SOT tfALTES th Rnhert of Mhr. action- Pte. Morre TJnnprt. mbia Regimenc. a( ' .c. Cpl. Cnanes . nf Arthur Scaf.'.L Fort George, ui TJoirlmpnt. niuia pr Sauh A, Johnson, I .. I 1 1 .1 Ultft ft ft . i .tancnn nf Mrs. Catherine Colossi, Ptirtce Rupert, Royal Canadian Army Service Corps. Injured Pte. Earl Wasend. son cf Mrs. Gunhild Wasend, Prince Rupert, Saskatchewan Regiment Wbunded PTe. Alt Leonard Gcheen, son of Mrs: Elizabeth Goheen; Tellcwa, British Columbia1 Regiment. -WoundedCpl. Andrew Young Reggie; riephew of Mrs. Jennie McCallum, Ocean Falls, British Columbia Regiment. Woundett-Spf. Kenneth John Fratc, son of Forest Pratt, Frailer Lake, Royal Canadian Engineers. Wounded Lieut. James Donald Patterson, husband of Mrs. Ruth M". Patterson, Prince George; Western Ontario step forward cost n tne time tnat Ainea forces lanaea in ltaiy 1 they entered Rome, the material cost of their pment and supplies amounted to $6,000,000,0001 " j means that every bitterly contested step of their h cost $4,0001 That is only the material cost does not include the toll of suffering and death. fighting in Europe is growing in fierceness and isity. The enemy is fighting desperately with the ndoggedness of the doomed. It will take mains of material and millions for munitions to him on the run. That is why there must be a R'ictory Loan . . . for, with Victory in sight, our must have ample supplies' of everything it takes fin, and win quickly. the war at the peak of its intensity, Canada must pw $320,000,000 more this year than last. 00,000 of this is due to the cancellation of ipulsory Savings. The Victory Loan provides In n .1. . C 1. . . a in inuL't ine cost 01 war uy uiuuiuiy 1 is . . . Gives vou a chance to do your part. ry Honds enable you to Lend your money to e sure that Canada's forces hae enough of filing needed for a speedy Victory. Victory Bonds Canada's safest investment and will provide you ! a nest egg for your own future. Buy one more before . . . join in the march to Victory. THE DAILY NEWS' Washington' At War ln tne Virginia military forces 'from T753 to 179, he had' un. Worried I J u- His Mother dergone Immense hardships ana FREDERICKSBURG, V. Oct. 'returned to Mt. Vernon priysi-.14 P)-Just as war mothers do callv exhausted to be nursea today, Mary Washington worried , aclt 10 health oy nis-momei when her son, George, went away to war. She wrote her halt Mrs. Washington's first news of the outcome of Braddock'a ex? brother, Joseph Ball, Jr., ln Lon- ' Pedltion was that her son had don on July 26, 1759: "There was no end of my trouble while George was ln the Army but he Mas' now given It up." During Washington's service been killed! When rhe letter was written, Washington only 27 had resigned as commander-lrt-ohlef cf the Virginia forces, had married Mrs. Custls, had been elect- Wounded Tpr. Harold James ed to the House of Burgesses ana Hodgson, son of Arthur Hodg-jhis mother's worries as to his .sen, Prince Rupert, Canadian safety appeared to be over. Armored Corps. A copy or the letter ha re- . Slightly wounded Cpl. Isaaklcently come Into possession of Gunther, brother of John Gun- the library of Mary Washington ther, McBrlde, British Columbia College, ln Fredericksburg Mrs. Regiment. Washington's old home. The or- IT NEVER KAIXS . . . WATERLOO. Iowa. Oct. 14 ffi Mrs. Martha Brown felt she 1 was entitled to a quiet and un eventful trip when she left to J bin her husband a war worker ln Los Angeles. During the few days before the Journey sHe caught and tore' two fingers ln a washing machine, suffered three gashes on the forehead while preparing a meal, sprained a wrist, was bitten by a stray dog, had an abscess removed from her eye and broke her glasses. Buy War Savings Stamps. lginal Is in the library of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. SIGN OF THE TIMES LONDON, CM From the London Times "war.ejr column: Riviera-, Niee or vicinity, small villa wanted; rent or option purchase . . . close to sea essential. SWIMMER AT 70 TORQUAY, Erlg., W To celebrate his 70th birthday, J4. W. Hobbs attempted to swim across Torquay's 1,000-yard inner harbor. Cold forced him to give up after 750 yards but he intends to try again when the water Is warmer. WHALfi MEAT POPULAR j DURBAN, South Africa, W Whale meat has been put on the market here and housewives bought five tons the first day; Their families liked If. r - i 1 hssssssss- issssssatasssssssssB Bssssr ssss (assssi .tasssssv sssssssssssbt m. . m,a.. f ir u.iib m v. it . T""'"WWS;' .WBSSIMBBSBftasaiHSBSSBIB..""-. aSSS!! f f CFPR 1 n m i i 1 ' u aiu w hubbub, m PSBBi BUY N' MORe THAN BEFORE I j .HfiiflsMLflBs CROWDOF400l ENJOYS HARD TIMES DANCE To bring 400 people to- the unanimous decLslon1 tHat!- tliey-hod a wonderful' time' war the achievement of J'ean dfe Carlo's orchestra which played modern and old1 time' music at the Community- CliHUiartf1 times' dkrlce ln the Staff Hbus' dlhlhff hall last night. There was never a' dull: mom-" entl during the everting, ant trie-'crowd contained enough older people to make the old time dances successful. Refreshments Iwere served at midniglitl i Winner of the turkey raffle !was Jack Wallsv of' the' Central' jltbtel. Committee In charge of the' dance was B. Bfcggs'and Edward Wahl. Radio Dial' 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) SATURDAY P:M. 4':00 Sound off 4tl5 G. I. Jive 4 30 Lower Basin' Street 5:00 Yant Swing Session' 545 Melody Roundup 5:30 Sports-Roundup ittCO Your RUdlo-Theatre- 7'. 00 CBC News 7tl!i The Old Songs 7:30 Don Turner's Orchestra 'J'30 Dunnlger 3 00 Dances of the Nations 83fr-Jubilee 10:i5 Lionel Hampton's Orch. lU'.30 Saturday Night Seranade tli:0O Silent SUNDAY A.M1 10:00 Music for Sunday 10.30 Sammy Kaye. 11:00 Cleveland' symphony P.M. 12:00 Music We Love 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Hymns from Home 1:00 Andre Kostelanetz 1 :30 If Pays to- be Ignorant 2:00 NBC Symphony 2i 30 James Melton 3:30 Family Hour 4:00 Ransom Sherman 4:30-Village Store 5:00 Grade Fields 5:30 Mystery Playhouse 6:00 Comrades ln Arms 6:30 USO1 Program 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Songs of Empire 7:45 Recital 8:00-The Choristers 8:30 Sunday Concert 9:00 Command Performance 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC News 10:15 Canadian Yarns 10:30 Silent MONDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Morning Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Nelson Eddy 9:45 Wayne King 10:00 Mirror for Women" 10 1 15 Fred Waring 10:30 Wilf Carter 10:45 Showtime' 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Message" PeriOtf 11:30 Recorded Interlude 11:33 Weather Forecast 11:45 Raymond Scott P.M. 12:00 Xavler Cugat 12:30 CBC News 13 : 45 Matinee- Memories 1:00 To be announced !: 15 Spotlight Bands 1:30 One Night Stand 2:00-Silent MONDAY P.M. 00 Sound off 15 G. I. Jive 30 California Melodies 00 Music From America : 30 Personal Album' '45 Melodv Roundun 00 C.W.A.C. Program :0-Recorded Interlude 15 Merchant Navy Show :45 Night Train : 00 CBC News 15 Canadian Roundup 3fi Three Shades ;45 Clement Q. Williams 00 String Album 30 Lloyd Powell; pianist' 00 Here's to Romance ;30 Hour of Charm1 :00 CBC News :10 Elmore Phllpott : 15 CBC News Roundup : 30 Double Feature-;00 Silent TUESDAY A.M. 30 Musical Clock OflJ-CBC News 15 Front Line Family 30-Mnrninr Concert' 00 BBO News 15 Morning- Devotions :30 Freddy Martin' :45 March Time :00 Salon Musicale :30 Gene Autry :45 Boston Pops Orch. :00-Scandinavlart Melodies : 15 Message Period : 17 Recorded Interlude : 33 Weather Forcast 45 Raymond Scott LAND REGISTRY ACT lie; Certificate ot Title No. M165-I, to Assigned Lots 3A and 2B. Bloclf 54, Towustte- or Htuseltbn (8e-Mri B431 WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the" above Certificate of Title Issued ln the name of William' Jordan Larkworthy has been filed In this 'office, notice is nereDy given- mav-1 shall, at' the" expiration of one montU from the date of the" fltsr publican tlon hereof, Issue n- provisional' Certificate1 of Title' ln lieu' of salcf lost' certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me ln writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prtnca- Rupert. BO:, ther 5th day of October, A t).' 1944:. A. THOMPSON . Deputy RegUtra" of Tltli PAGE FIVE REV! BOB! MUNRO, noted evangelist irt Canada, theUnl-ted States, British Islesj and Newfoundland', former Baptist minister, veteran' of the navy in World War t and since 1940 with the armed- forces in three different countries, who" will vl sib Prince Rupert from October 16' to 23 to- conduct1 u number of meetings. Try New, Improved Ovaltine If your child lacks a zest for food. It may be tbat his diet is short in very important lood elements which, science has' discovered, everyone needs for health. His growth may he stunted or impaired and he may he an easy victim to prevailing sickness. As a "protecting" food-drink,; -New, Improved Ovaltine adds to a child's meals the essential food elements most likely to he deficient in his diet. Three servings' of JVeic, Improved Uvaltine furnish a child with a signifi cant portion of his daily requirement ot Vitamins A, B, and D, and the minerals Calcium, fhofphorus and Iron also quick food-energy elements and, high quality proteins all for building iturdjr bodies. So if yonr child eats poorly, is thin or under par, why not start giviilr'hira ,ew. Improved Uvaltine regularljrr. let Jvaitin? at your drug or Iimxi store. AHy IMPROVED OVALTINE THE PROTECTING FOOD-DRINK GEO. J. DAWES 9 AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND' HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED N!1 SHIPPED ? Estimates Phone for Free Appointment I4 4th Ave. K. KKD 1ZT THE REX CAFE Now oueii toi Ku.slness CHOP SUUY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours 3 p.m. to 2 a.m: and' Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert1 lloteU1 Phone 173 ma il r-masBai ,r SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and W aypolnts, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands 1 Full Information, Tickets and" Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER - Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 rf 1 l