MAY ."3. 1041. TIIE DAILY NEW3 :.V IB W H ROLL YOUR OWNERS G FOR OGDEN'S I Don'l linger! Get going for Ogden't right away. Once run get a w hill ul tins special blend ol rich, ripe tolwccot, you 11 know a s not juit another toiucco u vjgutn ti lui cum qnn In uriTo . 1 1: ":c- Now uuv 3 zippers Re $3.00. S1.50 " ?ENDFJtfl. Assort 55c -TTON DRESS C for .-summer A,, jex S3.50 f WW SPECIALS - BUY NOW! I r $; Nurw rubbers. - woim WORK 50c 55c 85c .BREAKERS for t' Fawn shade. All aUm. V -xt Reg price 84.25 DBEXl SOX. Oood Men's ALL WOOL TOP COATS. Oood sire Clearing out below Q-f O Qf? cost From Mens PANTS. A big variety for dress and work. Cotton and wools, at real low prk-es. Well CO CA made Now Men s ALL WOOL TWEED PANT8. Orey and Brown. AH Mze. Reduced now to $6.00 Men's RAIN COATS. All sizes. Fawn and Oreen Tweed Tops. All sizes Tl S6.95 Boys' LONO PANTS. Oood tailored. Sizes Q-f QCT 24 to 34. Now Bays' PULLOVER SWEAT ERS. Special price now - LeaUicr WINDBREAKKRS. Well made and good styles. All 14 Al.tO 45 size Special B.C. CLOTHIERS LTD. IfrUunue ntabllhei 1930 MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A (JOOII l'LCr. TO BUY I STEKIj CR1HS- Drop f ides, with felt mattress pi-T MATTUESSKS- I to" V, J izes, from, each WEST END CAFE (CS Suey HllSe) "IOPKNS UtIUY, MAY 27 Cmpletoly Renovated West rhone 201 $24.50 $10.50 327 3rd Avenue RUPERT BRAND SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage 'R,XCE UUIEHT CO. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 15c up and Cold 50 Rooms, Hot Water Urine Winirrt. HO. Phone 2H1 P.O. Ilox 109 LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Dr. R. C. Bamford's office will be closed until June 20. U27) Major Morrant. area nadre for the Army here, left on last eve- nn'i train for a trip to, Waln-wTlght, Alberta. A Special meeting Carpenters' Union, Tuesday 30, 1:30 p.m.. Fraser HL Business Important. All members please attend. (126) Jeffrey Harris has returned to Klsplox after attending the United Church Convention in Vancouver as a delegate. William Jeffrey left last Thursday night for Vancouver where he will meet Andrew Paul and other delegates enroute to Ottawa to attend an Eastern Indians' Convention. C W. Nash of the Highway i Construction Co. returned to the ii ity yesterday afternoon from a brief business trip to . Ovrar W. Pearson, district (manager of the Swift-Canadian .q., Vancouver, arnvi-u in mc city yesterday afternoon from the south, being here on one of his periodical visits to the com pany's local business. Announcements Anglican Tea, Mrs. R. M. Wins- low. June 1. Cambral Dance, June 1 Help Norway Church, June 3. LOOT. Halt, Hill Sixty Tea, June 7. R J. D. SmHh. Mrs. W.O.T.M. Dance. Wednesday. June 7. Oddfellows' Hall. Dan cing 10-2, DcCarlo's Orchestra. Refreshments. Tea, Lutheran 9. I.OO.F. Hall. estra, Admission $1.00 8t Prter's Tea, Mrs. J. W Moorehouse. June 15. DANCE OlHHT.LUm S' hall Wednesday, May .11 NOTICE I have sold out my Interest in 13 Taxi and wish to thank all my patrons for our past, pleasant relations. The new owner will commence operating again In one week and I know that he will give Uic steady, courteous service of the past. PAT MAZ.KI J. M. S. Loubser D C, U.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Thone 640 a. We are specializing In the newest NESTLE'S COLD WAVE Especially suitable for finer hair ANNETTE POWELL'S REAUTY SHOPPE Fourth Street. Peggy Saunders TILLIE THE TOILER C. K. Ytreberg left thla after noon on a trip to Vancouver. J. 8. WHson left on last evening's train for a trip to Bert Rennle. dry doclc cashier. left on last evening's train for a trip to Winnipeg. Toniehfs train, due from the East at 10:45, was reported this morning to be on time. AC.CJ. Public Meeting. Thurs day June 1. 8 pjn, I.OJJ.E. Hall, 5th Ave. Sneakers. 1L Qargravc MUt. and LAC Archibald, Slceena Federal Candidate. (128) Mr. Justice J. O. Wilson will be the speaker tomorrow at the regular weekly luncheon of the D,ln,a TJlirvort Clvm fMtlh. appeared before Magistrate w. D. Vance in city police court yesterday and was remanded until Wednesday. The body of Peter Spalding. three-year old son of Peter Spalding of Seal Cove, was sent last evening to tne family home at Port Dsslng-ton where the funeral will take place tomorrow. The death of the child occurred early yester day morning. Yesterday afternoon a com mlttee was formed In the May or's office to arrange for a day of nrayer to be held on the oc cation of the Allied invasion oi Western Europe. The committee consists of Dean J. B. Gibson, chairman: Rev. W. W. Silver- thorn, secretary; Mayor H. M. Daaett. Aid. Norah Labor-Prog Whist Drive Arnold, The weekh whist drive and social of the Labor Progressive Club Saturday night was again a successful and enjoyaoie event, a good-sized crowd being In attendance. The nrlze - winners were: ladles' frlst, Mrs. Owen G manners: second. Mr. Ann Zaeko: consolation, Miss Kydd; mens first, J. Mlcklmas; secona. Goodman; consolation, James Janis. Following the card playing, delicious refreshments were served and a happy social hour enjoyed. Alberta Girl Is Bride Of Charted with communicating iVprnOTI SfJieifk 4Icaa TlarnM i v CliCi vat ukav, ------ A ouiet wedding of local In-1 terest took place Saturday eve- nln at the study of the nrsi BaDtlst Church when Myra Syl- via Nelson, daughtef of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Nelson of wetas- irinHn Amrt.i and Vernon John rw rv a a a .b-ww-vwi j Scherk. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. , Scherk of this city, were united in marrlaae. Rev. W. w. suver- thorn officiating. I Th invMv bride wore a floor- length gown of white brocaded satin, fashioned with sweetheart neckline, and a fingertip veil. She wore gardenias in corsage. Miss Ruth Scherk was onaes-mald and Henry Frjesen was best man. A reception followed at the groom's home. Mr. and Mrs. Scherk wiu at 541 Ninth Avenue West Rev. J. A DonnelL Rev. E. W. - . XT Seott, J. W Scott of the Senior iLQCal lllirSe M. Felsenthal of the Junior Chamber of Commerce. top 1'Kicr. PAin roit vocit '"vSluSKl) CAR OR TRUCK DeCarlo's Orch IN Hir. UKIir (WKT or IIKITIMI I OI.I MHU in ritoHtTi: IN THE MT1IK Ol' THE -.UlMIN-IXTKUION ACT" and in tin: mittlk or Tin: ijtate TAKE NOTICE tbt by OttlM ot l Ills Honour juagr rmwr. Judge or the Supreme Court or Brlttah ColumbU. I was on tb 9lh Say oi WT AC W. appointed AdmlnUtratnr wltn the Will n-nexrd of the EUU of William Oooey. . k.. mi (Vhii Falls. DC. on 'Hi fcAR. If Tdwept: I - a 7 ' 1 s i ni&ni riAt r.tutu THAT HEART O? HIS rwmHr 17th AH. 1043 Is Married All prrn Indebted to the said Es- k Miss Josephine Wrubleski romes Bride of John I). row Reply U Box 7C8 stating make. eddlnZ was solem- mode: and year the Roman catholic MMMBSHaaM i Church of the Annunciation last Thursday at 8:15 pjn. wnen Josenhine Wrubleski. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam W'rubleskl, Kurokl, Saskatche wan, became the bride of John D. Morrow. Seattle. Rev. Father Carroll officiated. The bride looked charming in a dressmaker's suit of heaven blue, with feather hat to match. She wore a corsage oi Talisman roses and carnea a prayer i.LrU!d"uuuuKathryn Shumskl. wore. Valencia ufiue them with me properiT veri-, rose with navy accessories. Her, tied on or before the isth dj .'lcorslge was of blue IrU and, nrJ only u. uch euinu of "-,!was gr0omsman. 1 SaW wnncennur: bc. this f ollowing the wedding a re-! isth dy of ax). V1!M..ATT ccption was held at tne nome ornciki Adminutmtor. .of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon uryani. Rrtnc Rupert, B C SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P O. Box 54.. FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Barr & Anderson LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 Fifth Avenue, where a number of friends gathered to exiena their best wishes to the happy couple. Rnv IS THAT WAC Gordon Bryant proposed the toast to the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Morrow left for Seattle and will take up re3i-. dence In the Angus Apartments on their return 10 rnnce uu- pert. The bride, a graduate of St Michael's Hospital, Toronto, has been on the staff of Prince Ru pert General Hospital for the past 18 months. KING'S BATON DISPLAYED WINDSOR. Enc. tt The King loaned his field-marshal's baton 18 carat gold and 30 Inches long to .the "Salute the Soldier" exhibition here. A "DRY" REMARK h A MEAN LOOK! H Married Quietly In City Monday The marriage took place quietly yesterday at the parsonage of First United Church, Rev. James A. Donnell officiating, of Mary Doem. dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kosusko of Vancouver, and Frederick Davis Peachey, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Peachey of this city. Witnesses of the cere mony were Miss Marjorle Lillian Peachey and John Kozusko. The couple win reside in the city. TIMIII.ll SALE X 8JGJ2 Scaled tenders will be receUed by the Minister or Lands at Victoria. II n nnt Inter than 11 o Clock on the forenoon on the 27th day of June. 1944, for the purchase oi Licence X 22C32. to cut b.wh.wu feet of Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock nrUtnv narta of lJOi 832 and 4803 near salms Station. Canadian National Railway, nang S. Coast Land District. F1t (5) year will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. BC, or District Pnreater. Prince Rupert, B.C. MffltWHiffll unwwriPYntiBPllTKrvurDir HELD COMFORTABLY SNUG THIS WAT It's so easy to wear your pUtu til day when held firmly In place by this "comfort-cushion' a dentist s formula. i. Dr. Wernet's vent sore gums. Powder lets you x Economical; enjoy solid foods small amount avoid embar- lasts longer. MHmMitrif Limp i. Pure-harmless. t.laUs. Helw pre- pleasant tasting. Atlas Roilcr Works Electric. Oxygen. Acetylene Welding, Blacksmith, General Repair. Thone Red 881 KING GEORGE CAFE Special Chinese Dishes Chop Suey -Chew Mein Hours 10 am to 10 pjn. 2nd Avenne and 8th Street CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BUHNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job. Thone Black 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 723 Specialists on Builtup Roofs Repairs, Re-shlngllng Free Estimates i " - ' i COME OM. SOLDIER, VOU'p H.THANK vrt)Uv'SIR Mil HI in Ml M 1i"Tlll WTiliifTli The Seal of Quality British Columbia's Finest Salmon PAOE THREE Clearance Sale . Mens Jackets for Work or Casual Wear Pure Wool Tweed Surjackets with zipper. Regular price $9.95. nr SPECIAL PRICE Pure Wool Tweed Jackets, windbreak- er style. Regular price $10.00. , qp SPECIAL PRICE Windproof and Water Repellent Jackets. Regular Price $8.50. r qj- SPECIAL PRICE jJ.lJ MrlTlWWaTOff!l'jaatVlMHISlI:'l3al Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPL.ES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND WATERMAN'S . J. L. CURRY (Late ol Yukon) CHIROPRACTOR Smith, Block Green 995 RUT IF VOU'D TURNED OM THE TEARSI'D MEVER HAVE VJEAKEMEP 1 EVERYDAY FOUNTAIN CARDS PENS Besner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 JUST ARRIVED! A Large Shipment of Audels Technical Books $.250 BLUEPRINT READING 1J5 Z took - HI MATHEMATICS AND CALCULATIONS-. "5 SHEET METAL WORKERS HANDYBOOK SHIP FITTERS HANDYBOOK Vti AUTOMOBILE GUIDE ' RADIOMANS GUIDE , MACHINISTS GUHDE DIESEL ENGINE MANUAL r ELECTRIC POWEP. CALCULATIONS MASTER PAINTER AND DECORATOR -J PLUMBERS AND STEAMFITTERS, 4 voU each Z.00 MASONS AND BUILDERS. 4 vol.. each ...... 4 vol.. each 2.00 GARDENERS AND GROWERS, .- ENGINEERS AND MECHANICS, 8 vol., each Z-K All Volumes Sold Separately miNCE KITERT AGENCY T AUL'L COM. ELIO Furniture Store By Wcstovcr THIRD AVENUE Folding Baby Carriages. Baby High Chairs. Baby Cribs. Boys' Wagons. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMl'S For that Long-wanted MONUMENT OR MARKER See National Monuments 602 Sth East Box Ittt Station B Trlnce Rupert. U.C. Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association Bee JOHN L. WRIOHT Special Representatlv Phone 141 rioneer Ilootru 4 n 1 I t . I'