VE TURNED OUR NT UPSIDE-DOWN 1UI X Ml "Ml ' m T W II V V k T1 i ACE-TEX HALT SHINGLES BUT- ...i. ..r...l.iritni In mi otrr 1911 ami nil r.-ll I t - a . . 1 liinrrr is P0",C. "i "c ran i rl"J llc . - for ainr alilnclrs. We liain lilrrallv the plant iipslilc-ilown to pnxliicr more rp unaMr t K't Ace-Tr Asphalt Slilnslr, nderstanil t are titling mir Iict li Kiippljr a e ran nnil t Em I c arc dulrlliuling llif m v among: H our tlcalrra. DA ROOF PRODUCTS LIT i I v w mm . w i I I CO sJ LvJ l 1 90c Dinner H I I .. .11 -t. 1 t t-i-..i r ir t on f -rm iii riTi i if in la n Roast Local Turkey, with Jelly uvicr PlT i i if f in 1.1111 kimi 1 1 ii.lliu.ii . . m nl.UIn CIUnJ Tnmnftn JUlCy lup Oil will ou-un, ouwu iuuioiu Dc ;crt Pudding or Ice Cream Milk, Coffee. Tea, wlUj Dinner (RELISHES FOR SIDE ORDERS) itn.-! I5r f?risr Olr-rv. ISc l . . T T 1 T .11.. 1 e ES for Wear... .h. I. nHAu t-tnnl nitrl in cuoan aim mukc utu nff rrn;rnfpr1 tv vnil bV i " at.. NNY'S t NNY'S K KAk CUT RATE SHOE STORE Across From Ormcs Drug Store SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 64- FRASER STREET Prince Rupert TariPPlr frnm IVm TJ-Arlf Urn II I. V K.1inn Ol Van- ii nn in nhn rm r w t i rt uiinricn 1 li n 1 1 1. V n.LII 111 zimr in rVLl W.n iti.i- .in,! Unit SivImP n m a a j waia I aa villa va -m v - n vmicm'c rxnkinMV anoF '11.1.1. 1 J LVVilVi I I JIVIlb "Where dollars have more cents" 1 . mr ill I'lll.U ll'wn..l. I.' ... .....I flllllia -'J, t iuh VltlllS UIUI i,t.tuuivu Tobaccos and Confectionery liri?r i . . . . t x w r . it v TniMaK..& a v. a w wma l mn mnn w i w (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) UIIUO Opposite Canadian Legion IC CAFE Sucy Chow Mcin v .w a.m. rniNCE RurERT ROOFING CO. Box 7ZS Specialists on Bulltny Rood Repairs, Re-ihinfllnr Free Estimates Local News It O. W. Nlckerson returned to the city at the first of the week, Irom a business trip to Eastern Canada. A Nursery School starting at Community Clubhouse, 920 Hays Cove, Monday. Charge 15c per day. Hours 10-12. Mondays-Fridays. (247) W. M. Watts returned to the city on Wednesday night from a trip to Houston. C. H. Elklns, John Kearns and George Mitch- ell made the same trip, return ing Tuesday night. Commencing Saturday. Oct. 21 our service garages will close every Saturday at 1 pjn. Com mencing Monday, Oct. 23, out service garages will close dally between 12 noon and 1 p.m. S. E. Parker Ltd., Rupert Motora Long Motors Mrs. M. Murdoch of Vancouver, Presbyterian President oi the Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, will arrive In the city this evening from the cast after attending the Dominion Council at Toronto and will meet with the local branch at First Pres byterian Church during her stay here. Birth Notice A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Birtle Larson of Prince Rupert on Friday, October 6. Mother and daughter are doing well. REHABILITATION CENTRE CHESTER, Eng., Q Oakmore Hall, Sandiway, has been purchased by the Miner's Welfare. Commission for use as a rehab-ilitatloncentrc for injured mine- workers. .i"a ems THE DAILY NEWS PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS Cash for old gold, Bulger's. A Liberal Labor C o a 1 1 1 1 o n What's It all about? Labor Pro gressive. Clubrooms, Monday 8 pm. (242) Robert Scott of Vancouver ar rived In the city Friday on a. speaking tour in the interests of the Workers Educational Associ ation, an organization connected with the Canadian Congress ol Labor and Trades and Labor Congress. He will speak to union groups in the city next .week. Lieutenant Barbara Bullock Webster, recruiting officer for the Canadian Women's Army Corps and advance agent for the C.W.A.C. Pipe Band which is to visit here at the end of the month, left last night on hex return o Vancouver after visit lng here and interior points. Anglican Young People's Meeting The mysteries of the Ouija I Board intrigued some 35 Anglican young people when they staged a very enjoyable house party at the home of Miss Eileen Gibson Wednesday evening Despite wonderful phophecies, somb of the members, especially the boys, are still skeptical concerning the spiritual powers. Much amusement was caused during the playing of "It;" "Pass the Ring." At the conclusion delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. The Young People have been asked to partake in Holy Com munion Sunday morning and the services in the evening will be in charge of various members of the forces. ONION FLAVORING Green stems of young onions will flavor soups and stews. DIRECTOR OF C.W.A.C. BAND WINNIPEG, Oct. 14 0 Band master Nadla Svarlch of Vegre-vllle, Alta., Is an accomplished young woman with quiet eyes, dark hair and a voice as musical as she Is. Director of the C.WA, C. military band for the past year, she has transformed it from Just another band to one of the best in the Dominion. Miss Svarlch, a former public school teacher and holder of two degrees In music, was literally born with music In her veins. By the time she had completed her normal school course she had re celved her A.T.C.M. and L.R.S. M. and later took special summer courses in music at the Banff School of Fine Arts and the Tor onto Conservatory of Music. She joined the C.W.A.C. in May 1943, for the specific purpose oi becoming band leader, and took over direction of the two-month old band at Calgary, The following August they began their first trans-continental tour with the pipe band. Then followed a five weeks training period at Red Deer, Alta. In January, 1944, the band went to Kitchener, Ont., now Its headquarters. Miss Svarlch has led othei bands as guest conductor aiui has been made an honorary member of the Canadian Bandmasters' Association. She is enthusiastic about the reception tecelved throughout the country 'People- may have come out through curiosity," she says, "but actually) their enjoyment was from hearing the music." LET the stove stays hot. You can polish It safely, quickly without brushes with JET Presbyterian Tea And Sale Success A very successful tea and salt of home cooking was held in the Presbyterian Church Hall on Thursday afternoon. The guests were received by the president. Mrs. J. B. McKay, and Mrs. A. F. MacSween. The tea room was in charge of Mrs. Harry Calderwood, Mrs. McMullin and Mrs. Prendergast. Pourers were Mrs. T. M. Spencer, and Mrs. McCuhbin. Servlteurs were Mrs. G. A. Hunter, Mrs. Hills Jr.. and Mrs. K.i Weaver. Mrs. M. McLeod was cashier. Mrs. John Bremner and Mrs. J. Currie were In charge of the home cooking table. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charped lor a full month at 25c a word. C.C.F. Bridge Drive Saturday. nrv nock EmDlovees Welfare Association Dance, Staff Dining Hall, Friday, Oct. 20. Music by Swing Quintette. L.O B.A. Dance. Oddfellows' Hall, Monday, Oct. 23, 9:30-1:30 Rebekah Fall Bazaar Odd fellows' Hall, Oct. 26, 2 pm. Job's Dauehters' Fashion Dis play, Oct. 27, Masonic Hall. L.O.B.A. tea, October 27. Hallowe'en Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, October 31. L.P.P. Halloween Jamboree, Oct. 31. Eagles' Hall. Tickets at B. Lamb, Tailor, 50c. I Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 9. C.W.L. Bridge. Whist and Crib- bage. K. C. Hut, Nov. 9. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, 3 p.m., Nov. 16. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, November 23. Canibrai Chapter. I.O.D.E., Fall Tea. Nov. 23, home of Mrs, George Rorle, 4th Ave. W. United Church fall sale, Thursday, December 7. The Allied Freighter Incident An Allied freighter was stopped off the Pacific Seaboard by a Japanese submarine and boarded by Japanese sailors. Two Allied officers were asked for by name and taken off. The ship was torpedoed. Other ships in the area at the same time were allowed to go their way. How did they know? Enemy agents ashore obviously had been in contact with the fc miiQt haw received inside informa tion; someone had talked. This should be a warning to all of us to watch every word we say, for enemy agents are everywhere. PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF NATIONAL SECURITY BYt THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD; PAGE THREB For the Cooler Days., Embodying perfect Style and Fit with long-wearing qualities. Of Fall and Winter Topcoats By Fashion Craft and Society The range includes Manx and Scotch Tweeds, Kynoch Fleeces, West of En glands, Polo Cloths and Gabardines. Priced from $27.50 to $41.50 VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES 632 3rd Ave. Blue 69 Prince Rupert, B.C. kw$Bmmmm See our Selection while Stocks are complete WrMmmmmwmmmmTwPKtiriiXvm Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Besner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 J. H. MAIR Furniture and Auctioneer AUCTION SALES ARRANGED AND CONDUCTED NEW AND USED FURNITURE Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PDONE 657 KWONG SANG IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome . Open 5 p.m. to 12 pjn. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 12 pm. PHONE RED 247 Julia Arthur DRESS PUMPS In British Tan and Golden Tobacco Colors with Dress Cuban and Low Cuban Heels. Perfect fitting Elasticizcd lines Black Kid Tango Tumps Just arrived Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes"