-nAY MWABY 29, 1941 r T ft .me. vice -president a-. Cong.ew of E: adley. general or- ', Wi.ium Wowart, Vi.MUMIWrT 1)31- arrived in the at Vancouver In -. organizational to be here tor "wrly local mana-f ' C.-nadtan Co., who if. cd to Vancouver 7 wf-u settled now In ty He and Mm. 5 . iiK m their own i IV Vancouver. He Is ' ? uustrlal accounts ' ;n Vancouver. " i ualty lUti Include nf Private James Wes-t t Alvln English P -t Oeorge Private be n wounded while t.. i a B. Uish Colum-' :vr: jcas Closed l ntil March 1 when we will reopen, bringing with us tho latest in hair styles from the south. mi . . . 0 recti tii r BOVR1L is a grand stimulating pick-up when you're all in. VRIL IN BOTTLES and CUBES AT AIL GOOD STORES LOCAL NEWS NOTES : ( ..rds, splendid as-Jj Printing Co Ltd. McKeown and! si to the city on . . utter an ab. u year. r returned to the r.f from a trip to Brjm returned to the UK from a buw-ai,iuuver. r i. bustneaa agertf . . i E trh'MKl Of British ! yesterday on a V ,,Y I it .. ha rut been 1 t hi !ocl dry dock member of the :i u:v.: 11 leaving to !r Vancouver .. o( enlisting in W C Kowlands. United bf , , Uin. iuaji in fer at the regular : "f the Prtnoe u; C ub today. Preal- T ;u :ter was In trw ui, attendance of r i a gueu. O, Fletther left yesterday at ternoon on a trip to Port Hardy. F. T. Coffin left yesterday afternoon on a trip to Vancouver. Constable 1. M. Jones of the BCr police, aeeytnpanled by Mrs. Jones, left yesterday afternoon on a t:ip to Victoria. T. N. Wrtsner. auditor for Canadian National Telegraphs, left on last nights train to return to Winnipeg after spending the past 'wo weeks here on business. William Carey appeared before Magistrate W D. Vance In clty police court this morning. charged with public Intoxication, and wax fined S2S, or seven days. mine . Ur mul I iwwt marrj, mm idouwts do. Rub tas m Ihro.t. ''tlICKS srrfbsckwtth m W Urns. tilted VAPORUB Mr and Mr. J W K-fu- f Ketchikan ate in the city today, leturn.nt. to their home in Alas-ka after a trip to Scat: and elsewhere In the south. WM4ia.n RnM, Jr.. son of Mr and Mrs. William Brass, returned home today oiler having been kt Britain for three years with the ax tillcxy of Uu Canadian Amy. Mr. and Mrs. Alex I 'olden wen bete this morning returning U Juaeau after a Ulp to California. Mr. Holden Is a veil known eom mercUl pilot out of Juneau. Inspector Ernest Gammon of the British Columbia police returned last nifiht from Prince George where he et last week on business. Mrs. F. Elliott, new teacher fo; the day achool at Port Simpson, atrlved in the city last nlqht from the prairies. Tonight's train, due from the eiut at 10 45. was reoorted this i afternoon to be running about 40 minutes late, which would bring it in shortly before 11 33. 5"?e ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE lh Slrrft (Acrovi frnm Port (Hike). phonf lllue S17 Thrifty Housewives WK KRATUHR . . . A full line of Swift's Premium Meats at nil times. A complete and Fresh stock of Fruit and Vegetables. You can get everything you want at this immunity Shopping Centre-Prices Right. SEVENTH AVE. MARKET ""y COUNCILLORS ARE ELECTED Tort SlrayuMi. HetUUtU, rwliih inl KiUuUU Name Utdrn The election of vlUaze offi cers for the (our native villages of Port Simoaon. Metlakatla Klncolith. and Kitkatla have been completed for the coming year. Port Simpton elected a chief councillor and eleven councilors. Kltkatla a chief councillor and eight councillors. and MetlakatJa and Klncolith a chief councillor and five coun cillors. Greenville elections have not yet been held. Forkrwtn are the names of the councillors elected:' POUT SIMPSON Chief Councriior Ernest Dudo-! ward. Councillors John OosnMJ Joshua Dryant, James McKay William Kelly. Samuel Hughe; Henry Kelly, John Sankey Mows Wesley, James Lawson, Bit Pollard, Joshua McKay KITKATLA Chief Councillor Joseph In nes. Councillors Mathew III!' Lawrence Innes, James Lewi- Norman Lewis. Solomon Brow: Wllttam Ridley. William Olad stone. Henry Brown. METLAKATLA Chief Coo&etllor WUUam Leaslc Councillors WMIam Rud land. Cecil Ry-an. John S. Ryan David E. Ryan. Oeorge D. Ryan. , K1NCOMTII Chief Councillor Herbert Doolan. Councillors William Stevens. W O Barton. Samuel Lincoln. Paul Clayton. Wttttam S. KIlANAItr IX AIKICA In ancient days. North Africa was called the granary of Rome. POST-BOXES KV Ht'S ENTEBBE 9 Arrangements have been made In Uganda for post-boxos to b carried on certain bus services In the Protectorate as U Is belie ved this 1M be a tufttul rsal facility foe people Ublg in outlytn districts. ui:put IT I'l E.VSL The name used In medical reports for the black or ship rat is rattus raitut rattus. CKOSSI1S AritICA The Sahara desert stretches 3.000 miles from the Atlantic to the Red Pea eTTTTTTTT V V V T VYYVYTTTTYY Meet Me At JOHNNY'S Johnny's SNACK BAR (Our Coffee is Tops) I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAaAAa X For . and Herring -RHln Tomato sauce are both on acth't service but will be back on your grocer's shelf soon as conditions permit. Mutual Benefit i Jealth and Accident See JOHN L. WRIGHT Phone 741 Pioneer Rooms No. S t For Income Tar RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER Thone 81 324 2nd Ave. GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon TIIE DAILY NEWS Briefs From Britain DUMFRIES, Scotland 0) Britain's oldest bishop, Rt. Rev. James W. McCarthy. Roman Catholic bishop of Galloway since 1914, died here, aged 90. LONDON a Members of the British Women's Army Auxiliary are to be Issued with uniform sling bags of the type Issued to members of the Canadian Women's Army Corps. LONDON O Total membership of British trades unions at the end of 1942 was 7.781.000, an Increase of 683,000 over 1941. RltltVI ACHES lun (nil luinll H A COLD t I . IraoM aspirin r:rr:l FOR SALE Bed, coll spring and mattress in good shape 1333 EUhth Ave., East. 21 FOR SALE. 4 Ivn. El to outboard motor. Appfc 702 Elghh Ave. East. (24) FOR SALE Ladles' three-quarter length grey La pin fur coat. Slic 16-18. Call evenings. Suite 9, Seavlew Apartments. (21) FOR SALE. Bedroom suite and kitchen set. smokers' stand, coffee table, radio table, chesterfield suite, trillght lamp, ax-minster carpet with felt pad, leather hassock and dresser. 882 Sixth Ave East. FOR SALE Faim. 40 acres, half mile from Terrace, room house Oood buildings and Implements. Apply Frank Morris. Terrace. B. C. 27 FOR SALE 1931 Model A Ford Spe. Coupe. Motor Just overhauled. V-8 wheels. Body A-l shape. Apply 882 Sixth Ave. E. By cash only. Evenings after 4:30. (21) FOR RENT FOR RENT. Vacancy, close in for 2 gentlemen sharing. Phone Black 965. tt' LOST LOST Man's wrist watch, Frl day evening on 6th Street. Inscribed on back. Finder please return to Dally News. Reward (23) FOUND FOUND Some good leather gloves, odd hands, have been left at the Dally News office Oftners may have same by paying for this advertisement (tf) FOUND Upper set of false teeth. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News office and paying for this advertisement, (tf) NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c tip 59 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, R.O. Thone 281 P.O. Box 19 Nanaimo Is Not Adopting Russian City To Assist NANAIMO, Jan. 28 The Nanaimo city council has decided not to meet the suggestion that Nanaimo adopt a Russian city to which to send special aid. Aid. Kerr belieyed that charity began at home and tnere would be plenty of postwar problems here at home without adopting any foreign city. BRISTOL, Eng. 0 Among students who helped to sort malls during the Christmas rurh. was the Nigerian Prince Adelumola Ibikunleakltoye. CHEAM, Eng. O R. C. D. I Brlmmell, who for 40 o ears wor-t ked for the Press Association and became chief sub-editor, has died here, aged 70. WEST OR INSTEAD. Enz. 0 At the Boxing 'Day fox hunt ,here( more than 100 people. Including some Canadian soldiers on leave. Joined the small wartime pack on bicycles or on foot. LONDON t Home Secretary Herbert Morrison told the House of Commons 316 persons are Ml under detention under defence regulations 18B. MIDDLESBROUGH, Eng. 0) The education committee here a approved proposals for lk on sex matters for school children UNFURNISHED house urgently needed by tellable party. Phone Home OIL 743 or 744. 22 WANTED. Furnished room, suite or small house for Air- foree officer and wife. No children. Box 668! Daily News. (221 WANTED TO RENT. $25 for information and securing of small apartment within walking distance of town. M. J. Ed- gpwtffclS. American Signal Corps extension 406. (25) WANTED Furnished or un- furnUhrd house or apartment for family of three. Call Army 280 ask for R. D. McArthur. (25) WANTED. Unfurnished room or rooms for lady. Phone Blue 716. (26) WANTED. Someone to care for six year old boy for couple of weeks, either in their home or ours, during the day. Mrs. Ive-son. 218 Sixth Ave. East. Blue 712. (It) WANTED. Small bedroom or den radio. Cash. State price. Apply Box 671. Dally News. nELP WANTED HELP WANTED- -Bookkeeper for Retell store. Apply Selective Service office AT 104. (21) PERSONAL Will party who boi rowed track lack from Home Oil warehouse recently kindly return same 1m-' mediately. J.M.S.Loubser U.O, B-A. Chiropractor Wallace Block rhone 641 KWONG SANG RING HOr KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to King Tal 1S 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tuesday II p.m. to 12 p.m. Outside Orders from I pan. 12 p.m. .Pbont Red 2C7 i Funeral Notice Funeral Services for the lata Oeorge Armstrong wfll take place at 2 pjn.. Thursday January 27, at Grenville Court Funeral Chapel. Reverend A. F. McSween df-fielatins. Interment In Falrvietr Cemetery. Announcements AH kdvrtUmrnU In this coluuvn Till be charged (or full month kt 25c word. Burns' Tea at the hamr of Mxs. Oeorge MitcheU. January' 26th. Dry Dock Employees Dance, Jan. 28, Proverbs' Orchestra. Valhalla Invitation Dance. Oddfellows Hall. January 28th. C.C.F. Dance. February 11. rHiflUnM Hll IWirln't nr. ichestra. L.O.L. Orance Dance, Sat Feb.. 12, 9:30 jharp. Oddfellows' Hall. Jean de Caxloss orchestra. Good Cheer Club Valentine Tea. Home cooking. Saturday. February 12. Club House 130 to 4.30. Orange Ladies' Dance. Oddfellows Hall. February 14. Boilermaker's Ban, February 14th, Staff House Dmlng Hall C.WL Bridge. Whist and Crib-bae. K.ac. Hut, Feb. 17. 8 pjn. Everyone welcome. CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Advertisements are payable In advance at the Office No telephone orders Rate Zc per word per Insertion. FOR SALE FOR SALE Welder's Suit, pzlce $12. Apply Dail News '22 FOR SALE Radio, small electric stove. 1413 Overlook St. (211 WANTED WANTED Furnished apartment for 2 young ladies. Apply Box 667 Dally News. 21i WANTED. Small wheel chair. Phone Black 509. HUSrtf ESS AiND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L RORIE fublle Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 3S7 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEXFORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty ' We Pick Up and Deliver PUONE 858 Mail Orders Box 99 R. LAMB, TAILOR Ladies' & Men's Made-to-Mraure Clothes. 32 Third Ave. W Black 781 National Monuments You can now mark the grave of your loved ones by buying a monument from National Monuments at the most reasonable prices. Box 1125 Postal Station B Workshop 692 5th Ave. East, Prince Rupert "Made In Prince Rupert" HELEN'S BEAUTY SnOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4tb St. rhone (55 SMITFI K EI.K1NS LTD. Plumbing ana 11 rating i Phone 174 Engineers. P.O. Box 274 OYER & BJARNASON Phone Red 393 Decorating and Painting High Class Decorating, Painting and Paperharglng International Correspondence Schools Canadian Llmltc B. F, Lovln, Representative Box 52 1315 rirgot Ave. Prince Rupert, n o. PAOE HIRER Help The Men . In The Merchant Marine AND THE LOCAL CORPS . OF SEA CADETS . . Buy a Membership in the. Navy League Today $1.00 Membership, entitles participation in a $20,000 Prize Draw Watts & Nickerson MENS and BOYS' CLOTHIERS 532 Third Ave. Phone 345 HELP THE SEAMEN HELP THE SEA CADETS JOIN TIIE Navy League Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PBLNCE RUPERT CO. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA St. Valentines Day (Monday, Feb. 1 1th) Select your VALENTINE CARDS now! COUIT'S CANADIAN CARDS of course are the nicest cards anywhere. Special Valentine sentiments for the girl friend or the boy friend for sweethearts, husbands and wives. From oc to 25c each Dennison Valentine Serviettes Package of 40 lac JOIN THE NAVY LEAGUE! 1 Membership entitles you to participate in $15,000.00 TREASURE CHEST CONTEST -r The Variety Store It. t w .'I 4 9