t ! 71 PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS PUINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER. MANAGING EDITOR MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all nws despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. ADVERTISING RATES Death, Funeral, In Memorlain, Engagement and Wedding Notices. Card of Thanks sz.uu Birth Notices Funeral Flowers, per Name Classified. 2c per word, per insertion, minimum Transient, per Inch - Contract, per Inch Readers, per line - Black Face Readers, per line - '. Business and Professional Cards Inserted dajly, per month, per Inch - - 8 Columns, 12 ems. 287 Lines to Column. DAILY EDITION Election Campaign On... .50 .10 .50 .75 .50 25 $3.75 Tuesday, May 30, 1944 Schools and Other Needs . . . If we have become so used to thei menus neeueu uusuie aim iiiLiiuiiny mc- ftnuuu, nun to rectify the situation presents something of a major problem. True our civic finances are vastly better than they were a few years ago but we all know that the works which we must soon cany out in improving practically every community utility and service cannot be done without some special financial arrangements. To commence with we might as well realize that anv debts we incur must some time be paid or we shall be back in financial embarrassment ; just as we were ten years or so ago. J The' problem, as we have said, is a difficult one I but it is something that must be faced. With the boom of the last couple of years receding after hav-; ing possibly done the city harm as well as good, Prince Rupert one of these days will be settling down ! to what we hope will be steady development and ! growth and some measure of stable and permanent prosperity. Public expenditure on schools, streets, sewers, water system, telephone service and other municipal services will be needed and something will have to be done about meeting the need. The national convention of Young Liberals nowi in nroerrcss at Winninot' mav well he taken as m sip-: I t J i o J " o nificant political event. It should serve to rustle the dry bones of Liberalism which have been resting in peace for so long as far as anything in the way of political -campaigning activity is concerned. The C.C.F., of course,, keeps busy in season and out with the most of their members making a full time job of political talking and organizing within and without their own bailhwicks. John Bracken has been exceedingly busy of late, choosing to carry on his work of party leadership developing goodwill among the voters rather than assuming the responsibility of parliamentary membership at this time. So the Liberals may well consider it high time to be getting busy on their political fences. It may be assumed that the Young Liberal con vention in Winnipeg marks the start of the federal election campaign with Senator Wishart McL, Rob ertson sounding the call to arms for the Liberals with an address which receives attention in our news columns today. Meanwhile, the Saskatchewan provincial election taking place June 15 is the centre of immediate political interest. There are those who expect that, if it is favorable to the present Liberal government, the federal election will come not far behind war or no war. A Small Concession . . . The announcement in the House yesterday by Minister of Finance J. of Commons L. Ilslev that old age pensioners now will be allowed to cam $125 annually in addition to their pension instead of $05 as previously is another step, if not a. very pretentious one, in the way of improved social legislation for the aged. It will be appreciated but is still a far cry from the general desire that, not only should the amount of the old age pension be increased, but the age at which they may be paid should be lowered. IJoubtless, this will come before so very long as the iti ing is all for it. JOE BOYS BACK HERE. Acceptable Forces by Troupe Entertainment for Popular It. 0. A. F. Ily Dorothy narbutt The Joy Bays arc back awl they certainly bring Joy along with them, what with their rhythms bawl, their comedians. their singers and their series of smart saRS, comic Interlude and general high voltage hilar ity! This time, still under the direction of Flight Lieutenant Fraser Utter (one ring up since the last time, an congratulations are In order), the troupe jol comes direct from Ottawr. under headquarters command. They are centalnly good enough to be entertaining our boys across the sea. The show gets away to a good start with an opening orchestra number. This orchestra is an i eight - piece outfit 'under the leadership of Vern Duncan, pianist. Others in the group arc I Frank Kews, drummer. Bill We .Clayton and Joe Cartagnini, trumpets, and Jim IUecyo, Jack v have forgotten they leave a great deal to be desired, it does not hurt to be told what an outsider thinks prM)IW8. To manv. of course, such comment may not come as a surprise for we all know that our school facilities 'dueing the other. for n Inner time have, to nut it mildlv. been nothintriArcble Davy. , r. . , comedian and saxa- THrmtAhAiit Throughout, t uk ha cfeAu about our school buildings here in Prince Rupert. , ihey puy intertwie number, ac- When the chief inspector of schools for British Col-, MPy -he -inters and "makes 1 .to" that our school buildings arc aOOUt tne worst in Uie province aim sugyuai-s mat nc and fawn outfit m co,.. should have enough civic pride and interest not to, treat to the dapper royal blue tolerate their continuation any longer than is abso-.bjw uits with' silver buttons lutely necessary, we can well sit up. and take co.- c on this show. One aetor intro- Through baritone. more recently i.u uuaoi, dancer de luxe, we meet Rube With things municipally such as they are from a super, the outsize comedian financial standpoint and with so many improve- witn e ladylike manners. Rube a. jj u .i l ;.1,,,1 l,m,,;iinii own line w.nr . s un x peetfd f(.r mw sentle offmina of iiis MM if size I vx acter which he has the good taste not to let degenerate Into caricature. There's a touch of Zero Mostelle in this lad. While he and Archie Davey spar with each other In the opening gags he patiently attempts to explain why he Is no artist, although he paints men and women. You find yourself hearUly In accord with him when the reason is given. Just to show how versatile he is he dings a couple of splendid sonrfs In a thrilling baritone voice until forgetful-ness overtakes him and h leaves the mike In the middle of his song, nut the melody lingers on, to the delight of the audience. Next comes Archie Davey, whose vibrant baritone voice is as beauUful as ever. Ills selections are "Lonely Road" and the seldom heard but thrilling "Ride Cossack Ride" from Eric Maachwlte' right opera "Balal aika." Frankle Lees, a young man from Vancouver and parti east, west north and south, does a smart tap dance routine for his first solo appearance, his second number being his impression of a tipsy waiter executed in tap steps, which Include dancing on table tops, chairs and even the back of a chair He's light on his feet and very pleasing to watch. Pink Pendlebury. a. taH, thhi-faeed, sobersides sort of chap but a double-talk artist of such skill that he had the audience In stitches, then recited a nursery tale of how Little Hood Redding Hide met the Pussy Rabbltt and the Jassacks on her way to Grandma's cocktail party and how the wolf got there first. But In this tale it turns out that Granuma likes AfW this, and in order to let the audience Rather up what remnants of decorum were left t. it FrcdcHf Lamneit of Winni A LINK BETWEEN G EVERY single one of us wants a just and lasting peace. Rut, one of the first essentials to a lasting peace is continued' understand ing and unity between the present great conirades-in-arms . . . Rritain and the United States. Canada is the Jink between these two great nations ... a member of the Rritisli Commonwealth and the the U. S. A. long, inseparable friend of' Yes, we, of Canada, know both these peoples . . . like them both so well that we are the link that joins . . . the bond of understanding. This is our natural birthright let us serve it 'well, Si AMI IERSTWJRU ONTARIO peg gavfe a remarkably novel display of harmonica playing. It wasn't what he played but how he played his various mouth organs that astonished. He even went to town on "Twelfth Street Rag" on a harmonica no more than two inches long. Freddie is also a first rate ventriloquist and later comes out in an art with Oscar his very handsome dummy, an act which has what so few ventriloquist acts have, realty smart patter ami amusing situations. Oscar is a lovable little fellow and It really wa. unkind of Carl Clay when thanking the troupe to say there were fourteen in the troupe when everyone knows that Oscar makes fifteen. Oscar waa most put out. and I'd hate to be in Carl's shoe, far a dummy never forgets. "It's a wise son knows his own father," Is the basis for the next gag. the denouement of which L funny and unexpected. A seriot comic act called "The Last Mile" depicts the awful fate which awaits an airman who gets bushed. Hugh Watson, as the bushee, gives a fine Imitation of the old scltool tragedian and then along comes Rube, burlesques the whole thing and-well, It has to" be seen to be believed. Although the whole episode was farcical, it gives an Idea of what Hum Wataon could do were he given a teriou? medium. Pink Penderbury, aa a somewhat inetniated gentleman wltto gambling tendencies, takes on a Umber of his pais In a bet that he's neither In New York, nor Chicago nor not even m San Francisatueky. Naturally he loses An airwoman skit with Pink. Hugh and Frankle bring? wolves ! clown the hou.se They are some what out nf th uual run of WD' but their drill, done to ip itep. and their son-' lyiic-d' '"-.ptive r,f th-.r iifn aim; NATI cur hearts is the smite concept of freedom! is only natural that Canadians, Americans and Englishmen share the same concept of freedom, for we alto share one of the earliest defenders of the freedoms we are fighting for today. He was a Calvert, an enlightened English statesman and founder of colonies off Canada's shore and in Maryland. So, centuries ago, a Calvert forged a link which ha strengthened throughout the years Joining together for the good of mankind the British Commonwealth of Nations and the United States of America. In statesmanship and wisdom, the Calvert family were far ahead of their age. In 1638 Calvert's son and successor, carrying on the democratic Calvert tradition, fined a man of his own faith five hundred lbs. of tobacco " I New Manager Of Wrens' Softball Team Is Named Appointment of Sub-Lieutenant Iiooth of Toronto. W.RjC N S. officer, as manugcr of the Wren's team lu the Women's Area Softball League was announced today. Sob-Lieut. Booth has had considerable experience in coaching and her experience In this field is expected to be a great help to the Navy rrrls" nine. Co-tnckllnc with (he rvtaue of this news was the revelation that the Wren's team has acquired the sat rices of three new softball players who wMl no doubt be a decided asset to the club. The three newcomer are D. M. Griffith, of Crawford Park. M. McPiarmkl. of Drandon. Manitoba, and Ren a Down These new members of the team did not have a chance to play last night since the Wren's tame with the Allies on Acro-oolU Hill was postponed. Engagements at Gyro Park which would have bronchi together a rivals the Alumnae and C.W-A.C.'s. and the Air Force WD.'s and Bo-Me-Hl. wan ! also called off. ! and ambitions are very fun ny indeed. Then tnere wi re the can-can girls, gaily dressed light-hearted and ai graceful as young heifers. The quartet, accompanied br the band, sang an amusing medley of old tune songs with the appropriate barber hop Interpretations A few more arts and the show was over Hut we hope they'll be back our way again bicaUT show, of this calibre btrezv uri'.'.lit and clean -are )U; t wtu: thf (liwt.ir ordered ft tt - ..a r for "villifylng and profaning another's 4nAlltte' sttlii.tti Thus yuviiiLi i religion." v iikiiu i. v i inn a a man's man's freedom freedom to to worship worship as as he he pleases pleases was was estab- estab- fcrA - l( VMM I J 4 7 lished In in the the New New World World A? i &d c- , v fL PERILS OF SOCIALISM (continued from page 1) the small nation. We can beat peak the language of the small nations. We can beat apeak the language of the small nations .since in most ways we ars a email nation uurseJvi. and yet we will be in a poMtlon to exer else a great influence on the larger nations. "I believe It to our bounden duty to see to It that the head of the Canadian delegation to the peace eMt)frenca is the oue who la best fitted to express Canada's viewpoint and the one whose prestige and influence would have the most effect. "While their it general acceptance of the vicA'point among ail leaders of the United Nation Of intern .- , . J both ion mitM )tnt that in the w , k a program M.r ,, bound to a' . t SALAD TEA I'l ilUVI - il lt"UT" v"i n PRESCRIPTION .Meet Mc at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) -at ct -.1. , be a'Tomi, . t ' - . W - , ' I .iic maximum '. Intelligent. Uve leadi rs: ,,' I today that f x praarnt Priii;, Ml ada, Mr M , :kr have one liberal fluui. world. HU faverimentu &' r. mind, hu i ncy of pu. t .u: him and f' nun reipc ' trj i a -J ' i ''.: 'W "i. it; -it t Grubstakers' PUOSPKCTlNfi SYNDIC ATM $3.00 per Unit t ... ..it aw. r fault Mlnro and in Sha TnviAliip m.it V We are now ginng Into Yelloaknlfe and ' r . sertniion.s beinc accepted at $3 per unit u' : ' head office ,8 Coiborne 8t, Toronto I. Ort,i: . , UP A DDI I A ?TFR Down through the years, almost since Pi f flrat eauted, we liave served the people The ; t a . - . .J . r and grateful lur the confidence you have : 3w.i i) we continue to .tcrvc you. Ormes Ltd, 77 ui Pioneer )nqs? THK REXAIX STORE PHONFJ Open Dally from 9 ajn till 9 pm Sundays and llolldays from 12-2 p.m. and " pJ- m A . a m m m m t m a A fe t 4. ft 111 rT f 1 1 1 M UA M H IN mY UK "Where dollars have more cents" We hsve a complete variety of avallablt (Irorcries, Fresh Fruits ant! Vegetables Tobaccos and Conroctitincry FHF.K DrXIVFJIY througnout me uuy uurc u..-- (Tuesdays, Thursdays ana aaiuraay- Opposite Canadian ICglon PACIFIC CAFI Special: Chinese Dishes Chon Sucy Chow M Hours 0:00 a.m. to 2:00 ' uti . Have You Ordered Next Winter Coal Yet? K Not, Do It Today! IM.ACK YOUIt OKDUR TODAY WITH ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD- IMIONK 11C and 117