( ti C Canada. Today we publlsl r jrtian Corps of iad)o tystern ' i"ven station, facilities In n The R.C w i 'lrr reports to ;f Transpor :. 3 sta'ton: Mc-. Yellowknlfe. r. rmaii. Aklavlk, i Mayo. at of Transport Ji eommunlca-i of the stag-".-'mediate fields ?: ;r hwest 8taglng : t -any weather weather reports Departments vse and are b- teletype t-v r ports of ill "ihrr Can ding the Mar . are gather , Army Air " pe rircui' : nd White at Depar . . :!" . r F irt 8f ;-.J Watsc urr..rr,nr..: . r and - w j,-?-, a ? u whic . ' OT ' .rd pe to r Ited autes ir Corps of t maintain r ' riporttn,; - .Mackenzie . if rohdl- ti - likrwis" t-d -White - maintain -i Whitehorse vt to ar-wrt Staging ' 'kivie River ' recast cen-PT'jvidea sum-flying vta ' F rt fit Jojin uued from "r every six a 'able to all and aircraft t" i ted State vtdrs its own .'n own pilots landing ' "nrrs ask iieasou 'uNauihlon Recall. c C.F d t; 5 9i Two Mackenzie King - irr.mcdlatc statc-i.ation of Oen-i M N.iughton as A Commander He government t3 until next week ' leader Graydon lor Cold well de-ramedlate state-Fl"ne Minister said cppuprlate tlmo fnr w when Defence -"-n speaks, on the ations bill, the ?jJt the Throne dc--ta ends. x m i u '; uP ' VipMmisehe made ,. M-" hr W0W Join up f 'TTInUI w A ... -nl' a ' "al last h.t.:",n"le loral reserve tci,? R,,IH,rt Machine - kill,. METEOROLOGICAL SL rly integrated network oi and forecast stations hi, ; hout the Canadian North . . . a. scries Juliana Is In Victoria rojecta In rles hscr- oy both ami i nueo amies agencies, l 1 ne 1 ma n ared in this field are the Department of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, :i States Army r.x and close co-.no.NEEK I'arned among mi:: Tom Trotier Passes Away Death at St. Tite, Quebec, of One of I'rinre Rupert's Most llichly Esteemed Citizens. One of Prince Rupert's best known, most popular and highly esteemed pioneer citizens Is dead at his native home at 8t.- TJte In the Three Rivers district of Quebec in the person of Thomas Trotier former prominent feed and fuel dealer News of hj pasdng this morn THOMAS TROTIER Ing waa received by Rt Rev E, SL Runoz, OMS . DUiop of Uic Roman Catholic Church. Nu merous friends ot deceased will learn with deep regret of his demUe. The late Mr. Trotier was up wards of 70 years ot age and had been In falling health for the post few years, this neces sitating his retirement from business some Umc ago. He made ncveral trips back to Quebec but always returned to Prince Rupert, maintaining quarters here and calling this his permanent home. Mr. Trotier came west before the turn of the century and was in the Yukon gold rush, being a warehouseman at Daw-eon. When the boom there quietened down, he decided to seek a new pioneering field so he came to Prince Rupert in 1908. He founded the Prince Rupert Feed Co. business and built a block on Second Avenue near Knvrnth street where he cBn- rfurW his trade for many years. ! tv the House j He branched out Into the coal Fudnv nrowt hiisinma siid established the a . 4 I Trotier Dock on me wnicnrunfc. A few years ago he sold out and retired, of onnini and aeneroua dis position. Mr. Trotier .readily made friendships of permanent1 character and there was prob-nbly no pioneer who was bet ter known. He was n launim and active member of the Roman" CaUiolIc ' Church. He was a member of the Order of vr,tei"s. Mr. Trotier Is survived by relatives- lu Quebec. VICTORIA, Feb. 5. - Tilncess Juliana of the Netherlands is a visitor In Victoria In the course of a tour of Canada and the United States. She arrived yesterday from Seattle and last night there was a state dinner In her honor nt Government House. One hundred of her countrymen were presented to her. Sft DEVELOPMENT OF DISTRICT Vancouver Lady .Member Warns Against F.rrois Which Are Made In South. VICTORIA. Feb. 5 O - Mrs. Tilly Rolslon, Conservative coalition member for Vancou ver-Point Orey. speaking in the Throne Speech debate in the Legislature Friday, suggested the development of( Northern British Columbia should be or derly and based on accurate In formation about the land. Its assets and potentialities. She warned against repetition of the trial and error development of southern pats of the province. PremlefvJo) Hart will speak In the debate on Mbnday.. Local Tides; Sunday. Feb. 6 . High 11:44 20.d leet Low 5:40 91 feet 18:23 3.9 feet NORTHERN AND CE NlHtAlr-CRmSM OLUM BIA'S NEWSPAPER yaisai - - PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1914 PRICE FIVE CENTS ORTHWEST CANAP.. CNCE : v..r l -'.c Information Hot, ' "Q.'yS "ed ed a a j .1 Canndlan United SU iDrops Lower OTTAWA. Feb. ) Dominion bureau of Statist reported yesterday that the cos 1193 on December 1. 1943 to llSTX on January 3. 1944. making tota'. wartime Increase 18.1 cent EMBASSIES SPY NESTS 11UENOS AIRES An Argentine Feb. 5 fr governme spokesman announcing the serjJ era nee of diplomatic relation with four Axis satellites sa last night that investigation la revealed that Nazi activities in Argentina had carried out by the Oerman cm t. Four Killed In RCAF Crash On West Coast id aspknvajyj bred 1 baaay and by personal reprej tentative of Hi tier. Japanese spying was directed by the Jap' an esc embassy, he said. i . 1 VANCOUVER. Feb. 5 & I Western Air Command an,- nounced today that four men were killed in the crash of a Royal Canadian Air Force seaplane near Port Alice yesterday. Next of kin have been advtsed but names are not yet an- nounced. Ambulance Fund People's Store Housewlve's League Labor Progressive Club $25.01) 10.00 10.00 Yanks Overwhelming Japs Enemy Are Being Held Near Rome ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN ITALY, Feb. 5 (CP) The Germans have launched a new attark in a determined effoit to smash the Allied beachhead, this time striking at British troops in the area north of Aprllia (Carroreto), 20 miles southeast of Koine, but have been repulsed with heavy losses, it was announced today. On the main Fifth Army front desperate fighting raged unabated in the streets of Castiiio. and mountains north of the town with Ger mans holding on despite ' heavy attacks by infantry, ar- ! tillery and armor. j DROP BOMBS ON FRANCE LONDON rb 5 O -A great armada of Ameriran beary bc.TVi and fighting planes smashed at Nan plane nests In ce tral Franc today for the eighth shattering Mow againrt HllJers war machine In nine days Tie . ault carried the great-rs :u tamed Alllod aerial of fer:..-. if the war into th n. -.'Ji day a day and night battering at Oerman and occupied territories which was kept rolling on through last night by Royal Air Force blows at wet-crn Germany by Mosquito bombers NORTHERN ItC VICTORIA GETS SHIP CONTRACT I Two Transport Vessels Costing i $3,001,000 (o be Built at I 1 arrows VICTORIA, Feb. 5 f Hon Clarence D. Howe, minister of! munitions, announces the awarding of the contract to Yarrow at Esquimau for the construe-, tion of two transport ship cost ; j tng approximately $3,000,000 fdr the British Navy. Living Index ft " : ' i ILM.C.S. PRINCE ROBERT IN ACTION While Canadian officers and men on the bridge of HJkLCS. Prince Robert held their breath, a glider bomb released by a Helnkel 177. zoomed pa: the Canadian aati-aircraft cruiser's bows and went straight for a fieighter in the convoy. But here, too, late took a twist "and, a second before it was to hare hit the mark, the bomb took an upward turn, passed- over the freighter's masts and Fjummiiitu into the water 80 yards away on her starboard side. The freighter Is seen above, almost enveloped In the cas- of living Index declined fropt ! cade ot water caused when the. bomb fell into the water. The snip rocxea ror awniie out she escaped damage and didn't even lose station in the convoy which reached Its destination without loss of a ship, despite an attack by some 32 enemy planes that lasted exactly two hours. 1511 OFF TO GOOD START JANUARY BUILDING PERMITS HIGH Considerable Aetivity Recorded With rrrinils Totalling $31,890. If indications suggested by the ,iuabe oi lu;!dlng permits lf-urrt by lie city engineers office .. January an b;in- out through '.lie iest ot ti:e ycai Pilnce Ru-i-r:'. should enjoy a building rwem in 1944. .st month was u.e of the highest Januarles on rteertl In this regard with pr-mrta issued to the value of Comparisons with previous 4700 In building permit were is sued, in January 1942 $3,429. and in January 1911. $12,450. In December. 1943. permits valued at $475 were issued. Highest single Kern on last month's list waa a permit issuen : Caught With flanes ni 1UI1C5 Down UUVYll n 4- ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, SOUTHWEST NEW GUINEA. 4- Feb. 5. f -Eighty Jap- anese plane were destroyed by Allied ai;nien at Wewak, Japanese base In New Gul- 4 nea. Allied headquarters re- 4- ported t4day. Apparently the Japanese were taken caught grounded and des- troyed, and eight were shot down. ' . CANADIANS OPERATING OUT OF THE AZORES The U boat menace hAs greatly lessened In the South Atlantic since the Portuguese government granted the Allies bases In the Azores. Here nrc a couple of Canadians operating out of the Azores: Fllght-Scrgt Arle Fox, wtreless operator, pictured shaving at his home-mado washstand In the Azores, while chatting with a brother Canadian, Sergt. Bert Lecky, air eunner of Port Arthur, Ont, i to the Department of National Defence, for $27360, allowing the construction of a naval garage. Second on the list was a permit to Edward Lipsett Limited, for a frame building valued at $15,000. Following are the permits Is sued during January: Ling Bo Shong, foundation to Mclntyre Block Mrs. Kate Smith. Fulton Street. alteiaUons O. W. Nickerson. Fourth Ave. West, garage Knights of Coluobut, hut. ruiion eireei $500 400 250 4,500 Block, alterations 2,000 Edward Lipsett Company. frame building 15.000 Dept. National Defence. naval garage . 27,350 V. Basso-Bert Biggar Place.-frame building 1300 BULLETINS .MINIMUM MINERS' WAGE LONDON. Announcement was made yesterday of the setting of a 5 per week minimum wage for British coal miners. MORE TOMATO JUICE OTTAWA. A larger proportion of tomato juiee is to be made available for civilian consumption, the Wartime Prices and Trade Board ARM PULLED OUT VANCOUVER. Mrs. Albert Chapman, worker in a local war plant, Is in serious condition following an accident yesterday in which her arm was caught in machinery and pulled out from the shoulder. PARAMUSIIIRO BOMBED WASHINGTON, Three United States bombers attacked the Japanese naval base on Paranuishlio in the Kurile Islands Wednesday. No enemy aircraft were met. TONS OF MEAT DESTROYED QUEBEC. .More lhan 500.-000 pounds of meat, declared unfit for human consumption, has been ordrred not sold. It was tn a federal government warehouse. COMPANIES ATTACKED TORONTO, Speaking here last night, M. J. Coldweil. C.C.F. leader, criticized three large companies Canada, Packers, Ogilvie Flour Mills and International Harvester for exploiting farmers and labor. PARIS BOMBED VICHY The Nait-controll-radio said today that rails had been bombed by Allied Three More Islands In Marshalls Are Taken By Allied Invasion Force United States Military Government Takes Over From Hirohito Naval Forces Unopposed and Enemy Removed From Skies. PEARL HARBOR, Feb. 5 (CP)-Invading three more islands in the- big Kwajailein atoll, United States forces have overwhelmed the Japanese on two, pushed the resisting enemy 'back on a third which has seaplane bases and brought two additional bases under warship and plane attack. Other devel MEETING OF PRESBYTERY (Reports Received and Commit tees Appointed at Session Here. In a report on Christian educa tion delivered by Rev. D. D. Mar tin before the spring session of the Prince Rupert Presbytery of the United Church of Canada here, it was urged that the ministers and others in charge of this opments were: presbytery give special attention 1 days. .nd study to the main problems grams for children and young I people, daily vacation, Bible schools and that chutch leaders Co-operate -with the Christian foilorrr est extent Also presented at the session and passed was a resolution to set aside a day of prayer for all who are prisoners ot war. forced laborers and all who are suffering at the hands of the Axis nations, that their day of liberation may be hastened. Given over largely to the appointment of committees, and the hearing of reports, the session was opened by devotions led by the Rev. P. R. Kelly and th Rev. J. A. Donnell. Committee heads were appointed as .follows: Settlement Rev. A. Rutherford. Rev. D. D. Martin. Christian Education Rev. D. D. Martin. Evangelism and Social Service Rev. J. A. Donnell. -Missionary Education and Ftyeign Missions Rev. P. R. Kelly. Historical Dr. O. W. Fiddes. Life and Work Rev. T. C. Coldweil. Missionary Maintenance Rev. P. R. Kelly. Pensions Rev. T. C ColdwVll. Property Rev. A. Rutherford. Statistics Rev. H. Wilding. Publications Rev. Thomas Moore. Moderator's fund Rev. D. W. Mnre. i The following were nominated for the consideration of the Con-1 ferpnrp for deleeates nt laree tr. I the general assembly: Rev. "A. N. C. Pound. Rev. Oeorge E. Darby. Ernest Dudoward and James Oray .In the Missionary and Maintenance fund rep6rt Rev. J. A. Donnell noted that there had been an Increase from $1200to $2,000 In contributions for the past year. While reading the Pensions report, Mr. Donnell drew attention to the fact that the pensions fund had been withdrawn from the Missionary and Maintenance fund and were now a congregational responsibility on an allocation basis. There was reported a general increase In home missions and an upsurge In contributions from all fields. Special congratulations were extended tn this regard to the Terrace minister and congregation for their splendid 1 progress. I In the evangelism and social ' service report. Rev. P. R, Kelly First Leaders of the mid- Pacific offensive, foreseeing the capture of all mandated Islands, have proclaimed a United States military government to supplant the 25 year old power of Emperor Hirohito as each Is occupied. Second There Is no Indication that a huge naval force, supporting the Invasion, has been challenged or suffered losses. Third Air forces have kept all Japanese planes out of Mar shalls' skies for four successive 3f Juvenile delinquency and the Q, decrease in Sunday ,S-V! OlOre tendance. - Robbed The report advocated such im-,.,... I imo -. Mi. V J U.VMM.V M M.V I organizing of appealing pro For the second time in as nnny months. Paulson's Grocery, has been victimized by thieves. On Thursdav nliht entrv was msds cigarettes, extracts, tea, coffee, sugar, and a small acount of cash in pennies were taken. The theft was discovered Friday morning. Last December the store was broken into and cigarettes and some cash taken. RUSSIANS WINNING Reds Take Decisions All Along Plight of Nazis In Face of So viets Becoming Increasingly Serious. MOSCOW. Feb. 5 (CP) Major decisions were being won all along the Russian fiont today with onslaught against Adolf Hitler's battered armies continuing in full swing from the Baltic Sea to. the middle Ukraine. The Leningrad army has reached the mouth of the Norova River, nine miles inside the Estonia border on the coast of the Gulf ot Finland, and advanced to Lake Peipus, 33 miles to the south, sealing the land gap which forms the gateway to the Battle. To the south in the Dnieper Bend, Red troops tightened the noose around ten German divisions believed to number more than 100.000 men be-tweeen Cherkasy and Kanev. Seventy-three Urge Junkers transport plane have been shot down In the Dnieper Bend area. They may have been endeavoring to evacuate Nazis including high-ranking military leaders. recommended that the presbytery encourage congregations to make use of the excellent temperance material made available by the Department of Evangel-Ism and Social Service. It was decided that the next meeting of the presbytery would be held at Port Simpson at the end of August.