r t, - Tim DAILY NEWfl I ,1 Expert OPTICAL SERVICE JEWELER Meet Mc at. . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing - Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dinnerwarc, Glasses, BaSface and Novelties MAX HEILBROHER DIAMOND MEKCUANT 1 li Style Worthy 'f Wear Worthy " Pumps. Tics and Oxfords to please every mood. Spike heels, cuban and low heels. Styles to fit your style demands. Choose now. You're Right in Style at THE CUT RATE SHOE STORE Fine, Mild Weather, Isn't It? Last winter was mild too, but don't be misled Next winter may be as cold as 1942-1943, and', if it is, the man with the full coal bin will win. WEj CAN GUARANTEE DELIVERIES NOW BUT NOT NEXT WINTER 0 Fill up your coal bins with Foothills Lump, Egg or Nut, and Bulkley Valley for furnace heating. PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. PHONE 651 AUCTION SALE PHONE 652 Having received instructions from Vancouver owners, I will sell by Public Auction at the Auction Rooms, Third Avenue on , Friday, June 2nd, 2 p.m. Fifty-four articles Misses' and Ladies' dresses, suits, coats and fur jackets. All these items are new and must be sold no reserves. J. MAIR, Auctioneer. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion PACIFICJCAFE Special: Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Hours 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. SEE Classified Ads Advertising In this section Is payable In advance at the office. Please do not ask us to deviate from this rule WANTED WANTED Child's tricycle, large size. Green 465. (128) WANTED $50.00 Reward for furnished house, close In. Will pay rent up to $75 per month urgent. Phone American Sig nals 418 after 6 pjn. (137) WANTED TO RENT For young couple with 2 children, a four or five room house. Centrally located; Apply Box 757 Dally News. (tf) WANTED Electric Phonograph Player. Box 767 Dally News. FOR RENT PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST Prop.: MRS. A. R. LOCK IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning-Authorized "FLEX FORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesss Waterproofing a Specialty. PHONE 858 Mall Orders Boz 99 (131) ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red 976. (133) ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen, sharing. 1344 Pigott Avenue. (131) FOR RENT Room close in for gentleman only. Phone Black 965. (tf) FOR RENT Three room house. Apply P.O. Box 1406, Substa tion "B." (130) BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 EXPERT PERMANENT WAVINQ AND IIAIR STYLING ESTHER STANYER Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver Phone Red 934 or call at 1467 Sixth Avenue East, Upstairs VAL SPIDEL Floor Sanding and Finishing Alterations and Repairing Phone Green 880 General Delivery SEPTIC TANKS And Filter Lines Cleaned and Repaired. Apply Box 749 Dally News. 300 3rd Ave. Phone 777 F. MURPHY FOR LUMBER STOCK FOR ALL BUILDING PURPOSES 225 1st Avenue East Phone Black 884 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 206 4th Street Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Bor 274 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B. F. Lovin. Representative BOX 628 1315 Plecot Ave. Prince RuDert, B.C, Try a Results. Want-Ad for Quick FOR SALE FOR SALE Household fudnl-ture. Phone Black 810. (132) FOR SALE Folding cot. 1325 Pigott Avenue. (123) FOR SALE Brown double bed and brown single bed complete. Phone Black 731. (128) FOR SALE English pram, like new. 1138 Second Ave. $20.00. (130) FOR SALE Household furni ture. Please apply Don Wilson's Barber Shop. Phone Black 810. (tf) FOR SALE Furnished two room Cabin. Wflntafffft T?viH nnnnt. FOK EXCHANGE WILL EXCHANGE house in Vic toria for suitable accommodation in Prince Rupert. Phone 650, ask for C. P. O. Harry Leggett. (132) HELP WANTED WANTED Chambermaid for local hotel Apply National Selective Service A.F. 129. (tf) WANTED Housekeeper to live in or woman to do housework two or three times weekly. Phone Blue 801 or aDDlv 345 4th Ave. West. HELP WANTED Male. Finish ing carpenter wanted for tem porary work. Apply Selective faervice No. A.M. 130. (131 SAWYER, Edgennan, Green- chainmen. Lumber Pliers and Millworkers wanted for 25 thousand foot sawmill. Good accomodation. Celling wages paid. Apply National Selective Service for order number (904) (tf) LOST LOST Between Mrs Parkers and McCutcheon's Drug Store, small parcel. Please leave at Dally News. Reward. ri28) PERSONAL BAYAND & SEELEY. Palntlnsr, Decorating, Kalsomlnlng. All work guaranteed. Blue 378. "Satisfaction" our motto. (150) THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 KWONG SANG I1ING HOI KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE C12 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tai) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tuesday.io pjn. to 12 pjn. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 12 p.m. Phone Red 217 BURN WOOD For Summer Dry Slabwood, cord $10.00 Dry Jackpine $12.50 HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 REVERBRATIONS CARRIED A dynamite explosion set off Prosperity For North Development Along Permanent Lines of Coast and Interior District Foreseen by Young Judge Speaking at the weekly lunch eon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club yesterday. Mr. Justice J. O. Wilson expressed the opinion that the prosperity which war had brought to this part of British Columbia was not a temporary phase but would continue from the development of northern and central British Columbia after the War which had brought about the recognition of Its strategic position and potentialities. "We cannot continue to T vmqw WUVa V f JWW I lte No. 160. Evenings. $325 slt Mound on a veritable Empire casn. (130) FOR SALE Ford car, two door. .1937 model, good rubber, celling price. One No. 24 Woods four knife planer, complete with five pairs of side heads. One No. 3 National sawmill with two head saws, sawdust and slab conveyors, log haul; like new, only used five months. For Inspection and1 prices see Strom Lumber imratlM Company, Prince George, B.C (tf) i like we have here and do noth ing about It. If we do not use it. we most certainly will eventually j lose it." declared Ills Lordship. I The Judge, who Is a pioneer' of Prince George, his home having been there since bovhrvr! spoke of the relation of Prince George and Prince Rupert They naa tneir differences as com munlties. he said, but thev hart ' much in common. They had had careers with similar hone and fnittmtl nni " T convinced todav that ih trtlJtan an ia:Tnc: are hopes which we have had win Pleased with the pruspct4 soon be fulfilled." The speaker said he had betn reatly impressed with the changes which had taken place In Prince Rupert since he had last visited here a few years ago. Mr. Justice Wilson round! lout his talk with some amusing actual experiences In the opening of his career as a vaun? Judge. President Frank Skinner wan In the. chair at the luncheon and there was a good attendance of members with guests In the persons or W. D. Vance. W L. Armstrong. Bert Johnson Vancouver), Dugald Campbell - Vancouver). S. J. Jabour iVanrju ver) and James Sheratt (Van couver). It was announced that Btv Grelg had been chosen as the Oyro Club's candidate in the- forthcoming Clvk Centre Carnival Queen contest, the sun- port of the members on her be half being bespoken. Congratulations were extend ed to one of the member r a Kellctt, who became the father of a son Tuesday afternoon. H. M. Cowie was the winner ki the weekly raffle of a war savings certificate. Bulkley Valley Crops Are Off To Good Start SMITHERS, June 1 With in termittent showers of rain and with also considerable fine warm weather the crops of the Bulklev Valley are away to a fairly good CFPR 10 Kilocycles SCHEDULE On the Arctic Nnvni- island Of t.nn r vit.t m j in via lit id jo was jieara in Ber lin, z,uuu miles away. THURSDAY IM. 4:00 Sound Ofr 4:15 G. I. Jive 4:30 Kay Kyscr 5:00 Caravan 5:30 Personal Album 5:45 Melody Roundup 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 To be announced, 6:30 The People Ask. 6:45 Rendezvous with Rythm 7:00 Fred Waring 7:15 Front Line Family 7:30 Bine Crosbv 8:00 Major Bowes 8:30 Bob Hope 9:00 Front Line Theatre 9:30 Classics for Today 10:00 CBC News Rebroadcast 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Show Time 10:30 Great Music 10:45 Raymond Scott 11:00 Closing announcement FRIDAY A..M. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Novelty Tunes 9:00 Lanny Ross 9:15 Music a la carter 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Henry King's Orchestra 10:3011111 Billy Music ,u:3 Tney Ten Me 11 :0ft Scandinavian MoWlne 11:15 Broadcast of Messages IK 17 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Xavler Cugat P.M. 12:00 Wayne King 12:30 Spotlight Bands 12:45 CBC News 12:50 Recorded 1:30-To be announced 2:00 Silent of . good harvest for this year Prospects are that the hay crop will be much better than last year and will also be earlier. Oraln crops have a aood start but fut ure weather conditions will be a big factor In the ultimate situ ation. NO -RATIONING THERE A coffee percolator Is as essential as a typewriter In many Brazilian business offices, since the beverage Is served several times a day. Vi Nurses Are Versatile On Pacific CANBERRA. June 1 r Australian nurses are following closely on the heels of the Australian troops as they advance in New Guinea. They are staffing a casualty clearing station at Fm-hhafen and a general hospital at Lac. At first they lived under cam- 1 palgn conditions, but the Army soon made them much more comfortable. When they went to Lae their mew was a mobile cooker In a tent, but in two days i we army ouiit them a mtu hall. Some units have been func-t toning for four years. In the Middle Bast and In New Guinea, but the Initial enthusiasm has not abated. In some place nurses and convalescent patients have termed gardens with rockeries, fountains, and miniature water-ai;.s They tried to crow vrt. ubia but found that their were 3 be j Jo pollinate. 8o they did j the i b themselves with cotton i watermelons, tomatoes and cu cumber were prolific. - - Regulation dress in the for- quitev' are Is slacks, shirt and I U .... t . ... heavy boots with gaiters to pro tect ine legs rrom the scrub mite. There l a rest home for them in the hills. Back In Port Moresby the American nurses and Red Cross girls have a beauty salon run, by a former New York "beautician; who has all the gadgets, supplies all the treatments un to a. msehlnelew wave at 3 and has murals on the walls and curtains on the cubical. Advertise In The Dally News. WiTAMJC FIRESTONE'S GREATEST CONTRIBUTION TO LONG TIRE LIFE AND MILEAGE Fireitonc, pioneere of the btllooa tnj hith.pd tire, now milt inoib r contribution to JriK,l rootoriol . . , flTAMIC HUIIIIKR . . . lr looirr t!r lid nj milctft. It u t well-known ftt tlut tii'ial imtll mount of rorttU, tucb chromium nj tanf ttco, to itttl Iretllr increitct tht itrrnfth tai donbililr of the alloy product! Id limilir minncr, It hai bttti found bjr l imtont rtitirch tbtt th intimatt miiioj with rubber o( imtll mount) ol ( new icicmilie ditcovcrr, "Vitalin," impart! lonf-ioufht properties-to the rubbtr. Ai in tht alloy ttel, tht new rubber compound . . . VITAMIC RUBKER . . . i, Neatly improved in ttfenfth, wear-ability, ind rciutance to beat and a(ein(. All Pirettont tirea art now made with Vitamio Rubber. Thit added extrt value, together with Cum. Dippinf and Safety Locked Cord, it 11 the mort rtaion why you thould niit on I-'ireitont tirei when you obtain Tirt Itatioo Permit. v. It I VITAMIC RL'BBCR ital.a nata ik rWf ! mxnM. ll itM itrt a .-! KM- tlMctM! tw, laaa atal laa fabaaf 1 1 1...IT. m ,.?V'aKVAVTTr I S. E. PAHKEU LTI). 1 iri:stonk di:am:rs, princi: kupeut Have You Ordered Next Winter's Coal Yet? If Not, Do It Today! PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY WITH ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. PHONE 116 and 117 TODAY Camp I'UI. ; 1 p 1 28. 3 31, 5 J4, 7 :3 JIKTTY Graiili N TIIK VKAirs RirJ "Pin-I Girl In Technicolor! JOHN IIaiivpJ UAIcTiiA UayJ JUK K. HH0W.1 "'3 Charlie Spivak and i ADDED Mirth of - -- vi Time j line wota wound on twigs. Crops of 'resent, '.South Amtilr. Cartoon "I'ror and the rri, World Xf SERVIf:L3 TO Vancouver V. ' U Waypolnt.,', Ecvx Nort'i Queen Cisa? 'le Li Full InfDraj and Rr FRANK J Prince R-; Third Ave. CK1.VXI !c:t Acr Fresh Iak& Haw Pasteurized .Mil l VALENTIN DAlt riio.Nt: ui J. L. CURF t'La'.e ; Y: CHIKOPKACTO Smith Blo: k C: Por that L;r.waaH MONUMENT Oil MARH National .Monumci 02 5th ratt nox 1IM SUllon B Trlnte Rupert. B.Cj is Tin: mtki.mt run IIUITIMI (t)I.IMillt IN I-HIIIU1K is Tin: MTTiit ti the IHIKATIOV A(T a ml I IX tiii: MTTI.H or or MILIUM ' v I TAKE NOTKIE IIU llont:ur J' 1 1 Judge of til . . . Brltuh C !tiiftt'i, Ii dajr of May All. ' , Admlni Orator w 'i ' nrxed of ttie E i J ' ... w ji.j a. n.. -i 1 r 1 nuu utvu m v . ... - or alxjut Drci-mtrT ' All pvrtont Indcb'.cl ' tte un required t; r of tftelr Indebted: with and all per : against the Mid E ' ' to file them with r flMt on or brfnrff June AD. 1944. ft' Irlhntlon Kill hn IT r vt '1 Card only to twh t "' 1 ahall have been n V DATKD at Prlnr" B " 18th day Of MV A D. W- n......i 4im!-.' Wlll(.iai - .m Krlnca rtiii'1 GEO. J. DAWE AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR .... noviitTrTril TO Sf YOUR CONVENE";! f t(.s.i'ri1lir ....... .i.-inrTS rAf and smrrrn r.n rhone , Free 140 4 Hi Ave. 1 jlppolntmi Try a Wanted f"r IlesultSi