I PAGE FOUR SERVE YOURSELF M I on ut I Q A 1 Pi 8 sr. f Now On Sale at J f FOOTWEAR $ . ... oib ara avc. w. 8 ft i MEN WHO THINK OF TOMORROW plan liaiulkalkies for your use ! J With the Forces News of the Mentand Women on Active Service (Contributions W?lcome) t Don Norton and Norman Mc-Olashin write from Belsium that they have received their Chirstmas parcels sent to them In October by the Women's Aux- i Diary of the Coast Regiment. CUPID BUSY IN AFRICA CAPE TOWN,( CP) During the past five years there have been 100,000 marriages among Europeans in the Union. This rep- ! resents an increase of 42,000 over the previous five years. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OK THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT- and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP RUSSELL JAMES BARK, DEX?XASD TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on the 9th day of November, AD. 1944, I was appointed Administrator (with will annexed) of the Estate of Russell James Barr, deceased, and all parties having claims against the .aild estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 6th day of December. A.D. 1944, and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. DC, this 9th day of November, A D. 1944. JMOKMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. ABBOTT AND COSTELLO BACK Indulging in more slapstick than ever, Bud Abbott and Lou Costello appear in their "first film in over a year "In Society." which is due this weekend at the Capitol Theatre, with Arthur Treacher, Marion Hutton, Kirby Grant and Will Osborne and yiis orchestra. The boys, who haven't been before the camera in so long due to Costello's illness, arc said to expend, in their first picture since their return to the studio, more pent-up energy than it would seem possible to have accumulated. "In Society" has them as plumbers who, among other things, parley one little bathroom leak into a gigantic flood inundating an entire mansion. To escape drowning, the boys climb aboard a bathtub and ride to safety through a bedroom and down a rapids of their own making, said rapids being none other than the grand stairway of the mansion which should give some Indication of the hilarious goings-on "In Society.'' NATIVE OF BRAZIL Scarlet sage was introduced in England from Brazil, in the early 19th century. "Wo , indeed, doesn't look forward to the irood thi tomorrow when peace comes again? Yet wo cannot for an instant relax our vigilance not so long as there is a single armed enemy soldier at large-Nazi or Jap! We must fight to the end the battle against waste; we must keep production at its highest pitch; we must salvage fats and Waste paper and metals; wo must conserveasoline and rubber; and, above nil, Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) THURSDAY PAL 4:00 Sound off 4:15 G. I. Jive 4:30-John Charles Thomas 5:00 Blondie 5:30 Sports Review 5:45 Indian Trails 0:00 Comedy Caravan 6:30 The People Ask 6:45 Fred Waring 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Honorable Discharge 7:30 Roland Todd's Orchestra 8:00 Drama 8:30 Music of the New World 9:00 This is the Story 9:30 Allan Young 10:00 CBC Nevs 10:10 Elmore Phllpott 10:15 CBC News Roundup 10:30 Music Hall 11 :oo Silent FRIDAY AJU. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Front Line Family b:ju Morning concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Varieties 9:45 Recorded 10:00 Marek wVber 10:15 Johnny Mercer 10:30 Melody Roundup 10:45 Serenade in ithvthm 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Studio Scrapbook 11:33 Message Period 11:35 Weather Forecast ll:3uV-Kccorded Interlude 11:45 Concert Hall VIA. 12:00 Here's to Romance 12:30 CBC News TOMORROW'S PRIVATE HANDI-TALKIE . . . rWdeep i yourovori.. fishing water,, you can call , tl.e camp on your private radio-telephone to let I he boys know what the Irout are taking. From your car, you can call home to say you're on the way. The handMalkie will be a marvel of everyday life not only in spoils but in every type of businen and industry-planned for you by men who think of tomorrow. we must continue buying and keeping. Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates. Does n soldier lay his riflo down, when enemy resistance slackens for a moment? No! And no more may we at home withdraw our help by cashing in our Victory Bonds. They represent a.' pledge to our government and our fighting forces that we will back them to the last. This we mud do. - Let us all bo men who think of tomorrow . . by holding our homo front battle lines todayl THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM aria used nd many THE DAILY NEWS PORT EDWARD WAS WINNER Defeated Acropolis 41 to 42 in Close Basketball A battle of giants was staged in the Port Edward gymnasium las: uiftht when the home club defeated Acropolis Hill 44- to 42. to wai their founh straight game cf the Area Basketball League "A" race. Port Hdward was sparked in the triumph by Ketchmark with 14 points, and Henson with 13. DeUs was high scorer for the HIU nviitfet with 13 counters while Kieher secured 11. The line-ups follow: Port Edward Henson 13. Johnson 5, Ketchmark 14, Mo-llne 9, Manson 2, Horn 144. Acropolis Delss l3, Brueg-ger. Kiener 11, Garzellonl 10, Wallingford 2, Swanson 1, Kal-lnovich 4. Willoughtoy 142, Standings of "A" League W L Pts. Port Edward 4 0 8 Acropolis Hill 3 1 6 i Officers 2 1 4 Prince Rupert 1 2 2 Bo-Me-Hl 0 3 0 Co-op 0 3 0 12:45 Great Music 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 National School B'cast 2:00 SllMit in the manufacture of other wartime products. Couple Sentenced For Child Neglect LONDON, Nov. ,23 O An Eng. llsh married couple were sentenced to three months at hard labor for neglecting their six children, aged three months to 13 years. Authorities said the roams were filthy and the bed linen so dirty that it washed it would fall to pieces. The man, his wife and two children alept in one bed and the other four children In another. They were badly clothed and their bodies were dirty and verminous. It pays to use the Classified Ad columns in the Daily News. Buitdfiim up and don't worry about vitamins and minerals. Autluu-itiei tj lh diiTrmire llrii iiutky ( liiLIrrii ami iImim v.1m are jmuf eatrrt, uiuirrwriglit, and nrrvout it tiflrn tinif.lr a matter of iru-r uuuriiliiuriil, rtiM-rially an adequate mj.j.Iy cf titamiiia am mineral. Hut tlon't worry alut vitamim ami minerals! CliiMrrn wlio rat 3 arrage.giNl m-U ini lu.liiir fruit jnicf, anal ilrinW 2 (tla.wio? Otallinc rarli ilay, are gMlinc all the extra tilamitia anil minrraU lLy nreil. In addition to it torU-Ualancrd fmi valurn, Ov alii ueaJiicniliraht amount of Vitamiu A, ll and 1) ami tlie minrraU CaU-tum, i'luxhliorii juHilruu. So, if youcrluki i not flerluHiig uormaU) , rrioc inter tlit rule: 3 lueal lu 2 tlaue of Otaltine every day. OVALTINE AUCTION SALE My J. ,MAIIt. the Auctioneer TJitirsday, Nov, 23rd 2 p.m. anil 7 p.ni. Building corner of 7th and Fulton Street (Opposite Sunrise Grocery) Having received Itutrurtioni front owners, I will veil by I'ub- nc Auction, the following foods: Conslstlilg of electric waslilnu machines, dinliif; room suite, kitchen ranges. Ice box. table's chairs, dishes, twelve ladles' fui ! coats, ladies' dre-rses, and othei items too numerous to list. Terms Cash - No Reserves floods will be accepted for I mis saic up io and including Tuesday, Nov 21st. (274) THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 3 11. Third Ave. rhone 178 Meet Me nt . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Li Tops) On cool morningj, try Nabljco Shredded Wheat thii wayi Dip the blvcuitt qulcVly Into hot water, drain and terve with hot or cold milk. Of iplit them, tOQJt liohlly, dot with butter, end terve with top milk or cream, plan breol fait oround Nabisco Shredded Wheat. Growing youngsters especially need the food energy It helps to supply, THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, tID. Niagara fall. Canada THURSDAY i Ti hbm Mi aaaMiiiane ii i a a aaa rm WE'RE READY POU Wl(ml i Q I -'.' jf Fine Suiti for Every Fid ratttJ Our new and lection int'.udf ;1ih figure tall, :rt Cat, Wide a.' w'-y.fc'iBS: wool fabru terful Luic:..- yot. J trouble be auej No Clurje l AJUsJ MORGAN'S H Don't leave it too Close to Christmas-Try Our New Neatle's Cold Wave You will be Pleased PEGGY SAUNDERS (Annette Powell) Fourth Street (across from I'osl Office) rbowli & BOYS' 3rd Ave. (Next ta Onl P -as rlfl'l NOVEMBER IS TIIK TIMK to nirr vouu GIFT-MAS LIST OFF YOUU CHEST Wi See our stork of Card and r.i' THE VARIETY STORE POULSEN'S I Cth AVE. E, UESIDB P.O. STATION ' As Oood as the lies' Dettcr tlaan the nest Our stock fresh and complete, " nfd 441 Courtesy and eervlceFree Delivery-,