PAos roup. m u u D I Expert OPTICAL SERVICE FOR Chas. Dodiracad Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Band Enrravinf VISIT OCR BASEMENT .tORE for Fine China, Dlnnerware, Glasses, Bitgage and NovelUes MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant 0 Down through the years, almost since Prince Rupert first existed, we have served the people. The prescription laboratory we have always tried to keep modern, using skilled pharmacists, quality drugs, the best of equipment As we start a new year, we are proud of our record, and grateful for the confidence you have shown In us. May we continue to serve you. Ormes Ltd. ZTfi Pioneer Drtuzfft s ts , THE K EX ALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Daily from 9 aan. till 9 pjn. Snndays and Holidays from 12-2 pja. and 7-9 pja. Floor Coverings High Quality Seamless Axminster Carpets Size 9x12 $72.00 Size 6'9.9 $12.00 Reversible Bedroom Mats Size 45x4S $5.50 ELI0 Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next to the Daily News) Thrifty Housewives j WE FEATURE . . . A full line of Swift's Premium Meats at all times. A complete and Fresh stock of Fruit and Vegetables. You can get everything you want at this Community Shopping Centre Prices Right SEVENTH AVE. MARKET To the Health Seeker 5 Perhaps, a "Belief' exists that "everything has been tried and, failed"? Has "faith" subsided to the low ebb of g accepting as a fact the belief that a disease is incurable? Meanwhile, a vague misgiving persists that: Somehow, somewhere there must be an answer to Incurability. " ChlropracUcally, the greatest handicap to health res- " toratlon Is: So many cherh a tradlUonal faith or belief to the bitter end. Meantime, a simple disease descends into an Indefinite and complicated . realm of Incur- " ABILITY. Thus faith and belief hinders, and denies, the natural self-curABILTTY within themselves, the rightful duty to remedy (meaning: to cure again). i Such statements, of disease, special or general are a verified by an exhaustive survey. Over 93.000 persons turn- J ed, when disillusioned and disappointed, to Chiropractic (Nature) as a LAST resort i Some 410 qualified Chiropractors raised no question is to the merits of faith, belief or, the competency of any ( remedy, to cure again. Nature had preordained that every- J thing was Incorporated within. Nature's OWN Remedy j subsUtuted incur-ABILITY for cure or marked improve- i ment In 78.000 cases; or, 85 of tiresome, Intangible dls- ease names. A crlUcal reader may question this astonishing record, j For the needy there are two basic consideraUons: The belief that a condition Is obstinately Incurable as, against the Chiropractic record with thousands of varied, incur able cases. Both cannot be right When faith and belief falls to move mountains, Mahomet must go to the mountain. Possibly, the earnest Health Seeker discerns, by the mountainous record, that everything has not been tried; that, high odds yet remain in his favor. As Mahomet would resolve: If ChlropracUc eventually, why uot . . . NOWI i! J. L. CURRY, Chiropractor M M II SMITH BLOCK rhone Green 995 PRINCE hUPERT FOR SALE 15-20 HJ. Union seml-diesel, electric starting Oood condition. Phone Blue 954 or write P.O. Box 501. (3D FOR SALE. Telescope sights; Weaver 330's, latest models. Scope Sales, Box 850, Ottawa. Ontario. (32) FOR SALE. Spanish guitar and four tube battery radio. Up to and including Saturday. Apply Room 319 No. 3 Staff House. (32) FOR SALE Chesterfield suite. n 678 8th Ave. E. (321 FOR SALE. 6-8 Easthope Marine engine. In good shape. Apply 1136 Sixth Ave. East. (34) FOR SALE. General Electric 9-tube radio. 245 Fourth Ave. West. (311 FOR SALE Dodge sedan in good condition for cash. Apply Box 681 Dally News. (31) FOR SALE 8-tube Deforest-Crosley battery radio. 1140 Hays Cove Avenue. (32) FOR SALE 3-burner Perfection oil stove, with oven. 626 Sixth Ave. East FOR SALE Modern four-room house with hot air furnace. Apply 900 comer of 10th Ave. East and Alfred St. Five minutes from Dry Dock. (It) FOUND FOUND VS. soldier's medal. GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387 IDEAL CLEANERS -House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEX FORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty. PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladies and Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes 302 Third Ave. W. Black 7S HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 206 4th Street Phone 655 i' SMITH & ELKINS LTD. i Plumbing and Heating Phone 174 Engineers P.O. Box 274 OYER & BJARNASON Phone Red 395 Decorating and Painting High Class Decorating. Painting and Paperhanging INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B. F. Lovln, Representative Box 526 1315 Piggot Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. Damascus Is believed to be the oldest city In the world still Inhabited. LOST THE DA&7 NEWS Classified Ads FOR SALE WANTED WANTED TO RENT. $25 for in formation and securing of small apartment within walking distance of town. Phone Green 317. (31 WANTED. Small bedroom ni den radio. Cash. State price. Apply Box 671, Daily News. WANTED Unfurnished 4 or 5- room house, close in; permanent residence It suitable. Phone Green 973. (34) WANTED Tailor assistant re quired for local tailoring firm. Apply Selective Service 103. (31' Y.W.C.A. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Garbut:. WANTED. Typewriter. Phon1 Red 379. (32 WANTED. Officer and wife. quiet, would like aceommoda- service tion as paying guests. Apply Box 630 Dally News. (3l WANTED. Working mother re-quires room and board for her self and child, and Rood care for child. PERSONAL SHOW CARDS H. Lome Cornell. Specialist in Interior Decorating, Signs. Phone Blue 142. (50) CHIMNEY SWEEPING Phone Green 502. (33 Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and WOULD lady who lost silver paying ment. for this advertlse- FOUND. Unemployment Insurance Book. Owner can have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL watch on Sixth Avenue East please call at the Dally News and pick it up? WORK WANTED YOUNG man desires part time work. Excellent typist Do anything. Free every evenfii : and two days a week. Box 679 Daily News. 4js LOST. In Bowling Alley, brown leather wallet containing sum of money and identification cards. Finder please phone American Signals 494. (35 1 -rS the JL i.ii Vit . . i .UP"'0' si- . The h&ttn I' I -at 1 1 ADAM ZZZ I Sold Jy by Rupert Mens AND Boys' Store 217 Sixth Street 'CHURCH NOTlCESlAction And St. Andrew's Cathedra) Dean, Very Rev. J- B. Olbson Organist and Choirmaster, P. Lien SS Supt, F. J. Skinner 11:00 am. Morning Prayer and Holy Communion. 1:00 pm-Sunday School 7:30 Evening Prayer and Sermon. A Social Hour conducted by the young people will be held Immediately following the evening service. First Baptist Church Fifth Ave. and Young Street SUNDAY SERVICES Rev. F. Tipton Williams will be actinz Pastor during Feb ruary and March. 11:00 ajn. "Our Faith. 12:15 pm. Sunday School 7:30 pm. "The Unspeakable Olff The Lord's supper will be observed at the close of evening Dr The Friendly Church" First United Church 636 Sixth Avenue West Rev. J. A. Donnell, NLA.. Minister Phone Red 78. (31 j Mr. j. s. Wilson. Sr. Choir Leader Mrs. W. C. Taylor, Jr. Choir lot WANTED-Apartment or house l' Swanna clafsoa. A.T.OM. for family oi tnree. Appiy tsox 682 Dally News. (32) Onanist R. G. Knlye, Superintendent of Sunday School 11:00 Morning Service. Christian Science j This Society Is a branch of The Mother Church. The First Church of Christ, Scientist Boston. Mass. Sunday Service 11:00 am. Subject-"SplriL" Meetings which include testimonies of healing are being held on the second Wednesday of each month, at 8 pm The reading room. In the church building. Is open Sun day. Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4 p.m.. and Monday and Thursday evening from 7:30 to 9:30. Red Cross News The urgent need for sweafrm cannot be stressed too strongly. says a notice received at the local workroom of the Canadian Red 'Crnvs Society from the British ! Columbia Division. "The recently i j received list of estimated requirements for England alone 1 frightening in its sire. Greatest emphasis must be laid on lon?-Meeved sweaters of all types for the services. We. therefore, urge you to push sweaters to the utmost Get out as quickly as possible all the wool you have for thin purpose. We suggest that wo o threr women collaborate in the knitting of a sweater in order to friends and try to find out who will take out Red Cross wool and knit It into sweaters." Ladies . . . We are allowing a big discount on our Coats and Fur Goods before stocktaking. Trappers and Buyers . . . We have received a large order for all kinds of fur. We pay 30 per cent more than any one else. W. G0LDBL00M Third Ate, Prince Rupert BIBLE FACTS CAMPAIGN All Scripture ... is profitable, 2 Tim. 3:16 Tl c Great Prophecy of Rev. 13 "THE BEAST WITH SEVEN HEADS AND TEN HORNS" ' What Does it Represent? Do not fail to hear this one of the most important of all the lectures delivered at the Oddfellows' Hall by Evangelist Balmcr SUNDAY, FEB. 6, 7:30 P.M. Thrills Too Crawford, MacMurray Seen To- cether First Time. Action and thrills arc said to follow fast on the heels of Joan Crawford and Fred MacMurray as they combine a honeymoon with a spy hunt in "Above Sus picion." coming Monday and Tuesday at the Capitol Theatre. They are seen together lor ine first time in their theatrical careers. Miss Crawford and MacMur ray are honeymooners who are asked by the British Intelligence tr Hivnver the whereabouts of a missing British agent while in Germany, since they will be typical tourists, and consequently, above suspicion. They lead the Nazis a merry chase all over the continent and accomplish their mission, finally escaping into neutral Switzerland in a photo nnun. Placed In the background of prewar Paris and southern Germany, the film exposes the extent of Nazi espionage being practiced even then, and shows what the British did to coun teract Its Influence. THE STARS ARE TOPS Miss Crawford Is the brldo. MacMurray is the Oxford pro-, feasor more interested in trad- ine kisses with his bride man Mr. C. D. Clarke, formerly manning . Minister of this congregation, will -speak at the evening service. Sunday School at 12:15. Come and Worship. Young People's Society Meeting in the Manse at close of evening service. All young people cordially invited: mix urcssaj i ukwki the underground. Conrad Veldt portrays a member of the German underground. Basil Rath- bone is the Nazi spy who meets I hU Just desen in a spectacular climax. CFPR UZII KiUejtif) Schedule SATURDAY r-M. 1:00 Sound off I15--0. I. Jive 4:30 Lower Basin Street 5:00 Yank Swing 8esMon 5 30 Personal Album 5:45 Melody Round-up j 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Your Radio Theatre 7:00 National Barn Dance T. 30 Jubilee 8:00 All Time Hit Parade 8:30 Truth and Consequences 9:00 Front Line Theatre 9:30-Kate Smith 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Harry James 10:30 Bob Crosby ll:00-Sllent SUNDAY A3L 10:00 Music for Sunday 10:30 Navy Church Service of HMS. Chatham. 11:00 CBC News 11:05 Boston Symphony . P-L 12:00 Piano RambUngs 12:15 Hymns from Home 12.30 Music We Love ,1:00 Andre Kostelanetz 1:30 Xavier Cugat 2:00 NBC Sunday Symphony 3:00 Labor Forum 3:30 Charlie McCarthy 4:00 Duffy's Tavern 4:30 Village 8tore 5:00 Cavaliers 5:15-Just Mary 5:30 Family Hour 6:00 CBC Newg 6:05 Recorded Program 6:15 Hymns from Home 6:30 Service Men's Program 7:00 Hour of Charm 7.30 Bob Hope 8:00 Mall Call 8:30 The Oreat Olldersleeve 9:00 Comrades in Arms ! 9:30 Command Performance ' 10:00 CBC News 1 10:05 Vesper Hour. 1 10:30-llent j MONDAY AM. 7 30 Musical Clock , 7 45-CBC News I 7:50 Musical Clock 8 30 Morning Devotions 3:45- Vemon Oeyer 9:00- Morning Visit 915-The Oakies 9 30- -CBC Nevis 9:35-Transcrlbed Varieties 10:00 Mirror for Women 10:15 Marek Webber 10 30-Wllf Carter 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Recorded Interlude ll:45Ray Andrade r.M. 12:00 Vaughn Monroe 12.30-Spotlight Bands 12 45-CBC News 12:50 Recorded Interlude 12:55 Program Resume l:00-One Night Stand 1 30 School Broadcast 2:00-61Unt 'IF. TODAY ONLY- Complete Shews Tonight 7 06 9 08 "SAHARA" lat 7 36. 9 38' 7' SUNDAY 2 I'M. "SAHARA" fill:!' Services Only SATURDAY BEGINS - MONDAY - 2 Day Compete Shnw; a" 1 00. 3:00 5 D , Feature at 1 28, 3 28, 5 28, " GET YOUR G00SE-P1MPLES R Btcouie the opni it Urriflc whn i... and Fred tort on a honeymoon crowded witfc moonlight fomonce and midniflht murdtrf It's thrill-jammed! ft mifc i f 'i 1 MM HWKW1 1 1 1 1 sw iHi - h ilia a ms- m -m m mm m a i i -A-i : m mmi S I i MTU m ITT 1 .UJI if it n iMrrrnri l llCAIt KIVNU TRIMS AXi) Ml Cartoon St;it j t StNDAY M k.vic an irml ii.i it) mi Plua It. .!-:: H mim:3uuiJ JONES' FAMILY MARKS! Store of Quality Meats A. MacKENZIE FURNITURES -A Good Place to Hay" When vou are in need of nnyt ? HOME Bedroom, Living Room, Dinirv H JJ r a room, Kitchen, your Window- your Walls, Call at our Store or Call by I'M Phone 75 DAILY NEWS HONOR ROLL Your Assistance Invited The Dally News Is compiling R"-; U hoped may contain the name of rv o ihu ritv in sprve with the armed f" and In the air. To make this list comnf obtain the co-operaUon of the public . rxiUUnif the names. It Is Impwslble for the Dally News : to compile the list complete so we are ' reponttMe for the submlaslon of the D" VOUR girl or YOUR friend. The foMowtng U the Information ae v fill In and send to ROLL OF HONOR FJJITOR Daily News. Prince Rupert Service (ArmyRNavy. Air Force) Rank - Next of Kin Relation . Address 1M, voc rvoct 1 !1 Date of Enlistment ,. . - - Date of Discharge .V , , ""' If Casualty. Nature and Date - -.-Mill f Remember, if YOti rfn not submit a r"" name, no one else may You aro responsible-