PAGE SIX Thomas A. Klack Koberl McKay r omiies Huh, Huh "So you would like to be like Diogenes who lived In a tub?" "Gor, gun-ncr! Nahl I (nought you said a pub." Kcaljy? The handsome husband and his Jealous wife had just been seated In a restaurant when an attractive blond entered. She smiled sweetly at the husband, who bowed and smiled back. A little liter they smiled again. As A Permanent Citizen of Prince Rupert, NATU RALLY I'm Voting: For NON-PARTISAN CANDIDATES Till: NON-PARTISAN ASSOCIATION faors keeping polities out of Civic affairs by election of a civil administration composed of men of impartial and unbiased judgment. FOR ALDERMEN Clifford C. Jack II. FOR SCHOOL BOARD Ham Mair (J. J. Dawes Dr. It. G. Large Douglas Wood The wife asked, "Who is that bold looking girl?" The husband replied. "Now don't you start on that. I'm going to have a hard enough time trying to tell her who you arc." Fire and Brimstone "Do you think the speaker put enough fire into his words?" "Oh yes. The trouble was, he didn't put enough of his speech into the fire." Deception She "You deceived me before we were married. You told me that you were well off. He "I was but I didn't know It." We can say this in three words BUY COAL NOW! ALBERT X McCAFFERV, LTD. 11 G PHONES 117 Wh It's ere the Gifts are EVERYBODY BUYS AT Basketball SCORES ARE IDENTICAL Odd Occurrence In League IMay Last Night. The two Area Basketball League "A" Section games last I night in the Acropolis .gymna- i slum last night produced one of the oddest occurrences in the book when both fixtures resulted in the identical score of 61 to 29. City defeated Bo-Me-Hi and Acropolis Hill downed the Officers. j An individual scoring spree that would have been the feature of the evening, had it not been for the above mentioned point, was staged by "Shorty" Santurbane, of the City, who rolled up a total of 30 points. J Santurbane's sniping efforts yielded the highest Individual i j score of the season, exceeding the 23-point fixture turned in by ; Gerasimoff of "B" Section's Air j Force club. ' Murray topped the losers in scoring with 11 markers while j ' Hartwlg secured eight, as did Holkestad, of the winners. Coupled with the Officers' de feat by Acropolis, this victory gave Prince Rupert undisputed possession of third place. City Santurbane 30, Bill 5, Davis 4, Holkestad 8, Postuk 4, Vuckovich 3, Pavlikis 1, Fitch 2. Domlnato 461. Bo-Me-Hl Welsh. Murray 11, Forman 2, Hartwlg 8,' Ciccone. Good, Crulckshank 1, Sheppard, Foote 3 Thompson 429. The Game at Acropolis In Acropolis Hill's triumph ear- of the Hill quintet, Kiener. Deiss, Willoughby and Garzelloni, accounted for 46 of their team's 61 points. None of these four made more than 14 counters. Holmes and Ernest bagged nine counters each to spark the I Officers. The lineups follow: Acropolis Deiss 11, Kiener 14, Kalinovlch 4, Garzelloni 10, Wal- lingford, Homyak 4, Willoughby 11, Lis, Bruegser 2, Swanson 5 61. Officers Holmes 9, Thrasher 1, Peek. Bone, Hill 5, Clausen 3, Glascbrook 2, Ernest 29. Standings of the Area Basketball League's "A" Section follows: W. L. Pts. Port Edward 5 0 1.000 Acropolis Hill 4 1 .800 Prince Rupert 3 Officers 2 Co-ops 0 Bo-Me-Hl 0 Bought! WALLACE'S RUPERT PEOPLES STORE RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE torn .600 .400 .000 .000 May Be a Surprise --BUT No Surprise THE DAILY NEWS For the past few days Rfmn. R. Wolfe, Liverpool, N.S., had been billettcd with these Belgian people, as he went about his duties in regard to the recent investiture in Ghent. Here he thanks them for the hospitality. The investiture was made by the Burgmaster or the city to Canadian officers instrumental in the liberation of the area; awards were in silver and bronz medals. (Canadian Army Overseas Photo Through WIB. CITY BLACKED OUT AS POWER SERVICE FAILS "In winter I t;ct up at nigljf And dress by yellow candle light." That line by Robert Louis Stevenson had direct meaning for city residents this morning as they bumped about in the early morning darkness to find where they had put their blackout candles and lamps, after a power failure occurred at 7:30. For some the blackouts of two years ago had left a legacy of gas mantle lamps which were handy indeed this morning. With liehts out all over the citv. ex- lier in the evening, four members ' cept ln military establishments and the dry dock which have their own power sources, the white light of the gas lamps brightly mocked those homes and business places which had to depend on candle stubs and oil lamps until the morning Gark-ness lifted. Power did not come on until Although he docs not know if he will be able to get all the extra help he will need this season, Postmaster J. R. Morison feels that somehow he and his staff will be able to do right by the Christmas mail. Business has already begun to pick up at the downtown post office and some extraseasonal mail workers have been employed. However, the real pre-Chrlst-mas rush Is not expected to begin until next week. Mr. Morison was inclined to defer comment until the expected rush begins. "Right now it looks as though wc will have difficulty getting enough help. There seems to be a shortage of people willing to take a seasonal mall clerk's Job but it may ease off later," he said. The postmaster added that his office was allowed a budget for employment of extra help at ; Christmas and the trick' was to get as much help as possible and still stay wlthin.the budget. "Last year we had 12 extra mail clerks as well as additional help from army lcerks at the military post office. The military clerks did an exceptionally good Job, most of them having been ln the postal service since the beginning of the war." This year's prospects of getting help from military clerks does not seem quite so bright, Mr. Morison forecast. "They have only a staff of three there riow, so It looks like we might have to practice 'reverse lend-lease' during the coming rush' he said with a smile. He urged public co-operation in the preparation and addressing of mall. Meanwhile, like the tide that threatened to dampen King Canute's feet, a growing body of parcel laden, Christmas-conscious citizens surges ln and out of the post office doors. LIGHT BUT COSTLY Some of The finest mink coats weigh as little as 75 ounces. Income Tax Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 321 2nd Ave. Phone 88 J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 10:15. Among those who felt benefit from the power failure were city school children who were sent home from their darkened classrooms. Booth High School felt the frigid touch of winter when its automatic coal stoker stopped operating. Prince Rupert General Hospl- i tal was blacked out along with the rest of the city, but no harm was done as no emergencies oc curred during the shut off. The power came on in time for the X-ray department to get started, it was learped. Cause of the disruption was the blowing of a "pot head" near the Cow Bay sub-station. WINS HIGH HONOR CARDIFF, Wales, O) Thomas Jones, secretary of the Pilgrim Trust and president of the University College of Wales, is to be awarded the Cymmrodorlon Medal by the Honorable Society of Cymmrodorlon. It is for out standing service to Wales in art literature or science and has been awarded only 24 times since its creation ln 1883. CHRISTMAS RUSH BRINGS WOES BUT MAIL WILL GET THROUGH BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEX FORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 853 Mall Orders Box 99 .BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Phones Days, Blk. 884 Nights, BIk. 152 Bert Bellamy Reg. Wilson We Aim to Please "You Call :: We Haul" Lumber Baggage Freight, Express Household Effects 225 1st Ave. E. Prince Rupert, MESSENGER AND TAXI PHONE 65 HOTEL ERASER HOUSE Phone Black 823 C. II. HICKS, Proprietor Clean, quiet rooms. 714 Frascr Street HELEN'S BEAUTYSHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture ln all Its branches" 206 4th Street : Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineer's Phone 174 P.O. Box. 274 SHOE REPAIR Work Guaranteed Quick Service 103 9th Avenue West GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Ta Returns Complied Besncr Block Phone 387 Hochcy Scores Pittsburg. 3; St. Louis, 1. Indianapolis, 3; Hershey, 2. American League MECCA FOR AMERICANS The ancestral home of George Washington in Northamptonshire, England, has been made into a shrine containing many treasures, including an original Gilbert Stuart portrait of the first U. S. president. C.N.R. Trains Vor llir I'jist Dally except Sunday 8 p.m. From the Kast Dally except Monday .. 10:45 p.m. For Terrace- Sunday, Monday. Wednesday. Thursday and Friday .... 4 DAILY NEWS FOR SALE p.m. from Terrace-Monday. Tuesday, Thursday. Friday and Saturday 11:30 a.m. FOR SALE Dining room suite. 1317 Overlook Street. (238) FOR SALE St. Bernard female dog. four years old; pure bred. $3S.00. Apply Box 910 Daily News. 1291 FOR SALE Child's bed with spring mattress. Apply 1413 8th Ave. East. (287) FOR SALE Marx toy electric train, 50 feet of track, electric and manual switches. $18.uj. Also 3 meccans construction sets, $6.00, $2.50, $1.50. Phone tttU alter 6 p.m. (It) FOR SALE Baby buggy, Red Flash wagon, roller - Dearing wheel. 518 7th Ave. East, any time after 3 o'clock. (286 1 FOR SALE 4 male pups, each. 916 10th Ave. E. $2.00 (286) FOR SALE Reid's Cafe as a going concern. Possession Immediately. Reasonable terms. Do not enquire unless you can buy. (287) FOR SALE Household furniture. Phone Green 277, Suite 7, Summit Apartments. (286) FOR SALE China cabinet, $20. Apply 678 8th Ave. East. (288) FOR SALE Bargain! 3V2-yard steel dump box, with hydraulic hoist, good condition. $350.00. J. F. McRostie, Usk, B.C. (287) FOR SALE-"Doublc bed, spring filled mattress, dresser, kitchen set, small couch. 1423 8th Ave. East. (286) FOR SALE Five-room modern house, close to school and dry dock. Call alter 8 p.m., 633 Eighth Avenue East. (tf) WANTED WANTED Service man and wife desire light housekeeping room. Prince Rupert Hotel, Room 63. (287) WANTED Furnished room or rooms. Urgent. Service man's wife. Call Fortress 35, Bombardier Cicblcn. (287) WANTED Electric sewing, machine. Phone Blue 336. (287) WANTED TO RENT Furnished house or apartment for quiet army couple. Apply Box 909 Daily News. (286) WANTED 80 to 100 H.P. DcLsel engine. Apply to Hazelton Lumber Company, Hazelton, B.C. (294) HELP WANTED WANTED Housekeeper for home and children. Live ln. Phone Green 548. (287) WANTED Woman to do day work. Call Blue 114. (tf) PERSONAL ARE YOU INTERESTED in renting your apartment during the holidays to three girls away from home? Box 908 Daily News. (286) SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at all durgglsts. (288) BAYZAND & SEELEY, Painting. Decorating, Kalsomlning. All work guaranteed .Blue 378. "Satisfaction" our motto. LOST AND FOUND LOST Navy blue lady's purse. Registration card and papers. Finder please return to Dally News. (287) FOUND Small kitten; If no one claiming, would like good home for same. Phone Mrs. Ivcson, Blue 712. (287) FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for thfs advertisement. FOUND Brown suede zlppcrcd purse between Co-op and Dry Dock. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this FOUND Keys in leather case on 8th Ave. East a week ago. Owner may have same by call ing at the Daily News and paying 'or this advertlsempnr TODAY - FRIDAY - satimmT Complete Shows at 12:30 - 2- . , e. A Feature at 12:30 2:46 - 5-02 ri. ' 1 - 9:34 fJJ I ADDED ENTERTAINMENT World News Events THE PRACTICAL GIFT . . with r.,""""L n m1 nmn marsuii AW r-w-"nS '1 HV.'WV.. VVT Give Books of Theatre Tickets! HYDE TRANSFER Dry Slabwood. per cord .... $10 Dry Poplar, per cord ..$12.50 Sawdust, per sack 15c PHONE 580 Du t th grtal tmtgnl f prtcUton materiel which tht Blo Wflch Ccmpsny U producing lr IS ormtd forcll, wi have only a limited quantity el Sutova wma m i Ttm '' Fresh LocaTR! Pasteurized Jill VALENTIN DA I HONE 657 JOHN BULGER l wolchot. W tug3c.1t yoi moVo your ttltcflon todoyl THIRD AVE. Jewelers OPP POST DRW STOR! Perfumes & Toilet Artie (By Molinard) Ashes of Hoses Evening in Pari: Skylark Scanty Dorothy Gray i ll. A .A nn I ' . . t I'inaiw Men s ski Scaforth Men's St Tags and Seals and Gift Wrappings Re sure to Vote Thursday, December HI Ormes ltd Pioneer Druqp ' THE REX ALL STORE PHONES 81 1 Open Dally from 0 a.m till 9 pm I o i i tritj... f-, 19.9 nm. and 7- P""l RUPERT BRAND :: SMOKED :: BLACK COD Canadian Fish v - AND - Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.