3 ' i THE DAILY NEWS phi,nce RurEnT.jBRinii poljima Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited. Thlrd'Avenue O. A HUNTER. MAN AQINO EDITOR 1 iiy City Carrier Per month yt Per year By Mall, per month v Per year ' r- : DAILY EDITION SLUSCnilTION ItATKS per week Facing the New Tear . . . .Id .65 $7.00 ' ,40 $4.00 Monday, January 3, 1944 We have the New Ye?r with us now and, thjs be-ing the first working day, it is timely to thin: of u" nractical and realistic things, of what the year 194 ,...may bring to the world, the natipij find community, J how each of us may be affected and hpw we maj act in the welfare of ourselves and the common good, ' .which essentially must be a matter of importance A to us all. ;4 War is. of course, again the transcending thought whgpqfiil and desperate, wondering, with no sense of SfeceKtainty, haw things were gqing to come .opt, and w,how long it was going to take to e.ven clarify the qqt-- cpme. Today it is indeed a pessimistic person who is h ' . ' . not i, , fully ' imbnQd "v with , the confidence . , of mi. victory. We all know now that we are going to win. The cqnsen vsus, it appears' safe to say now, is that the (European 'phase of the war will be pretty well concluded in this qy Year before the end of which we will have turned more attention to pur Japanese enemies In the 'Pacific who may be more difficult. With the military phase-of international situation showing definite .signs of clearing, .it is natural that people are beginning to concern .themselves very 'generally and very seriously with the economic phase which will continue, possibly even more seri- Indeed, despite the difficulty pf approximating the' remaining time of duration of the conflict, there are even new signs of an economic backwash setting, in. War industries are laying off men and women and it is suggested that the laying off process may be-' cqme more general. Of course, as long as the warj Jasts, there will probably be plenty pf work although j the choice fpr the wprkers may not be so good. In j other words, there will be a tendency towards work-i choosing what they want. For many people the boom has passed its peak jukI it is time, in their pwn .ests, to think praqtically of what the immediate future has to hold for them. Here ip Prince Rupert it also behooves us tp dq .serious planning of our interests, ppth community and private. For many of us the boom has beep. disconcerting owiiig to the sudden new volume of pres sure on a cpnununity organization which was far! pejow adequacy to meet it. Some may think that 1944 ftvill see an off trend in war activity. ','On the other. iSk A jhand, the intensification of the war against Japan j 'Y, the enlargement of the offensive in the Pacific! jpay well have the effect pf making this place even! -more active. However, it also behooves us to trive some con- isideratiqn of how we shall he and how we might plan, even under the erratic present prospects, to meet the postwar situation. An important and pipst necessary job afer the war will be to rehabilitate and repair the community and make it once again a worthwhile place in which to Jive. We have been working hard here in Prince Rupert and many have .prospered as thev contributed v 'P the war effort. The epd of the war will bring the r ' start of the peace effort in which there will also be v)ienty to tlo although it might not appear as emer-F gent or spectacular. tr There is every reason to anticipate that the year 944 may prove a gratifying one in ipany ways. In C;. the final phases of the war it may bring us many trials aiid sprrows. It d.oes not bear the prospect of V an lt,eal year .by any means but it should bring fwa better measure of goqd things. rTYyyyTTyTvvTTTTTTVTTTfVyTyyyVVTTVyYfTVTTTTTTTTT See Elio's Windows Third Avenue (Next to the Dally New) MANY IUIAINS IN USED ARTICLES Musical Instrumpnts, Rooks, Carpets, Furniture, etc., etc. Place an Ad in The Daily News It Pays 3 L PRINCE RUPERT HONOR ROLL list of Local jtitn and Women P Aefive Service. ' Are YOU responsible for someone's name not toeing in this list? (See entry form osewhere.) NAVY Eby. and so much depends upon.its unpredictable progress ; Krf William E&thV Earl .. and direction that it is difficult to estimate the fu-, wiiiiwa p. -akjns. lure anu lay puius iu ineta sHV?i-t"? ."jMM mic baffling in anticipation. A year ago we were still in the depths, alternately Peter D. Allen. Charles Anderson. Harold Anderson. Stanley Anderson. John Armstrong Jr. Robert Armstrong. Don Arncy. W. Q. Barker. Emtle lilaln. John Bowman William ' Bremner. Bernard Bridden. George J. Brown. Hai old Bunn. John Bunn. .Hugh Burbank. Tonj' Bussanlch. Russell Cameron. William Gordon Calderwood. Robert H. Capsnck. Dpuglas Chrijtlson. Sydney Crbxford." Vincent Dodd. John Dohl Robert Diiirgan. Donald Eastman. Elmer Eburne. Melvln Eburne. Robert L. Eby. LYtnia iwinnje) Exley. Bernard txiriune. Terry Fortjnp; Gordon Fraser Mitchell oay. Efner R.;Green. James Greer. Lester Gamble. Terry Grlmble. Ian Grlmssori." ' John Grimsion. Hazen Hanklnson. Raymond lldiigan. Bill Hunter: Foster Husoy. Peter Husoy. Tom Johnstone. .Perry Knutson. James a. Laurie. Jack R. Laurie. Richard Leighton. Jautoft Leland. Fred Lewis'. Tilly R. Lloyd. . Bruce Love. Ted Mills. Harry Monkley. William Murray. William H. Murray. Dartiel MeDonald: Jack "Macfie. Robert McKay. Robert McLean. Normart' MeLeod. David McMeekln. David McNab. Robert McNab. John D. McRae. Charles Ormliton. Gordon Parkin. Doulds Payne. Albert M. Phillipson. Clement J. phillipn. Bud Ponder. Magne Rabben, David Ritchie. Jack Ritchie. Robert Ritchie Harry Robb. Jeffrey H. Robinson. Rnhert Roy. ' Arthur Saunders. Bud Skattebol Stanler Scherk. J D. Schubert. Anion simimdson. , Bruce Simuhdson. Melvin Skalmerud. John Skdg. Carl pmipi. Malcolm Smith. Ralph Smith.' Walter Smith. Carl Strand. Orme Stuart. Charles Sunberg. James Taylor. IHge Valen. Stanley Veitch. Sid White. Robert Whiting. Oscar 'Wlneham. George YuleT 4 Jack Yule. Jack gtorrie. ARMY John Armstrong Sr. Louis Astoria. Jack Balfour. Eric Barton. Beatrice Berner. William (Sonny) Beynon. Louise Bird. Walter Bird. Norman Blackhall. Donald Blake. Raymond Bracewell. Ronald Bracewell. ' William Brass." J. W, Brlddcn. Earl Brochu. Alfred Calderone. Jack Campbell. Doriald Clark' Edward 'Clark. Jim Colussi Mike Colossi. Frank Comadlna. Grant Cove,rdale. Bert Cross. " Walter Cross. Charles Dennis. Thpmas Dennis. Paul Dvornck. R. C. II. Durnford. George Dybhavn. Malcolm Elder. Whitfield Elder. Frank Elliott. William" Garllck. James Garllck. John Gates. .Ralph QUUes. Andrew Glover. William aomez. Darrow Gomez. Earl Gordon. Edward aosnell. Thomas W. Graham. Burton Green. RdIio Gurvldi. James Hadden. Phylls Hamblln. L. J. R. Hayns. R. H. A. Haynes. K, C. W. Haynes. E. D. Head, David Henderson. Howard Hlbbard. Frank E. Hodgklnson. Harold Hodgson. David Houston. Robert' Houston. Percy Hudson. William Hutson. Robert Johnson. Walter Johnson. , S. D. Johnston. , T. D. Johnston. Nick Kurulok. Matilda Larscn. Everett R. Lectr. Pierre LeRoss. Clarence Loviu. a. P. Lyons. -Danny Magnet. George Marchlldon. Murill Mathews. Steve Mentenko. Michael P. McCaffcry Kennelh McCrihimon. John C McCubbln. Norman McGlashan. Artjiur Alistalr Macponald Ian Macdonald. Jack McEvoy. Alex McFarlane. Victor Miller. Robert Montgomery. Michael D. Montesano. Ford Moran Jack Moran , James Moran. John K. Murray. Edith Mttrb. Joseph Naylor Leoiiard Ness. Donald Norton Kavid W. Oland. Valter Pt-iklns. Enill Perlstrom. Peter Peterson. Arthur Phillips. William A. Pilfold Jr. L. c. R. Raabe. 4 Ernest Ratchford. Robert Rudderham. Olav Rysstad. William Scherk. Tliomas Scully. Bob Shrubsall. Thomas Sibley. Glenn Smith. W- D. Smith. j Hugh J. Smith. James Smith. Douglas stalker, Albert Stiles. James Sudcn. Irene Sully. Jane Taper. L. V. Tattersal. James Taylor. Arnold Tweed. J Jack Unwin. Rodney Valpy. Allan Biiir Vance. Martin van Cooteji, . Clarence Vaujhan. Stanley Vlckerman. Robert VucTcovich. Clifford Wanamaftet. Jack Wearmauth'. William White. 4 T. J. Williams. James Wood. Harry R. Wrathall. Kenneth E. Wrathall, A I It FOKCE Ronald Allen. Harry Astoria Alrx Balllie. Howard Beale. Marcel Blaln; J. F.' Bouzek. ' J. J. Bouzuk. J. V. Bouzek Peter Brass" 4l Alan Burbank. Denis William Burnlp. Jean R. Cameron. Pefer Cartwrlght. Elmer Clausen. s Iris Corbould. Jack Corbould. Eddie Crosby. Ray Crosby. . Lilian Crpxford. James Currie. Arthur Davey. John W. Davey. Pat Deane. Victor Dell. Jack Eastwood. Donald Ebv, ' ' Victor Field. Clarence FinJey. Albert Flaten. Hugh L. Forrest. Thomaa Forrest. Louis Orlln Glay. William Hadden (missing). Harry Hamilton. Elmore Hanklpspn. Lawrence Hansen. Aryld Hansen: Harold Helgerjpn. Robert Henderson. Helge Holke.tad. Mike Hudema. John P. Johnson. Sam Jurmaln; Robert Keteey. Francis W. Leask. Kam Y. Lee. Alan LelRhton (missing). Harold Leverett. Donald Llewellyn. John Lindsay. Albert Mali. Cedrlc Mah. George R. Mayer. Henry Mayer. Hector W. Macdonald, Isobel Mackenzie. Molly Mackenzie. Don McCavour. Richard Mills'. Herbert Morgan. tRalph Morln.' Kay Nickerson. Edward M. Ormhelra. Paul Postoiu. Ernest Banturbane. ICen Schubert.' WilUm Shrubsall. Robert 811ver$l4es. Edd,le SmHh. Rpbert Taper. James Joseph Thompson. John A. Walter.' ' T WillUm H.AVilson. Henry "VYorsfbJd. : U.S. ARMY Chester B. Ciapp. George A. Glay. Richard Moore. Mary McCaffery. Thomas W. Pierce. U.S. NAVY Howard frizzell, Made supreme, sacrifice. State of Dead Is Interpreted AGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS MONDAY. JANUARY 1, t If the story pf the Rich Man and Lazarus Is accepted literally Uep .at dfath man is oonvevd billy to a piace of bliss p lormeht said BTvanglllst Balmer Jast evening in the Oddfellow Hall. The speaker said that .h-llferpl Jnte xetaUon was unor thodox and un scriptural. It wa" a jrarable given by Jeus teach that wordly weal'h a: fiulowmenls alone did no; i title anyone to the Kingdom oi hsaven nor would poverty de bar anyone from heaven. It was a well-selUed rule of Hikrpretatin, said Mr. Balmer put no parable should be used as a bais for doctrine The :eachlivg of scrlptu.e was that when a man ditd. "he ritturn-to dust, his breath goeth forth In that verj' day his thcunhn perish". David Informs us that there is no remembrance of qod. The speaker produced many texts of scripture to the effect that the dead were unconscious In their graves until Ok insurrection. Not a soul that tver lived on earth was In heaven without a body. Man illd not have Inherent immortality. 'It was bestowed at the resurrection of the Juit according to Pauls' letter to the Corinthians. K1TSELAS ; Captain and Mrs. William Moore of Canyon City on the Naas River, where they are officers of the Salvation Army, and their tow children returned home last week following a visit to Kltselas village. I Mrs. Abel Oakes and two; daughters of Hazelton returned 'home last week after a vUlt at Kitselas with Mr. Oakes' brother, Adjutant Mark G. Mr Kay. j Mr. and Mrs. Fred McKenzle and two childlren were home to spend Christmas and New Year season In the village. GOLD SEAL Fancy Hed Sockeye Salmon and llrrrlng In Tomato Sauce are both on actk't etTlf but will be back on jout irocer's shelf soon as conditions permit. SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypolnti, Stewart and 'North Quech Charlotte Islands Full In tu. inatlon, Ticket and fteservatlons FKAfijK J. SKINNEK , rrlnce Rupert Agen,t Third Ave. fbone 86H SAVOY HOTEL Car! Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Hot 511 FRASER STREET PKINCK ItUI'KKT FOKMEK "FIGHTIMj liQTII LANDS AT klN mBICL 1 MM Troops of the 165th VS ir.'iiJ-trjf. New Yrk !" oi 'ttt-ing 69th." advance toward Japanese beach potitionv oil Burart-tarla Beach, Makln Island. The beach positions are blaziu from direct hits made by American naval Iorc. Afcdium taik luiyc already reached the shore and are buUy cleaning oijt cnerny machine-gun positions. For b For in v.un,v" ;Sea Cadets JTlnte llujwrl ( InspcftlpH Pa q:W pjn. -Fail ,.i na.ktn. 7;0O,p.ra. H.anrl 71j'pjn.- Pray. 130 pjii Pr pcetjoiv i 7 40 nan.- JncJt 8 10 pjtn, I'r 8 20 pm. S.-.f I 8 30 pjn. - Hr.r.. a.6. 9 30 pm. -Eci.ai 8 35 pm.--Cv O H pm -Sun. 10 p.m Dance . r r. a & ra and for ton HM( ti F.i rent and ' . (I are requeted to atkad Local Boys Mai Gqod.in Seryjcfl OTTAWA- Jr',,'" 1 i cum 4Aiy nt. iwi mention n dUpak'ifi r il eutenant E J lUrA I Prince Rupert in tht : i Canadian Ah llnrc I 1 U . 1 conimnndcr of Jaru 71 Bryant of Pnncs Hope . . - ..... n 1 Vancouver in iu noniii dlan Naval Volur.'.-y L-J Promptness Courtesy, Safety and Long Experience For General Contracting of all Kinds - Call 32 Seal Cove Truck & Transportation Exchange Bioclt JOHN GURVICH Sixth Street l : ' J