' PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE TERRACE CIIAS. DODLMEAD Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Iland Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baccate and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MDKCUANT Young Feet Are Important I Sturdy From home to school and buck again runs up a lot of walking mileage, but these smart.y designed oxfords and walking shoes can take it. The extra quality in them assure long life and lasting good appearance. SHOES TOR BKOTIIEIt, SISTER, MOTHER AND DAD Cut Rate Shoe Store 506 Third Avenue Across from Ormes' Drue Store The Record Shows Folks like The Variety Store. They like the good values they receive here, the wide variety of useful Items they need regularly. Whether you want things for yourself, your house, or as gifts . . . come In and look around. The Variety Store NEW ROYAL . HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box' 188 13 TAXI Now in operation Under New Management SERVICE 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. . When you think of Terrace, you think of a vacation as it is one of the beauty spots of the North, with Us grand Lakelse Lake which needs no introduction, for it is known far and wide for its hot springs, its scenic beauty and its friendliness. Just the spot you've been looking for for that fishing trip or a nice quiet rest! There are boats to rent and a few cabins available and Mr. Brookes of the Skecna Motor Transport will be only too glad to assist you in any way to make your trip an, enjoyable one. Special Week-end Rates for Groups of Fifteen and Over. $1.50 Each Return. Baggage Free Write for reservations and we will meet Saturday night's train and take you to the lake and return you In time for Sunday night's train. The Best in Transportation for Less Comfortable Roadmaster Bulck Taxi. Twenty-one Passenger Bus. Trucking and Transfer of all kinds. SKEENA MOTOR TRANSPORT P.O. Box 101 Terrace, B.C. Classified Ads Advertisinc In this section Is payable In advance at the office. Flease do not ask ns to deviate from this rnle WANTED WANTED TO BUY Record player in good condition. Phone Black 84. (149) WANTED TO RENT For army officer and wife, one or two rooms; responsible party. Phone 646, business hours. WANTED TO RENT For young couple with 2 children, a four or five room house. Centrally located. Apply Box 757 Dally News. (tf) WANTED URGENTLY Serviceman needs house or apartment for wife and daughter. Responsible party! Don't drink or smoke if desired won't even breathe! Apply Box 750 Daily News. (115) WANTED Home to board 3 well behaved children in for the summer holidays. Box 765 Daily News. (115) FOR KENT FOR RENT Vacancy, close in Gentleman only sharing. Phone Black 965. (tf) BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 271 EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING ESTHER STANYER Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver Phone Red 934 or call at 1467 Sixth Avenue East, Upstairs VAL SPIDEL Floor Sanding and Finishing Alterations and Repairing Phone Green 880 I General Delivery SPEEDY RADIO SERVICE Green 397 Guaranteed 48 Hour Service on all makes of Radios By Factory Trained Experts SEPTIC TANKS And Filter Lines Cleaned and Repaired. Apply Box 749 Dally News. PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST Prop.: MRS, A. R. LOCK 300 3rd Ave. Phone 777 SEE F. MURPHY FOR LUMBER STOCK FOR ALL BUILDING PURPOSES - 225 1st Avenue East Phone Black 881 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning Authorized "FLEX FORM" BERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Ouesiw Waterproofing a Specialty. PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waring Beauty Culture la aU Ms branches 206 4th Street ftujw 655 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B. F. Lovia. Representative Box 520 1315 Plggot Ave, Prince Rupert, B.O. FOR SALE FOR SALE Stove, davenport bed and dresser, other house-bold articles. 16&4, Herman Place. 145 FOR SALE Trolling boat "O Baby," 32 feet long, 12 horse power Vivian engine. App. New Floats, phone 791. 1149) FOR SALE Ford car. two door 1937 model, good rubber, celling price. One No. 24 Woods four knife planer, complete with five pairs of side heads One No. 3 National sawmill with two head saws, sawdust and slab conveyors, log haul; like new, only used five months. For Inspection and prices see Strom Lumber Company, Prince George, B.C. (tf) HELP WANTED WANTED Warehousemen for grocery wholesale. Steady work, good wages. Apply Selective Service AM 133. (tf) WANTED Two snort order cooks and two experienced waitresses immediately, for small lunch counter. Apply Selective Service AT. 136. (tf) WANTED Housekeeper to live in or woman to do housework two or three times weekly. Phone Blue 801 or apply 346 4th Ave. West. SAWYER, Edgerman, Green-chalnaien. Lumber Pliers and Mlllworkers wanted for 25 thousand foot sawmill Good accomodation. Ceiling wages paid. Apply National Selective Service for order number (904) 6065. (tf) PERSONAL BAYAND it SEELEY, Paintlne, Decorating, Kalsomlnlng. All work guaranteed. Blue 378. "Satisfaction" our motto. TENDERS CALLED THE DAILY NEWS FOR SALE Fully equipped 3lJ foot trolling boat 7 h.p. Vivian engine. Can be seen at Salvage Dock. (146) FOR SALE Hot point electric range. Phone Green 806. (146) IFOR SALE Gaoat "Bonny.- 22 feet Phone Red 970. (150) FOR SALE Kitchen Stove, coal oil. wood burner, white enamel with black and chrome trim. Oreen 252. 808 Alfred Street (tl) FOP. SALE Walnut chest of drawers. Phone 493. (150) FOR SALE Convertible daven port, almost new. Apply 1407 8th Ave. East (147 FOR SALE Halibut boat "Lea." 40 feet long. 16-20 heavy duty Vivian engine. 14 skates new gear. $2300. New Floats. 1 147 FOR SALE Kitchen cupboard $12. 940 10th Ave. East. 146 FOR SALE-Singe bed. App.y 519 7th Ave. East Green 901 14461' FOR SALE 4 hp. Easthope Marine Engine, shaft, propei-lor. 1307 Overlook Street- 146, TENDERS will be received until June 30th, for the Interior dec oration of First United Church. Speflcations may be obtained at the Manse 632 6th Avenue. Mall tenders to G. W. Crane, Box 1451 City. (147) ix tiik mi'ki:mk coikt or IIKITIMI C OM Mill in mourn: IX Till: MATTI K OK TIIK .tlMIN-IN1KATIOX ACT" and ix Tin; MATTi.it or tiii: i:ktati; Or M IL Ml'NAIt, Hl.( l:M.K TAKE NOTICE that by order ot HU Honor, W. E. ruber, mad on i the 13th da? of June. AD. 1944. I ' was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Nell McNab, deceased, and aU parties having claim against the I said estate are hereby required to furnish aame. properly verified, to me on or about the 16th day of July, A.D. 1844, and all parties in- debted to the Estate are required to ! pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Telegraph Creek. B.C., this 14th day 01 June. AD. 1944. ALBERT E RODDIS," Official Administrator, Telegraph Creek. B.C. Re-opening of the L. D. Cafe CHOP SUEY and CHOW MEIN Hours 6 30 a.m, to 1:00 a.m. N With the Forces News of the Men and Women on Active Service 'Contributions Welcome) Petty Officer Jack Armstrong, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong. Cotton Street, has been in on the naval operations in connection with the Invasion of France. He is serving aboard motor torpedo boats of the Royal Canadian Navy which are slashing through the waters of the English Channel with winged swiftness and terrific fire power, to clear shipping out of the path of the invasion armies. The Royal Canadian Navy plays an Important part in the manning of these craft. Loral friends have heard from Lloyd Corbett who was with an Ontario Regiment here a year or so agp and has been serving with the Seaforths in Italy. Lloyd was with the regimental band here and became well known and popular among a number of friends who will be sorry to hear that he is now in hospital with shrapnel wounds. He writes cheerfully, however. Stoker Tommy Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ross and a Prince Rupert born boy, was a member of the crew of a naval landing craft that ferried first troops to the coast of France at the time of the invasion two weeks ago. Tommy, who k the grandson of Hugh Klliln. a well known veteran of the last war, and Mrs. Klliln, attended Prince Rupert and Jasper schools, worked as a guide in the Rockies and later at the local shipyard He joined the Navy in 1943 and, after taking a course at Comox, Vancouver Island, went overseas late In the same year. Try a Wnt-Ad for Quick Results. YOU want to be able to buy the thing you'll nrcil ... the thine that villi be available v. lien pere vith Victory W attained. You want to help sjwrtl the Victory. Huy War Saving Stamp ami you can Io lxitli. Kttry $1 J on linmt in War Sating Starnrm buy you $5 for future lrlirry. And it heli buy the tool our righting force need, now, to win the war. BREWING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. BOX 575 GREEN PEAS, Ungraded-Manitoba. OC- 'Jt tins PHONES IK and li) MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where dollars have more cents" VEGETABLE SOUP fi TOMATO SOUP Llbby's. 9Q 1 lMni. it tins I n tins 29c CUT OREEN BEANS Columbia, 20-oz. 07n '2 tins PILCHARDS, Snowcap and Cloverlcaf, talis. HERRING IN TOMATO SAUCE, tails. SILVETS, ovals, l's. CORN FLAKES Quaker. 'A pkgs. Any Assortment 25c CHICKEN HADDIE Sea-Lect, QQf l's.ain ddl' 2 uns 29c INSTANT IOSTUM 4-oz. SPAOHETTI-Catclll, l's. - Uns 29c 27c The Above Specials jjood till Saturday, June 21th Free Delivery throughout the city on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays of Orders $1.00 or over. Orders must be in before 4 p.m. day before delivery, NEW BAND IS HEARD Three or four months ago it was decided that a Port Band was desirable at Prince Rupert so. under the leadership of Arthur B. Evans of Omaha and Alan Manning of Seattle a search was made for prospective bandsmen, a goodly number, and some particularly good ones, being found. Followed a period of persevering and assiduous practice carried out in addition to ordinary work. During recent weeks the band has ap- pea red In a few street parades and not long ago its first con-cert was held. Last night it gave its first full-dress recital at i the Acropolis Hill recreation hail under Bandmaster Man-ning and all those In attend ance were ready to admit freely that it has been developed into me of the fines and most ver Aattie musical groups In this city It was really a delightful entertainment ; The program covered all the ranges of refutation band rattsic from straight marching numbers to classical selections and to the musically discriminating i in the audience it was pleasing to note the excellence that was displayed in the ktUr which included such exacting items as Albert Kctelbey's Chine Twn-1 pie Garden." Alexander S4belttt' i Egyptian Ballet." Jerome Kern's complete "Srpw BoaV jing trumpet, sax and introdu ring a 'cello, went into sen- WEnvrcTM. 27 It ANDY HARDY'S M ILONDE TROUBLE rw Ira STONE . Mickry ROONrv f. H01DEN . $. HADEN $,. timillt HtrWrf MARSHALL on the tome program .Miniature: -Kid In Upper Four" Woild News Complete fihnu ,i i m i . ...w. 1r f - . . Feature at 1:00. 3. 10. J 20. 7 3? t 4;, and Waller n the tonal rf;. , precision of bstle for rrn.i . - Included Tta -p . liftman Huj !,. :: ways popular 6 . "D Capitan ii: ' Stripes. But the baj 'l means eotifi- ( ; selection ai.rf novelties. pr ,. . sVll 1 arrangement ,r y Tiirfcey in Hie b 4 cujimuj p " jj j s ' X uoais. - For even fur the Pep iut. ton of Jive whi; -. p- a l I . "'w rem, ;sjt tl inere ui..it : u u t.l Day." Trurr.pc D: is nie Laurie be. typical blare A trumpet : ler Hershrv Manning P s land and s tie brought (.. The band v.-mental to vk. minion wh: ,.; consisting f o under the ant Band in -of Crrncn j . , hartnony :. and EnoVr- Flt de Bu.. It was i: tabnment . : that Prints J. .; ers more k oppor.ur;'. from th:v rr musical t.. I!.- t-: BUY NOW AND SAVE! Men s DRESS PANTS. Big variety, well finished. All Wool Tweeds and Worsteds. All sizes. Prices S4.95 10 $6.75 Men's COTTON SHORTS for summer wear. Size 30. j'.per 50c BLANKETS, all wool Colors grey and white. Best quality. Prices ggjg Men's DRESS SOX. Good and strong. Sum- OA mer weight. Now m Mens all wool SWEATER8. assorted shades. Pullovers. 'w S1.95 Mens DRESS SHIRTS, all sizes, assorted colors. Prices 81.75 10 S2.45 Men's SUITS, all wool Oood fit. Sizes 38 to 44. Clear ing price . 822.50 Men's COTTON DRESS PANTS. Oood for summer wear. All sizes. (JQ Cfl 0,DJ Well made Men S . l VS"Z BREAKLT: ' F l.rtrJ 8f d ; 83.95 ' S4.95 Mri: - WORK fAVTl Gt. : ti .A- A. r ETl Men s Ssr-mg W0F.K SHIRTS. Children s SHOES Rtranj; und 1 l ' leaihrr E.i , ! Cl ar.n.: a' 81.95 1 82.951 Mens ALL WXL 1 mTR ri.v. ' f''l ing out be; w 12.95 cost Ft m v , Mens RAIN COAT il sizes. Fai ar.J i spi 6.91 Boys' LONO PANT3- CJJ tailored, E.zn v v:j(ya 24 to 34 N -J Boys' PULLOVCl EJ' ERS. Spcr H J::-" DV now RT C OTHIFRS LTD- AUCTION SALE Thurs., June 22, at 2 )M from Mr. Having ii;cuit:u mwhuuiw" iv Am Derry, 833 Borden St., I will sell by tion at the above address, the contents oi well-appointed dwelling consisting of Jl . Chesterfield Suite in brown moiiair, goleum Square, Heds, Dressers, Tables, u Garden Tools and other items too nun to list. Tnrms pnsh. No reserve. J. MAIK, Auction'