oCl enjoy our )range Pekoe- Blend clntosh Apples nblnatlon G- itZ irk per box vA,M lunkist Lemons jge size. llcr 10c ft. TEA. air Way Food Market ,izes, per 10. Itah Celery isp, green, WITH IN ESC ivoy Cabbage Bunch Carrots Isp and green 6c 7c kuTHKIt SIIII'.MKNT 01' . . . Fresh from Terrace, C0 ue: bunch c Fresh Sprouts 20c per lb. Tokay Grapes 45c 2 ibs Fruit Calces Cello wrapped, fCI each fciMv RESII-KILLED BULKLEY VALLEY OASTING CHICKENS rr"42c FRESH PINEAPPLES ARRIVING! MONDAY OltOKIt EARLY! Ire Deliver SHOES for Fall Wear... Loyely shoes in open heel and open toe In cuban and spike are i now being presented to you oy Phone 131 CUT RATE SHOE STORE Across From Ormes Drug Store iUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "WHEllE DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery ?IEE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion We are closing out all our Fur Coats. Below are the closingrout prices: 2 only, Northern Seals Hollinger Dyed. Each $175.00 1 only, Electric Seal Hollinger Dyed $110.00 3 Northern Seal Coats Each .... .$129.00 3 Persian Paw Coats Each $05.00 0 Runny Swags Regular value $125.00. uosing-out Sale $qj.w 1 only, Black Broadtail-Regular value $95.00. Closing-out Sale $55-00 n "I 1 Tl ..In.. vrtllirt u "my, Loney uoais neguuu vuuiu i2o. Closing-out Sale Sale is now under way. Sec our windows for our P re-Christmas Specials ANNETTE'S LApiES'WAR PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Local News Items . . . PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS American Thanksgiving Din- . ! ner, Reld's Cafe, 5 to 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Peters are leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Thomas Speers is leaving tonight for Vancouver to farewell her brother who Is In the Army and Is proceeding east. Col. S. D. Johnston is leaving tonight for a brief trip to Vancouver. Miss Violet tonight for a i ver. Throat Mah Is leaving trip to Vancou- nome cooicing. 2:30 io resides Musical program, 8 p.m. (275) Miss Clive Hukuluk of the Royal Bank of Canada staff is leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver. J. A. Edlngton, western district manager of Booth Fisheries, leaves tonight on his. return to Seattle after a visit of a few days here on company business. due to a cold. Let a little time-tested, soothing VapoRub melt on WlfKS tongue. Works finel V'tVoiu THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE J. H. Macey Is leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver. S. E. Parker is leaving tonight for a business trip to Vancou ver. Paul Stegavig is leaving to night for Vancouver. Mrs. Stegavig is already in the soutn. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Math have taken up residence in the Waldron Apartments. It. E. Mortimer is leaving tonight for Vancouver, by his mother, Mrs. E. H Mortimer, who will proceed to Luineran uazaar, baiuraay, gan Francisco. California, where Nov. 25. Tea, fancy work and (her daughter, Mrs. Paul Yelton, Fred Grlmmett, district gover Allan M. Hurst, chief super-1 iir ill flAMf!! ft A MR visor of Young Mens Christian j W r W imRLL DfW Association war services ior British Columbia, is leaving to night on his return to Vancou- ; nor of the Kinsmen's Club,tadian Legion. leaves tonight on his return to Dance every Saturday night, Chllllwack after having come here to institute the local Kinsmen's Club. Reconstruction of the much used stairway on the trail between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue West past the Waldron Apartments is now under way. Ronald Mllligan of Ketchikan was a guest at the luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club yesterday. Frank Dibb was winner of the weekly raffle of a war savings certificate. The luncheon program consisted of initiation of new members and autobiographical talks. Armstrongs Store Cow Hay We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS We can say this in three words r- BUY COAL NOW! ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. 110 -PHONES 117 Oddrellows' Hall. De Carlo's orchestra. 9-12. Lutheran Ladles' Aid fall sale, Nov. 25. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Wednesday, Nov. 29. W.O.T.M. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Dec. 6, 9:30-1:30. C.W.L. Bridge. Whist, Cribbage ln aid of Xmas Tree, K.C. Hut, Dec. 6, 8 p.m. W.O.T. M. Bazaar and Tea, Oddfellows' Hall, 3-6, Dec. 0. United Church fall sale. Thursday, December 7. C.C. F. Bazaar, Oddfellows' Hall, Dec. 15. STAGES CONCERT ver after a visit here on of- i The "Sophisticates," a 10- Miss Evelyn Bramner of theiJonn gtroessier and composed local sciioo- teaching star; left ! of members of the Sub-Port of on last evening's train for Prince j Embarkation Army Band, were George whence she will fly to ln concert at the Acropolis Hill Fort Worth, Texas, having been sergeants' Mess last night. The called mere on account oi iam ily illness. Announcements All advertisements ln this column will be charged for a lull montn at 25c a word. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, November 23. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Saturday. Cambral Chapter. I.O.D.E., Fall Tea. Nov. 23, home of Mrs. George Rorie, 4 th Ave. 'vV. Tea and ADron Sale, Legion Rooms, November 25, W.A. Can- new musical aggregation ei-fectively demonstrated the tenor band technique which has made it a favorite attraction at mili tary functions ln and around Prince Rupert. With CBC announcer Bob Willet at the mike, the "Sophis ticates" ran the gamut of mod em dances, from Rhumba to Dixieland. Outstanding among their sweet and swingy presentations were the group vocaU on "South American Way" and the "Trolley Song." Credit for the organization belongs to Sgt. John Straessler who fronts the combo, does the arrangements and soloes oh the trumpet. Sgt. Bill Bell, Cpl. Bill McKelvey and Cpl- Eddie Gaik provide sax support for trumpeters Cpl. Gordon Fitch and Pte. Pete Mlljenovitch,, while Sgt. Harry Normann, piano, Pte. Jimmy West, bass, Pte. Mel Smith, guitar, and Pte. Charlie Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brown are moving residence from Em-, merson Place to the house of John Moser on Fifth Avenue! West which they have purchased. Mrs. Robert Dowther has purchased the present Brown home piece dance band led by Sgt. i0n Emmerson Place. Don Forward, local supervisor of Young Men's Christian As sociation War Services, leaves tonight for a brief trip to Vancouver. On his return to the city he will be accompanied by Mrs. Forward and family who will assume residence here. This 20-page booklet every woman will want... The new Kelloue's "Weiiht Con- trol PUn" jives you vital facti on ! menu planning and holding vour I "ideal" weight. Scientifically orecared ! weight-control menus fat three caloric ! levels) for every day in the week. Pre- pared by competent authorities, this booklet can help you arid your husband iooic your best, teel your best. You will find the new Kellogs's "Weight Control Plan" packed inside the top of every package of , Kellogg's ALL-BRAN the delicious food i ii.t6i"u'ui uu"o, i.iunu uH ; at your copy your grocer s now. inyinm section oi rrince uii- pert's hew versatile dance With the capture of Cajals, the i bag of prisoners taken by the 1st Canadian Army since its first action in July mounted to 73,000. Delmore Frozen Fruits and Here's a that your liushan l I U n-ally t'lijny! Sore "Hoyal CU' Ittil Plums m joii M-rve llieiii "as is," or with custards, rit or Sk t pa hparkle ii'iul zesty flavor to u ineal. Plan now -"jj8jJ" felnsfl I l.i pt-l thein from jour proccr tomorrow. Ami '-;'" TvaTrjMfc" M M remrnilMT when jou iee the name "Kiijal City" I Cl I W 4 1 T H If f M u tlm Iall that's your Kiii!e to quality und value ' ykHHjPflr '"' W in Caiiiicil Fruits ami Wjictahles. ' - "- -'lRWTRl ' M )pfiXALClTY W CANNED FOODS -t , : WERS AHD BUYERS . . . Get your square deal from Goldbloom who has proven himself for over 30 years. Just returned from Montreal, New York, and all centres. I am positive I can pay more than anyone else. W. GOLDBLOOM RUPERT BRAND SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PK1NCR RDPKRT CO. Ltd. BMTISn COLUMBIA Vegetables Raspberries, Strawberries, Sliced Peache? Enterprise Fruit Co. PHONE 343 Corner of 6th and Fulton HALF MOON SNACK (Manager, George Lum) Specializing In Lunches .Chow Mein Chop Suey From 11 a.m. to 3 a.m. Opposite Sunrise Grocery SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 5C FRASER STREET Prince Rupert .A" mi Yes, there's Quality cut into every one of these Fall Topcoats made by Fashion - Graft and Society. All-wool fabrics including Wost-of-EnB-lands, Fleeces, Vel ours and colorful Tweeds. Priced at $27.50 to $42.50 It 'i ll 1 BhI Hi L'tl1JLlitA u r Classified Ads in The Dally News get results. f