m s, io Have mlhnytime anjWe hr Way ! SAYS ELSIE s "Whether you're at home, vitit-ing of travelling, baby nerds plenty of milk to keep healthy. Juit take some water, add KLIM Powdered Milk, and mix. Initantly you have pure nourishing milk! Consult your doctor bcut KLIM for your baby!" 2 Other advantages of KUM KLIM It patfuiittd whole mirk powdrrrd. Only the natural mnniotr I mm lrni rtmovnU All O crtam il left; in. KLIM km fr" Indefinitely In itr vacuum-mini ronunvf. Even aftrr opminc, KUM krp firUi mJ iwrrt for Ien( time, (lie ut to rtpUre ltd tidily.) JKLIMhl't.wy to carry. Save apace. Ready f immmkatc uw. Jut follow the timjic direction printed on tbe can. KLIM 5s o vitBl product required in large Quantities for our fighting forces everywhere. Naturally the amount for civilian use is restricted. However for infant feeding if you hsve difficulty in getting a sufficient supply tave yjur dealer get in touch with us. THI SOIDIN COMPANY IIMTTID Dry Milk DHMm Tro 4, On), mm CREAMY MILK 11 r mm im TUrWC.LU IN HANOY POWDERED FORM" B.C. Clothiers piUD AVENUE Wal Prices for the Working Man in Men's Mens Raincoat Ws Work Shoes Kf 3.95 lork Boob Boys' Pants Ws Pant; I NEW and Hoys' Clothing ROYAL HOTEL V Hne Awav rrnm tr ft !r A a Mt j. " lac up Ro("s, Hot and CnM Ptllce ltUpf rti D c n 281 P.O n-,. , for that v. Sec national ii Co Ml, East x J25 Station n Special, from All solid leather dool selections. All'slzes Dress and Work ruoNi: nuCK 321 $6.95 $4.95 $1.95 $2.75 THE REX GAFE Now Open for nuslness CHOP SUEY CHOW ME1N Opening Hours: 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Thone 173 J. L. CURRY (Late of Yukon) CHIU0PKACT0R Smith Block Phone Green 003 LOCAL NEWS NOTES John Mitchell returned this) Mrs. J. J. GUlis returned this morning from a brief trip to -morning from Victoria, where Vancouver. ne attended the wedding of her ' daughter. Florence. Mis. Glllls S. II. Beek, assistant manager of Frank' Weterhouse and Com pany, arrived in the city this morning on a business trip from Vancouver. Meeting of Job's Daughters, Friday. May 3, at 7:30 pjn. Special servke honoring Mothers Day. Silver March and Social. Bingo. (106) The city fire department an swered a call to put out a bush fire on Seventh Avenue near the Palmer apartments at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Martin Miller will leave on next Monday's train for Ter rate where she will Join Mr. Mil iar and take up residence. They have purchased land about mid way between Terrace and Lake- else. You are invited to attend nubile nomtnatlrvz convention of Ithe Labor-ProgreMlve Party to put a peoples candidate in the Held to contest the Sktena Rid- Ing In the next federal election. Deep Sea Fisherman's Hal! (downttatrt. Royal Hotel). Sunday everting, 8 o'clock. Guest lanaaktf. Tbm MrEwen. nrov- tneta! organizer. LPP. 1 07 ) Robert M. Mcintosh, who re-Sided in Prince Rupert for seven years in the early days before the Ust wa. , and his son. Gordon Mcintosh, who is in the Army, have been visiting in the city for a few days with Mr. Mcintosh's brother. J. L. Mcintosh. They will lea tomorrow night on their return to Sannteh, Vancouver Island, their home. Mr. Mcintosh served oveas tm the but war since which he has resided at Sannlch. He has been meeting many old friends who have given htm a heaity welcome. CANADA PAYS HALF Canada Is paying naif the cost of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan estimated at $1500.000.000; the United King dom pays the remainder leas payment by New Zealand and Australia for the cost of training air crew. HEMPEN DRUG Hashish, a drug derived from hemp, was used as an anaesthetic by Una, a Chinese physician, m early as 200 B.C. GERMANS DIG DEEP One Oerman well In the Helde oil field is more than two miles down, reputably the deepest in Europe. -Mill SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypolnta, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands ( Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 5G8 Advertise in The Dally News. lso spent a few days visiting Mends in Vancouver. Tom McEwen, provincial or- speeches In the city and district. and who Is scheduled to speak In Prince Rupert on a lecture tour soon, passed through the city today on her way to Juneau, Alaska. Announcements AH t-lTi-rtiMnrwnLi in th'- column will be charged tor a toll month t 25c s word. TH3 DAILY ITE773 PAGE THREE , Oambral Tea, May 11, Mrs Munlne. C.C.F. dance, Oddfellows Hall May 12i De' Carlo's Orchestra. ,o;jo to 1:30 zsn. Concert by Drydoek Male Choir. May 15 and 16. 18. Hospital Auxiliary Tea, May Help Norway Tea, Lutheran Church, June 3. BOMBING EFFECTIVE LONDON, O-AUied air tu;rt have slowed down product: n the German-controlled F kk factories in the Netherlan News reaching VriJ Nederlar .-' Dutch newspaper published ui. London, confirms tha. wurke: have been forced to work a half hour longer earn day 4UM(S As Math lather . As - I a II , Many Other Brands lured.' Gillette SHAVIN CREAM Big, 3 ounce Tvhe-on h33c Mad a by Ihe world! leading experts in sharing comfort the) molers ot flue Gilltllt Bladtt. NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS Owing to the bulldinpt which we now occupy having dc sold, we shall be moving some time In the future to the prem ises now occupied by the Over waltea. For the present we are dolni: business at the same old stand Date of moving will be an nouueed later. RANCE & HARDY i Pioneer Grocers Alias Uoiler Works Electric, Oxygen, Acetylene Welding, Blacksmith, General Repair. Phone Red 881 Legion Is In Session -- - - - - ' f 1 . , 1 ittv trHvut In the. rft Olid ILHrwiCJll. Thursday evening saw a grand turnout of member at the regu lar monthly meeting of the Wo men's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion at the Legion Rooms. Mis. Dan Parent, vice-presi dent, wa in the chair, in the absence of Mrs. A. J. Croxford, L, ,,, vnmnv Mr. I Routine business disposed of Mr-Purem nuV. . of.e UUKC on iw-jr -Ml " Oddfellows' Hall was discussed and final arrangements made. " . ' ' .. " an tho Hat for discussion, auw rr , n rtMUMN n , Tif" - El. ... ::ZJ:::rA' !the matter of the Eventide Home. Aikman; manager of the Cana dian Pacific Ocean Service, pass ed through the city today on their way to Juneau. which was held over for another ImMtinr fllfU of eames. etc. had been supplied; a previous vessel launched at the local ship yard and a committee wan form Mis. EUle Margrete Roed. Nor- ft 'l?? ?!LLmL Mrs. L. Wide, Mrs. C. F. P. Faulkner, assistant district engineer for the federal de partment of public works, will be leaving Sunday night to make a brief trip to Stewart and thence back to Vancouver after having spent the past week In the city on official business. iVm. Bras, and Mrs. Guyan were ! Instructed to take care of this. Mrs. Hugh Klllln was appoint ed as delegate to the' Annual Convention of Provincial Com mand in Vancouver in June. KNEW CECIL RHODES JOHANNESBURG, OS R. A. Zeederberg, 92, -last of "stagecoach Zeederbergs" whose nama has been associated with the coaching service in South Africa since the days of Cecil Rhodes s dead. Lord Randolph Churchill was one of his first passengers. APPROPRIATE NUMBER ADELAIDE, Australia, O Anv leauests?" asked enter- Women's Auxiliary Canadian tainers makinc the rounds in a Ugion Dance, May 5, Oddfel-; Wt miutary hospital near here. lows' HalL Jean De carlo's or-iyM- shouted a wounded man, chestra. Refreshments. '"Sine us Any More Valhalla bridge, May 3, 8 : 30 .h -1 , 11 11 tf11 ' pjn. siisip. auuu iu. ci;- , . ilMt 103 uoaj it 1 run nr. The Experts Say and It shows its age by spread ing tips and woody stalks. ' The Consumer Section of the any sour milk on hand for good eating and good health. Aarkulture Department suggests CARAMEL PIE: A sweet des that if you want flavorful as- sett which doesn't use up much paragus see that the stalks are precious sugar is a boon any fresh, firm and green and that day and thte one from the Nu- the tips are compact and ten- trttlon. Bureau makes a doubie der. The sooner it is used after appeal because it includes plenty cutting the better the flavor of health gtvtng milk. but if you must keep asparagus Heat one third of a cup ol a day or so, loosen- the bunch, sugar In a heavy pan until melt ah each stalk thoroughly, cut ed and golden brown. Stir in off the longtl ends, remove the one third of a cup of boiling little scales which may hold water and cook until the sugar grains of sand and wrap the. Is dissolved and the syrup stalks in waxed paper or put , slightly thickened about five them In a covered dish in the minutes. Beat three eggs alight- refrtgerator until ready 'to cook, ly, add a quarter teaspoon The big problems in cooking asparagus is to get the thick ends cooked without overcooking the tender tip?. There are two ways of doing this. The stalks may De ilea in ouncnes ana cooked upright In the bottom of a double boiler, covering the tips with the top of the double boiler turned upside down. Have about two Inches of water or enough to allow the tougher portions to boll In the water while the tender tips steam. The other way Is to cut each stalk In two and cook the tougher ends 10 minutes, then add the tips and cook for free minutes. For this method use a small amount of water, Salt added during the cooking preserves the color. salt and a teaspoon of vanilla and gradually stir in two a: 1 a quarter cups of hot milk. Add caramel syrup, strain and pour Into a nine-inch pie pan lined with uncooked pastry. Bake hot oven, 450 degrees Fahrenheit, for 15 minutes. Then re duce the heat to 325 degrees and bake until the custard is set, about 25 minutes. VITAMIN A, VEGETABLES: Marion Harlow of Nutrition Services says that housewives can make a sound health investment and delight their hungry families by taking advantage of the yellow and green vegetables which are so rich in essential vitamin A. Carrots, sweet po-taoes, squssh and turnip, among the yellow vegetables, and spln- SOUR MILK: Most food-wise -?eh. cabbage, brussels sprouts, housewives know what a special- broccoli among the green, are ... 9 rl rrlrtt- 11 : - V. Z 1 n . i A ,m 'Don't Get Around y bu iiavur auui uuu. &u nc ui uuuuu n, un ¬ to ginger bread and muffins Like most vitamins, can be stored up in the body. TitU (vitamin A "bank-" helps keep the membranes ot the nose anf, throat healthy and so wards' ASPARAGUS is the aristocrat But according to Dr. L B. Pettjoff colds and other infections of vegetables bot it can become ' of Nutrition Services, what some which attack by way of the nose nnnr rriitinn if it is not of them dont know is that sour . ana mroai. treated properly. Asparagus mUk keeps most of the nutritive ages very rapidly after cutting, value of fresh milk. This makes It ages as it lies in the market It double important to use up HINT OF RICH GOLD - Many indications of rich gold deposits have been discovered In the Altai mountains ot Sinklahg, province of China. Bill! 1 1 'AAA A a! MAYBE IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS? T.k CIN PILLS-tb "KuisTactioq or mnnn back" kidmtf Howdy, CIS PILLS help 10 txnb. tad too us y out kifcicyiaiiM ihtm ia removing impariiit! caavng Khtf 'iui punt- .dinar bc4 rest. Regular the, 40 fills . larg ill; SO Pill f&jgzzrS&fvdS "Cue tile") GEO. JJAWES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment 116 4th Ave. E. RED 127 H I "The tea and coffee ration tHroushout Canada has been increased by , I I government orderl Now you may once more indulge in a freer enjoyment , I of your favorite Nabob beverages. Just buy from week to week as you I require them ... but please do not hoard . . . it's unpatriotic and unnecessary. ', NABOB I I I KELLY, DOUGLAS CO. LTD. . NABOB FOOD PRODUCTS UD. VANCOUVER, CANADA If! i 'I