1 , ' , , 111 71 111 f : I w ' . t . PAGI TWO 1 ;I'll :t; , I v 1 4' 'Of i , ,, 4 , . t ' , THE DAILY ' NEWS NEWS MINCE RrrEnr. BRITISH Sti COLUMBIA COLUMBIA Published rrery Mternoon Except ept Sunday Sunday by by Prince Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, st Third Third Avenue Avenue G. A. IMNTER, MANAGING 1ING EDITOR rnrron DAILY EDMON 43161 W Keeping Children at School School . . . We hear a good deal of talk talk about about better better recre- recreational facilities being necessary Zsam; in in Prince Prince Rupert Rupert as one means of checking juvenile juvenile delinquency. delinquency. School facilities are already here here and and sometimes sometimes we we wonder if all the children who 7 ho might might be be attending attending regularly are doing so. If parents ent-s do do not not take take enough enough interest in their children to see see that that they they attend attend a school instead of roaming aimlessly nalessly about about the the town town seeking trouble where they may nay it it seems seems rather rather like like putting the cart before the horse orse to to talk talk about about other other facilities to keep those children .en out out of of mischief. mischief. The first responsibility for for checking checking juvenile juvenile delinquency rests with the people eople who who own own the the cl- children and sometimes, we fear, it it is Is people people who who are are unable to control their own children ildren wh who 9 are are the the ones ones who talk most loudly about what what others, others, including including the community, fail to provide de for for them. them. Meantime, it is to be supposed posed that that a a close close check check is being kept by the authorities ies on on the the truancy truancy situa- SATURD SATURDAY AY rummy R .... TIM TIM DAILY DAILY NEWS rrrws 1 1 : B Basketball 1 ii Remand Remand - Cooper Cooper 1 ACTIVITIES ACTWITIES -n1MMEEMO...n. - - - - 11 1 The The Experts Experts Say Say - - - - - - - - I 1 1,....p..ond Pounded Pounded D len: - Dru Druz uiv: - ---. ni , 1! 1 as e a In In County County Court Court ommmannpimE0 - OmmMm.1 Ponders, Ponders, Th Then a , Buzz Buzz , Ur OF OF Y.M.C.A. YMCA. I 111.L.A ItivicK ItIVICK ntozrs ntozrs ;fork. ;fork. Wben When the the water water starts starts to to Bursts Dursts n Afl - ' the the Aflam - , !VEGETABLES. v EG ETABLES. I lboll boil again again start start timing timing ame e ! Wi.liwr sarn sannuei ue: Cooper Cooper made made it's s 1 l Many litany inquiries inquiries have have tome tome to to cooking cooking period. period. Remember. Remember. , As As As a a a rest rest result of of of the tile teoip he lar Iasi lasl sex series sries of of anathor anther Perindic perodic tri triP to to a a court court AND AND AND 'be YWCA Y.W.C.A. Y.W.C.A. .. 'be made made about about the the best best method method 1 1 Important important not not to to overcook- overcook. It'i 1 KITWANOA, KfTWANOA, Feb, Feb, exhibitgon exhibliaon exhibon basketball basketball basketball gamed gamed town town yeAerday to to appear appear before beton note. note. 1 ye-Aerdsy points wards are are well well to to Th Them aw dance dance !roam tr"11 of I "Kiking cooking Illikk quick te6116 vegeta- ing on a a VA a'.11 played played ni na-941 nn on on 12nn2ry January January n2 Z. Z. 21 at at the the Judge Judge W. W. E. r-sticr nsner in in county tonntY RI RT ny DOROTHY DaRCYrilY CrrHy GARBETTE GARBUTr ciAnsurr -1 ibles. They They have have suggested suggested the the too. too. Keep Keep aU aU vegetables vegetables frozen frozen the the commucry communry - : newt reigt, Saral Saral D Drill ill Hatt. Rag. commander commander C C 1 court tout where where he he was was remanded remanded ' folbits. ontainer until until ht hetet rt 7, Container - the the In in the the original original i !following losing do do's 's and and donl don'ts a on on , night night. Ilan.,,1 liar,1 t 1944 1944 Saturday. Saturday. February February 5. 5. M. M. Cree. Cree. on on behalf behalf of of the the eleeu- exeu c- again again on on a a charge charge of of wounding wounding Congratulations Congratulations are are due due to to oui ow suh,l, ..i.,, ea . ready ready to to use. we. Never Never re-freeze re-frenae triettn. uitrian. tiro shut ro,, ro.,, ., .,,, ,- ;- .41S, 1St . LIT LIT tire of of of the the the area area area basketball basketball basketball lea- lea- lea- t t 1Paddy Paddy Paddy Keogh Keogh Keogh with with with a a a knife knife knife in in in the the the , eo.workem -workers. kers. the the the USW us.0.! uses! Tome- Tomes- Tomor- -au",1"-b- nee theY they have have thawed' thawed. and and ' ' l' .1 , Quick frozen frozen vegetables vegetables yettlabits are are are once the the door door, "' t Ses, u ura. Iktit, has has MILS LIM !famed !wned A liaNA girg foyer over 4AbIL the the grata- grata. ; I ;Knox Kriax OAMRdiab h hotel. &swam. olet ad... Iasi last Nem Notember. 10 ovber- 6,61"M 1 I xie. -, wnese..,", February rehentlel reoruary A 5 6- 9. . tho the te we h If USD' lt2.0, R 0 cam- cc"- coin ' Ralek h .tmen trash freoh fresh treeh eat eat before before cooking. cooking. I i i . , - - '41 cooked ecoied the the same same same .11 au. war way way way as u us at never never An ho hour ur iA',.er 14,er g: &,, , Le f fring Yang SLI sum al of of $1 St711.75, 77 1.5, the the total total 1 The The case cue ase was was remanded remanded unt until il I bletes welts ita ita tb ye years ars at et service service !e90Led ,the ....t-- Ili teletahes, vegetables, but but but for for for a a a shorter shorter shorter to to go go to to bed bed he he La rzn net net proceeds proceeds of of the the game game to to tbe the l !Fottrusry February 1. 1. Keogh Keogh is at at present present t,; to the the men men ,ta in the the Awed Awed armed armed i ivesetab!es, ' LAI LAI ,CALCIVM CALCIUM - . r- , time. time. e. In In In (ird'r order order to to to retain retain retain as as as mach much much 1 Seen been an ansom! som..- -i Cross Crou Prisoners Prisoners .. of of Wax Wax Food. Punt di in in hospital hospital with with 'no, na, and sod ii it tor tor- add sod Red Red ; ; - been - u mos Vie we Nat men pa - Ilkir la 11. 1 AAA i ,O force& :orces. n r nate 11111r vccu Yc eLim 1;.." NL.Ab drsofitadrit nnaLti NEEDED. content content content as as as posal- possi . of of of the the the vitamin vitamin vitamin I Int through too gn - I I 011,2tie Unalble to to attend attend court. court. USD. O. esta estab- possil 'NEEDED. dingolvath 4 having ttaitiOg :tunate ttinile lahmte: in a URSupertanb- be bk. be. l quick quick quick uick froze frozen frozen vegetabks vegetabks vegetabks Cakium Calcium Is Is one one of of the the miner- miner- , dows The The third hieits d wr aeries of of ex exhibition exhibition ! In In police polite court court yesterda yeittrttal l prince and and ' pert a ur 1,.,,,ashtnp enatt siren Prfir should should should be be be cloaked cooked cooked sidle sidle while still still sUflag 'als most most likely likely to to be be deficient deficient Ooentng Opening opentne a a a d'tz. d:::. d:tz, .1 the tbe, the,. morning. mutat. lames lames Ware ware red be be appeared appeared .,:t bukeathan haJiketthill eamea games will win played played I than an fortunate fortunate t- Ill in the -- e -- - - -- --- frozen. frozen. oith with .44111. tho the the thrub She one oyasdantitin excePtion exception In in everyday everyday dicta. dicta. sari uys Dr. Dr. L L Ii. Il. building building building he he he -aw -aw .3a, t t t' ' at at th the e Nava Nl ava i Drill Drill Hall Hall thiough thiougli before before ILigistrate Magistrate W. W. D. D. V Vance e I of of dtrecters dtrecters for for this this tits,. tits.. ably etas lib tehoite ehoire of of cont. corn. This This should should always always be be pett, pett, it of the the Pensions Pettelons and and Na- Na- in in to the the the cache, orehc;',.t eche, -.1 s w-.acz 112 de Ike lher Cr exec land iaBdre permission FridPermt"iry on on Friday evening. eaveCciaunaning of Comman- Felt" Feb. Feb. tio Lion an "nsaehatind a and e,hatge :s was ex of ati fine fined public Pabi2ie, l5 125, intoxitoder tuoriessev- or seven en 1 terlc., trict The Thwe:enMrart.tHaallrrivande were first Mr. to Hall arrive and on "Misathe Mill the thawed thawed ahead ahead of of time. time. other- other- Uonal tional Health Health Department Department Nu- Nu- that that that the the the C3.-- Car- f7,3:77 i s re tt tt t t -ente Etene would id be be Senkes. Servkes. Milk Milk Is is one one of of io to to --,. , ;- wise wise the the kerne kernels ls a vo Mar- Mfg- trition trition cons-Lune consume consume - y 4" tr 11 18. Basketball Basketball fans fans adt, will, no no days. days. ewe lire didn't didnt 'w kno know the them m 61ruTe Struve cooked cooked before before the the cob cob is is hot hot. the the commonest commonest sources sources of of cal- cal- het help help of of of a a a 1 liurabc? tiurabe? -r.'hc-; 1 1 , db doubt out ke keep keep thla ths ill date date i in mind mnd i for for Tangy rrnity Holland, Holland, char thillgCti e with with well ehGtigh enough t to call ran them them by by their their menP 'ru' -' 2,- $25gd with with Ught-fittIng tight-fittint and and it it is is important important to to 'it why why IttieratE A A pan pan a a elum num MA min u rg, ru! ti ,,t'l j j . ,,,, of ot was was fined fined- $25, the the zu Ls,. another another aeries series thrilling thruhar games same& vagiancy, vatiancy, . or or 1USt just then). thew. Then Then first names names . cover cover should should be be used. used. and and only only make make sure sure that that its its calcium calcium is is alarm alarm alarm, the the the f ,,;, o. w .41 ; time time she she had had already already served, served, Cleaves. Cleaves. then then Tom Tom ;La ;La a a tame ex'aunz. Lloyd Lloyd a a small small amount amount of of water water. This This not not keit tont In in the the cooking. tooting. In In mak- mak- short short short time time ume BASKET BASKETBALL BALL STANDINGS STANDINGS Pierre Pierre and and kra Frank i-1 La Men's Men's L League ue 1 I un....onomm............m............. KURZ- rileasat EVIL Ira should should be be boiling boiling b briskly riskly before before ing trig cream cream m soup. soups and and cocoa-to cocoato The The The cause estae nog at cif ,,.2 Lut eag mention- mentioned last W. w. w. I,. I... I... PM pu. ru. i 1 i TA Terrace Terrace IP1041 I A Finnerty mert n The e two On on the the good work the tt vegetables Legbettatges are are adde& added. and and take take examples examples where where a a quan- quira. knoaTi known known but but but :!.1r :!..,r.e !.:r e a...2 t:2 L2 4,,,. Yanks 11 II 0 11 u I est are are carrying carrying goodwarm s ShOuld be brought brought back hack to to the the thy uty of of milk milk is is used-the usedthe liquid liquid suspect suspect suspect that that that ., e,Lit e..,.tz have have made made a a s vet), tay warm ; Port ort Edward Edward 11 11 1 I 11 11 and and heart heart fur fur boil boil as as quickly quickly as as possible. possible. should should be be stirred stirred OCCASIOnally nee&siOnally have have have suet soccum suctumsri um t f e,.11,, th th commuMty community in in place place AN lo soon soon as as the the frozen frozen mass mus is it while while heating. heating. Iltis This prevents prevents a a bunion bustion bustion L.., w.,.:3 w.,.;.3 w:3 ,. .2 1 tA sa ulss Reerve Reserves 7 7 8 3 3 8 7 7 7 Mr Mr. and and a, uct! ct1i kit et Air Air Force Force 8 8 8 4 4 4 8 8 8 I 3,D It,. s. A, L iesr .hemseives. hmeles. 'Partly P artlY thawed. thawed. seParate separate with with a a film film Of Of milk tullk from from coating coating the the altille gang(' music earJer earjer earjer .!,? Terrace Terrace for tor Stf St- un-' i on on Thursday Thursday 'sides the the and and a a -skin" -skin" stcles of of pot. pot. NI" Navy 5 5 5 7 7 I 5 5 Thomas. Thomas. Ontario Ontario after after a a rest. rest. We We are are sorry sorry to to hear hear that that Cap Cap. - ----- - ----- Often Often a a 6 atimatersizatisrsamm;2 listligillillIZatioriatzmin from from forming forming On on top. top. Fortress Fortress 5 5 5 6 ! 5 5 dence denee here here of of a a year year and and a a half. half. tam- tarn fl'adrei sPadret ELe' fLebert bert U U leavint leavluit calcium calcium down down High High &held School 5 5 5 6 6 6 ! 5 5. Duck Ducklin lin has has been been trans. trans. He He was was well well thought thought I good good deal deal of of goes goes, whff. Mr. Mr. 'hese ihese parts- parts. Whiffle .ffi i with with the the film flint of of milk milk Timely Timely Recipes Recipes the the drain drain 1 i le e 4 4 7 7 I Coast Coast Battery Battery 4 i ; JChriserrean :erred d in in tbe the young young Me-11.11 mans 01 of among among his hts men. men. just just young young ion the the inside inside of of the the pan pan Ontario Ontarios 8 1 1 11 11 1 1 Chrisnan Association Association War War Ser- SerAek ' to to understand understand and and be be e enough nough allitarli9"1""1"1111111111 tillk drop should should alatar19"1"11"11111111131--711; Ion The last last drop of of intik From From The The Woterfl Noted, Aek Aek Aek 12 12 0 0 'vices. Irices. Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. Ducklin Ducklin near near tO to their their troubles troubles and and very very Wttle bottle, of of the the out out TONGUE TONGVE CASSI3:011 CASSIIIIOLE be be &Queried squeezed it-omen's lVemen's Lea League cue have have made znacie many many friends friends stile while 1 earnest tamest in in Ms Ms work. wort Shortly Shortly be- before : I 7 14 14 shredded shredded cabbage cabbage 4 too too. Ilk Itie easiest etuileat waY way to to do do this this W. L 1..0 Pta. Pts. !to to Terrace. Terrace. , , fore be be left left he he gave gave me me a a small small i cups cups Meng the zi A2'. little little water water Into Into the the Eli 1 to to a a is is , lis teaspoons telaAPO011a Ian salt pour pour miDutteerinal izIrri, Gremlins Gremlins 2 0 2 2 - serrke service Ith Bible le of of which which I I am am very very ; mttkeoltheK. 'he Br Br .1 1 bottle. bottle. swift swish It it around. around. and and use use 1Z If fat fat 3 3 mad-flavored mild-flavored Bo-Me-Hi Bo-Me-Hi 1 1 1 1 1 1 - George George Little. Little. accompanied accompanied by by proud proud and and with with it it be he enclosed enclosed the tht tablespoons tablespoons and and et of British liditsh Cr.ilii Ina L''' k k 3 3 onion onion it it for for cream cream soups. soups. maces sauces chopped chopped tablespoons tablespoons Maple Maple Leafs Leafs 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' , hi,s his daughter, daughter, Miss Miss Clara Clara Little. Little. follosing: buoying: COUVIT tottirer 'chefs utter, A !C''', U.S.E.D.- usra): 1 1 1 1 1 1 a cup cup top top nulk nulls pliddings. puddings. returned returned on on Wednesday Wednesday from from ; ; 1 be held with 1 Lasg Last Resort Resort 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i Vancouver. Vancouver. '''..1 Ladies Ladies Prayer Prayer 2 2 teaapoons teaspoons hoeseradiah horseradish 1 1 begothekt twi.:hth ,:lri: 7; f xf, , Jeepettes Jeepettes 0 0 2 2 0 0 I ) )!s les-Wool& leasPocon PelaPer pepper Color Color Color Note: Note: Now An An An apple apple apple a a a day day day gottate iate Itah 2 'ili ttt -Give -Olve us. us. 0 0 Lard, lord, that that true true I I the the the doctor doctor doctor and and and &el- at'- several IftE trig 114.111411 StialOn t I 1 1 t t Sneed. Sneed. cooked cooked songue-enowth tongueenounh keel) keeps keeps as's)! away away , , , I I SHORT SHORT AND AND SWEET SWEET ; wise wise est of humor humor whkh whkh enables enaliks me us I 1 , Greenvill Oreencile e 4ett tett T T :rote ate 'gal nal ruer.eheeked apples apples lipping not not not 'the The leading leading of of Canadian Canadian 'Ilie 'Ilk maximum maximum duration duration of of of of proPartien- proportion. for tat 16x six i'mt116 mi nts rosy-cheeked rosp-eheeked cause cause i to to keep keep a a sense erne I tar or Vancw Varteouvv ou 1,: t 7-12 7.12 fine fine bread bread crumbs crumbs only only only do do do that that that but but but also also also brighten brighten brighten dry dry 17 Is deaths for r the the past 15 years years has has an an eclipse eclipse of of the the sun sun Is is seven seven Grant Grant as as to to kugh kugh at at ourselves ourselves cup eup Zerente lerence Ea Fur 7 ..C. stied diesepasts15 Cook Ooek cabbage cabbage in in Le Ls inch inet boiling boiling up up up the the the family family family dinner. dintien tinnier. $ays says says Nu-salted Nuttition Nu, been he heart heart diseases. diseases. minutes. minutes. ; ; iind isnd pith pith other other people people to to apprect?le appeed. tied 6"m1 Adams ot ut ttarr-,71u Ma1:-:1 trition trition Service. Services. Services. In In In fruit fruit fruit et Cr or 13 ridiculous ridiculous but but to to gesso gesso aalted wale. wale; in in a a covered covered assure- assure- cup cup cup ,.t., the the a with with 1i:ramie's. kMdttese. Help Hely pan pan for for serest seven minutee minutes drain drain. salad. salad. salad. unpeeled unpeeled unpeelett appka appka appke have have have a a a Ham Nam belly Henan s-',13 ;411 1.- rnn - our our mirth tcdrth net nett of of Pori Port S'zr;: Slr;: l,- k contribution contribution enntributRin to to to make make mako decorative decorative decorative with with &minim &minim to to face lace the the &tett MAI on One e tablespoon toble&Poon fat fat sauee- sauet- es..,s ey..a PRINCE PRINCE RUPERT RUPERT HONOR HONOR ROLL ROLL woriens worlds us us sexancnu vexations and. anel in in times tunes oi ot pan. ton. add add (Wort onion tor tor a a little little garlic garlic , and and and a a a nutritive nutritive nutritive one. one. one. too. too. too. valley 'when when WVer tourer dollnoto dullness and and monotony. monotony. enable ensbie ir w and and saute saute unUI until golden golden b.:ownAck4 biownAtie the the the precious precious precious ekmenta ekments ekments just just just be be- beneath 1 i Johnaon Johnson 11.1a: Lit: .... 7 4 4 c. t. cabbage. cabbage. milk. milk. hoeseradien horseradish and and 1 Ineath neath their their their akina skins skins are are are not not not losl kat lost i nr tt., with with to to perform perform our our tasks tasks gaietY okay of -;,13-recot7 the " Kw; xa.i, a i., it - - a,..w ' toss toss until until well well 'nixed 'tired. with with with the the the peeL peel. peel. Cut Cut Cut red red red tippled applea applea I List List of of Local Local Men Men and and Women Women on on Active Active Service Service and and courage. courage. Amen. Amen.' )epper: Rimer: cdOreenv.11c li c wa wt 1r lAsse taste of of Into into into wedge-shaped wedge-shaped edge-aliened pieces pieces pieces an and and Are Are YOU YOU responsible responsible for for someone's someone's name name not not in in this this list? list? . rakes a a baking baking dish dish with with antes a r. day day ennAutt enrcAutt t t S V, ,,l'il ;See ;See entry utflr form orm elsewhere elsewhere r , 1 As as I i w:Ite w:tie this this cohunn cohunn I I have haw longue tongue pile pile cabbage cabbage in in centre centre Iserve sene serve them them them with with with pickles pickles pickles an and and , RUSS Ruat tOLd told ur qf a , , ' t t- ; i al' al.' Melt Melt mikados ronassiog two two tablespoon tablespoon green green green onions onions onions as as u a a a relish relish renal to to to adt add add -w -w a a eery very Attu...tog intereasau young young lady. lady. caitth tadtth urht:. wilt:. .1 t .1z., MEN ; '' Icier four sootoom summers. Ofeeything describing V. to tat tat in m frying frying pan. saart. add add crumbs crumbs leolor color eelor to to to your your your meat meat meat Mahe', dishes. dishes. LW We I): hi UAL UAL '....r. 1 !:,.:1 NAVY NAVY l In In detail detail bow bow she she can can take take and end brown. brown. starring starring conatantlY constantly ------- tberhood therhood of of 11: It ' ( ( Sidney Alexander her her co ea d d Beer liver oil oil. 'She he Its' its' puts puts It it .SPrinkie 'Sprinkle crumbs crumbs on on top top of ot cab- cab- SALADS SALADS SALADS inaugurated inaugurated t ' ' i ;., Al re-sld'IDAIALL'er, Per Peter D . Allen bet bet amtal. molar. 'n 'n then then she site jein' Jell, baoge. twin. Bake Bake in ist a a modirate modirate oven. oven. ATTRACTIVE- ATTRACTIVE ATTRACTIVE. !entire entire popu.a popual a Manes cbarlell Haruki takes takes monk some grape grape juice juke 'n 'n swal swat.. 350 350 degree degree F. F. -for lor 20 20 minutes, minutes. Six Six Jaded Jaded Jaded appeUtes appetites appetites at at at the the the end end end co of of !carolled ed Pct. pie. , ca f;41 I ti John Join St4B111 Stanley Antaltalas Aranstsuag Andersen Ladier"la Jr Jr '.ows icors It tt down down fast last mey ogey this this Doe time sayings. sett4riga ilk-inter is-toter wn inter ca can can b be be e tempt tempted tempted tempted Mil with with cgarY wary PretZer,' preszer,. a, I j f101:1 RGbert Robert Arming, Anallm.g the the Wyse joise gag got in in a a ant out on sot her her bright bright Wad salad suggestions. lineations. the the Ian. tan. preder. pret.ilen - r r ;- - Don .4.1 Artier niosiih nsoith Is Is that that why why ber iver !eolith mooth Ilia Illsa P PA at Alien Allen returned n'ost surned l tau, Aeries Aglicalture !Lure D Depantiwnt epartment Con'sumer Con- et other Ted Ted AM W w. O. o. Array Barker Barker 30 so sore; sote: But But not not too too we we t-t ts 1 Lint .orht to to remise reunne ter ter work work with with ' sumer Section section mys. says. Shredded shredded area tale:Lytle-erre were Illt,,t;:rhf 6r h. '..1.7fitall 1 r:r te Jam oldIl Emile Emu' Botreadit Bowman Maid Mole keep keep this this !Hate Mete Illu Wes Lee toe Lauret tatiret the the American American TranaPort Transport Sr Se'nee vice iraw raw beet.4 beete bring brtng new new life life tn to a aural ix moceed1.- ocrtd-t;z William wink. Beernmer Beetamer from front being wing a a ahatterbox sitakterbox of of the thy' after after visiting visiting her her home home in in Van- Vancouver, 'cabbage cabbage 14 lad. lad. aliced alleed radiatee radishes 1 - 7.----- 4' GeOrle Gesgge Bernard Bernasd J J Bricidas Bricides B Brown MWS first tint 4:traer. order. Bite She tomes tomes down dowts i mover, and and chopped clioPPed Pataki pamki will will pro-1 provide 1 YORK YORK, E.,. r!. ,. - - .1 .1 JtarrEsulls Rimed Damn cosh reek bilige bingo night night with with htr htt pa. parents I vide the the right right color color note note in in a a he he felt telt he he Ir. ir Iv e e t t. John Brom and keeps all all of of og uo setN vets- potato salad, linadars oast &cuing. dreming. (rt in the the vrar war efe eft -' -' n E t J. J. M. M. S. S. Loubser Loubser P')nzade 'atobsalay Jct. Tine ,,rnolenfelctia;11Lksedeept.. much sionsett . made by combining b nqf-ool eual equal pro- proportions 35-yea 35-yeaf-old ,f ,,,4.-,. 1. ,Y,e ' Portion of of flaronnalle marnanalse and and unteered unteeted to to '..1c-r ..ict - -2 L, le. ILA, ILA, DC, MC, -- - chili chill saute. sawn is is delicious delirious with with produce produce the the c c7.,s, t t l t Chiropractor Chiropractor i ',cabbage !Cabbage Or or ItttlIt lettuce saLid, salad, 1-wrtil I -edit help help to. to... :,,r.-.- - - ran rir The handwriting on the le wall wall seems seems to to ha, belt all Greek to Hitler. 11 Stand Up and Be Counted punted ... Businessmen must "stand I up up and and be be counted" counted" on on the issue whether they believe ve in in the the enterprise enterprise sys- system or whether they are willing ling to to let let socialism socialism take take over, says Financial Post. - Canada is at a turning point, point, one one way way leading leading to totalitarianism; the other r along along the the road road of of de-, de, mocracy and enterprise. The viiionary, the crackpot, ot, the the would-be would-be "rabble- "rabble-rouser," i the cynic and the self-seeking If-seeking have have for for years years . been preaching their assorted .d gospels, gospels, trying trying to to tear' tear'31FN down the enterprise system and and the the democratic democratic way way of life. Most of the time, most )st businemen businessmen have have re-1 mained silent, some perhaps S through through doubts, doubts, many many through indifference, but most ost often, often, through through a a fear fear that public avowal of their r political political views views would would somehow, sometime. hurt their leir busineSs. business. It is high time for businessznen essznen to to realize realize that that if if they don't speak up on this S most most crucial crucial issue issue in in Canada's history, neither they ey or or their their shareholders. shareholders., nor their heirs will have any ' business business to to worry worry about. about.' and they and their employees ees will will be be going going to to the the socialist party offices hoping ing to to get get employment employment from the government. It is ivell and good to prepare for postwar living but we think the California man was overdoing it who stole 150 steak knives. PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING Co. Box 725 Specialists on Bui itup Roofs Repairs, Re-shingling Free Estimates 31. Deildal and Mn. Johns Are RE-OPENING the Mouse Trap Cafe Monday, Jan. 21 Hours 2 p.m. to 11:30 p.m Super Coffee. Hamburgers and Onions, Home-made Pies and Cakes a.atax--asa4a.ka, a au a 01,4Li Laf,V1:1 I MIEEM 1 11 I MUSSALLEWS ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the city three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion INCOMF TAX RETURNS We hate to remind you but--Income Tax returns still have to be prepared! Did Did you you take take credit credit for for all all that that you you were were entitled entitled to to In in 1912? 1942? We We have have a a simple simple record record form form in in respect respect to to 1913 1943 which which v.in will assist assist you you In in preparing preparing these these complicated complicated forms forms and and In In recording recording your your post post war war refunds refunds or or deterred deterred tax. tax. In In aadition, aadition, there there i is ii a a filing filing envelope envelope for for receipts receipts for for donations donations and and medical medical expenses expenses and and for for wage wage and and divklent divklent duductions duductions slips, slips, etc., etc., all all of of which which have have a a bearing bearing on on the the tax tax you you will will pay pay In In 1911. 1944. This This record record system system was was devised devised by by a a chartered chartered account. account. ant ant for for the the use use of of personal personal taxpayers. taxpayers. Price Price 25c 25c for for envelope envelope an0 and account account cards. cards. Employers! Employers! We We have have a a limited limited number number of of these these en- envelopes velopes and and suggest suggest that that you you order order a a supply supply for for your your ern. Tony 1114"2 Ti1.1 tit Blew CSIMIXICI c.a. alk,::; Gerd in Cabieraood caldersood Hobos Robert IL IL Capstiet Capstlek Douglas Douglas Chris-thou Christie Sydney sydnel Crow-lord Crowrd George Getele Dibb Drab Vi laCret Dodd John Dahl Robe I Duggan Dona Eastman Mee 'Eburns Mete Eburne Mix-A L., Eby WI Lib in Earl Eby Robe Elkins William P. Elkisis Marti Eriksen Bere, 11 Fortune Terry lortube I scion Fraser. ' Mitchell Gay t Green IEiner James Greer Lester Grimble Terry GrUnble Lin Orimiaori John Oritosion Carl J, Gustation Hazen Hankluson Matt Harris Cecil Hemmen' Raymond Hougan BM Hunter Poster Husoy Peter Husoy Torn a aoaaa Johnstone Perry Perry Knutson Krustacm James James 0. a Laurie Laurie Jack Jack R. R. 16111.117)t Lour), Richard Leighton Jantoft Leland Fred Lewis Bruce Love Ted Mills Harry Monkley William Murray William H. Murray Daniel McDonald Jack Mae le Robert McKay Robert McLean E. W. (Ned) McLeod Norman McLeod David McMeekin David McNab Robert McNab John D. McRae John ONeill ' Charles Ormiston Gordon Parkin ' Douglas Payne Albert a Ph-IMPion Clement J. Prallipson Bud Ponder Magne Rabben David Ritchie Jack Ritchie Robert Ritchie Harry Robb Jerfrey H. Robinson Robert Robert Roy JROY Arthur Arthur Saunders Saunders Bud Bud Skattebol Skattebol Rexford Rexford Al. Li. !Rhea Scherk Stanley Stanley Scherk Scherk s J. D. D. Schubert Schubert Anton Anton Simundion Simundson Bruce Bruce Simundaon Simundson Melvin Melvin Skairnerud Skaltnerud Fred Fred W. W. Skinner Skinner Jain John Skig Skog Carl Carl Smith StIlith MIIIC01131 Malcolm Smith Smith Ralph Ralph Smith Smith Walter Walter Smith Smith Carl can Strand Strand Orme Orme Stuart rituart Charles Chutes Wilber Stanberg James James Taylor Taylor Inge Inge Vaien Yellen Stanley Stanley VeRth Veitth Sid Sid Wh White ite Robert Robert Whiting Whiting osesy sear Wingham Winzham George George Yule Yule Jack Jack Yule Yule Jack Jack Morrie Storrie ARMY ARMY 'John 'John Armstrong Armstrong Sr Sr, , Louis Louis Astoria Astoria 1 Jack Jack BillOta BillOta ' , Eric Eric Barton Barton NOMAD NOMAD Bkackhall Blackhall 1118liald Sisaid Blake Blake Illitliam illlittam V. V. Bowes Bowes ligrmond lloymond Bracewell Bracewell Allinald W ald Braceweit Bracewell IIIIIIIkiro INEllars Brass Brass a. a. W. W. Bridden Bridden t to eid Erode Brocbu Calderone cgtorroor A A Cam Cuspagnala pagnala Jack- Jaek Campbell Campbell Omsk Donald Clark Clark Edward Edward Chat Chat Ain Jim Odusal Oulusel Atike Nike Coined Coined Prank Prank Cosaadina Cosamdhsa Illesmseld Slesmund J J. T T. Cook Cook Gault Grant Cosereale Covenale e Ettinger ri : OTA1S 0 CrI Deniers Dennis - Thogass Thomas Denials Denials Paul Zit DH7ratk Deocisek. ft C It Durnford aro Geary Geurpr De, Dylibasia bhavn Malcolm Mamba Eider Elder Whitfield EldeT Elder ?mak Plunk Elliott Elliott Charles V Erin George Tiewin Thomas Plesein William Garlic k James Garlick John Gates Ralph Alind E. 8 Gillis Joseph D. Gillis Ilikon P. OHM Milton P. GNU Andrew Glover Goalies Darrow OtoMet Earl Gordon Ld ward Gotmell Thomas W. Graham Burton Green Spiro Gurvich James Hidden J. R. Haynes H. A. Haynes K. C W. Haynes E. D. Head Darld Henderson Howard habbard Frank E. liodgkinaon Harold Hodgson David Houston Robert -14.1icison7 Houston ierri Percy Hudson Willia William m Hutson Hutson, Harold Haruid Irarson Ivarson Robert Johnson Walter Johnson 8 D. Johnston T. D. Johnston Nick Eurulok Everett R. Leek Pierre LeRons Clarence Levin (J. Y., Lyons Danny Magnet George Marchildon Murill Mathews Steve Mentenko Michael P. ILL-Caffrey Kenneth McCrimmon John C ItcCubbin Norman ItcOlazhan Arthur A. MacDonald Ian Macdonald Jack McEvoy Alex McFarlane Gerald McIntyre Victor Miller Robert Montgomery Michael D. Montesano Ford Moran Jack Moran James Moran John K. Murray Joseph Naylor Leonard Ness Donald DOnala Norton Norton David David W. W. Oland Oland Prank Prank Par Par Jett, Jett, Robert Robert D. D. Patrick Patrick George George P P Penney Penney Walter Walter Perkins Perkins Fmil rmil Peristrom Perlstrom Peter Peter Peterson Peterson Arthur Arthur Phillip Phillips s William William A. A. Mold Mold Jr Jr. . L. L. C. O. R. R. Raabe Raabe Ernest Ernest Ratchford Ratchford Robert Robert Rudder Rudderham ham Glav Olav Rysatad fruited William William Scherk Scherk Thomas Thomas Scully Scully Bob ar)b Shrubsall Shrubsall Thomas Thomas Sibley Sibley Glenn Olean Smith Smith Hugh Hugh J. J. Smith Smith Jamas Jsunes Smith Smith W. W. D. D. Smith Smith Douglas Douglas Stalker Stalker Albert Albert Stiles Stiles James James Suden Suden L IL V. V. Tatteraal Tattersal James James Taylor Taylor Arnold Arnold Tweed Tweed Jack Jack Cowin Unwin Rodney Rodney Valpy Valpy Allan Allan 1(Bill) 1(Bill) Vance Vance Martin Martin van van Cooten Cooten Ciarento Ciarrnto Vaughan Vaughan Stanley Stanley VIckerman Vickerman IlObert Robert Vutkoalch Vuttottch John on Walker Walker 01 of of Clifford Clifford Wanamaker Wanamaker me nte Clarence Clarence D. D. Watson Watson Raymond Raymond M. M. Wets Watson b Jack Jack Wearmouth Weartnouth ill UI William William Whit White T T J. J. Williams Williams Jame James Wood Wood Harry Harry R. R. Wrath& Virathan II Kenneth Kenneth E E Wrath wrauon II ti 'a MK FORCE FORCE AME Ronald Ronald Mien llen 11 is ..liarry Jiarry Agana Aorta Ales Ales Bailie, Unite Ilowerd llosiard Beale Beale Marcel Martel Blain Slain J P P &Janet Bauzet fl J J I I Bousek Bouvet J. J. V Y Bourret Bouvet el Peter Peter Bram Brass el Alen Burbank la,,D.lostuawutinkm Denis William Buralp Burlap pu Pater Peter Carta-nett Cartavight , Eimer Either Clausen Clausen Jack Jack Corbould Cortould Ecidie Estate Crabby Cztaby Ray Ray ... Croeby Crokby James CUITit ,r,.........,. Arthur Davey John W Davey Pat Deane Victor Deti Jack Eastwood Donald roy 4 Thomas J. Evans 14 Jack C Evart Victor Field Clarence Finley Albert Platen a Cherles E. nellin Hugh L Forrest I Thomas Forrest Lewis Orlin Olay Wm Redden o miming Harry Hamilton Elmore Hankinson lAwrenee Hansen Arviti Reuben Harold Helgerson Robert HApnclerson Helix Holkestad Huderna p John P. Johnson David L. Jones Sam Jurmain Robert Kelsey Francis W Leask 'Kam 'kCam Y Y Lee Lee Alan Alan Leightcm Leighton Harold Harold lerverett taserett Donald Llewellyn John Lindsay Albert Mah Cedric forge R. Mayer Henry 14.1yer, Hector to. Macdonald Don MoCavour Gavin D. Mead Richard Mills Herbert Morgan Ralph Mann Edward M. Ontheirn Robert L Peachey Paul Postolu Ernest kienturbene Ken Schubert William lihrubsall Robert hilversides Ecid le Smith James D Stuart Robert Taper Jemes J, Thompson David C, TUMUMAI Robert Turgcon John A, Walker Rudolph Warne -William IL Wileon Henry Worafold VA. Chester B. Clepp George George A. A. May Otay Richard Richard Al(jore Moore Theorise Thomas W W, Pierce Pierce VA. NAVY NAVY Howard Howard Ilizaell Prizaell ClIffesd Cliffoed J. J. Robertson Robertson WOMEN WOMEN , NAVY NAVY' Lavinia Lavinia Minnie) Minnie) Exley Exley TUly Tilly R. R. Lloyd Lloyd ARM ARMY V Beatrice Beatrice Berner Bsrner Unitas lenii,ee Bird Bird Flirts Flirts Hamblin Hamblin Matilda Matilde fawn lawn Edith Edith Motria Motris Irene Irene Sully Sully . Jane Jane Taper Taper Alit LIII roket: rower. Jean Jean R, R, Cameron ClitnefOn DPI Iris Corbould Corbould Lilian Lilian Croxford Croxford Isobel Isobel Mackenzie Mackenzie Melly Molly Mackenzie Mackenzie Kay Kay Nickerson Nickerson Ed. VA, ARMY ARMY Mary Mary McCaffery McCaffery a VA VA. NAVY NWY Viola Viola May May Dybharn Dybhavn 'Made 'Made Supreme Supreme fSriic iSactillt acl 0IICE. DIKE. 1.1a 1311 ll BilliaTKir REtilkIKIr ACT ACT Ite:Certificale of Title Na .1193I-L te ince& L 94014104as iof Me boottketly It tires, room ar lefta. 11.0. 'Lingo' 34 1404 trict. Map Mt wuntEAS satisfactory proof of lose of the above Certlfk-ste of Title issued in the name of Jack Bennett has teen filed in this office notice lik hereby given that 1 &hail at the erptratocin of one month from the date of the first publicatke 'hereof. imam a provirennal Certificate of Title in Lieu Of sold loot certificate suttee in the meantime valid objection bp made to ins in writing. D4TED at the Land Registry Office Prince Ill.perL B.C. this 26th day of January. 1944 AD ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy Registrar of 'Mira PRINCE RUPERT DRY DRY DOCK DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND . ENGINEERS . Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING bIACIIINERY All MI Types Types of of Gas Gas Engines Engines Repaired Rtpairtd and and Ombauled Overhauled GOLD GOLD SEAL SEAL Fancy Fancy Red lied fag (',- d .. GO 07ttilA .tzi' ast... - I A Sockeye Sockeye 30c eye 1::'11E? qb i Salmon Salmon 117111 ..irrirTionvirrou i Iresh Local Raw and t ! Pasteurized MILK 'ALENTIN DAIRY ; YIJONE ;SI 1 tbrJorsullIZEr1111111001112111 I iTanate Block Moue $O For Income TaY RUTURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER rhone IS 124 2nd Ave. rt T TIN Tr SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Rol 544 FRASER STREET PRINCE PRINCE RUPERT RUPERT '- h Men's Work Work Boots )ts I CREll TIISON SON BURG BURG PALMER'S "Moose se Head Head linne linne THURSTON'S TON'S Dependable, Sad and and Comfortable Comfortable Family Shoe Store Store Lt Lti "The Home of Good Good Shoe Shoe. , 1 I 1 11 1 MYVVVVYYVVVVVVVVVVVVV-YYVVVVVVYVVVVVYTiv I 1 111 I Ill , 1 1 Wood Wood Fuel Fuel 11111.11M.1.1.1111111111111111111.111111.1. . 1 1 , , e SkkIViS 64 64 f f Oa 1 a Please Please let let us us have have your your order order for for weed wood 1 I 1 mmm, ,...0.----- ymItilip.nomnw..0 1 fuel fuel at at once. once. We We have have plenty plenty of of No'd wood 1 SERVICES SERVICES TO TO on on hand. hand. .. ' ' , VancOuTer, VancouTer, 'ancouTeri, Vittoria Vittoria and and l'aypoints, 'aypoints, 'hypoints, Stewart Stewart and and 0 , V ... - aid aid --, North North . se '. 1,. Queen Queen Chat Charielte late Islands Wanda Phone Phone your your order order for for wood wood to to your your , ; 2,1 4 4 1 r, Ilerrimg ilettimg regular regular fuel fuel dealer. dealer. k 4, 4, t employees. I,Z , ob. 'es In in Tomato Tomato Pull Pull Inhumation, Inhumation, Tickets Tickets ployees. . Sauce Sauce and and Reservations Reservations ,i 4 LTD, Dibb Dibb Printing Printing Company Company are are both both on on actk's actk't service inlet FRANK FRANK J. J. SKINNER SKINNER ALBERT & McCAFFERY ' but but wll i ill be be back back on on your your Prince Prince Rupert Rupert Agent Agent grocer's grocer's shelf shell soon soon as as con. con. I'11011E 116 and 117 firmer Bence Block-3rd Illockard Avenue. Avenue. Phone rhone 231 231 Third Third Ave. Me. Phone Phone 513 U$ ditions ditions permit. permit. ! I Wm, Wm, latinn frlonny). 13eynem Demon 1 1 i i Walter Walter Il 131111 lr d , - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAALLAAAAAAAAAIIAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAtAAAALAALLAAAAAAAAAIIAABAI isi , , - ..1 ,, , e - -, 4 4. , -, ...4- ' -- , '-ie. ''' l 7 - - ill - ,, ' . ,-. ;.. MNIK! -,(--; -realt. , - , ...dt - .0 ,, ,,A,. . - :, ' -Y k ',..,, . -- , .. :. - ,,,, . , , - - - , . . , . , , 4 , , .