PAGE FOUR TAKE IT FROM ME, YOU GET QUICKER, EASIER SHAVES WITH BLUE GILLETTE BLADES l Am. AQt '"yES' shaving's a cinch with the I3Iue Gillette Blade, because it has the sharpest edges ever pro duced! That s been proved by thousands of tests with '; Gillette's famous sharpness comparator which measures keenness with a beam of light! 'No other blade is as sharp, easy-shaving or long-lasting. It whisks off tough beard clean as a whistle leaves your face feeling swell." COMfOIT IZl GalCTTt ( F-fJ SHAVING CIUM Vm" 7Tru,f curm uoft. J "Be careful with that gun, soldier," the sergeant raged. "You just missed me." "Gee, I'm awfully sorry," replied the soldier. Tune p i g Z i I if .ocal News Items . . . PHONE 8S TO CONTRIBUTE A S.O.N. Meeting tonight. Elec-slon of officers for the coming year. R. E. Mortimer has returned from a business trip to Vancouver. AMeetings will be conducted by Lieut. Col. M. Junker. Friday 8 p. m.. Supday 11 pjn. and 7:30 p.m. oaivauon Army uuaaei. Everybody welcome. ?S8 T.B. Black filed nomination pa pers for alderman at the City Hall Wednesday afternon. He was sponsored by C. II. Orme and seconded by Rcbsrt Gordon. W. T. Moodie, general superintendent, Canadian National Railways Sam Morrison, district engineer, and C. J. Quantic, superintendent of motive power and car equipment, all from Vancouver, arrived in. the city by train last night from Vancouver in the course of an official lour and will proceed tonight to Vancouver. Mrs. Arnold's Niece Serously Injured Betty Joan Rivett, 13-year-old niece of Aid. Norah Arnold, was in grave condition In a Van- couver hnsnlt.n tndnv nfier having had her skull fractured when struck by an automobile while going to school In the southern city at 8:30 yesterday morning. The latest word today said the child was unconscious but there was a slight improvement. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rivett of Vancouver, Betty was a student at Lord Templeton High School in Vancouver. She Is a sister of Alf Rivett of this city who is now in Eastern Canada with the armed forces. CHRISTMAS C.REimNfiS Pipes. Cigars. Cigarettes Tobaccos aud Smokers Accessories fiROTTO CICIAR STORK Wholesale and Retail Tobacconists asia.3ila3iaaj,a.a;ai3i3t3i3i,35 Your Figure-In a TUNIC! Slip Into this silhouette and your figure will give way to goddess - like slimness. Black crepe with contrasting hip-band and back Interest, touched off with a curt, provocative sleeve. "STAR'S" STYLE WEAR 1945 DIARIES... LOVELY LASTING GIFTS 5-year Diary, with key .... $2.00 Pocket-size Diaries 15 to $2.25 Canada Date Book $2.00 Appointment Book $2.50 Daily Journals $1.10 to $1.75 CALENDAR PADS AND STANDS Small size . .75 Large size , $1.25 Holders for above $1.00 to $1.00 PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS A GIVE THEM FOR CHRISTMAS uuuna ui liicaup ncKers, ior Adults. Children, Men and Wo- . . men in the Services. Prtced $1.00 to $2.25. Now Selling, Capitol. (300) R0NCH1TIS pus no ",Bm,",,,,w"k u 0 L&J u Vva?!ru OUTSIDE USE OF SCHOOLS (Continued from Page 1) nn rtlrt Hma I v.k uuu uaiii-iiig i iuu, which drew a comment from Mr. tTin ... ....( "a; 11 WaS a Pretly fUH program, "From reports I have heard the clubs are to be highly commend ed on the work they are doing," the- trustee added . Proper Respect Is Not Shown Mr. Wahl charend Mm I the" clubs had not shown proper espect for the school buildine. iaying the blame on lack of re sponsible leadership. Wash- rooms had been defaced, and wwuyism naa occurrea, Mr. Wanl said. He added that the Janitor had complained of the extra work. Involved. Mr. Beggs denied the charge of rowdyism explaining that on some oc casions the original purpose of the handicraft clubs had been, diverted on account of lack of materials, but that he had not known of improper conduct. Trustees decided that resnon- sibility for the school should rest with Mr. Wahl and that who should be allowed to use the basement facilities should be subject to agreement between Air. Wahl and Mr. Beggs. Cost of Installins electric power to operate handicraft tools should be born by those using them, the board decided. Mr. Callaihan told the board that both R.C.M.P. and city police officials had commended the work of the clubs in keeping young people off the streets. Announcements AH advertisements In thlsf column will' be charged for a full.momn I at 25c a word. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, Dec. 8. For voting Information phone Ponder Headquarters 864. Dance every Saturday night, Oddfellows' Hall. De Carlo's orchestra. 9-12. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Saturday. United Chureh fall sale. Thurs day, December 7, C. C. F. Bazaar, Oddfellows' Hall, Dec. 15. ratmK n SPL'EASI N G A 1 5 UHKlb TMAS GIFTS Shoes, Slippers, and Purses Now On Sale at FASHION FOOTWEAR 518 3rd Ave. W. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "WHERE DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion THE DAILY NEWS CHRISTMAS FOODS BEGIN TO APPEAR I Cranberries, substance of that trarilHnnol fi ..i j i - viu lOWUUS U11111C1 condlmen-t cranberry sauce have appeared in food stores in the city and although it is the first of the outright seasonal fcod items, others are expected . to appear within the next week. I Tangerine oranges are due to ! arrive this week, and artichokes. endives and Christmas candles within a short time, merchants forecast. At the meat markets, turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens for the Christmas trade are expected, to start arriving next week. Yeretatile n ' Cooklns Onions, No. i f'nl 1 lh for. 20 IVegetoble Marrow, lb Parsley, bunch 10 ueeis, local, id u Parsnips, local, 3 lbs, .25 Turnins. vellow. lb. (14 Turnips, white, local, lb 05 Potatoes, new, 8 lbs. .25 Local Carrots, lb Jj. 07 Tomatoes, outdoor, lb. 45 Cauliflower, each . 45 Lettuce, each .15 Celery, lb . '.. 09 Garlic, lb , 70 New Cabbage, lb. ....... 03 Cranberries, lb. .59 f rnir Grapefruit, Calif 7'2 to .15 Lemons, doz. 3a to .47 Oranges, Navel, doz 35 to .67 Cal. Seedless Grapes, lb. 29 Cal. Peaches, 2 lbs, .53 Nuts in Shell Peanuts, lb .27 Walnuts, lb 59 Pecans, lb . 65 Suear White, lb .09 Golden Yellow, lb. .09 Grade A: Large, doz. 49 Grade A, medium, doz. 46 Flour Pastry Flour. 7 lbs. 4H Flour, 4U,, No. 1 hard wheat L83 Second Patent 1 A.UU I Flour, 24's .95 Milk Evaporated Milk. 16-oz. tin .101i HUllet First Grade 45 Shiinlr (hlnrl moi-tov Ort o ......u 4uuull ..U U11U .AO I Round RLpnlc nr Rnnef if. nr,A at i ivuuuu oieaK or xtoasi "boneless) 44 and .40 Minced Hounrl KtP.-ilr m on . n - - 11. t- "MID Hoast 45 nnrl 4fl Sirloin Tip (boneless) .47 and 44 Cubed Cubed Rlrlnln Slrlnln Tlr. Tin (boneless v or. Rn Sirloin Steaks. Roasts .49 and !45 Sirloin Butts (boneless) 48 and .40 Flank Stenk it Flank, trimmed .17 and .15 Porterhouse Steak or Roast 55 and .48 T-Bone Sttak ,?r RS?S - -55 and .48 Wing Steals or Roast .51 and .45 Strip Loin (boneless) .CO and .56 Rib Roast, seven rib bones, whole 34 and .30 Prime Rib Roast, five rib bones, whole 36 and .32 Prime Rib Roast, five rib bones (boneless) .48 and .43 Rib Roast, outside roll (boneless) "is nn 11 piaSet :iS SSS :B rime urisKei, rouea fhrmflcel 01 j nn .T . . '. 41 uuu .u Rolled Shoulder (boneless) 25 and .25 Round Bone Shoulder Roast 26 and .20 Short Rib Roast 31 and .29 Blade Roast .27 and .28 Chuch Roast 25 and .25 Chuck Roast (boneless) 29 and .29 Neck (boneless) 94 mi "t Shank, front quarter .13 and 43 Shank, knuckle end in onH no Shank, centre cut . .. .20 and !l9 Shank (boneless) 24 and .23 Stewinj; Meat (boneless) 24 and .23 Hambureer 25 nH 91 Tenderloin 75 and .75 lish Halibut, lb. f" r Salmon, lb .."Z .35 uoa, id . .25 Black Cod, smoked, lb 35 Smoked Kippers, lb 22 Get quick action! Get satisfaction! Use the' D.illv classified ads to reach the lar gest number of newspaper readers In Prince Rupert. CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job Phone Black 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN PRINCE RUPERT Honour Roll List of Men and Women on Active Service Are YOU responsible for someone's name not In this list? (Se entry form elsewhere) MF..V NAVY Sidney Alexander Maurice Lay Peter D. Allen Richard Lelxhton Charles Anderson J an toft Leland Harold Anderson Fred Lewis Stanley Andprmii Tlllv R. I.lnvH H. Armstrong Harry Lundaulst Fred .O. Barber Ted Mills Don Arnev -Harry Monkley Ted Arney John Morrison W. O. Barker T. A. Mulhern Emits Main William Murdoch John Bowman William Murray William Bremner Wm. It. Murray Bernard Brldden Daniel McDonald George J. Brown Jack Macfle James Bryant Robert McKay Harold Dunn Robert McLean John Burin a (Ned) McLeod Hugh Burhank John McLeod Tony Bussanlch Norman Mrlieod Kussell Cameron David McMrekln O. Calderwood David McNab Richard Cameron Robert McNab Robert Capstlck John D. McRae uoug. unrisiiBon John O'Neill Wm. J. Commons Charles Ormlston niiRuur 11. urernr r. M. rainier Sydney Croxford Frank D. Parker Spencer Davles Oordon Parkin Edward Dawes Douglas Payne-Peter fJeorfce Dlbb J. Peterson A. P. Dodrt A. M. Phtlllpson Vincent rvxld C. J. Phtlllpson John Dohl Bud Ponder Robert DiiRnn Mafrne Itabben Honald Eastman David. Ritchie Rimer Flmrne Jarlc Ritchie Melvln Kblirue Robert Ritchie rvhert I. Fhv Farry Robb wlllm FarV J. IL Robinson Pobert mini Robert Roy William P. KtHns thnr. Saunders t on Emrstrom V. J. Scheaffer Martin Krlksen R. M. Scherk James Fenhv .Stanley Scherk Jernard Fortune J. D. Schubert Terry Fortune A. Hlmundson Oordon Fraser O. SUversldes Mitchell Hay P. J. 81ms rfner Oreen M. Rkalmerud .'smoR nreer P. W. Skinner Tester OrlmHie Henry Rklnner Terrv nrlmhle. J"hn Skog Ian Or!msrn Carl Smith Bovo flurvlrh Jack E. Smith John Orlmsson Melcolm Smith Pnrl .T rlllstufarkn Ralnh flmlth Teorpe D. Hague Walter Smith Ha7.en Hanklnson Trior Snlllen Matt Ht1s Carl Strand "-vr J'llt John Strand pvrnnnd Ioigan Jck Storrle ll Hunter Orme Sti'art ""ster Tlusoy Charles Sunberg ''ter Hnsov .Tame. Tavlor 'me M. I'vlne Valen "I'nrr Johnctone Stan'ev Veltch r,'x1nv Jonai Whit f. (Row" Tnvs Phert WMtlni; "rr t. T-nitvn Cnrl O wnsori fn'"tvn rwi1 winoham ,l-np- a TJHle Oerm Yule Jack R. Laurie- Jck Yul atimv ------- " J. Armstrong Sr. a. P. Lyons ljuli Astoria Danny Magnet C. F. Bartlett a. Marehlklon Jack Balfour Cecil M. Marr Eric Barton MarlU Mathews R. H. Beerllng Stevn. Mentenko W. Bevnon Mi P. McCatlery Walter oitri Bird uuu K. Mccrimmon N. Blackball J. C. McCubbln N. McOlashan lowel" A. A, MacDonald w n;..wi... w Ian Macdonald vj uinvcwru Jack MCtVOy McEvoy Ifnald Braeewell Alex Mce'arlane Wllllan Brass perald Mclntyre J. W. Brldden Jack Mlcholuk Earl Brochu 10 Mlcholuk W. M. Brown Victor Miller Frank Bruce d. Montgomery Wlzner Bryant n, Montgomery Arthur F. Cade H. Montgomery John A. V. Cade M. D. Montesano Mireu jajaerone Clyde Moraes 'Aldo CamDarnola Rtuniev Mnnu -jacr. i;amnou Ford Moran John Ctmnh.ll Jack Moran William Cavalier James Moran Marc Cavenalle Robert Moxley A. H. Chasteney John K. Murray Donald Clark Jack Mussallem Edward Clark Joseph Naylor Oeorge Collins Jr. W, II. Nesbltt James W. Collins Leonard Ness Jim Colusr.l Donald Norton Mike Colussl David W. Oland Frank Comadlna Robert Orme D. J. T. Cook Robert Parks M. van Cooten Frank Parlette Orant Coverdale Robert D. Patrick Walter Cross O. F. Penney Bert Cross Walter Perkins Charles Dennis Ernie perlstrom Thomas Dennis Peter Peterson Peter Doherty W. A. Pilfold Jr, Paul Dvornek Arthur Phillips Oeorge Dybhavn N. A. Pavllkls Maicoim Elder Ed. Hegnery Whitflf-Iri V.lrtrr James E. Rell Frank Elliott Carl Reich Helge Essen Freddie Reich A. It. Finer Alex O. Rlx Charles V. Evltt H. O. Robinson QeorPft Flffurln R. Rudderham Thomas Flewln oiav Rysstad William flariti-v Fred Slmonds James darllck Bud Skattebol John dates Fred Scheaffer Rainh amies R. J. Scheaffer Alfred E. 3. mills William Scherk Joseph D. Olllls John T. Scully Milton P. Olllls Thomas Scully Andrew Glover Bob Shrubsall William Oomez Thomas Sibley Darrow Oomez B. Slmundson RnrI Oordon Olenn Smith Ie Oordon Hugh J. Smith Edward nnsnell James Smith T. W. Oraham W. D. Smith Burton Oreen Douglas Stalker Bpiro OurRerlch Albert Stiles Splro Ourvlch A. L. St. John James Iladdeit Alexander Storrle Qerry Hamelln Jack Storrle u. J. n. Haynes James Suden R. II. A. Haynes J. O. Sutherland K. C. W. Haynes Roy Sweet. E. D. Head . Richard Sylvester Cecil Hemmons C. Dan Taper Dnvld Henderson L. V. Tattersal Howard Hlbbard Robert Tavlnr U II. Hlnton John Albert Teng F. E. Hodeklnson W. B. Tnh "ar?i Hodgson D. Thompson warm iiuusujll Arnold Tweed Robert Houston Jack Unwln Percy Hudson Rodney Valpy R. E. Hudson A. (Bill) Vance Fred Hunter Clarence Vaughan William Hutaon B. Vlckerman Harold Ivarson Robert Vuckovlch Robert Johnson John Walker Walter Johnson C. Wanamaker B. D. Johnston C. D Watson T. D. Johnston R. M. Watson Nick J. Klllas Jack Wearmouth Robert W. Keays James Weir ricic ivuruioK islle West Fredk. A. Large Dan Wick Everett R. Leek William White Oliver R. Lelehton T, J. Williams W. T. Leltrhton James Wood Plerro LeWva H, R. Wrathall n. M. Letnes Jack Wrathall Clarence Iivln K. E. Wrathall Charles E. Love T. M, Wright AIR FORCE Ronald Allen Mike Hudema Harry Astoria John P. Johnson Alex Balllle Devld L. Jones Howard Beals Sam Jurmaln Marcel Blaln Robert Kelsey .1. F. Bouzek Oliver J. Keays J. J. Bouzek Francis W. Leask .T. V. Bouzek Knm Y. Lee Peter Brass Alan I.elghton Wm. M. Brown Harold Leverett Alnn Burbnnk Donald Llewellyn Alfred E. BurnlD J"hn Lindsay tvnls W. BurnlD Albert Mah Peter Cartwrloht cedrlo Mah rten Cavenalle 0ome R. Mayer Victor Cavenalle Henry Mayer Flmer Clausen H, W, Mncdonalil Jack Corbould Don McCavour Eddie Crosby J. H. McLeod Ray Crosby Oavln D. Mead James Currle John J. Mlllrr Arthur Davey Richard W1!U John W. Davey Herbert Morgan Pat Deane Ralph Mctrln Victor Dell Eric Orme M. J. Dougherty Ed. M. Ormhelm Jack Eastwood Robert L. Peachey Donald Eby Paul Postal u Thomas J. Evans Ken Schubert Jack C, Ewart Arne J. Selvlg Victor Field Wm. Shrubsall Clarence Flnley Robert Sllversldes Albert Flaten Eddie Smith C. E. Flewln James V. Stuart Hugh L. Forrest Robert Taper Thomas Forrest J. J. Thompson Rupert Fulton R. E. Tobey Louis Orlln Olay . C. Tumllson William Hadden Vernon Qulnlan Harry Hamilton Robert Turteon Elmore Hanklnson John A. Walker Arvld Hansen Rudolph Warne Lawrencei Hannen Wm. H. Wilson Harold Helperson Henry Worsfold Helpe Holkestad Oeorge 7. bur a US. ARMY Chester II. Clapp Terence Orme ueorge A. may Thomas W Pierre Olenn Ooodiine K Santurbane Richard J. Moore OS. NAW C. J. Roliertson Howard Frlzzell WOMKN NAVY Ijvlnla Exley F. M. Thomson Dapnne llemmel ARMY Beatrice Berner Eillth Mutrle ulse Bird Irene Sully Phvlls Hamblln Jane Taper Matilda I.nrsen AIR FORCE Betty Barber Isohel MarkenvU Jean R. Cameron Molly Mackenzie uorooum Kay Nlckerson Lilian Croxford US. ARMY Mary McCaffery U.S. NAVY Viola M. Dybhavn Made Supreme Sacrifice j GETS SYNTHETIC RUBBER i CANBERRA. -First consign ments of synthetic rubber have reached Australia from the Uni ted States to supplement stocks oi reclaimed rubber. They will make it possible for the covern- ment to parry the threat of dis location of essential transport. 1 SERVICES TO , Vancouver, Victoria and Waypoints, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 5C8 The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S . FINEST SALMON THURSDAY COCOA 74 zo cseuccout and We Suggest NEW Colorful Neckwoiir The latest shades and. patterns in N. ECKTLES by Arrow, Currie and Forsyth. $1.00 - $1.50 $2.00 - $3.50 SCAR Y E S in a wide range of fabrics including Silks. Ilavons, and Wools. White, plain shades, and all the desired patterns and colors. $1.00 " $6.95 To Think of What He'd Lih for Cin'thnn. .. ..1,IIUU t m w . . .i . 'The Men's Shop" TRAPPERS AND BUYERS . . . Be wise! Iirinir vour furs In Ooldbloom. " t . . , i r 1 1 i z : r T r. inir ii'iir ti iirjir tntn ittiniL'L'iniiSi fore I can pay more than anyone else, same buyers will give you Wi more if I present. W. GOLDBLOOM iit niTr runr CTrtD LUI KAIC JllUi: 31 viv ACROSS FROM ORME'S DRUQ STORE XMAS Slioppi DTADT TKAIITV t?r VrtfT i AT IT A VP! PTRST OUR SMARTER LADIES' SLIPPERS. v yp.p. Throughout the s - " MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY - SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 ? Ntrff City TTITRD A"" noon du Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock JaIU..; fllV We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All ch ietfj fresh and cooked moat iresn vc6. -fruits complete line of groceries. oMy rpona nieir ATT. TinTPPT) FOR ECONU piipprt RUTCHER5