SEPTEMBER 14, 1944 'YoR WORK OR PLAY 1 k I JtJ the FORMAL Ol'LNING OF A I.I. PKICKD FOIt ECONOMY IIEKEI tvery Ambitious Tradesman ln1 C jwers' Guides, 4 vols. Eacn .yjMMi, aet ... mftttro' Guides, 4 vols. Each $2.00, Set $7.00 E .ildor J Guides, 4 vols. Each $2.00, Set $7.00 tf iiangbooKs, iz vois. cicu j?-.imi, i -i.inp Guide - $l.:t. ci '.c HandybooK :. - .-?!... Guide i ind Calculations - $--" aaa.: Guide - $" of Practical Electricity $.".00 ind Toolmakers Handy Book SS.00 land Mechanics' Guide $..oo fftaeMw.Mi IMS FOR ALL T. A II I) EL'S PUBLICATIONS m say this in three words uy COAL NOW! BERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. 110 -PHONES - 117 VERT BRAND SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily ' 1 sn. i ' 2 Extra Tasty with Fresh Peaches Build breakfast o round Nabisco Shredded Wheat I Eating this high-energy whole wheat cereal regularly Is a mighty pleasant way to help get the proteins and carbohydrates you need, as well as useful amounts of the minerals, iron and phosphorus. Tender, gofden-brown Nabisco Shredded Wheat is ready cooked, ready to eat. Serve it often I THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, ITD. Niagara Falls, Canada PERT BUTCHERS I)EU NEW MANAGEMENT OF W. LOCK choicest cuts of Meat. ihjT Fresh Fruit .jjl and Vege-fyZ tables in (w season from our own - farm arriving each boat. Complete line of groceries. DELS TECHNICAL BOOKS lal and Important Information for cuan hsh & Cold Storage WPEItT Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA jind Builders Guides, 4 vols.-Each ijKI.OO, Set .S7.00 In J E-inecrs' Quldes, 8 vols. Set lfl.t2. 7 each $2.00 Volume 8 !l.00 Classified Section. .h Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for Insertion i VYYTTYYTYTTVTTTYVTTYTV WANTED WANTED - Gentleman requires nousekeeping room or suite. t-n. Watta 6i Nickerson. ma) WAN! ED Light housekeeping room tor vonne rniinle! am acceptable. Ph. Mrs. Nairn, Prince Rupert Hotel. .Til) WANTED TO RENrTimall house, furnished or unfur- nlshed, for young couple. $25 reward, box 835 ually News. (220) in WILLING to pay 6 months ad vance for furnished or unfur- nisnea suue or nouse. Appiy Box o41 Dally News. (227) ,at WANTED Washing machine. Apply Box mil Daily News. (218) WANTED TO RENT Furnished or unfurnished house, suite or apartment for officer and wife. Occupancy between now and late October. Apply Box 839 Dally News. (218) WANTED TO RENT Unfur-nlshed 3 or 4-roomed house or apartment; no children. Ph. Red 884. (217) WANTED Housekeeping room or bedroom for one lady. Apply Box 830 Dally News. (234) WANTED TO RENT For young couple with 2 children, a 4 or 5 room house. Centrally located Apply Box 757 Dally News tf) FOIt KENT FOR RENT Furnished bedroom with housekeeping privileges. Business couple preferred. Apply Box 842 Daily News. (217) HELP WANTED APPLICATIONS requested for position of secretary to the School Board; part time work. Apply National Selective Service AF 148. (218) I SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS re- ary Schools. Names to be given to Secretary of School Board, City Hall. (218) WANTED Helper for local chimney sweep service; permanent lob at going wage rate. AppIyNtttkinal-4;leotW(H Service AM 147. . (li) FOR SALE FOR SALE Black opossum jacket-size, 14 years; like new. 537 7th Ave. W. (218) FOR SALE 36-h.p. Dutch 2- cycle full diesel completely overhauled last year. Axel Peterson, P.O. Box 633. Ph. Blue 441. (217) FOR SALE Bed chesterfield and chair, $90; chiffonier $10. Ph. Red 289. (217) FOR SALE Double bed. 801 Borden St. (218) FOR SALE Quebec heater; practically nw. $15. Phone 98. FOR SALE Banjo, $15. Baby's pram, $6. 732 8th Ave. E. (216) FOR SALE 30-ft. troller, nearly outfitted for dog fishing; fully equipped for two; snap. Apply Room 14 Bay view, mornings. (220) FOR SALE Modern house, near schools and drv dock. Imme diate possession. Apply 716 8th E. (218) FOR SALE 7-room fully modern house; full size basement; 8th Ave. E. Near schools and dry dock. Snap $2500 cash. See Owner at 500 8th Ave. E. (218) FOR SALE 1930 Ford 2-ton truck, Serial No. C18Y BB 2594 with flat deck and one spare tire for $400. Owned by Peter Romaniuk, Box 125 Terrace, B C. (217) FOR SALE Local lunch counter known as Johnny's Snack Bar. Phone Blue 595. (tf) PERSONAL PAINTING and Paperhanging. Ph. 46. II. J. Lund. (233) BAYZAND & SEELEY, Painting, Decorating. Kalsominlng. All work guaranteed. Blue 378. "Satisfaction" our motto. LOST LOST Brown leather wallet containing sum of money and personal records. Reward. Miss June Shaen, American Signals 430. (218) LOST Brown leather wallet containing sum or money anu registration card certificate; reward. Ph. Red 284, (217) LOST Sum of money In small change purse, on 7th Ave. E. Finder please leave at Dally News. (217) PAINTING Paper . Interior Hanging w Decorating Showcnrds and Slens LOUNK CORNELL Phone Blue 142 TIIE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE SPO TourneyFinished 'rangers win IN SOFTBALL Rangers defeated Coast Regi-,ment 4-1 last night on Acropolis 2LMJ military softball tournament. The fixture was the second of the final round. and Maynard was again on the mound for the winners and he chalked up his fourth triumph of J!e erles,b holg the PP0Sl' tlon to ony one nlt- iiertzman pitcnea lor tne Coast Regiment and also turned a good performance. The softball season Is not yet the completed, hbwever, since there, win be an exhibition tilt staged the openlhg of Algoma Park Sunday. llonslipalion gone ...this easy way 'I'm delighted I found out about ALL-BRAN for it ended my constipation woes. It f Safer K?(rV I rid me of taking nasty harsh purgatives 1 which never helped more than a day or so. Now, thank goodness, I I'm an ALL- BRAN 'regular'. I wouldn'tmisseating this gentle-acting cereal for worlds." If you suffer from constipation due to lack of "bulk" in the diet, eat KELLOCO'S ALL-BRAN as a cereal or in several muffins every day and drink plenty of water. Remember, it's a delicious, wholesome cereal not a medicine, Get ALL-BRAN today, at your grocer's. 2 handy sizes. Made by to Kellogg's in London, Canada. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL BEE F. MURPHY FOR LUMBER STOCK FOR ALL BUILDING PURPOSES 225 1st Avenue East Phone Black 884 LEARN FRENCH Acquire a perfect pronunciation and a thorough knowledge of French grammar by a French professor. For further particulars apply the Dally News. IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning-Authorized "FLEXFORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty. PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 HRLEN'S BEAUTV SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture ir aU its branches 206 4th Street Phone 655 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B.v F. Lovin. Representative Box 528 1316 Plggot Ave Prince Runert, BC VAL SPIDEL Floor Sanding and Finishing Alterations and Repairing Phone Green 880 General Delivery GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiled I Besner Block Phone 387 HOTEL FRASER HOUSE Phone Black 823 C. H, HICKS, Proprietor Clean, quiet rooms. 714 Fraser Street SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineer Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 FOOTBALL RESUMING ! j I Resumption of activity in the I Prince Rupert Area Soccer league Is expected next Tuesday after a lull of several weeks. Teams from the Navy, Signals Beserves will compete in a play-off series. In July the Signals won the Dominion Day Cup and Navy gained the Gilhuly Cup for the second successive season. The Mcfoley Cup and the Stuart Shield were captured by Air Force last season but this year Flyers will not be able to form a team to defend thes awards. League Secretary Sid Wood- side, who referees all the games, was troubled with arthritis for some time but it is liope'd that he will be able to take up his duties again. This soccer series will fill the gap between the softball anu basketball season and should be most welcome to sport fans. Cross and Cole Are Winners in Shuttle Play P. O. Writer Cross and Ldg. ProJ. Cole won a badminton tournament of six twosomes when they defeated Lt.-Cmdr. Astbury and Lt. Haddon In the finals last night in the Naval Drill Hall. The two final games resulted in Identical scores, 15-6. The losers had received a bye the finals while Cress and Cole defeated Cpl. Law .and OD. Boam in the semi-final 21-6. I In the first round Cpl. Law and OD. Boam downed Ldg. Sig. Register and Lt. Brown 21-8; Lt.-Cmdr. Astbury and Lt. Haddon overcame Chiefs Fanning and Stewart 21-19, and P.O. Writer Grassland Ldg. Pro. Cole de-feaTed'Payrnaster Sub.-Lt. Han sen, ajid Sub.-Lt. Hclbbs, 21-7 Trig tourney wwas the Navy's second of the season. BASEBALL SCORES New York. - Philadelphia, postponed. Only game scheduled. National League Philadelphia New Yprk postponed. Boston' at Brooklyn; postponed, Cincinnati 4-2, Chicago 1-3. Pittsburgh 7-10, St. Louis 3-5. International League Toronto at Newark, postponed. Buffalo at Baltimore, postponed. ' American Association Louisville 3, Milwaukee 2. St. Paul 2, Toledo 2. Coast League Portland 1, Oakland 2. Hollywood 1, Sacramento 6. San Francisco 6, San Diego 4. Los Angeles 8-4, Seattle 6-3. NIGERIAN MUSEUMS LAGOS, Nigeria (CP) Benin and Ife, centres of African art In Nigeria are each to have a mu- Ti 1 I rnMn..n tfs ancient brasswork and Ife Tor Its sculptures In bronze. PHONE C78 B.C. MESSENGER Experienced Carriers to ln- telllgently' fill your: BAGGAGE EXPRESS and FREIGHT LIGHT HAULING REQUIREMENTS Stand 214 4th Street West End of Post Office A Good Place to do Your Shopping Seventh Ave. Market SEA CADETS EXPANDING fast iast is is offered oiiereu at ai the me club. ciuu. i Just as the Royal Canadian Navy has undergone great ex pansion, so the Prince Rupert jSea Cadets' members have been considerably Increased since their Inception. The Sea Cadet Corps started with only 20 ratings but this group has since been enlarged eight-fold to ICO under the guidance of Lt. Cmd,r. ( S. Mitchell, officer commanding. A glowing example of the Sea Cadets' enterprise Is their bugle band. When funds were needed to equip this organization early In the war, a tag day was held and the. proceeds amounted to $900. Of course, all the Sea Cadets' tag days have not been as successful as that one but the unit Is firmly establishing a fine' reputation in this area. SERVICE CENTRE PROVES POPULAR All day Sunday visitors milled through the new United Services Organization recreational centre, the occasion being an "open house" for public inspection Frank Flnnerty, supervisor, and Eva LaPierre, the hostess, had a busy day and were given yeoman assistance by young women In the service of the United States government who acted as host esses to assist m snowing me visitors around. In its first week the resort is already proving its popularity with the men and women of all services both American ann Canadian. The first dance wa held Tuesday night and drew a crowd which taxed the place to capacity. On Saturday anothe. dance will be held. Music for the Tuesday night dances Is by u civilian orchestra under direc tion of Jacques Antolne and for the Saturday night dances by United States Army dance bands led by Sgt. Al Manning and Dave Dysart. A Sunday afternoon function at the new U.S.O. club will be a . tea for servicemen and their wives. Actually, the "tea will be a a luncheon luncneon to to ease ease the me social social " AVAILABLE YOUR GKWEKS THE W. H. AT TODAY Until SAT. rnnN'T as j i WWII MISS SET" 1 THIS J ONE! wV. y -Q A Paramount . Picture with 1 RISE r (VTOII 1 Wowd News Complete Shows 12:00, 2:06, 4:25, 6:44, 9:03 Feature at 12:C0. 2:19, 4:38, 6:57. 9:16 Starts 12 Noon Daily 1 BING CROSBY Bjrrrfitrtenld-Ffxik McHittl-fwttf Hal-fortien Immoii STEVENS I BiBiiiiBiaaiBsaiBB9iBSBaiaiiisiaEBiiisii RED CROSS CARRIES ON Workers Needed for Hospital Supplies and Children's Clothing . The Red Cross executive re sumed regular monthly meetings on Tuesday night and reports from various committees showed that all branches of the work had been carried on during thej holiday season. Mrs. J. D. Fraser occupied the chair. Mrs. Winslow, for the work room, stated there was still an urgent demand for hospital sup plies and children's clothing. The branch is requesting all former workers to again attend at the work room and to bring as many new workers as possible. President Arnold Flaten and Secretary H. A. Breen were delegated to attend the organization meeting of the "Welcome Home" committee to meet returning servicemen and their dependents. A Red Cross tea and sale of home cooking is to be held in the workroom as soon as arrange ments can be made, with Mrs. C. H. Elkins as convenor. The resignation of J. R. Black- bourn as branch treasurer was current. For servicemen fortun ate enough to be able to sleep in Sunday morning, a late break LEO MCCAREY Capital accepted with regret. ic . i .jt of cash donations from Mrs A. II. Perkins and Mrs. Emma Davis of Port Esslngton was acknowledge with thanks. Letters of thanks were receivr ed from the Nursing Sister In charge of the Prince Rupert Military Hospital for Rsd Cross supplies and from Archie Kerr ot Montreal acknowledging receipt of a Red Cross message from ! Shanghai. . ., SCARCE ELEMENT -if The maximum nrooortlon. Jo'I radium in the very old minerals or the earth's crust Is believed to Jae about three-tenths of fa gram per ton. SUPERSENSITIVE ORGAN The human eye is said to be 2C0.000 times more sentitlve to dim light than the thermopile, the most sensitive physical Instrument devised. THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 pjn. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 itiSSMJIi MALKIN CO. LIMITED VANCOUVER, CANADA