coupons Dr the (pound :KENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY IN STOCK NOLEUM For all your floors. . SPRINGS All sizes. ED M ATTR ESS ES All sizes. v " ED PILLOWS All feathers. 773 337 3rd Avenue bb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY ! II I) A Y AND EVERYDAY CARDS iTKUMAN'S FOUNTAIN TENS ir Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 ISSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available loccrics, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion Katy's Kleen Kitchen m. to 8 p.m., Teas and Teacup Heading jur Specialty, Southern Fried Chicken and Steaks i's 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Party Reservations Your patronage appreciated )3 Fulton Street :: Phone lllue 882 lULSM'S LUNCH IS NOW OPEN CUi Ave. IJ,- Beside P.O. Slallon II. "Belect Lunches and Select Service" fslock fresh and complete, prices rijiht POULSION'S GROCERY tcsy and Service Free Delivery Red 411 orange package KWONQ SANQ HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 12 pm. PHONE RED 247 The Seal of Quality British Columbia's Finest Salmon NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 The best buy In Monuments and Markers In D.C. Is at National Monuments on 3rd Ave., first door West of Eaton's. NATIONAL MONUMENT l0. Box 998. 1'rlnce Rupert J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain chlropractlcl If nerves doubly sol Smith ninck Orccn 095 Meet Mc at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Our Coffee is Tops) RESOURCEFUL YOUNGSTERS ASSIST W.A. At a recent meeting of the' Canadian Legion Women's Aux- Mary the members were agreeably surprised to received a cash donation from a group of young people who had demonstrated their patriotism and resource fulness on previous occasions. Margaret Wide, Edna Gardner, Mary Basso, Margaret Dunning- ton, Lenora Webster, Edna Ronalds, and Dolores Lamb held a concert In the Ronald basement and served sandwiches and lemonade, thereby netting $4. They also conducted a raffle of a doz en fresh laid eggs donated by Mr Ronalds, realizing $3. The winner of the raffle was Mrs. George Scott. The sum of $7 was handed to the auxiliary for their war work. CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) THURSDAY P.M. 4:00 Sound off 4:15 O. I. Jive , 4:30 Music America Loves Best 5:00 Caravan 5:30 Personal Album 5:45 Melody Roundup 6:00 Front Line Theatre 6:30 The People Ask 6:45 Night Train 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Promenade Symphony 7:30 Concert Variety 8:00 Drama 8:30 Music from the New World 9:00 Blondic 8:30 Classics for Today 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Elmore Philpott 10:15 -CBC News Roundup 10:30 Music Hall 11:00 Silent FRIDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Morning Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 George Hall 9:45 ATtle Shaw . 10:00 Barnabas Von Oezcy 10:15 Fred Waring 10:30 Hillbilly Music 10:45 Seranade in Rhythm 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Message Period 11:17 Recorded Interlude 11:33 Weather forecast -34 ' ' 11, Recorded -1 11:45 Raymond Scott ' P.M. 12:00 Service Digest 12:15 To be announced 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Matinee Memories 1:00 Isabelle McEwen Sings' 1:15 Spotlight Bands 1:30 One Night Stand 2:00 Silent LEGALS IN' THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF" THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP ANTON ANNANAISSON, DECEASED. INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge Fisher, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 1 1th day of Septembr, AD. 1944. appointed Administrator of the Estate ol Anton Annanalsson, who died on the 21st day of February, 1944. All persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their lnaeDteaness 10 me lorvnwim buu wrnnns havtnc claims against the said Estate are requlrd to file them with me properly verified on or before the 15th day of October, 1944, fniiinc which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. Dated at Prince Rupert. B.C. this 11th day of September, A.D. 1944. Official Administrator, NORMAN A. WATT, Prince Rupert. B.C. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMIN ISTRATION ACT" - - AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF JOHN OBIS LAWLER. OTHER WISE KNOWN AS JOHN LAWLER, nKTEASF.D. INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Ida Honour Judee Fisher. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 7th day of September. A.D. 1944 appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Obis' Lawlcr, otherwise. known r.i John Lawlcr. who died on a date between the 1st day of June. 1944 and the 10th day of June, 1944. All persons Indebted to the said estate aro required to pay the . amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all peersons having I claims acalnst the said Estate are re quired to file them with me properly verincci on or Deiore tne loin aay of October, 1944. falling which, a is tributlon will be made having re gard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. Dated at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 7th nay of September, A.u. i4. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C. IN THE 8UTREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN TROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMIN ISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES JOHN SHARMAN, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS TOM SHARKEY, DECEASED, INTES TATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order His Honour Judgo Fisher, Local Judge of the Supremo Court British Columbia, I wan on the 7th day of September. A.D. 1944 an pointed Administrator of the Estate of James John Sharman, otherwise known as Tom Sharkey, who died on tli 22nd day of June, 1944. All nrrsons Indebted to the said estate aro required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forth with and all persons having claims against the said Estate are required to file them with me proo-erly verified on or before the 15th day of October, 1944, falling which distribution will be made having re-card only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. Dated at Prince Rupert, n.C. this 7th day of Sentember, A.D. 1944. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator rrlnce Rupert, B.C. THB DAILY NEWS RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENT (Continued from page 1) ly during: by-elections) either through ignorance or misrepresentation pick out the orders that bring discomfort or interfere with personal enjoyment or cause hardships, and not only exploit the situation, but visit the authorship upon the provincial government. "It is very easy to do because we are nearer to home ana closer to the people but whether it be the rationing of tea, cof fee, rubber, gasoline or beer, we not only have nothing to do with it but we are not even consulted about It. "Within the limits of such powers as our' own we have advanced In every direction. "I would like you now to go back with me to the opening of the last session of parliament In this province because I think something occurred on that day, rare indeed in parliamentary procedure. "Seldom, If ever, before did the people of this province or any province, receive such a full and frank forecase of legislation to be introduced; such a list of things to be done. "Our program was within your knowledge the day the House opened, and our forecast of that program was followed by action. "Let me. detail some of the things we did in that one ses slon. "Old Age Pensions were brought up to $30 a month. "We increased Mothers' Pen sions. "We set aside one million acres of the best lands avail able in the province for returned soldiers under the Dominion Re-establishment Scheme. "We rebated land taxes to those In the services while so eneaeed. "We remitted succession duties ! and we pledged preference to returned men for government jobs. We reduced motor licence fees by 20 per cent. "We gave the farmer exemp tion' on improvements another step, toward making the way of life tmlthe farm a little easier a Itttle more secure. "We continued the farmer's right to work out his taxes on the roads. "During that same session we looked to the North and the great possibilities of the Peace River Block to those lands tapped by the Alaska Highway and we looked upon them as some thing to be made a real part of this province. "We have provided the money necessary to link that part of British Columbia up with our highway system. "This northern trade belongs to us' and your government in-. tends to open up these "Anticipating the change from war to peace, we have already planned an extensive building program involving millions of dollars as part of a practical, realistic rehabilitation plan. "By that I mean something you can look at and not talk about. "We increased the list of free text books In the schools and made substantial grants In order that rural school teachers might get an increase in salary. "These things I have men tioned were Immediate things. "But we were looking to the future. "We: set up a commission to thoroughly examine and report upon rural electrification. This commission is now at workr We did this because we want ed all of our people to have every advantage that electricity brings In this age, its great economic value, Its efficiency, its tomfort, Its contribution to every kind of development. Looking ahead again, we thought we should modernize our laws regarding the free staking and development of minerals, coal and oil. People who are willing to bring and to risk -their money in the development of these things in this province may still do so. "That we will encourage and welcome, but after this they will do It as operators and not as speculators. "And again looking to the future, we provided money to grubstake prospectors who were free to find new mineral wealth In this province. "We gave relief to the prospector who was holding mineral claims but is engaged at war work and therefore unable to do his annual assessment work "We gave assistance to the establishment of our new flax industry in the, Fraser Valley, which we hope will become an other major industry. ".We ,set aside money to be used, in conjunction with the University of British Columbia and industrial concerns, each contributing their share, for a research council. "It is intended to apply the results to the creation of new industries. "There is a great field for this In British Columbia. "As you know, there are two schools of thought in your legislature. "We on the government side believe in freedom of choice, freedom in this country to do things and to make things without undue and constant governmental Interference. "The Opposition, the C.C.F. party, believe in state socialism. If they mean what they say, it Is a system that will regulate your every action by the government. I "It will, in truth, ration your very lives. "What did you hear from this Opposition when your govern ment was in action? "They mention improved old age pensions, but they do not mention what age nor what amount. They would increase mothers' pensions. They do not say how much, nor do they say that we did Increase them from $35 a month to $42.50. "They mention a comprehen sive Health Insurance Scheme, but whether It is in competl tlon with, in addition to or in lieu of, the Dominion scheme, they do not 'say. "I .search and search in vain for any reference to returned soldiers In their provincial policy. "There Is no suggestion there of preferential treatment of war veterans In government Jobs. "They never thought of our contemplated one million acres being set aside for the returned I man. "Tnere is not a word aoout the land In the Fraser Valley formerly held by the Japanese being turned over to the veter ans. "They never suggested a re bate, of taxes or succession duties to returned soldiers. "They do not mention any re bate on motor licence fees, nor the giving of any tax exemption to farmers. "There Is no visualization of the Peace River road, nor the finishing of the P.Q.E. "I have pulled this policy of theirs this mobilization of gen eralities out of-the clouds and down to earth in order that you may compare it with the real! ties which we have faced and J DOvrtfrr FCYOCr grappled with. "Compare If with the Improvements we have brought in "and the things we have done. "Yes, we have been working during these two and a halt years. ganizing and broadcast in?, and talking politics in this province or adjoining provinces. "We have been doing this Job for you. "We have been trying to maintain for you a war government which you can be proud of, and at the same time not fail you in post-war matters. "The facing of post-war problems will be easy for us because our credit Is as high, if not higher, than any province In Canada. "For this I pay great tribute to the Honorable the Premier who is also minister of finance. We have great chances in this province far better than in most countries. "We start with a high stand ard of living. "Capital and labor are on such good terms that our strike record is easily the best in Canada. "I am proud of the contribu tion British Columbia has made to our war effort. "Our resources are such that industry can be made to flourish and prosper. "The markets of the world are open to us. "There can be available for in vestment here millions to farm and mine and log and fish and manufacture and build. But it won't be available un der state socialism. "But remember this, every time you frighten away a million dol lars the worker pays for it it robs his payroll. "Sound government by experi enced men can .bring these things here, and at the same time we can progress In social legislation as we have done for fifty years. "We can safeguard the work er; we can be lair to capital; we can maintain our prosperity, and at the same time our individual freedom. On the other hand, we can turn to the experiment of the inexperienced we can listen to the noise of the opportunists we can turn' to state socialism. "Some people say, why worry about the policies of the C.C.F. Party they cannot do these thing they won't work. "Well, I know this. "They can try, and in trying they can bring chaos and irre YOU CAN ALWAYS HOKKOW ON YOUll VICTORY BONDS Any branch of The Royal Bank of Canada will immediately lend you money on your Victory Bonds at special low rates. It's an important extra reason for buying all you can. . PAQB THREB smash our credit, the very life-blood of this province. "They could kill payroll after payroll by erecting a wall against the millions that would otherwise come here. "They could kill freedom 'of "We have not had time for or- choice and Individual Initiative. parable damage to the orderly progressive prosperity' of this province. "In one session they could "They could kill the way of life which has made our Empire great, our Canada great, our way of life which won this war. "The decision for the future Is not mine. "It Is yours. "The future of our province, the future of your province Is in your hands, and you will soon have to decide which you want-freedom or socialism. "II you favor the course we have followed It is for you to say. "If you wish It to continue, then you must prepare before it Is too late." FOR Try this at bedtime tonight Put an end to those restltts, uneasy nights when sleep-cornea slowly or is light and unrefresbhig. Try taking a cup of warm Ovaltine at bedtime. It helps to relieve that feeling of nervous tension. It special food element I J processed for easy digestion, and its rich supply of V itarmns . A, Bi and D and the mineral Calcium, I'nosphorus ana iron, help to replenish worn out muscle, nerve and body cells. Youll find Ovaltine an aid to sound, refreshing sleep.- See if i you don't wake up fresher and J more buoyant. Get Ovaltin p at your drug or food store. f A'ETT, IMPROVED 1 YWA TTTXTl? Tjiat post-tear car or radio, or home may never materialize should you decide to "cash in" now on the Victory Bonds you have been buying so faithfully. Your need for ready cash may be urgent: for taxes, or a sudden illness, or one of a hundred other emergency situations. But if you sell, you not only reduce your share in the financing of the war ... . you also reduce your chances of ever owning what you had planned t,o buy, after the war. So don't sell your Victory Bonds. Instead, use them as security for a bank loan! Payoff your loan by convenient instalments . . . and get your Bonds back when the loan is repaid. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA