Ay FEBRUARY 5, 1944 1 7h Sc-i ur- y by 1 AM) f from twl t coU, r.M "AiLm-wurt , tfttetaice of tfyls j4 AnfJtC. DAM .395 Mens Cl Atrr vnrn 111.1 k j a. wm a I III UNERS CI.KANEI) (ltN'DTMAN BUck 715 Fr . -. tua Henent . . . A a I J.t Wm I. MIWUII1 ns Ir efirr Xsa T oft. S- ttttlt nor kee OP SIIF.Y HOUSE tk AVE. WEST i p.m. 10 is p.m. It p.m. ... ...j U p m. d Anniversary 1 1 1 Locals Cash for old sold, Bulger'. H. Eyolfson Wt thU afternoon on a trio to Vancouver. Ca:l Aithur Muhtoerg, 24 year old miner whose home 1 at Mountain Park, Alberta, and who hat been employed at the Premier mine, left Thurday night for Vancouver, having en mud in the Canadian army. Flight Lieut. F. A. 8prlngborne. air force area padre, left thlx afternoon on a trip to Ilella Delia. Frank Morris of the B.C. Un dertaker U leaving tonight for Vancouver to receive treatment at the hand of specialists. Sergeant George Baker, having oraduiitrl from Rt Jolt training .thret weeks to get dry cleaning deliveries there aud four weeks for laundry A further boom owing to defence developments .m this coast U ejtpecti-d. DKAN OP WRITERS DIES LO:HX rt. M Joseph W. ilam McN'ernf y. IX London r AM r of the IrlUi Independent r1 associated newspaper a alnre 1903. died here recently A na ive ' Dublin, he was thr-dean-of lobb cur:esnondenU at the House t Commons and impl'ted 50 y ?it. a newspaperman in 1941 C.N.R. T rains I'M lh M Dally rirrpt BunfUr pm. I rvu lh Ml DaJlf ricept Mondsy 10. 5 pm. S4iiKlT. WondT. W4ndr I1 rrtdr 4 pm ltl 1 rrrarr MottdiT. TwJy. ThurdT rul Katurdsr it am. Try a Result. u. s. o. Want-Ad for Quick In appreciation of the hospitality shown w community to the oriranteation, the pub- f Tl Wk A mih-c Huperi are coniiaiiy iuviu-u u OPEN HOUSE Sunday, February fi, 2-fi p.m. . ,he Club in the basement of First United Church HELP THE SEAMEN HELP THE SEA CADETS IOIN THE MnrlirtM 1?? 1 n 1 t rt. u Ian oc Loiu otorage CE ncron Pa 1 1 J .. When Rotary Club - The meeting wa presldwl over by R. C. St. Clair In the absence of President A. S. Nlckrraon. T. N Young was winner of the raf fie of a war saving certificate lor the Queen's Fund, duetts were Lieut. Stewart of the Navy and Elmore Hauktnson and struck him. At Uie inquett an officer said the odds against sueh oecuience were a mliUon to one. TAME ELEPHANTS POPl'LAR COLOMBO. Ceylon n -Sol diers from East Africa, home of school of the Royal Canadian Air 1 li Imh. part ot thc Jrlon srrtori-He rorce has new arrived oversea. U the son of Mr. and Mrs E. ' 'ound lht Wn a ft B. Baker, formerly of this city. ' attracUon ,-am" elephants Wllham Baker. Oeorge's brother : Tbm " bf"n a ru,h b' (h u enlisting In the navy attn w u"nurl J0- graphed on the animaU' back. Hugo Krauuner. returning irum inp ui vojicuurrr nnc he picked up new equipment and ideas, says that dry cleaning facilities In the southern city are even more severely tax- RELIEVE ACHES AND SORE THROAT f ROM A COIOI TTTTTTTTTTTTTVTVTTTTTTV SHRIMP 4 Fresh Every Day j Roat -W.S.L." first Float 4 k tm or imperial uw uo. t Dally after t pm, i AAAAaA4AAA.AaAAAAAAAaAaAa VVVVTVVVWVVWWVWTVVVV I Meet Me At JOHNNY'S I Johnny's SNACK BAR (Our Coffee h Tops) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NEW ROYAL HOTEL e A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, IJ.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 PHONE 99 TAXI We wish to announce, B commencing Jan. 10, ser- g .,!. 1 in nm tn 93(1 n ni We will appreciate your 5 patronage. ART MURRAY and CLIFF ABERCROMBIE (Prop.) VfTTTTTVTYTVfTTTTTTTTTTT THE REX CAFE ! a. I Now Open mr nusincss CHOP SUKY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: s n.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Z PlinnA 173 J AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA r.Mt service TUB DAILT NEWS Endorsed Idea of U.S.O. Has Swim Pool Here T. Norton Young, p ij, Llnzey. A Jehovah'a Witnesses Kingdom W- c. uanrford. D. C. 8teven- Studies, Sunday. 8 p.m., Ragles' n and Dr. L. W. Kergin were Hall, 5th Ave., off McBrlde. No ' nard ln discussion at Thursday' collection. I regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert notary Club when Oeorge W. Crlpps U back ln 11 wa unanlmoiuly decided to the Prince Rupert Oenrral Hos- endorse the swimming pool pro-nital again. He had ocen able J1" In connection with the only a lew week ago to leave the flv,c centre undertaking here lnUtutlon for home after a long lllne!. Birthday American War Service Organiza tion to Have "Open House" Here on Sunday. The United Services Organiza tion. American counter-part of the National War Services of Canada, will celebrate the third anniversary of Its founding on the coming Sunday and. being well established In Prince Rupert. will observe the occasion here with an "Open House" tomor row afternoon at the local dub la the social parlors of First United Church. The United 6er vices Organization has become nart nf tH u-.n rt i mi rnmmtinftv KILLED IK TANK at print, Rnnert by reason of BALimJUicY, Eng. tot Pte. such fact as that forty-six ner- Phtllp SeR. 23, was killed in a i cent of the service people who I tanic during a demonstration ) enjoy 1U facilities for entertain-when a bullet entered the tank "meet and auxiliary set vice are of Allied forces other than Amerl cans and that a considerable uumber of local people are already actively assisting In carry ing on the UB.O. work here. It has been felt that now Is a fit ting time to give Prince Rupert people generally the opportunity of sltkg what the USD. 1 doing here and. Incidentally, enjoy Its hospitality during the call. The first UJ8X). dub was founded three yea.: ago In Ala torna. Between then and Paar) Harbor 474 clubs we it opened "tree thenTaxfondlog at the rat' of 52 new clubs a month, the or i!aniation has grown to 3000 flubs Its activities, notable m. .ns which are camp shows, cticwrle the globe today. Activities conducted at Prince , Run rt are typical of UJS.O functions The eh, of course, is the central point of service but there u also the bowling alley downtown shows and dances at the Acropolis post, the canteens Bulletins NEW CP.C MEMBER OTTAWA William J. Parker, president of Manitoba Wheat Pool Elevators, ha been named a new member of the board of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. HOME GUARD FARCE OTTAWA John Diefen-backer. Conservative, Saskatchewan, yeitterday called the Home Defence army a "farce." It wa "all dressed up and nowhere to go." It was felt that too many troop were being maintained In Canada. SHIP COLLISION HALIFAX Three seamen lost their lives in a collision between a naval vessel and a passenger ship off the Nova Scotia coast. Both vessel were damaged. AMMUNITION DUMP BLAST LONDON Eighteen persons were killed in the explosion of an ammunition dump near a railway station in northern England. SPEECH ADOPTED OTTAWA The Senate adopted the Speech from the Throne yesterday and adjourn ed until March 7. FURTHER AXIS BREAK BUENOS AIRES The Ar grntine government has sev errd relations with Axis sat- t rllile countries Rumania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Vichy France. CANNOT ENLIST OTTAWA The resttiction against miners enlisting ha been extended to August 1, it is announced. The Markets w.th interesting sidelines, the 'cv. o;wnt of radio piogramsl u ;d a musical appreciation I White, lb Sugar ..... . : f-m 1 J 1 1 w c- up in the last-menuonea uoiuen xcj. iu .09 .Oi ,xr K-adinR weai eiiMcn are n Rrade ced. -cpeJatinc. package. 54. slab 45 F a -k Finnerty, local U.S.O. 'Haai.jlrt grade, lb .42 .. nr 11 iirvnf -ih hniiivt Cottaee Roll, lb .44 in P. .nee Rupwt. Miss Eva Lcpierrp is his able assistant. Pork, drv salt, lb JO Veal, loin. lb. .38 Veal Chops. Ib J5 and .40 Beef, not roast, lb .35 M;. jo -General J. P. MacKen- " . I AASAS SW-W. - " tx. tnspcciorenerai 01 we van- ;L,mb choDS. lb. adlan Army for western Canada. ha been here for the past week and wat be in Pnnce Rupert until next week in connect iin wib Lamb Shoulder, lb. Eeb Orcde A Large artnred. dot Orade A, medium, doz ihe carry .ng f off laldufies Grade A pulIeU dor J5 to .40 XI to .35 45 It's Easier On You. Shopping by Mall meets today' demand, for Conservation. It saves time, tires, gasoline and lightens the burden of overloaded passenger trains and ships. You can shop at leisure, ln the peace and quiet of your own home make all the comparisons you want and place your order for merely the cost of a postage stamp. If In town, visit our Order Office, 616 3rd Ave. W. (Phone Blue 400), the next lime you are shopping. Our capable representative will be glad to help you solve your shopping problems, and take charge of your order. Yes. It's easier on You to Shop from EATON'S Catalogue "A STORE BETWEEN COVERS" J.EATON C 4iia UH Announcements C.CF. Dance, February 11, Oddfellows' Hall, DeCarlo's L.O.L. Orance Dance. Sat Feb 12, 9:30 sharp. Oddfellows HalL Jean de Carto&s orchestra. Good Cheer Club Valentine Tea. Home cooking. Satu:day,i r eoruary iz. uuo nouse uu. vo 450. WA. Coist Regiment Dance, I.OJD.E. Hall, February Orange Ladies' Dance, Oddfellows' Hall February 14. Boilermaker's Ball, February 14th. Staff House Dining Hall C.WX. Bridge. Whist and Crib- bage. K.O.C Hut, Feb. 17, 8 pjn. 4 j Everyone welcome 1 fjwiuz tin warn nTrnnvrn ' 'WSMi'rli "I" tbis fifth year of war, the Annual Report of RWIW4iHv Vlrll the Crowii Life reveal two features which are of . A Hjf!ySVvl TjvM (iIm irc-eininent importance. The first i the atunly 4 3BII(!r1MriKpilB BlrviiBlh of hc UmiMiny' financial )osUioii ami i wlftY3lAVf it fir III fl i. ia ill iintahlc crowth of its hui'mefS Brflll PoUcle$ ta Force$308I6779i.oo ! MwllSl im A$sets-$60,7l,986.34 ' i I1Hs4i W SurPlus-$2,393,429.45 J 1 fBSSlftltMw New Policies, l943-$45,i00,569.00 ilnwUn t mmmMwmm lntercst carncu w - mfBMmimJu l miBiiliWii iii O. Havrov. Conoral Airont. - r " -0 , "'V J. J. Kenny, C.L.U., Provincial Superintendent PAOE TERES J - - ....... L. For Outdoor Work ' DRY-BAK CLOTHING For a limited time, to reduce stock for Annual Inventory, wd are Selling DRY-BAK COATS Jf . -at- r :Kk Discount. All sizes in stock r WORK SHIRTS WOOL WINCEY. All sizes .' 1th Street (Across from Post Office). $Q.95 Watts & Nickerson ME.VS and BOVS' CLOTHIERS 532 Third Ave. Phone 315 Closed sea Until March ff 1 when we will $JL h Te-open, bringing with us the latest in hair styles from the south. ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone Blue 911 THE ALASKA HIGHWAY (Revised Edition) This sage of the North booklet is a most attractive souvenir of history in the making. Completely illustrated with photographs. Put up in a special envelope for mailing purposes. Price $1.00 THE LURE OF ALASKA (By HARRY A. FRANCK 300 page? and SO reproductions of photographs by this famous writer of travel books. First low price edition a Blue Ribbon Book $L50 JOIN THE NAVY LEAGUE! Membership entitles you to participate in $15,000.00 TREASURE CHEST CONTEST The Variety Store Place an Ad in The Daily News It Pays 1 t