PAOEEIX ; :''mfl'm' if f - ' ' m?-: v. Your SM4?7" Pa Ouiit... Now On Display A combination of chic and refined good taste. A selection of both crepes and wools in all sizes both large and small. PLEASINGLY PItlCED PHONE 21 HYDE TRANSFER Dry Slabwood, per cord $10 Dry Poplar, per cord $1250 Sawdust, per sack 15c PHONE 580 SHOE REPAIR Work Guaranteed Quick Service 103 0th Avenue West GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Ta Returns Complied Bcsncr Block Phone 387 ; NURSERY SCHOOL NOW OPEN Community Club House 920 Hays Cove Avenue Inr. 10-12 dally except Saturday and Sunday. 15c per day RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Sfyeena Grocery M ACROSS FROM HOSPITAL Wc arc here to give our customers the best of service Our prices arc right 500 5th Ave. East Phone 581 Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon during your delivery day. We serve Special Red Brand Beef. AH choicest fresh and cooked meat--fresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS THIRD AVE. W. Income Tax Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 321 2nd Ave. Phone 88 Business and Professional INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE ' SCHOOLS ' Canadian Limited B. F. Lovln, Representative Box 52G 1315 I'iggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. LEO. OYER Paperhanglng and Interior Decorating, Scenic Painting-Moderate Prices Telephone Red 395 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers ' Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 HOTEL FRASER HOUSE Phone Black 823 C. II. HICKS. Proprietor Clean, quiet rooms. 714 Frascr Street HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 20G 4th Street : Phone 655 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses . Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mail Orders Box DO DEUT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Phones Days, Blk. 834 Nights, Blk. 152 Bert Bellamy Reg. Wilson We Aim to Please "You Call' :: We Haul-Lumber Baggage Freight, Express Household Ejects 225 1st Ave. E. Prince Rupert, MESSENGER AND TAXI PHONE 65 DAILY NEWS mm Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for Insertion, FOR SALE FOR SALE Mandolin, good condition. Phone Black 997. 1 Call 648 Fulton, after 5 o'clock. (274) FOR SALE Modern dining-room suite. Red 471. (275) FOR SALE White enamel cook stove, like new; and coal heater, in good condition. 1547 Overlook Street. (278) FOR SALE 303 Savage rifle. Fred Robertson, C.N.R. Yard office. (280) FOR SALE Radio. Room ME", Tom Lee Apartments. (277) FOR SALE Bedroom suite, Singer sewing machine, baby buggy, Axminster rug, and other effects. 1356 6th Ave. East. (274) FOR SALE All -enamel kitchen range, chesterfield suite, two floor lamps. Call between 4:30 and 6:30, 1211 7th Ave. East. (276) FOR SALE Large heater. 645 7th Ave. West and Thompson Street. (274) FCR SALE Singer sewing machine, good shape. $40.00. Mrs. Thomson, Fairway Food Market, 3rd Ave. (274) FOR SALE Cabin near Do-Doc possession December 1. $400 Cash. Phone 14 daytime. (275) FOR SALE-Stock, fixtures and nousehold furniture of Sav Mor Grocery. For full particulars phone 149. (276) WANTED WANTED Quiet service couple wim one cnua, would like housekeeping room, by December 9. Apply Box 900 Dally News. (276) WANTED Room, by gentleman worxing sieaay in tne city. Close in; preferrably apartment block. Apply Box 901 Daily News. SLENDER TABLETS are elective. 2 weks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at all druggists. (276) PAINTING and Papcrhanglng. Ph. 40. H. Lund. BAYZAND it SEELEY, Painting. Decorating, Kalsomlning. All work guaranteed. Blue 378. "Satisfaction" our motto. LONELY Get acquainted. Particulars free. Western Social Club, Sub. 23, Edmonton mant. Prime Minister Mackenzie King told Commons that the first Indication that the war committee of the cabinet had that additional personnel would be needed was on October 19. The Prime Minister read correspondence between himself and colonel Ralston when Ralston resigned as Minister of National Defence. Ralston had written that hl.s stand demanding that home defence troops be made available as reinforcements overseas was in line with the stand he had taken In Commons. In reply, the Prime Minister referred to the fact that the first intimation he had had of the need for personnel had reached the cabinet October 19 In a report from the "chief or staff. Premier Weathers Storm in Cabinet Prime Minister Mackenzie King has successfully weathered tne lirst storm within hU own cabinet since Parliament opened yesterday with its blaze or activity on the overseas conscription Issue. The cabinet met last night with a block of ministers reportedly demanding A 1 A A mat me government commit itself tn n nnllfw nf . ----- rv,,,-j v tjviiuittg utt; WANTED Small house, 2 or 3, Home Defence armv overseas if rooms, by elderly couple. Close in. write uox Baa Dally News. WANTED Boys' tricycle. Phone Red 589. (tf) WANTED Rifle or shot gun; 3Q3. 30-30 or 12-guage. Phone Red 446. (275) WANTED URGENTLY Furnished room for service couple, no children. Apply Box 895 Daily News. (275) WANTED TO BUY 12-guage shotgun. Apply Box 896 Daily News. (275) WANTED 80 to 100 H.P, Delsel engine. Apply to Hazelton Lumber Company, Hazelton, B.C. (294) WANTED Two or three rooms ! furnished or unfurnished. Ap-ply Box 890 Dally News. (280) WANTED 30 H.P. Frisco Stan- aara. uox 893 Dally News. (274) HELP WANTED WANTED Housekeeper for apartment. Sleep In. Phone Red 873. (276) HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Cnml1tt'n, I U. .. i , i aniiijr ui uiitt- jcquire nouse-keepcr. Private room and good wages. Service couple acceptable. Phone Red 879. (tf) WORK WANTED GIRL WANTS day work; 50c per hour. Phone Green 317. (276) WOMAN, good cook, age 36, wants work, live in. Room wtrfn n.n.4l.1 1 1 the voluntary system broke down after a specific date. Il was understood the show-down was forced by Finance Minister Ilsley, Resources Minister Crerar, i Navy Minister MacDonald, Rev-; enue Minister Gibson and Postmaster General Mulock. One report said Munitions Minister Howe was also Included In the Insurgency. It was said these ministers threatened to resign ana thus split the cabinet and the Liberal party wide open, unless their demands were met. Although a non-informative , statement was issued after the j cabinet meeting, it was re- ' vealed the ministers had I agreed among themselves on whether a definite date for abandoning the voluntary system should be set if the current recruiting campaign fails to produce results. Another definite .announcement after the meeting said there were no resignations and this was taken to mean thaf the demands of the minority were at least partially met. The cabinet presented a united front to a caucus of Liberal members and senators this morning. The caucus began immediately after the Commons rose yesterday but was adjourned because of the cabinet meeting. Immediately alter opening of yesterdays session, Progressive-Conservative House Leader Gor don Graydon presented his .nviu taocnutu uian wages. , ,. . , reso- nou- Urgent. Now in Victoria. Ap- ,utlon to the House demanding l-iijr dua oui Uilliy ews. 12(3) FOUND FOUND One key, outside Dally News office. Owner1 may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this PERSONAL that Home Defence troons ho made available for overseas reinforcements Immediately. However, the motion was shelved by Speaker James Glen, who said the rules provide that notice must be given of .a motion and consequently it could not be debated at present. McNaughton To Speak Today The big event for today-outside of the Liberal caucus-wlli be an address to the Commons by Defence Minister Mk-Naughton. The former commander of the First Canadian Army .overseas will outline the Defence Department's position and plans for reinforcing Canadian troops on the fighting fronts. Yesterday's session mainly 1 ' -w.. ...v ojjtctu in wnicn XMAS SUBSCRIPTIONS should Mr- KlnB outlined the course of i ti vvc uanaie sud-i wtf crisis wnicn nas been &ween- . op,. Ps, Office, on (th.fLmfers'S "e ,1m S I rilra Hnn had by the War Corn- Get quick actlonl Get satis, i mlttee of the cabinet that ad faction I Use the Dally News classified ads to reach the largest number ,of newspaper readers in Prince Rupert. dltional personnel would be needed overseas, was ,on OctoN ber 19. 1 Mr. King, tlicn read the cor THE DAILT NEWS PROGRESSIVE - CONSERVATIVE LEADERS CALL FOR H.D.'S TO BE SENT OVERSEAS NOW (Later Developments on Front Page) Mackenzie King Weathers Storm Within Cabinet-Definite Date Set To End Voluntary System Trial OTTAWA. Nov. 23 (CP Demand that Home Defence troops be made available for overseas reinforcements forthwith were made in a motion in the House of Commons by Gordon Graydon, Progressive Conservative House leader, at the opening of the special session here yesterday. Speaker A. Glen said that the rules provide that notice must respondence beiween himself be given and the moUon could and Colonel- Ralston arising not be debated now. The Con- from the latter's resignation, servativc members dismiteri thp The former Defence Minister. said ruling but the Speaker was ada- m his letters that he had de-1 essary reinforcements by a cer mnHal .Via I .... - umiiucvi wtc gut eminent mane available the Home Derence army for overseas service. Mr. Kinjj wrote Colonel Ralston that an election over the conscription issue would be extremely dangerous and further declared that no action should be taken which would divide the country and harm the war effort at a time when victory was certain. Colonel Ralston wrote that the differences between him and the Prime Minister were fundamental on the matter of reinforcements. One strange factor of the session is that Defence Minister McNaughton has no seat in the Commons and, when he speaks today, it will be only as a guest of the members. Colonel Ralston is sitting in the House as a private member. A sidelight on yesterday's sitting was that seven members, wearing the uniforms of active service officers, sat with the government. Four were from Quebec province. The Liberal caucus ended at noon today without comment from Prime Minister Mackenzie King or any other government member on persistent reports that the cabinet has decided to approve compulsory overseas service If the voluntary system falls to raise the nec tain date. TO EXCHANGE FILMS LONDON, tt Miss Mary Held newly appointed director ot the children's rilm department for screen magnate J. Arthur Rank, has gone to Canada to start a scheme for an Interchange ol children's films first step In a world plan. Buy Christmas Gifts at Savings REAL VALUES in MEN'S & BOY'S WEAR line silk scarfs, billfolds, silk ties, handkerchiefs, leather belts, young men's sport jackets,- fine dress gloves, suspenders . . . Come in and be convinced. F . MEN'S LEATHER MrWt JACKETS l5v5 1 All sizes, special C J ; $12 to $16 Wwm A11 slzcs- si11 $2.75 mimm m m vl up to 522.00, to clear now Ssr $12.05 Men's Dress Rubbers Size 6, Regular $1.50. Now 50c Misses' Low-Heel Rubbers Size 3 and 4 Now .50c to 75c Misses' Overshoes With snaps, 2'2 to 4. Special $1.25 All kinds of men's Silk Ties AJ&ft fjt Big Selection MlWimr 50c to $1.50 "y All leather, zippers, PjjjiM regular $2.95. Now $1.95 VZ3& Cigarette Cases- Men's Silk Scarves All leather, a real Beautiful colors Special 1.00 $1 to $1.50 Men's Handkerchiefs Big selection 15c Men's Gabardine Coats Fully lined. Special $14.00 Boys' 'Black Denim Longs Heavy weight. Special, pair $1.65 Boys' Blue Cheviot Long Pants' Good sizes, -pair $2.75 Boys' Long Hard-Finish Pants 'All sizes, good make and fit $2.25 Boys' White Pullover Sweaters-special, each 65c Boys' All-Wool Overcoats Fully lined. Up to $20. To clear, each $12 WggJM Boys' Windbreakcrs VismffwM 000(1 wc'eht, alt sizes. Boys' Raincoats y&Vr 'iH opcciai po.o Jooys Boots bizes n to 132, and 1 to 5'2. Men's Dress lcatncr $3.50 to $4.25 BoV8' Oxfords Kid lcatheaLso lined. Special Heavy panco soles, Sizes l-5'2 $1.95 to $2.95 well made. Special . $3.25 B. C.' CLOTHIERS LIMITED THIRD AVENUE BLACK 321 Books ui i iMire ucjcets in Special n. : Priced $1.00 to $2.25 . K STARTS i wf.. ft . 1 l ) ARTHUR Capitol iRttCHiR Hunt !" Tommu; MM '"OH "Pper crust 0- I ML 'J, "EAGLET. THE DRAgI W-." DL.'.rr Ciftttl TLSTIC IXVLVml WORLD : Complete Shows 1 15 - 3 11 - 5 07 - ? CJ -1:00 Feature 1 55 - 3,51 - 5 :47 - 7 43 - :M . MUG STORE Perfumes & Toilet Articled (By Molinardj Ashes of Kosej Evening in Paif Skylark Scanty Dorothy Gray Elizabeth Arden Pinaud Men's Sets Seaforth Men's Sets Tags and Seals and Gift Wrappings Ormes lid, THE REXALL STORE PHONES II Open Dally from'9 a.m till 9 pjn. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 pjn. and 7-9 pA LOVELY LASTING GIFTS 5-ycar Diary, with key $2) Pocket;siz(S Diaries to Canada Date Book Appointment Book Daily Journals S1.10 to $1." CALENDAR PADS AND STANDS . Small size ,. Large size ' fifl Holders for above $1.00 to $w A.MacKENZIEF Phone 775 URNITURELTB "A GOOD PLACE TO DUY' inristmas uirt juss"-' .. Simmons and Rcstmorc Spring FHlca Bed Spring, all sizes Bedroom Suites, in 4 pieces Chesterfield Suites, In 3 pieces 250 Pictures-most beautiful. Come ana Just came for Christmas A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL