10 5 Ad rftf. .United A .v Church Wc.t r-tf Cholr Mr th" r f..? ; on. A.T.C.M. I"" , n ' . i ruirtnlinrfpnt . n Kl ' Ml :hool. i: ts. r- ir1 W irihip. I -4 ttn.-t A.; young peo- Rrl Iiaptist Church f Rf F T.plon William 8UKDAY SERVICES pa Slai. taiaer. F ;dav School, r Rowland. Ik it . ? ttic Peace i(OoS a ... .. . ... ill mm jia cf ' ' ' :' Tjfp. E," bod" wirm ICSDAY APRIL 2. W4 li" War,,.'.!: Worship. :;t kr 4. " h Srhool ;j T -k Worship ! '.! W ) Ji rusatem." I j 7 - Y : People's Club Tu it " ' v preach at tz worship r. at;on is ex-ri-i M : '4. .mull" n uiiiiiiiui c t n nikuM , - - r-..t . . P I n " f F J Rklnner PAIM fit NDAY '.en service SU Paul's Lutheran Church :::: c; J Xtt Bride ' :f New Books, me to all! COMMON LANOUAOE on pin. u : be ronducB-Pf 'ple s Amo-' v folqwiflg B A: d tv)n. Pastor PALM FfNDAY t.n A: Y j Tk. 1 f Conflrma-Whlch Way c Own Way Confirmation Si :iOOl : : n al Evening Hymn M: :xn pconle of r . .wj,.' .Kjp.000. V-k : ... r-uaoe Hln. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Caih for old gold. Bulger'!. MIm Hazel Htlflefflasi nlh: for Vancouver. A Local 180 Social Club Manqutr-adc Dance, Saturday, April 1, 0 to 12. Three Prize, Beat, Original. Comic. Oddfellow' juil DeCarlo'a Orchntra. 78 Mr. and Mra. J. L. Williams of Terrace left the clly but night on a trip to Vancouver. LLP public meeting, 2 p.m., Eagle' Hall. All Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Karris and two daughters Jeit las, night for Vancouver where Mrs. Farrl and the children will remain. Mr. Karris Is expected to return to the city shortly. The Senior Chamber of Com- .merce Monthly Dinner Meeting ; will be held in field's Cafe. 3rd Avenue, at 0:30 Monday. Mem- W Presbyterian Church.' tlcna- " Av, : uc f D. T. Greene of Quick, after A. F Macaween. ihiik jtuv ur u m : ,,lrr hvxxme uuperi, u now at wnne- f hoir Leader J ho.e. Yukon Territory, .where he to tn the serviee of the 'United 8Ut4M KHflnterlng : Department. Howard Powell returned to the city last night after an absence oi two months In Vancouver on a tragic trip durlnc which his wife, Annette Powell, was killed In an automobile accident. As Mr. Powell Intends to leave Prime Rupert for the time being at least. Jack Chith-rte arrived last night to relieve him at the Capitol Barber Shop. Miss Peggy Saunders returned to the elty last night from a trip to Vancover. Formerly with the Nelson beauty parlor here. Miss Saunders Is taking over . - kill M)V imwii pr,Jrer and which was conducted by the . . .School. Jtate Annette Powell. Pav.randSef- Mlnf4quc 1Iubert Mc Millan and Joshua Grandson are leaving this afternoon on their return to their home at Alyamh on the Naas River after having been In the dty during the past wrek on bustneas In connection with the forthcomlnc Easter soajten ietmues ai ineir A ClaMlfled-Ad in the Daily News w.U bring Quick Results, "OLIVET TO CALVARY" Maunder) A Sacred Cantata Will be rendered on Good Friday, April 7 8:00 p m. In First Presbyterian .Church By the Combined Choirs of St. Andrew's Cathedral and First Presbyterian Church Conducted by Peter Lien DAILY NEWS HONOR ROLL Your Assistance Invited the Dally News Is compiling a Roll of Honor which It " hflped may contain the name of every man and woman , to serve with the armed forces at sea, on land ta the air Ta make this' list complete. It Is essential to mm. t!le C0-P"atlon of the public as whole In sub-mlt l the names, . 11 -i impassible for the Dally News or any one person J compile the n3t complete so we are asking YOU to be Yoiin . for lh submission of the name of YOUR boy, fill in n . i ownt? ,s thc Information we would like you to and ?cnd to- ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR Dally News, Prince Rupert " "" Sorvi-. R,Bke tk (A"ny, Navy, Air Force) - , . . . y M. ii Of Vln MM Elation " "" A)dresa ',te ot r: - 1 1 uu --- j svutc 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bame. nn"' lf YOU do not submit d certain person's ' else mav. Ynn or. r.nnnlhle. A "Seven Word of Christ." Sacred Cantata, First United Church. Sunday 7:30 pjn. Mlw U. Vuckovieh ntjht for Vancouver. left last Rupert Labor-Protpessive Club. Questions Invited. A group of Y.M.C.A. auxiliary I workers consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Webb. Bseen Mel-Tin, Walker Wiley, Lee Van Lu'v-en. I. C. Malcolm, Chester Le Maltre. Carl Clay. Harold Crowe. Edward Selyan, Merv Thomas and Donglas Badger, lelt last night for Vancouver where they will attend a Y.M.C.A. Announcements Dry Dock Employees' Dance, Friday night. April 7. Proverb's Orchestra. WXi.TM. Dance Wednesday. April S. Oddfellows' Hall, 10 to 2. Refreshments. De Carlo's Orchestra. Presbyterian April 6. Spring Sale, Norway Invasion Bcnriee, Luthran Churth, Saturday, April 8. 8 pjn. Queen Mary Batter Monday Tea. Mr. Alex. MtKenzie. St. Andrew's Oathedral Spring Sale. April 13. St Peter's Junior 3a. April 14 Navy Auxiliary Dance, Odd- feHowa Hall. April 18. C.WL. brldtc. whktt. ortbbace. K.O C. Hut April 20. Job's Daughters' Danee, Masonic HaH. April 21. L. O. B. A. Dance. Oddfellows' HaH. April T,, De Carlo L. P. P. April 27. Dance. Eagles' Hall, Eastern Star Dance, April 28. Nurses' Spring Dance. Mav 3. Oddfellow' Hal: J. L. CURRY (Late of Yukon) CHIROPRACTOR Smith Block Phone Green 99S NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms. Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 193 For that Long-wanted MONUMENT OR MARKER Sec National Monuments C02 Sth East Box 14:3 Station It Prince Rupert. n.C. FOR A TAXI Telephone 65 Stand: Grotto Cigar Store PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialists on Bulltup Roofs Repairs, Re.shlngllng Free Estimates Meet Mc at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) New Books In Local Library Behind the Steel Wall" (Fred-borg). Hitter Run" (Oermann). The Hunted" (Oermann). Bugles In the Afternoon" Hay- cox . "Mrs. Hcaton's DauRhtcr" Hayes . "Der Fuehrer: Hitler's Rise to Power" (Helden). "O. I. Laughs: Real VS. Army Humor" (Hersey). "Dear Dead Mother-in-law" (Hill). "Hallelujah" (Hurse). "Deaign in Diamonds" (Knight). "It's Time to Say Goodbye" Moore) "What to do With Oermany" Nlzer). "Courage Stout" (Raine). The Opening Door" (Rcllly). Dragonwych" (Seton). Battle Surgeon" (Slaughter). No Sad Songs For Me" The Curtain Rises" tReynolds). TIMELY RECIPES SPANISH CUKAM lVt tablespoons granulated gelatin cup co!d water 3 eag ytAki "4 teaspoon salt 2k eups hot milk 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 egg whites 1-3 cup sugar Soak gelatin in cold water. Make a eustard of egg yolks, salt and milk. Cook in top of a doHble boiler, stirring constantly until mixture coats the spoon. Add gelatin and tir until dissolved. Cool and add vanilla When mixture begins to thicken, beat whites until they form a - - r kal (m atti erfi (- rf it fl 111 CANADIANS ARE BEST The following new books have ; Good Work of .Lorry and .Trans- been received at the Prince Hupert Public Library: (Brand. "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" . ."Sllvertlp' Chase" (Brand). A Prosperity or depression for I "Murder Solves a Problem" the pot-war? Hear Bruce (Bramhall). Miekleburgh at the Bagles' Hall, j "The Promise" (Buck). ' Sunday. 2 pjn.. auspices Prtnco -Lifetime" (Carsei. port Men is Keuilt of Careful Training Traffic Accident at Minimum By WILLIAM STEWART Canadian Press War Correspondent LONDON. April 1, Celt's no exaggeration to say Canadian lorry" and transport diivers are the best in Italy, They were carefully trained In England and have kept all their good-driving hablU. In the Mediterranean theatre, they have gone back to driving on the right after months on the left In Biltaln. Canadian convoys in the war area are neat-looking and fast-moving. Traffic accidents are at a minimum. The drivers are signal-coasclous and habitually give the other driver as much room as possible. Whenever a convoy halts, a man leaps out and takes up a station to guide ' passing traffic. There' a man opposite every vehicle Indicating whether the road beyond Is clear. If there's traffic ap proaching from the opposite direction, it the road on is good or oad. , Safety leagues in Canada would take their hats off to Canadian army drivers and their road conduct. The Canadians salute the British Tommy for his courage and discipline. The Tommies are regarded as men who will tackle anything. They've an easy-going air which is deceiving and a mild manner which belles their fighting qualiUes and staying power. When an Important move is under way. the British clamp down a road control system which permits them to move unheard of quantities of motor transport over restricted road facilities. All around, what the British seem to lock In dash, they make up in patient organization, en-durance and inexhaustible pluck. i A soldier has to make the .V.. 1 acquaintance of dozens of battle and fold the meringue into rtn the. . ,. sounds before he comfort custard moulds mixture. and chill. Turn Bight Into serv- Ings Whipped Jelly sauce la delicious with this dessert. If serving It. use only 2 egg whites In the .Spanish Cream and the thin, white for the sauce. Whipped Jelly Sauce 6j cup pure Jelly, grape, crab-apple or red currant 1 egg white, unbeaten Pinch of salt Melt Jelly in bowl over hot water. Add egg white and salt and beat with a rotary egg beat- r until stiff. Cool and serve. HIGH IN TRADE Although Its population Is only 1100.000. Canada's volume of external trade Is third largest I of all the countries of the world. nmxiM i: or iikitiii roi.i'Mniv iiitMii; m vm: act" OTH I. Ol- UTI.UWtlOV MIR CIMMii: or MMK NOTICE IS 1IEHEBT OIVEN thtt n pplkttOci" wl mde to the Dlrrctor at VltiU BUtUtlcs for t tuner of mm, purtuant to Ul iimvuioiu ot th "Chnftr of Name Act by me: MTROSLAW MITEMtO. of 8U Jnd Ave. tn the CUT of Prince Rupert. In the Province of Brltlh Columbia. follows -To -hi.ne my iwme from Myrosiaw Mltenko to MWIwel Mitchell DATED thU 301 h dy of Murch, A D. 1944. llrROSLAW wrTF.NKO. i -tut: m 'Pit km r. roiiiT m IIHIIHII Kill. Mlllt l I'limtwi: IN TIIK MATTKIt Ol' Till: 'AOMIN-IMUtllON Al'T" Mllll in tiii: MtTTi it or Tin: ittk Or Hlll.ltM Mll l llt, lil.CK.W.11. TAKE NOTICE tht by order Cf His Honor W E Ttoher. mde on ihe 24th dy of Mrch. AD. 1944. I vu appointed Executor of the ea-Ute of WlUUm MUlrr. deceased, snd nil parties having cUlms aRalrut the aald EUte are hereby required to furnloh aame. properly vended, to me on or about the 30th day of April. A D. 1944, and all parties indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness t me forthwith. DATED Bt Prince Rupert. B C tills 30th day of March, A D 1944 EDWARD JAMES SMITH, Executor of the Estate of William Miller PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Sllll'IUllLDIlRS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Rrass Castings Electric and Acetylene Wcldlnc SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL anil MINING MACHINERY All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled can ably restrict his ducking to the bare minimum. Our sheilxlre and German ahellfire each has its own dis tinctive series of sounds. Shells ; coming your way or going somebody else's sound differently. The German machine gun can be recognised easily by its rapid chatter. It seems to be about three times as fast as a Bren-gun or a Tommy-gun which also can be identified without diffi culty. The explosion of a German mortar bomb likewise has Us individual sound and so have the cough-like muzzle explosions of our mortars. The whine o! shrapnel through the air likewise has its own discomforting note. So have snipers' bullets. J. H. WILKES Prince Rupert Hotel ADDING MACHINE, Typewriter and Cash Register Service Will be in Clly until April 8 DON'T FORGET . . THE IUO DANCE SATURDAY, APRIL 1st 9:00-12:00 p.m. I O D IC HALL (Formerly Eagles', 5th and McBrlde) Gentlemen 75c Roy Proverbs and Ills Orchestra Everybody Welcome KWONG SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE CIS 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tall All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 pm. Tuesday.10 pjn. to 12 p.m. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 12 pjn. Phone Red 247 St. Peter's Tea And Sale Success The Parish Hall at Seal Cove was the gathering place for many ladies of that end of the city on Thursday afternoon and an early spring tea and sale of home cooking held by the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Peter's Anglican Church was, therefore. 'a very successful event. Mrs. William Garlick. president of the Women's Auxiliary, received the many guests. The tea tables were attractively adorned with spring flowers The tea room was in charge of the Evening Branch of the Wo men's Auxiliary under the lead ershlp of Mrs. E. W. Scott, th? wife of the rector. Booths "were attended as fol lows: Home Cooking Mrs. Glen Hebb and Mrs. Smith. Sewing Mrs. William Adolph' and Mrs. Slevert. Variety Stall Mrs. J. W, Moorehoiue sr. and Mrs. Crad dock. Plants Mrs. G. A. KeUeyMrai A. H. Hill-Tout and Mrs. W. Davidson 14 FIRES IN MARCH The city fire department answered fourteen calls during March, according to the record kept by Fire Chief H. T. Lock. This brings the total fire calls this year to 32. I here were nine calls in Februa:y and nine in January. Greatest fire damage during the month was to the Canadian officers' mess on Second Avenue when $200 damage was inflicted to the interior by a blaze on March 11. Two false alarms were answered in March. LPP PUBLIC MEETING SrEAKFR IJruce .Mickleburph SL'BJECT "Teheran What It Means To Us" An outline of Labor-Pro-.gressive Policies for the War and Peace. "Unity or Chaos" SUNDAY, 2 P.M. EAGLKS' HALL SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54.. FRASER STREET Prince Rupert THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 ajn. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE G57 CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job. Phone IMack 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN Confirmation Class Dinner Members of the confirmation class of St. Paul's Lutheran Church were guests M a dinner party at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Magnus Anderson Friday evening. Following the dinner. the evening was spent .playing pa: lor games which were parti cipated in with great enthusi asm. The pastor concluded with a Bible quiz after which the class sang. "Have Thine Own Way Lord" whicn ney will reh- kr fallowing the ud of confl'! mation Sunday morning. During the evening the cla presented Mrs. Anderson wl a beautiful boquet of flowe and Pastor Anderson with 1 souvenir of Prince Rupert. I The confi; mation exercises i Sunday morning will 'mark tl' completion of two years of stur .under the pastor of the eongr gatlon. The members of the class ari Mary Dybhavn. Clifford Knu sen. Clarice Johnson, Nbrmarj Martinusen. Irene Mostad, Irj gred Nelson. Jean Jensen, Astr' Pedersen. Melvin Sandvar, Myi tie Sather and Freddie Norc gaard. For Fishermen and Outdoor Workers PUREAV00L WORK GARMENTS KERSEY SHIRTS Both Button and Zipper Styles. All sizes. Each FLANNEL SHIRTS Pure Wool Wincey in Grey and Fawn. Each Wool Wincey, Khaki. Each $5.25 lb UK I 5Z.V5 I W HEAVY PANTS Our stock of Humphrey Tweed Pants is complete. All sizes. Priced from, per pair ... $1.95 to $8.50 Sewing! Ladies: You can now get made to order Buttons and Buckles of your own material and design. Place your orders with . . . I It! v litcJD K fir A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD; "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Time flies,. one quarter of 1944 is gone. The anxious question is what does the next quarter hold for us. Our Store will be Closed 6th and 7th of April Send as your orders by mail Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue Klsn Annette Powell's Beauty Shop i rift Is Now Open Under the very capable management of Miss Peggy Saunders 4th Street, Across From Post Office Phone nlue 917 for Appointment ii i ! : V: . !' 'i ' 'I I Swtf-kfe I! Ik