1 4i. 1 1. 'A ft i .it PAGE FOUR tt is M Tt M m ci u M U u H Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Ptn n . O Chas. Dodimead H 1 OPtometrbt In Charg I p 5 Watch, Clock, Jewelry V ' Repairing, Hand Enrravlnf VISIT OUR BASEMENT ..ORE for ne China, Dlnnerware, Glasses, Baggage and NoTeltle MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant CUT KATE SHOE STORE'S Big Shoe Sale NOW ON! Women's Shoes $3 ralues Z to Children's Shoe SOG Third Avenue TVTTTTTrTYTTrrTTTTTTTTTT $6 $1.89 Values A A O Sl-50 to S2J50 WOMEN'S VELVET FUR-TRIMMED QQ OVERSHOES JANUARY CLEARANCE Quantities are Limited Cut Rate Shoe Store Phone Green 593 Across from Ormes' Drug Store THE REX CAFE j Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY 3 CHOW MEIN 1 Opening Hours: 2 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 3 2nd Avenue (Across from 2 Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 1 iAAAAliiiiiililliiiiHA W.VrtWAWWAWA PHONE 99 TAXI We wish to announce, m commencing Jan. 10, Ser-S vice' 7:30 ajn. to 2:30 ajn. We will appreciate your patronage. 3 ART MURRAY and S CLIFF ABERCROMBIE 5 (Prop.) MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the city three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion BHIIIlllllllliiiiBHIlHHlllllllllllllllllUii To the Health Seeder Perhaps, a "Belief exists that "everything has been tried and, failed"? Has "faith" subsided to the low ebb of accepting as a fact, the belief that a disease Is incurable? Meanwhile, a vague misgiving persists that: Somehow, somewhere there must be an answer to Incurability. Chlropractlcally, the greatest handicap to health restoration is: SO many cherish a traditional faith or belief to the bitter end. Meantime, a simple disease descends Into an indefinite and complicated realm of lncur-ABILITY. Thus faith and belief hinders, and denies, the natural self-curABILITY within themselves the rightful duty to remedy (meaning: to cure again). ?! Such statements, of disease, special or general are 5 verified by an exhaustive survey. Over 93.000 persons turn- ed, when disillusioned and disappointed, to Chiropractic (Nature) as a LAST resort. JJ Some 410 qualified Chiropractors raised no question as S to the merits of faith, belief or, the competency of any jj remedy, to cure again. Nature had preordained that every- thing was Incorporated within. Nature's OWN Remedy substituted lncur-ABILITY for cure or marked Improve- 2 ment in 79,000 cases; or, 85 of tiresome, intangible dls- ease names. A critical reader may question this astonishing record. For the needy there are two basic considerations: The be- lief that a condition Is obstinately Incurable as, against the Chiropractic record with thousands of varied, Incur- able cases. Both cannot be right. " When faith and belief falls to move mountains, Mahomet S must go to the' mountain. Possibly, the earnest Health J Seeker discerns, by the mountainous record, that every- thing has not been tried; that, high odds yet remain in his m favor, As Mahomet would resolve: If Chiropractic eventually, why not . . . NOW! 5 j 1 J. L. CURRY, Chiropractor I j jj SMITH BLOCK Phone Green 995 PRINCE KUPERT ' S S i i- ! $ Place an Ad in The Daily News It Pays ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY QARBUTT Claude Wllklns, who was stationed in Rupert so long he never did think he would get away, Is now overseas and writes often. His last letter is particularly interesting. He says: "Dear Ma Just a few lines saying, 'Hello.' Hope you have had a nice Christmas. I saw Ken Holt of the Signals over here. He's OX. Also saw Bill Hobbs of the RCE's. His dad and mother live in Rupert. His dad's a sergeant in the RCE's, I had a swell Christmas dinner here at camp and also went to the Y.M.C.A. theatie and saw a Christmas Carol. (Don't you mean pantomime, Claude?) Then I had sandwiches and coffee on the house. Gee, everyone is so swell to us guys here we find ourselves wondering why we are ever wanting to go back. This country is tops and I'm having the time of my life and expect to see more country soon. Tell all the gang at Area H.Q. to get a move on and get over here. Do you ever ' see Don Tinnie (It may be Tomle, as Claude's writing is out of this I world) and the boys at Area Camp? Well, so much for now. All the luck and stuff and hope you keep up the good work. I would appreciate a few Pit folks dropping me a line. Yours as always," Claude Wilkins." Claude's address is K 16084, Pte. C. R. Wilkins, No. 1 CASC, RU.C.W, OA.O.S. So any of you who remember him a jolly, robust, brown eyed boy with a smile forever on his face dJ write him. I like his spirit. The Eleventh Ave. camp is holding its regular fortnightly dance tomorrow night. Junior hostesses and associated groups are invited and will meet at the 'Y' as usual. Chaperones will be Mrs. S. A. Keilback and Mrs. Garbutt. A word to you boys who come with the cars for us! How about bringing a wooden box or a chair to step on when getting into those trucks. Some of us arent so young or such I lightweights as we would like to I be and, moreover, as you boys are I ! the ones who bear the full weight ; of us when you help us down, I would think you'd have done something about it long before this. Thursday afternoon the Service Wives Club will meet In the Ladles Lounge at the Y'. There are some curtains to be finished and (of all things) a dog jacket to be knit or sewn. Have any of you patterns for a knitted dog Jacket? If so will you bring them? This Jacket Is to be for the canine mascot of one of the patrol boats. Wesley G. Clark; Inspector of the Department of Labor with I headquarters In Prince George, j has been a visitor In the city for the past week on official duties and will be leaving Friday even-! ing on his return to the interior. IX THE SITKK.MK rOI'KT OF ItKITISII f'OLl'MlUA IN I'KOIItTt: IN TIIK MATTER Or THE "AHMINISTKATION ACT" AMI I IN THE MATTI It Of THE ESTATE. Of JACK I. IIENSETT. OTIIKKU ISE ' KNOWN AS JACK BENNETT, EASKI) TAKE NOTICE that by order at His Honour Judge FlAher. Local Judge of the Supreme Court off n.i.un ixjiuziiouk i was cn iwi day of January, A. D. 1S44, appointed Administrator of the Etate of . Jack P. Bennett, otherwise known as j Jack Bennett, formerly of Prince Ru I pert, Brlttati Columbia, deceased, wno died on or about the 2nd. day of. Dnoember, A. D. IB43, All pernon Indebted to the tnid Estate are re-1 quired to pay the amount of their lndetocdnew to me forthwith and all permns having claims against the said Estate are required to file them ' with me properly verified on or be fore the 15th. day at February, A, D. iu4, tailing which distribution win be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. Dated at Prince Rupert. B. C. thU lOlh. day of January, 1944. NORMAN A, WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert. B. C. in the .strnnMr. .coi iit .or IIIMTISII ( OMMIIIA .IN .I'KOIIATE IN TIIK MATTEIt Of THE . "AHMIMSTKATION ACT" A ND-lN THE MATTER Of THE . ESTATE Of (JEOIM1E WU.I.IAM DAVIS DECEASED - AKE NOTICE that by order of hi Honor, W, E. Flitter, made on the 6th day of January, A. D. 1D44, I was appointed Administrator (with Will annexed) of the Estate of Oeorge William Davis, deceamd. and all panties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly milled, to me on or about the 11th day of February, A, D. 1944, and all parties indented to the Estate are required to pay tlie amount of their Indebt edness to me forthwith. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C. this loth day ox January, A, D. 1044. NORMA A. WATT Official Administrator Prlacs Rupert, B. C. Aiyansh Mill Being Moved TUB DACT NEWS WEDNESDAY CFPR (1240 Kilocycles) Schedule WEDNESDAY I'M. 4:00 Sound Off 4:15-G. I.. Jive 4:30 Rcbroadcast Q. I. Journal 5:00 Peter and the Pygmies 5:15 To be announced 5:30 Personal Album 5:45 Melody Roundup 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Arc You a Genius? 6:30 Of Things to Come 7:00 Bums and Allen 7:30 Red Skelton 8:00 Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Carnival of Music 9:00 Kay Kyser 9:30 Leicester Square 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Harry James 10:30 Eventide ll:00Sllcnt. THURSDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Jan Garber's Orchestra 9:00 Morning Visit 9:15 Richard Crooks 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Friml Melodies 10:15 Consumer Service 10:30 Gene Autry 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Recorded .Interlude 11:45 Hawaiian Echoes' 1M. 12:00 March Time 12:30 Spotlight Bands 12:45 CBC News 12:50 Recorded Interlude 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 Music for the Intermediate School. 2:00 Silent. AIYANSH. Jan. 28 The vil- lage council has been having ; the sawmill In old Aiyansh dls- i mantled during the past week. It Is being 'taken by sleigh to Gitlakdamlka vhere it will be re-erected. . ITCH STOPPED fa a Jiff tit or MoncBiclt for qmr rMtrom ftrhlnf r4 tnrmA, punplrt, itb ' (rmt, raW. arabifw. rub aa4 ottwv riurmaHf mmm- alia trnoblV, fat-artin(. eJuif, aofi. eptie, hmiid I). L. D. PrMrnptuM. tainW SnmJVa irriutina ami q wVy tnc intrnt ttehiof. 35r trial bnttV prytnn,arnwirf hark. Ask row dracfift today tor DUX). FREMJfcJKl ION, CAN OI, OIL PROJECT (Continued rrom Page 1) ntercst was not Identical with that of the Canadian or United States Governments, the regulations under P.C. 742 were expanded to include all the Yukon Tetrltory and the western part of the District of Mackenzie. Permissions have not been granted to others than the nom lnce of the United States Government, Imperial Oil Company. Limited, because of the desire not to put any obstacle in the way of development of oil resources for vital war needs and because of transportation difficulties in the area. PPINCE RUPERT'S PART IN SCHEME While the original Canol plan was designed to solve the prob-. lem of oil supply for Alaska and the Yukon If enemy action should interrupt tanker movement up the coast, the United States Government had the more immediate problem of es tablishing the Quickest nnssible supply line under existing con-! ditions to supplement tank car movement over the highway. In August, 1942, it proposed to the Canadian Government the building of a pipeline from Skagway, Alaska, 110 miles to Whitehorse, passing through British Columbia. To this proposition the Canadian Government agreed. Permission was also received to construct installations for storage and loading at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, from which point oil was to be moved by barge to Skagway through, "the Inside passage.. The pipeline from Skagway to Whitehorse has been operating for some time. Aiyansh Church Elects Officers AIYANSH, Jan. 26 Officers for St Bartholomews Church here for tne year Urri have been elected as follows: Superintendent P. A. Mer cer. .Choirmaster Abel RIsh. OrganUU-Herbert Pollard. Treasurer Mrs. Pauline Rob inson. Secretary Sidney Ell. Clerk -Hazel Brown. Aiyansh Women Name Officers AIYANSH. Jan. 26. - The Women's Auxiliary of Aiyansh has elected new officers for 1944 as follows: Superintendent, Mrs. S. Klnley. President. Mrs. Anthont Adams. Vi:e-P:esident. Mrs. Herbert Morven. Treasurer. Mrs. Kate Mercer. Secretary. Mrs. Pat McMillan. Treasurer of Work, Mrs. Stephen Clayton. Sh owing IIKUK IS PROOF GKIt.MANS KOUTED IN NOUTH RUSSIA A Red Army soldier shown Inspecting' the arms and ammunition left behind by the German gurrtson In Zakhody, U.S.S.R., when they fled the onslaught of Russian winter troops. ThU Is In thfe Vitebsk region, to the east of the Baltic States. TILLIK THE TOILER THIS MAMS MO SAFK-CONDUCTKI) YOU'LL MEVER TAKE M5 , VD ANT POUCE STATION invtv will" Jdiuraay 11 I HI I IIHI 1 . THRH.UNG SAGA OF LOYALTY AND COURAGE II.. 014 THE SAME PROGRAM Walt Disney Cartoon Musical Complete Shows at 1:00, 3:00, 5:00. 7 :00. 9 00 Feature at 1 30. 3 30. 5 30, 7 30. 9 30 Metlakatla Young VEGETABLES Men's Officers METLAKATLA, Jan. 26. -Trw Young Men's Benevolent Association of Metlakatla elected officers for the ensuing year as follows: President Cecil Ryan. Vice-President John S. Ryan Secretary Malt Leighton. Treamier Ed. A. Leighton. Ball Manager O. D. Ryan. Following the Installation of officers, the executives and members of the association put on a dancing party to which all the villagers were invited. A happy time was enjoyed by all The armed forces and navy were represented In this happy Two Recruits Enlist Here Two new recruits to enlist throi";h th Prince Rupert rz-crulttng station for service in the Canadian Active Army are Alexander Storrie, 19, and Theodora Anderson , whose home is at Nelson. Alexander Storrie was born In Prince Rupert and has ben employed as a truck driver for the Fishermen's Co-operative. Theodore Anderson Is a miner and has lately been working at Whitehorse. Both left last night for Vancouver. najiri;Kss7inriTBtrr.i )jj Fresh Local Haw and f n Pasteurized MILK g g VALKNTIN DAIRY'S jj PHONE S3? ARE HIGHER; EGGS LOWER Vetetables Cooklns Onions. No. 1 Okanagan, 4 lbs. Spanish Onions, lb. Spinach BeeU, local. 3 lbt Parsnips, local. 3 lbs BC Carrots, per lb. Tomatoes. Hothouse, lb. Sweet Potatoes, lb. Turnips, yellow, lb Turnips, white, local, lb. Potatoes. 5 lbs. 1 I I I TUtPDP Wpl finP5i '(Lm i? I M THAT BACK M U4T,itRiiPi I TAkTl mroi-H I 4 - nnno . wl I 1 j vcu? police 'm m; msm t , k n . M ViTs'.livM.7. ' 7w fd&irrKJ I f y ft aT 4 '4. Ill' 111 IsA. jmift r..IaV r rfTMH ji, 11 vm v' "v- .ufi iria ibmv T"'iW', 1 r ,rj amLxmus. im ' t w vv.r'rn mm . ifismiiH i sm i .rsr7 i i aii i i r u. 'bbt iumi i n . i'mM. ,r. i liuu v ,n ir7Nw 'orr ..rswm 11 ary v isw mv 1 .".. . ! hi 1 I wi . f xzri 1 aw .'asii-.ffl; ' 1 io:.'KjaT ra a.mr r; 1 - - '. ... 'j. . .an if -mr mm r , ' r n ' r imw-f. . i li . i TRULY GREAT DRAMA 2i .10 JO 2i M .09 JO .20 sa .05 22 mm recffwcoiok KUUUT mUUUnMLL UUNALD iMrtMf uw in wm mm tmwm m 1m tv . While most of the staple food prices remain unchanged, prices of vegetble have taken a slight seasonable advance, being a few cenU higher than they were In the earlier part of the winter. Egg prices are down, with grade A large at 45 cents, and medium and pullet each spreading downward 2 cents bilow the next srse. Meat prices vaty slightly, ai: running within a few cents of the government schedule. Current retail prices here arc as follows: Sucar whit, lb M Golden Yellow, lb. M I Meats ' Bacon, side, best grade, sUced. 1 pnekage. 54. slab - 45 Hani, first grade, lb Cottage Roll, lb m Pork, dry salt. IB -w Veal. loin. lb. M Vil r.hnn Ih JS and .40 Beef, pot roast, lb. 36 Beef Steak, lb .to and .19 Lamb. leg. id ... lmh Phnn Ih. JS to .40 Lamb Shoulder, lb. . .27 to M t:g Grade A: Large, cartoned, doz. 45 Orade A, medium, doz 43 Orade A. pullets, doz. .. .41 .Milk Evaporated Milk. 6-oz. Un - .10V Grapefruit. Calif. , .10 and 4 for .24 Oman, dm i3.S anrt V) 'Oranges. Navel, doz. M to .67 i Pears. Fancy, lb .... .12 I Grapes, lb. .23 'Apples, lb .10 Cooking Apples, lb. .08 I i Huttrt I First Grade .43 Lard Pure, lb .19 lift II WW ft. ... Lwnt mat vvmui uw.UND turn DDiirc . etc a im,.,. 1 1 W Bfftww mmmwn lm it nit irilr "m ond LAjjIC Ta wod,r,, Cauliflower r Cabbage lb. Lettuce .eai 'r Celery, lb, Hour Putiir iQ' to . . , - - , .... 4 i , f ill .. Flour, 24' Pastry Flour ' OIL m'UNHK CLKANFI) II AMI VM AN HOME SUlVKl fllatk 7J1 l Seventh A?t. RN SAV01 H 0 TEl Carl Zarclli, IV, I .yj. m rui.Mi: Kirtir ritiNct: Htrin ROOFING CO. Box :a SpetUIMi on Bc-':n Koolt Itrpaln. He ibtlin . FTC' E Sin. l)eildlsniI .Mrr.J Are Iti: OIM.M.NGU Mouse Trap Cafe Monday, Jan. 21 Hour 2 p m Buper Co'f- ' and C: Down through the years, almost lnre Pr first existed, we have served the people The r-laboratory wc have always tried to keep n: :- skilled pharmacists, quality drugs, the befct of e As we start a new year, we arc proud of i and grateful for the confidence you have .shown i wc continue to serve you. Ormes Ll uti- Pioneer Drucjysts HP VAA. DWUT vnu aVt Till.' III'VAIt CTlllf m and Open Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 79 P y West over 1 ! rMD . mMW STATV3M -HE TOOK Hl" i