rAOE FOUR 1 Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimead Optometrist In Chargt Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT -.ORE lor Fine China, Dlnnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant '1 111 2 Bon Voyage to 1943 not too bad a year for some as years n go. And as It goes, 1944 comes In bringing with It we hope-i-a full measure of Joy and happiness for alL RUPERT PEOPLES STORE CUT RATE SHOE STORE RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE Rupert's 3 Big Stores 5 A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. k "A Good Place to Buy" Vhat the' Doctor ordered; "Plenty of rest and quiet." Where better to find It than on a GOOD MATTRESS BUILT FOR SLEEP The "RUPERTIA." Size 46 only. Cash Price ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT I was sorry to hear that one or our own Prince Rupert WDs, Leading Airwoman Jeanle Cameron, spent Christmas Day In bed recovering from an operation. Better luck next war. Jeanle, and best wishes for a speedy recoveryl Mrs. Crymble. an Air Force wife, lost her cheque In the civilian post office on December 29. She has asked that if It Is found will the finder pleaso return it to the 'Y Losing one's cneque at this season of the year, especially when one has iwo small kiddies In the fami-y, is pretty grim and I only iope by now that-it has been ecovered. I Just missed having a brok n skull for a New Year's gift. Jot that I was in any New Year Fracas but, during the Mew Year Frolic at the Capitol Theatre, someone at the Jack of the house hurled a "Joca Cola bottle on the stage vhlch missed Sub-Lieutenant Icbbs' head and mine by a ery few Inches. Just goes to how we're hard to kill! Well we live and learn but I lever thought I'd live to see the e eaten openly In church. As For i ; Mutual Benefit I t iealth and Accident i See JOHN L. WRIGHT Phone 741 Pioneer Rooms No. S J.M.S.Loubser D.C., B.A. Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone THE DAILY NEWS be eaten openy In church. As I say, we live and learn. It's an 111 wind that blows no one good. On New Year's Day I saw one of the R.C.A.F. girls take such a tumble on Fulton Stre:t, and quicker than you could say "Jack Robinson," -or even "All My Eye and Betty Martin" about five gallant boys from the Acropolis had the young lady on her feet and by the time I had gone by It all looked like the start of a beautiful friendship. There's only one dance this week and I really want it to be a grand success because the boys went to all sorts of trouble at their last dance and very few girls turned out. It's to be at the Ack-Ack Highway Camp on Friday next and Junior Hostesses and affiliated groups are most cordially Invited. I know I mean to go. Women's Council Organized Here Sirs. J. J. nillls is President of New Organization. Representatives of the various women's organizations of Prince Rupert at a meeting last week elected the following executive to head a Women's Council for 1944: Honorary president, Mrs. M. M. Stephens. President, Mrs. J. J. Oillls (Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary-. Vice-President,, Mrs. A. L. Haines (Parent-Teachers' Association). Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. C. Ingram (Prince Rupert Drydock and Shipyard Welfare Association). Miss Bessie Snider (povincial field member) and Miss Julia Rrown (United Church Community Worker). The Women's Council will serve as a clearing house for member organizations, providing opportunity for exchange of Ideas and mutual awareness of each other's activities. Elmer Eburne left on Saturday night on his return to his naval duties at Halifax after soending Christmas at his home here. CFPR (1Z40 Kilocycle!) Schedule MONDAY P.M. :00 Sound Off :15 O. I. Jive ;30 Hits of Yesterday 00 Peter and the Pygmies 15 To be announced ;30 Personal Album :45 Melody Round-up :00 CBC News :05 Recorded Interlude : 15 Are You a Genius? :30 Serenade in Rhythm : 45 Ann Watt ;00 Music from America ;30 Music from Pacific ;00 Fred Waring 15 Front Line Family :30 CBR Singers 00 Down Beat ;30 Waltz Time ; 00 CUC News 05 Recorded Interlude 15 Yarns for Yanks :30 Great Music :45 Band Wagon 00 Closing announcement TUESUAY JuM. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Singing Strings 9:00 Morning Visit 9:15 Nelson Eddy 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Vnrtptlp. 10:00 Melody Time 10:30 Bud and Joe Billings iu; iney xeii Mb 11:00 Scandinavian Melodic 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Dick Liebert rM. 12:00-March Time 12:30 Spotlight Bands 12:45 CBC News 12:50 Recorded Interlude 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 Rebroadcast Music From America 2:00 Closing announcement C.N.R. Trams For the East Daily except Sunday .... 8 p.m 'or Terrace and Tactic Sunday, Monday, Wednesday. Friday 4 pjn. ENTERPRISE FRUIT MARKET We carry a complete line of DELNOR FROZEN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES MIDLANDS At an election of officers of the Cobourg branch of the Canadian Legion, James Rollings was named president with Reu ben Jackson, vice-president. Pilot Olflccr Lome I. Brlsbln, son of Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Bris bin, of Cold Springs, became the first Cobourg district man to win the Dislngulshed Flying Cross. The ward was given for his exceptional performances over a period of time, not for any specific action. He Is stationed at Toronto. Ninety-two donors gave blood to the Red Cross at a clinic hel In the basement of St. Andrew's Church at Cobourg last week. Thomas John Sproat, who claimed to be a preacher of the Jehovah's Witnesses sect and who failed to declare himself under the conscription laws, wai found guilty on that charge by Magistrate R. B. Baxter of Co bourg and taken to a military centre for Induction Into the army. Are Honored at Farewell Party A large number of friend; gathered Wednesday evnlng at the Wartime Housing hall to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Art Ta.sie prior to their departure for Vancouver. Mr. Tussle has been the popular community I councillor here for Wartime Housing and Mrs. Tassle has been an esteemed member of the Good Cheer Club. The evening was spent In playing of whist and games and delicious refreshments were served at midnight after which Mr. McKTenzle. president of the Tenant Council, on behalf ot the Tenant Council, the Good Cheer Club and Handicraft Club, presented Mr. and Mrs. Tassle with a handsome tabl lamp. Mr. Tassle expressed appreciation of the grft and alio of co-operation which had been extended him in his effoits to make the community a better place In which to live. Also guests of the evening were John Jerome, who succeeds Mr, Tassle as temporary com munlty councillor, and Mrs. Jerome. gran arnminniDffl iBmimuinjjBl igcmmnmEisi laamimnroiBliinimiiDal iBaraimmpgl ianmninnDl Igmmrnnmc in r i in i j I . We We rer rer emmend emmend .. . B 1 I I ! 1529.50 Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue Sj4.LE OF' I "H0ES 1 juSEYOUR , I HEAD I M i W -k 1 PERMANENT J r. !. ANNETTE POWELL'S l " . BEAUTY SHOPPE I 1 " 4th Street (Across from Post Office). Phone Blue 917 IS .. I' raris Maid ! fe-pf? ' 1 1 blippers i . - I jj New Arrivals in Women's, Men's and i -:T k Children's Slippers, in Soft Soles j j. i y I If y a I I PLIO-PEDIC ARCH SUPPORT SHOES .l 1 Just Arrived. r r " . 1 i r s i f It' II R (i ) LFamily Shoe Store Ltd. 1 K "The Home of Good Shoes" i OXFORDS PUMPS STRAPS SILVER and GOLD SANDALS Regular Values Up to $6-50 ALL ONE PRICE $.95 ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR We Lead, Others Follow" 530 THIRD AVENUE BUY ANOTHER VICTORY BOND m Monday, j a wary iu. fSi ZZZ ' Tl Tlii:si)AY .MtiSimil MmIiIHWIII l NICK COULTER I wjSnrof the1' PAF AWAY r "ny Jr in tv ' 'fl IHJJLJ H1FHI on th Skena Rvr: A rH tin h vu a nvn.!; -vM Word ha been received In UK of the Prinre R H the city of the death at the era Hospital. Lau-r ;. uM Provincial Horn at Kamioopi v1n for Kamlo p , Ml on December 23 of Nick J. caled for aomc lime u i l91 Coulter, pioneer of this dMrlct. aftl. 1 ! s.yE li:'nl while vou a ! Shave fM It's good common sense to kxk for econoniv ii iu quality in your shaving supplle. . . . Our ercunu ii ' and bruithcx. our razirs and bludcx are prlrcd RIGHT thrifty budgHv Here tw. art all th- bum:. rj I want for happy shavm.-;' Ormes Lid. Pioneer Drtq&i3tJt A I Till: HKXAI.I. STOKE I'llONKS 81 ind , Open Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sunda)i and llolidayg from 'lJ-Z p.m. and 7-9 Vtn. tit p ''j MR. JONES IS WORKING NIGHTS NOW! Mrs. Jones Just gave up after a long day of hourt cleaning, shopping and taking cari; of Junior. Hut say Mr J., why don't you bring her Into the Variety Store? Ynu can do all your shopping under one roof hero, and we Iiuyj dozens of gadgets designed to make housework easier. Well take care of Junior's needs, too. The Variety Store It Pays to Advertise in The Daily News i