J PAGE TOUR i THE DAILY NEWS VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dinnerwarc, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties JEWELER PHONE C51 MAX HEILBRONER DIAMOND MERCUANT RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Swim Suit Styles Get in the Swim! rl BRA-TOP (As illustrated) and One Piece Prettiest swim suits ever! Gay print cottons figure-smooth with bra tops, fitted and ballerina skirts. I Also smart one-piece dressmaker style that are nil!rrT rrrrtrr STORE "in the Heart of the Town" SHOP AT THE SEVENTH AVE. MARKET The Friendly Store" We handle HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS and VAN'S BREAD Also Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Our Prices Are Right CASUALAIRES... THE WORLD'S MOST COMFORTABLE SHOE LIGHT AS A FEATHER FLEXIBLE AS A WHIP WEAR THEM EVERYWHERE Priced $3.95 Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes" Fine, Mild Weather, Isn 't It? Last winter was mild too, but don't be misled. Next winter may be as cold as 1942-1943, and, if it is, the man with the full coal bin will win. WE CAN GUARANTEE DELIVERIES NOW BUT NOT NEXT WINTER Fill up" your coal bins with Foothills Lump, Egg or Nut, and Bulkley Valley for furnace heating. PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. I Expert OPTICAL SERVICE CIIAS. DODUIEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving Classified Ads Advertising in this section Is parable in advance at the office. Please do not ask us to deviate from this rule WANTED WANTED Furnished apartment for officer and wife. Call Black 251 after 6 o'clock. 1127) WANTED $50.00 Reward for furnished house, close in. Will pay rent up to $75 per month. Urgent. Phone American Slg nals 418 after 6 pjn. (137) WANTED By quiet respectable couple with 17 months old baby Cirl, two or three room apartment, preferably furnished. Apply Box 761 Daily News. $5.00 Reward for small furnished house or apartment for service man, wife and daughter. Refined. Rent in advance. Box 750 Dally News. (127) WANTED TO RENT For young couple with 2 children, a four or five room house. Cen trally located. Apply Box 757 Daily News. (tf) WANTED Furnished house, ap- partment, or housekeeping rooms. Urgently needed by June 1. Local references. Phone Blue 967. (126) WANTED TO BUY Medium sized two - wheel warehouse truck. Valetin Dairy. (127) WANTED Electric Phonograph Player. Box 767 Daily News. (131) BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING ESTHER STANYER Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver Phone Red 934 or call at 1467 Sixth Avenue East, Upstairs VAL SPIDEL Floor Sanding and Finishing Alterations and Repairing Phone Green 880 General Delivery SEPTIC TANKS And Filter Lines Cleaned and Repaired. Apply Box 749 Dally News. PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST Prop.: MRS. A. R. LOCK 300 3rd Ave. Phone 777 SEE F. MURPHY FOR LUMBER STOCK FOR ALL BUILDING PURPOSES 225 1st Avenue East Phone Black 884 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning-Authorized "FLEXFORM- SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guessss Waterproofing a Specialty. PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 206 4th Street Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B. r. Lovin. Representative PHONE G52 Box 526 1315 Piggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. FOR SALE FOR SALE Folding cot. 1325 Pigott Avenue. (126) FOR SALE Brown double bed and brown single bed complete. Phone Black 731. (128) FOR SALE Piano aocordtan, CO base. Phone Black 29. (it) FOR SALE Bed and dresser. 424 Dunsmuir Street (127) FOR SALE 16 foot speedboat with 16 h.p. outboard. Phone (127) FOR SALE Eight tube Viking radio, nearly new. 110 9th West. (120) HELP WANTED (126) FOR SALE Household furni ture. Please apply Don Wilson's Barber Shop. Phone Black 810. (tf FOR SALE Nineteen foot cabin uuai, suitaoie lor pleasure or fishing. 4 h.p. marine engine. For further information Phone WANTED Chambermaid for local hotel. Apply National Selective Service AF. 129. (tf) WANTED Housekeeper, woman to do housework two or three times weekly. Phone Blue 801 or apply 346 4th Ave. West. HELP WANTED Male. Finishing carpenter wanted for temporary work. Apply Selective Service No. A.M. 130. (131) SAWYER, Edgerman, Green-chalnmen, Lumber Filers and Millworkers wanted for 25 thousand foot sawmill OonA accomodation. Celling wages J paid. Apply National Selective j Service for order number (994 5GG5. ' (tf) FOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen, sharing. 1344 Pigott Avenue. (13D FOR RENT Room for single girl. 649 Hays Cove Circle. 126) FOR RENT Room close in for gentleman only. Phone Black &G5. (tf) FOR RENT Three room house. Apply P.O. Box 1406, Substation "B." (130) FOUND FOUND Single key on gold chain. Also two keys on long silver chain. Owners may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement, (tf) PERSONAL BAYAND ie SEELEY, Palntins, Decorating, Kalsomlnlng. All work guaranteed. Blue 378. "Satisfaction" our motto. 150) WILL whoever took the purse by- mistake from the Oddfellows' Hall Friday night kindly phone Oreen 781 or leave at the Dally Ne.ws. ci26) BURN WOOD For Summer Dry Slabwood, cord $10.00 Dry Jackplne $12.50 HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 ITALIAN IIATTLEI RONT (Continued from page 1) but promised to see me back up the line They were a grand lot. I arrived back at Bati about 5 nm but fntmrt fhnt nil nnr chaps had left the hospitals there and were further south at Brindisi and Taranto. Cross ing the mountains here, we ran into buzzards and the snow was mixed with the fine ashes of Vesuvius far away and bevond our sight. It was bitterly cold and the camp we made was muddy and miserable. On Wednesday, March 22, still raining and wretchedly cold, we set off early in the morning. We arrived at Avalino at 12 noon. Here we met a lot of old friends. I want you to know that the rest of the day was soent in talking to tins one and that and really in having a grand re- FOR SALE One twelve foot . ... flat bottom cedar skiff in ex--A T . in inc client cellent mnniZ condition. Phone SL 6. .day and enjoyed the same un stinted welcome and gratitude Red 78 in forenoon. (126) .thmh r,ii4. 4v,. FOR SALE Ford car, two door, 1937 model, good rubber, celling price. One No. 24 Woods four knife planer, complete with five pairs of side heads. One No. 3 National sawmill with two head saws, sawdust and slab conveyors, log haul; like new, only used five months. For inspection and prices see Strom Lumber Company, Prince George, B.C. I") FOR SALE Chicken rancn, Larkanian Island, Prince Rupert Harbor, 3 miles from city. 20 acres, 5 cultivated, balance timber. Five-roomed cottage, grounds improved, lawns, flower borders and rockeries. Houses for 1200 laying hens. Soil rich black loam, grows excellent market produce, bulbs and small fruits. Established market eggs and produce at premium prices, a. P. Tinker it Co. Ltd., phone 57. (126) for ail you people back home are doing for us here. Thursday, March 23 we woke to more rain and snow. We shall want a lot more than a shipping company's advertisement to persuade us to winter in sunny Italv once we leave it. We set out tor Casserta which is north of Naples and having passed , mountains, we were thankful to reach our destination in time for a hot lunch. Here acaln the hospitality of the medical staff came to the fore and we thank ed God for them. Before 6:30 p m. I had visited all my boys in twenty-four wards. It was a wonderful experience but I was very tired and retired early to bed in a draughty marquee tent. The day had- been well spent and I had gathered more haDDv memories for my old ace Never were boys more grateful, more i sincere in their appreciation or ! more eager to talk of old time old friends and old problems. Friday. March 24 I had com pleted my visitations and I was i much cheered by the boys I had ' come to cheer. At 12:30 pjn, 1 1 arrived back in Naples and we! made lunch north of the city. looking down on the coast road into the Bay of Naples and at the violently erupting Vesuvius to the south. PAY VISIT TO NAPLES . Naples, like many another Italian city, bears the scars of battle. I hardly know which impressed me more the abject poverty, squalor and devastation of the dock yard area or the beauty of the villas standing lr. their orange and lemon groves on the sunny heights of the Bay of Naples. The contrast was si great that the least observant would notice it. Vesuvius looKed awe-inspiring. Vast clouds of ashes and dust shot up out of Its crater. Th? slopes directly from its edge THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 5 pjn. to 2 ajn. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 GEO. JJAWES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE IUKNITUI1E AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment 146 4th Ave. E. RED 127 KWONO SANG IIINQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE C12 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 pjn. Tuesday.10 pjn. to 12 pjn. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 12 pjn. Phone Red 217 were covered with red-hot lava which poured swiftly down the slopes and continued at a slower rate towards the villages. Saturday, March 25. we sDcnt best part of the mornine meet ing old timers at our convales cent depot. The boys are going aoout in a very dusty condition owing to the eruption. Indeed no one could escape. My vehicle was covered with it and so was I. But the parcels and socks and cigarettes bucked them up and in a short time we forgot all about Vesuvius. I ought to conclude by saying that we left Salerno and heeded north to rejoin my regiment in the forward area where I am now and it is here I hone to re main with the boys, unUl again opportunity permits me to visit the sick and wounded "somewhere in Italy." Aged Terrace Woman Passes Mrs. McDonald, Mother of Mrs. Head, Dies at Ace of 83 TERRACE. May 30 The death of Mrs. McDonald at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Head, occurred Saturday at 8 o'clock' in the morning, after but two days' illness. Deceased was widowed several years ago and since that time has been living with Mrs. Head and her family. She reached 86 years or age having been born at Acton. Ontario. She came to Terrace with her husband in the early days of Terrace and established a farm a short way south of the village. Deceased was of a bright and MUSIC AND FUN FILM 'You Can't Ration Iive" Coming to Capitol Thratre on Wednesday A novel story idea is presented on the screen of the Capitol Theatre hee tomorrow with a cast headed by Johnnie Johnston and Betty Rhodes in "Yiu Cant Ration Love." Relating incidents which bring the point rationing system to a small mid-western college in order to sup-ply enough males to go around the picture is said to sparkle with gaiety from start to finish Johnny Johnston becomes thr foil of a female contingent by permitting Betty Rhodes to transform him into a glamo boy. Johnny Is a bespectacled student of arts and science whn has little attraction to Jive or anything like that In spite of what seems a hapless task, however. BetVy perseveres' and the scholar suddenly becomes the heart throb of the campus Mad comedy features the picture There are four new song hiu "Love Is This." "Ooh-Ah-Oh " "Look What You Did to Me" ant! "Nothing Can Replace a Man" whlfc the old favorite "Louim Is revived. cheery disposition and will be mourned by many friends a well as by the surviving mem- j bert of her family. A son in thr United State, a sister at Sal mon Arm. Mrs Head at Ter-' race t daughter grandchildren. and turf l Announcing the Opening of . . PAULSEN'S GIULL SATURDAY, JUNK 3, 1911 6th Ave. L, Beside P.O. Station It. "Select Lunches and Select Service" Celebrating the Opening of the Grill Pre-Sale of Candy, Peanuts, etc Wednesday, May ,11 PAUISKN'S GKOCKKV First Comr First Served Ami find among the JihhIm thry like That you hate picked a tcinner. You choose it to cnture thr praise Which it a good meal's sequel. Flavor U what joii want in foods to lift tliem out of the ordinary rich, dUllnc-tlw, Itivitlnir flavor o iiuiku your nicult varied ami inlereatliiK. It'" that orl of flavor joii get in "Royal City" Cuiuinl Fruitd and Vj:rtnll-M. They're nun-ripened ... gariUu-froli . . . parked at their prime ... ami they're journ for dinner tomorrow! RememlM-r joii mo luoney in Canned Foods when you buy a quality-.brand like "Jtoyul City." flgiYALClTY CANNED FOODS TomorrowOnl r . I 1 nn - tit loungi Tuneful r runny. j 'You Can Rati Lov HETTY RHODES! JOHN NIL JOHNSTO Our (.ant In Isrr- IUnj WorlJ Ntr ENDS TOMGIfl TOP MAN" Copifi i i:.i-i'J57innDa SUCCESS srony When they come liomc to dinnrr W&i ' For flavor fine thry all agree "Hoyal City" hat no equal, 7 It's Gay, v