IE EDITORIAL GETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT ... The Attorney General of British Columbia made a speech last night. We have given the speech consid erable space today and, in view of the amount of spaee we have devoted to the critics of the government, we regret that we could not have given more. Mr Maitlan.d gave an account of some of the good work that the coalition government of British Columbia, has been quietly carrying out in the way of assisting in the war effort, improving conditions in British Columbia as far as the exigencies of war would permit and, equally important, formulating plans to meet the problems which will arise after the wa? in a province whose place in the sun as the Pacific border of Canada will be more prominent than it ever was before. Mr. Maitland rightfully pointed put that the government of which he is a member has been working steadily at its job while some of its opponents have been concentrating their time and efforts at home and abroad on political activity. It is this statement of Mr.. Mailland's that leads us to suggest that it is about time the coalition government was taking effective steps to inform the people of the province, who ere long will be passing judgment upon it, of its undoubted good works and accomplishments so that the people may weigh the record against the tempting blandishments of perennial political orators and propagandists who recklessly promise an economic Utopia but who have consistently failed to give us the practical prescription of how they are going to bring, this about in this realistic and very human worm oi ours. The coalition government of British Columbia, undoubtedly, has a record of which it may well be proud. If it has failed in anv wav. it has Vippti in failing to tell the people of its excellent stewardship. We hope", that $he speech of Mr. Maitland's is but the commencement of a program of publicity to inform the 'people of what has been going on at Victoria in their behalf. Such enlightenment is something to which the public is entitled so that it may be possible to form a true judgment of the record. The opposition may be depended upon to dig up the faults and tell the public about them. But the public is entitled to hear both sides of the argument and it is up to the administration to see that its very worthy case is properly and widely presented. . TO COL. AND MRS. EVITT . . . "XfgterdayS news columns brought announcement of the; impending departure from Prince Rupert of Col. and Mrs. C. V. Evitt a departure which will be the cause of regret to the legion of friends they have gathered around them during their Deriod n'f resi dence here from the very earliest days of the community. ... Older residents will recall "Charlie" 35 years back as a youthful sawmill bookkeeper and his good wife as a unarming young bride. They were an engaging couple in those days and the years have made no change in the wide measure of esteem and popularity which they have so consistently enjoyed. Successful businessman and community worker as he has been, Col. Evitt will, however, be better remembered as a good soldier who enlisted early in the First Great War, served overseas, became prominent in the local militia on his return here and went at once into active service at the outbreak of the present conflict, winning important rank and command and, m due course, going on the retired list a few montns ago. Mrs. Evitt will be remembered for her active participation with her husband in church work and various community activities. The Evitts have been good citizens, the like of which all of us must agree we can ill afford to lose. We are happy to wish them Godspeed with the hope that they may be spared for many years to frequently revisit us. SPECIAL! Limited Number Home Work-Shop Mandrells Complete with Bearings and V Pulley, shaft Is approx. 13" long, " round, with V2" thread, 2" collars. PRICE PREPAID TO YOU, $5.95 Send Post Office or Bank Money Order with order to ACME MACHINERY 1547 Main Street, Vancouver, B.C. Place an Ad in The Daily News It Pays positions in North Poland. I PAY LESS F0R-1 II finer rorn&i I WHY PAY MORE? SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypolnts, Btewart and Nojth Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 868 PACIFICCAFE Special: Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Hours 6:00 ajn. to 2:00 a.m. a -r r TIIE DAILY NEWS The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT . . . Listed Killed, BRITISH COLUMBIA I Wounded in Army Recorded as killed in action Publifhed Every Afternoon SUBSCRIPTION RATES while serving 'overseas with the FRY' Except Sunday by Prince By City Carrier, per week .. .15 i British Columbia Regiment is RupcrtTally News Limited. Per Month 65 ,Pte. William Joseph Hawley. Third Avenue. ; whose father, Fred Hawley, lives Per Year $7.00 at Grassy Plains, near Burn. G.'A. HUNTER By Mail, per month .40 i Lake. Tk MCA U nj eup U cup of FRY of uir 8 cocoa, Managing Editor Per Year $4.00 Pte. Harold Sanders Odegaard, Mil wmninf ilry MM cup of tnilier wmtcr, son of Hans Odegaard, of Blla Murine niDt"lc Boil (or IDEAL FOR Then into a cm imnul.' pour DAILY EDITION ... Coola, is listed as injured while clou dry ilu ir Cover nl CHOCOLATE Thursday, Sept. 14, 1944 serving with the British Columbia 1ft cool. ayrup Ivtcp lnnJr IhU Uty in the rhoo-oltl ic MILK. Regiment. box. r4y (or uuU&l um. ICE CREAM AND DESSERTS YANK CORRESPONDENT SEES A CANADIAN BREN A quintet of Canadians In a war-ravaged French village take time out to show Jamis .Cassldy, an American war correspondent, fins points of the Bren gun, that "sweet little baby plays, such an important part in street fighting." They have had lots of street fighUnj in France', every hamlet being a haven for snipers long after the main body of Hun troop i have retired. Handling the Brens are Spr. John Teperto of Winnipeg and Spr. Ed. Kube of St. Thomas, Ontario. JAPS BEING DRIVEN BACK KANDY, Sept. 14 CP Japanese have been driven from strategic ridge positions in Mayu range, southwest of Buthe-daunk in the southernmost section, after four days fighting, aided by fighter bombers, and have moved into the Arakan area. STRONG POLISH POINT IS TAKEN LONDON, Sept. 14 Oi Premier Joseph Stalin announced last night the capture of Lomze, 20 miles south of East Prussia', one of the strongest German First Ladies Are Speakers; QUEBEC, Sept. 14 Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Mrs. Winston Churchill both made radio speeches from Quebec last nteht speaking in French as well as In English. They Joined in paying tribute to Canada's war effort and mentioned how the work and sacrifices, of women had contributed to the impending glorious victory. Buy War Savings Stamps. LEGION DONATES $100 TO P.T.A. A donation )t'$103 to .the Prince Rupert Pareut'Teachers' AsoclaJHcn tag day fund was re celved by the local bransh of tin. Canadian I.g!on at its regular meeting last night at Legion headquarters. Appreciation of the work the association is doing in raising funds to assist city j schools to purchase sports equip ment and modern educational ! books for school St. u's libraries prompted the donation. There is a general increase in Legion membership as members of the forces in the present war become qualified to Jcln. Eight new members were admitted at iast nights meeting. "New Vets" eem anx'cus to carry on for their generation the good work done for ex-servicemen. In the past, it. was felt. Dr. R. C. Baniford, president, wis in (he chair, and there was a epod attendance of members. The ufual Pdppy tag day will be held'in November at a date to be announced later. Baseball Standings National League St. lA)uis 95 41 I'itUburgh 81 54 Cincinnati 74 58 Chicago 61 71 New York 61 72 Boston 55 79 Brooklyn 55 80 Philadelphia .... 52 7ft American League New York 76 61 Detroit 75 61 uosion .... Cleveland .... 75 02 .... 73 64 .... 65 72 Philadelphia .... 64 75 Chicago 63 74 Washington .... 58 80 .699 X00 .552 .548 .533 .474 .477 .459 .412 UNSUBSTANTIAL COVERLET A white mist which often covers the top of the 3,550-foot Table Mountain overlooking Capo Town, South Africa, Is caUed ,h tablecloth." "Mi,; fiii BY ANY OTHER NAME "Camel's hair," ud In making brushes, comes from a species of squirrel. I ivrn f Mi.L n r ge Shortly The Pun::e RuKitrv iCOmes nf boc, tvi. . . ' .462 .459 .410 .407 .397 utcasion oi the nluaren... i. ....wiaiv oi 11' irti.t dulv nhruo -j.. 1 , WIVU cn October 4. Dr Rot1! .558 1 W. J- Scott are car-v-,,. arrangements fur th. The Oyro Cub, at C monthly bu:;lne i , leruay, paed a t,:le c to Amerira Dom... , cnairman, and Di r. r. loiiowmg the ucif - eiuu pin.; ne;a w. . The Club ; my... r. weicune .u ' Pr 3. Just within u."C'y.a..:i Skeena River Hi bit.y t atlon or he Ro'urji. enlls'ed :-. 1 wn. city will b- curht cnasing will be haj&Ji general purchai. fct the department. FRESHER, CHEAPER FOOD for your table hy men who think of tomorrow - tS'V TOMORROW'S EVERGROWING GARDENS ... Why ihould garden-fre.h veg.tables be availabl only in summer? Why should rich, ripe strawberries be a luxury in winter? Aien w10 think of tomorrow are doing 7 something about it. In Scotland, where seasons are short, it has been possible to grow six to eight 1 ' crops of vegetables a year by heating truck gardens with underground steam pipes under glass in winter, open to the air In summer. Men who think of tomorrow are planning to Are you hwling the Government's plea to curtail your feed the world better than it has ever been fed personal travel so that troops and supplies can move freely before, to make it healthier than ever before. It id ovcr 0l,r alrea,y ''fted transportation systems? a glorious future to which we may look . . . but only after this war is won I Are you working at your "war job" as hard as you can? Are you caving and turning in wastepaper to help meet the serious shortage this country faces in the manufacture of containers for war materials? Are you collecting and turning In every last drop of fat from your kitchen to help feed the hungry machines that turn It into TNT? Have you added your blood to that of millions of others to provide life-saving plasma for our wounded? And have you Increased your purchases of War Savings Certificates nnd Victory Bonds to the limit of your ability . . . and are you holding on to them? Only by working hard at these and scores of other "war jobs" can we be sure of Victory . . . and the ever-ripening fruits of Victory. Let us all be MEN WHO THINK OF TOMORROW 1 THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM All Segrm planU in Cnad and the UniUd States are engaged In the production of high-proof alcohol to htlp ipted tho war to a victorious end. tugo-proof Alcoboi lor war u uwa in u manuiaciure 01 omoneiew l owuer. uompaMttj Drugs and Medicine and many many o othar wartime product.