JrAQB TWO The Daily News Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert DaityNews Limited. ThlrdAvenue. G. Ji. HUNTER Managing Editor PRINCE RUPERT . . . BRITISH COLUMBIA SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week .15 Per Month .65 Per 'Year '. $7.00 n.. if.M . iu in-ou, pet wuuuu I.jj Per Year .40 $4X0 DAILY EDITION ... Thursday, October 12, 1944 EDITORIAL COMMANDER CREE ... There will be many to regret the departure from Prince Rupert next week of Commander Charles M. Cree, R.C.N., who has been naval officer in charge here for the past year. He has become highly esteemed in the community during his brief tenure at this port but the outstanding feature of his stay here has been the building up and improvement of the local naval establishment and the morale thereof. He had the qualities of geniality and control and the faculty of being able to maintain discipline and esprit de corps among his men. He has played a part in the development of the base and its personnel and has won many admirers and friends who will wish him well for the future. THE MERCHANT SEAMEN ... No class of men has given more willing or more distinguished service to the Dominion or to the cause of the United Nations since the war began than the men of our merchant fleet. They have been in all disagreeable and dangerous theatres of war. They have 1 endured, they have dared. They have triumphed often against overwhelming odds. Many of them have given their lives.Others have endured months in enemy prisons. These merchant sailors have been gallant soldiers in the battle of supply. Yet they are not treated like the country's other soldiers, like its naval personnel or like its airmen. They are discriminated against and they resent this discrimination rightly so, too. When a member of one of the armed services goes outside Canada in the way of duty, he pays no income tax. The merchant seaman pays his on a basic pay, wherever he is. If a member, of the -armed services is taken prisoner, his pay continues and his freedom from income tax continues. If a merchant seaman is taken nrisoner. his nav mav or mav not 4. J 4 1 - 7 continue it all depends on whether he is a regular employee of a steamship line or is signed on for a single voyage. But, if hisvpay continues, his income wia uujuuiues, iuu. It is a fine way Canada has of welcoming home a man who has played his part at sea and spent months in a prison camp to present him, on arrival or soon after, with a demand for income tax. The njocedure is one which should make the country But apparently there are no blushes left in the department of national revenue. According to the rules of that department, a merchant seaman is a civilian and civilians pay income tax. So merchant seamen are- liable. It is as simple as that. As simple and as outrageous ! Vancouver Province. MORE VIM FOR VICTORY NO The harder you work the more you need a nourishing, eneray breakfast o start your day. So, plan breakfast oround NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT the high-energy 100 whole wheat cereal. It helps give you the neray building proteins, carbohydrates and minerals you need. Get a package or two today THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. Niagara falls, Canada p - - - . . - i BAD LUCK BARN DANCE Fri., Oct, 13, Main Staff House Dining Hall Modern and Old Time Dancing To the tune of De Carlo's Orchestra $1X0 per Couple :: Come One, Come All Dancing fl-l Turkey Draw at Midnlte Proceeds Children's Recreational Activities LETTERBOX Editor, Dully News: APPRECIATIVE I shall ihorUybe relingulyi- uig my auues as navai uincer in-Charge, Prince Rupert area, to another and, prior to my departure, I would like to express to you my sincere thanks for jthe many courtesies and con- sideratlons given to me. The goodwill expressed by the press of Prince Rupert towards the Naval Service generally has and to all members of the Naval Service here present and I am qurte sure that the high standards achieved at this base are largely predicted upon a determination that a standard of goodwill accomplished cannot and must not be lowered. May I again thank you for' the co-operation, extended to me in the past, and might I ask that, through the mediums of your columns, you would communicate to the citizens of Prince Rupert fny high appre ciation of their kindness and ' consideration during my ten-! ure of office at this base. C. M. CREE, Commander, R.C.N. SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Monday, October 21 Years Old BIRTHDAY OF GYRO CLUB IS CELEBRATED ladies and friends. TliE DAILY NEWS The tables had been attractively prepared ior the occasion and there was a brief but -appro- Burns Lake Soldiers Feted by Friends BURNS LAKE, Oct. 12 - Two tiistrtct soldiers. "Pte. Rodney Sundin, of Southbank, ana pie. Cato Loveng of Grassey Plains whq have been spending leaves j I at their homes were feted by i heir friends .before leaving to I CATHEDRAL W.A. TEA AND SALE Delightful Affair at Home of Mrs. C. C. Mills On a perfectly beautiful . . i . , ... froinincr .omn at ternoon many friends of r friT . Up6.rt Qyr Club -on th the of of their de de- Andrew's Cathedral met at the celebra i ed its Ca p.i rv On ev eve twenty-first birth I lgjry. tjeir ; q i paue fareweu aance was neia . day last night with a memorable f upppfni party in the staff house olnta Sr?o4VfTde- to see them safely off on the rTf ,. , ., . . sacthnunri Abound train train. jsldent of the senior branch or lightful dinner dance. Members the Woman's Auxiliary. Ji. Hit UUU V t O JlCOilly 111 gUUU been a -great satisfaction to me fc accompanied bv their Bed with Gyro emblem, the Presiding at the table which i years 1923-44 and the names of was attractively decorated with the members. The recipients fall flowers were Mrs. J. A. Hln-were C. P. Balagno, C. C. Mills, ton and Mrs. R. CBamford. The William Crulckshank and O. A. tea room was In the capablt Hunter, each of whom spoke hands of Mrs. A. L. Holtby, her f v Hit .. p. I I A I 1 1 1 1 If.ill.mnvrrW nf fi m, oneny in appreciative ciuiui- aervueurs President Frank Skinner arid Mrs. Skinner welcomed the guests and the former acted as chairman. Dr. R, G. Large was master of ceremonies and, In a fitUng address, told of the inauguration of the club in the old St. Regis Cafe on August 25, 1923, by Rowe Holland of Vancouver. Each of the charter members, telling where jach was now located, was named Two J. Lome MacLarpn and Norris " had ton'a Orchestra, Pringle passed , away. Charter members still iuj Prince Rupert but no longer members of the club were wel ' corned in honored places at the! dinner in thi rnrsnns nf V. TJ 16, 1944, for the purchase otiTa,ontino . D Mi !,,. 1 8' by 3', 12 H.P. Vivian. The highest or any tender not necessarily accented. Terms strict R. Holtby. i One of the features of the program was the presentation cash. Norman A. Ad- ly Watt, . cav, f -v,0-0,Q j J,iiot a w eacn of four chartered mem Stepko, deceased, Court House, who 6tl11 remained active Prince Rupert. (242) In the club of a handsome wallet r f FRAGRANT I FULL STRENGTH! 1 COFFEE i I GUARANTEED I I UNTIL DATE I I ON BAG I I THE W. H. MALKIN CO; LTD. I ' VANCOUVER, CANADA BSA being (Mrs. W. M. edgement. watts, Mrs. G. P. Tinker, Mrs. R There were greetings for theio, Birch, Mrs. R. E. Mortimer occasion from Jack Graham, ! and Mrs. H. F. Pullen. Ice cream governor of Gyro District No. 4. was sold by Mrs C. H. Orme. and Chris Wright, secretary of home cooking by Mrs. W. Hall the Nanalmo Gyro Club. Pic- and Mrs. J. T. Langrldge. tures were taken of the charter The sale of aprons and bags members and their wives and was conducted by Mrs. H. Cowie of the current executive and Mrs. K. Greer was cashier. their wives. I The remainder of the evening j ' OF SAME FAMILY was happily spent in dancing Tomatoes, eggplant and pep-wlth music by Andy McNaugh- pers belong to the same fam ily. KINSMEN'S CLUB SPONSORS SALE Prince Rupert's newest service club the Kinsmen's has taken on, as its initial endeavour, the sponsorship of the sale of "T.B." Christmas seals In Prince Rupert and has an active committee at work getting the campaign organized. With the rush of the Christ-mas parcel season already on in the dispatching , of gifts and remembrances to the boys nerving abroad in the various forces, many people are solving the problem of scarcity of choice In Christmas seals this year by using quantities of the gay T. B. seals on the outside of theLf parcels and letters. These attractive stamp-size stickers are how available at the sales office of the Northern "British Columbia Power Co. CHEETAH HUNTER In Indian and Persia, the Cheetah has been used for centuries In hunting antelopes and other game. FIND IT with a Want Ad! Sell it with a Want Ad! Buy It with a Want Ad! Dally News classified section gets results. I ARMY DRlVt Port Erj)var(j -U.S Sub-Pt Edu, R OA.F No. 4 Or , i Coast Re R.cp! Mrs. R McUod ' "Friend Totai tj date RATION BOOK 5 BarrtiHTTJJP?! in the jam . Art i:i tts in the matter lk. PL'rtKtTAUT' .. under the tksn LTt JS APPOINT thTncj? JfS the foiwoSr mill BrltUh C :.;:mbu Z Place f0r the ii - . 5f cation, of Wji R,:bd In the Counti if ! the said P&ns a Notary Put., AND I DO DffiEtTLH before the lev, llheu at J.t mnKnr nt m ... IJATFT1 Wlrl 4th day )f C." o,- Colum' i l issued between October 14th and 21st Distributing Centres will not be open on all days. Make sure that you know exactly what days and hours the Distributing Centre you intend to go to will be open. Failure to get your new book during distribution week will cause you inconvenience. RATION BOOKS WILL NOT BE MAILED OR DELIVERED THEY MUST BE CALLED FOR HOW TO OCT YOUR NEW BOOK Before you go to t Distributing Centre; 1, Write your name and address on the front of the stub of the K coupon sheet in your Ration Book 4. The age of persons under 76 years mutt ojo be written in. 2. Fill in your prefix and serial number on the back of the stub. 3 Do NOT tear the K coupon sheet or stub out of the book. This must be done by an official at the Distributing Centre. Take Your Ration Book 4 with Completed to a Distributing ARMED FORCES Members of the Armed Forces will obtain their Ration Cards from their own units. Addrtuti the K Coupon Sheet Attached and the Stub Properly Centre and Your Ration Book 5 will be given you. APPLYING FOR OTHERS Any responsible persons may apply for Ration Books for other members of their families or neighbours, providing above requirements are complied with. LOCAL DISTRIBUTING CENTRE Dutti PARENTS MUST APPIY FOR CHILDREN Children under 16 may not apply for. their Ration Boeli ofj those of others. Hours Council Chambers, City .Hall .... oct. n, 18, 10, 20' 1-4I30 and 7-9 pan. Seal Cove Parish Hall oct. n, 18, 19, 20 A MaaMBMbiMMul 1-4:30 and 7-0 p m. RATION ADMINISTRATION i4f