PAGE FOUR ALWAYS GET CLEAN, QUCK SHAVES WITH BLUE GLLETTE BLADES. 2 k&2&rZJto VA TRIP through the jX Gillette factory showt-J me why I always get clean, quick shaves with Blue Gillette Blades. I saw steel hardened in automatically-, controlled electric furnaces . , , saw the blades sharpened in grinding machines wc-igh ing several tons yet so precise that they are adjustable to 110,000 of an inch. So my advice to any man who wants to enjoy shaving is to use Blue Gillette Blades." C26J Local News Items., , PHONE 8G TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS X Sons of Norway dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Friday 15, 9:30 p.m. (217) A Will anyone knowing th; ! whereabouts of' Ernst Ericksson, recently of Premier, communicate with the Swedish Vice Consulate, Box 384, Prince Rupert, B.C. Small children built a fire under a vacant house at 1425 Overlook st. at G o'clock last night but firemen who answered the alarm found it cxtinsulshed before their arrival. The fire caused no damage. After having been recently awarded his wings at Portage la Prairie, Pilot Officer James Stuart, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stuart, Is home on leave. Arriving with him this week were his mother and sister, Miss Sheila Stuart, who had been at Portage for the wing presenting cere rhony. Announcements All Advertisements In this column will be charged tor a full month at 25c a word. Dry Dock Employees Welfare Association Dance, Staff Dining Hall, Friday, Sept. 22. Music by Swing Quintette. Help Norway Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Sept. 22, 9:30 to 1:30. Nurses' Tea, Home of Mrs. G. Bryant, Sept. 28. Catholic Bazaar, October 4 and 5, K.O.C. Hall. Eastern Star Tea, Oct. 5. Little Norway Tea, October 7. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, 3 p.m., Nov. 16. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, November 23. Cambral Chapter, I.O.D.E., Fall Tea Nov. 23. PRINCE IIUPF.HT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialists on Hulltop Roots j . ,. Repairs, Ke-ihlnrllDf Free Estimate PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS i- , Down through the years, almost since Prince Rupert . first existed, we have served the people. The prescription laboratory we have always tried , to keep modern, using skilled pharmacists, quality, drugs, the best of equipment. OrmesLtd. 77ift Pioneer Druszgiats THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 f V. Open Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.ra. THE EARLY BIRD GETS THE CHRISTMAS CARDS! Yes, It Is early, but now is the time to pick your Christmas Cards from fresh, complete stocks, when this department is'ndt busy! Lovely new designs' and verses. Also new stocks of stationery for Christmas Gift giving. THE VARIETY STORE L.O.B.A. Meeting tonight Oddfellows' Hall, 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. M. Nordgaard, and son Freddie, returned Wednesday from a month's visit to Vancouver and Seattle. A donation iX $25 for thit Prince' Rupert Pioneers' Home Fund was left at the Daily News office yesterday by Dr. W. T. Kergln who has been a visitor to the city for the past couple of weeks and Is leaving tonight on his return to Vancouver. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. Vancouver B. R. Con. .08 Vj Bralorne 14.00 Cariboo Gold Quartz 2.05 Hedley Mascot .69 Pend Oreille 1.20 Pioneer 3.00 Premier 1.30 Privateer .40 Reno .05 'i Reeves MacDonald .24 Sheep Creek 1.03 Whitewater .034 Oils Calmont .20 C. SiK 1.73 Home 2.85 Royal Canadian .03 Toronto Beattle 1.42 Central Patricia 2.15 Consolidated Smelters 47.00 Giant Yellowknife 8.00 Hardrock . .80 Kerr Addison 9.85 Little Long Lac 1.23 Madsen Red Lake 2.29 McLeod Cockshutt 2.61 McKenzle Red Lake U.1 Moneta .62 Pickle Crow 2.70 Preston EaJt Dome ?.60 San Antonio 3.95 Sherritt Gordon .70a Steep Rock 3.30 THE DAILY NEWS THURSDAY SE PARISIANS FREE THEIR CITY- The historic Arc do Triomphe in Paris through which the Nazis marched in triumph after the fall of France a few years ago, is no longer under German domination, as hundreds of thousands of Frenchmen free their city. MECCA FOR PEDAGOGUES No Difficulty in Getting Teachers Here This Year, Inspector States Opinion about Prince Rupert as a place to seek a job Is apparently favorable if the number of teachers who sought placements in this school Inspectorate this summer can be taken as an indication. Applications this year were greater than the number of jobs available, according to B. Thorsteinsson, inspector o f schools. This is a situation unique In the province, he says. Most other districts had difficulty finding teachers to fill the positions offered. A number of the new teachers in this inspectorate came from the prairies where in places critical shortages exist. "Prince Rupert must have been the subject of favorable publicity for we certainly had less trouble getting teachers tills year- than last year," he commented. Mr. Thorsteinsson mentioned higher salaries made possible through government assistance ! as a probable influential factor in attracting teachers from the east. J All schools throughout the district are operating this year with the exception of Copj)er City, which, paradoxically, ii closed not because It could not get a teacher, but because it lacked by one the number ol pupils required to justify a gov ernment grant. At Terrace it lias been found necessary to open additional rooms and a hall In the centre of the town Is being used as a classroom. The number of high school students has also grown. Mr. Thorsteinsson said that it Is "possible" lhat an Indian day school may be opened at Port Edward. Suttee, abolished by the British In 18129, was an Indian custom of a widow burning herself on the funeral pyre of her husband. Pulpwood and Newsprint Is Now Easing Up i OTTAWA, Sept. 14 l Canada will be able to maintain the current rate of newsprint and wood pulp shipments to the United States during the fourth quarter of 1944, the Wartime Prices and Trade Board announced last night. Canada now supplies the United States with 2Cojbco tons of newsprint and 1,100,000 tons of pulpwood a year. I Buy War Savings Stamps. V Stamp6 'rswyi- Si c 1 ' . The Incident . . . A year or two back, a crowd of hundreds of people gathered around a dock and along the shoreline of a Pacific coast port, awaiting the arrival of one of the world's largest ocean liners, the Queen Elizabeth . . . Vy . The name of the vessel and the time of arrival were '' an official secret 1 How did they know? r O There can be only one answer: SOMEBODY TALKED 1 This was valuable information for the enemy which could have resulted in disaster loss of many lives, loss of a great ship. Any information whatsoever about the movements of ships, planes, men and materials is a military secret. If you have such information, whether it seems important to you or not, DON'T TALK ABOUT IT! Enemy agents are everywhere! . . . Jrt'd &a! tie &u6le f PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF NATIONAL SECURITY BY: THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. SPECIAL CLEARING Odd Lines to he Cleared. at Hed CLEARING PRICES . SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUlt CONVENIENCE FUKNITUItK AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment 116 4th Ave. E. KED 127 Barr & Anderson r LIMITED Plumbing; and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Bt. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1291 Pit Windbreaker Style Jackets in W00i -durpy, Values to $8.50. $195 & I A limited amount of broken sizes in v, I wear, both two-niece ami ...M iri ' m : " vunan V iWUUH 11UUI .J(.UU 10 ..bU. CLEARING PRICES UtW rqr uarment Men's Wool Wincey Flannel Shirts in J All SIZiiS. Each , SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Thone 37 P.O. Hox 54. ERASER STREET Prince Kupert KING GEORGE CAFE Special Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Honrs 10 a.m. to 1 am. 2nd Avenue and Nth Street GEO. J. DAWES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR Atlas Holler Ll . l I Welding. Blackmail itepair l'hone M &i Income l He turn Prtpwf R. E. MORTTJ 324 2nd Ave. - J Fresh Ix-al h Pasteurized I VALENTIN D PHONE G! CHIMNEY Sfft Oil. HCKNFRS f AND Kmil New equipment i assure you of i tt rbone HUri: 1 HOMRSERHI HAMmill Elio'j FURNITU JlflS Third Avenue, rWj HVDK TRANS PHONE Coal and VI rri.. nffirrtM j iir j. m. s. m Doctor of iw winbeaosrntH until vta Mm Arthur DRESS PUMP In British Tan and Golden Tobacco . ... IMJ Dress Cuban and Low cunan Perfect fitting Elasticizea Rlack Kid Tango PumP3 ; . '" Just arrived Family Shoe Store "Tho Home of Good Shoe"" .i