other, wtti our EASY SIMPLIFIED Self-Measure C. irt i can't mu. Itcat (Jiaile 'Rallies and IttcalU liold at Katin Silks, Jlirkies, Tallin, -Hand-midr UIU JUts.br Scully. (Always In SUxk SATISFACTION (H .MlAVTP.ri) THE ST. JAMES TAILORS (Pariflc Coast Naval Outflltmr 63J Yale Strttt. VICTOR! w m u w r r m m m w m m w r w n sr mail w t a i i i mi i m m w iiaiiiaaiir i i in i i i ii i i mi r i i n i i 11 'Where dollars hate mere rx We have complete variety of auibtV Toliaocos .and Confectionery PJIKR DKI.IVKIIY Ihrouphout the Clt three Uii Tuedays. Thursdays and 8a jnl: Opposite Canadian Le SHOP AT TIIK SEVENTH AVE. MARKl -lhe friendly Storf" uf i it ttirstifinm AfltllTV K .w it inii n i i :n rv r ill" ii l hi,.. and VAN'S IIRKAD Aho Fresh Fruit and VencV. r Our Prlrri Are Itlcht . J r ... . .. nrrt Down through the years, almost since first existed, we have served the people TeJr laboratory wc have always tried to keep BKe skilled pharmaclsU, quality drugs, the best of w As we start a new year, we are proud of otf and grateful for the confidence you have shown i we continue to serve you. JJia Pioneer DruqgW 1 only, EXTENSION TABLE. Kcb. .$05.00. To clear 1 only, COFFEE TABLE. Reg. $20.00. To clear 2 TABLE LAMPS. Reg. $M.00. To clear 4 Large BOYS' WAGONS. Reg. ?ia.C0. To clear DliriNU TUB RKXALL STOKE Onen Dallv from 0 a.m. till 9 P , , . . m t - m and aunaays ana iioiiaayx irom i" - ELI0 Furniture Store Third Avenue T (1 I 1