r.uii an iUpr forecast -- NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Tomorrows Tides Coast and Queen Charlotte rth dsLlght winds. Mostly clear (Pacific Standard Time) ne morning becoming uiuuuy wi. Friday, September 8 ,r. liift. cTJinAYLleht . . . wlndsiPart- . SEfe loudy w"h mue change m icm- 'High 5:21 18.0 feet iurc. 17:30 19.1 feet rrdav's Temp.: MUX. 63, Min. 48 Low 11:15 6.9 feet f t it Mr 9 in PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1944 PRICE FIVE 'CENTS ot Bomb Menace To HIROHITO WARNS JAPS . i u . p.j. i dill j MUVY LIIUCU DON, bept. lra urmsn secrecy sur- Ilg ucnutiii iijrur j 4a-ui wiuu eueub was today with the t details of the have been fired at $ Jk London area une 12. About 2,300 o m'eot through, .1 r nnn J..a. I i. Vs 2i t- i 1 C, - A more man o.uuu uranu. -seven 6f 101 of the or iiprp mm ciowri as were perfected. ps, coupled with the b coast, nas enaeo. me f the flying missiles. Iletins MOODY A payroll lalnlnv 427 000 in rur. .... iliMurn f m T. n mnV- in here last nliht. It tangled under (lie 01 me irain anu muiic .1 i-- .it.. ..... reioycrcu. kmu ine passen- rl . . ...111. t t . r i ... . i .1 .. .1 If.. X. ... . Ik. CI 1 tt.rmn-m line iruuiiu iiuiii Prescott. The pass- were removed by ship. it uiiitHii. ir kii irnruprB an.npii. a week for all munici- jovernment employ- iiiiuui sdiaiita ui .v 1 D J i m w m m m UV.11 A A uuiiv T 1 UIUUIU 4CUUUI tllllU" p n)no nr ftrlilinTrr nnlf ...HU -I n . . -1 iv.li. the local school board hoping soon to find a the jcb of truant of- the appointment Is vs. nnn mris n r in "hookey" will find that isr. mo nmrn nn irvn trr profitably considering rijvn i nn t n rni uj ti explanations. and the attitudes of i in rn n rravn BUinanAA r r nr nnronra nrr r rri were cucq or parents their children by slgn- the youngsters' absence 10 bp nlnvlnff t.nianr.. members hope to add uclal dignity of the law ha 9 4 4 officer In his off-duty pr suggestion was that be employed to fill the of schools secretary, being vacated by Mrs. 1 1 T rtOf f nyri nMJ 1U.L V vui U 1 1V4 VltCVV r - n Hpnrl V,.' A f L M WW. a Frltrnn axflnn r ot the Canadian nrnad- Corporatlon, has been o-i-m ill.UUtl ill on to Dr. James Thnmn- fh Miri m ttrM n l EI.KPiTnMw. Iltn n I 1 Ll'f "I11I11F hveiVjIUKI tu lit: w il , dvu ui turrccnons wining io me one Dent. Ylnf 1h(am ",Mvi 1J111, Bra, Ml Run In Seat Of Neepawa CARLETON PLACE, Ont., Sept. 7 0) Progressive Conservative leader John Bracken announced in a political address last night that he would accept nomination as candidate to represent the Manitoba constituency of Nee pawa In the forthcoming federal election. uracKen nas been without a seat since he was chosen party leader In December, 1942. He said that he had received a petition from Neepawa to run there and added that, were he chosen can dldate, he would accept. Classes Swamped Beginners In School' A swollen tide of Grade One pupils has nearly swamped Kins Edward and the new Conraa Street public schools this term and school board members went into a huddle with the principals of the two schools last night to see what could be done about It. Heaviest influx of beginners is at- Conrad, Strcefc',where.tlUwaA explained by Principal Edward Wahl 59 arc enrolled for a class room which will seat only 40 The need for another class of Grade One was reconlzed by the board which will take steps to get another teacher. In the meantime, Miss M. McDonald, who teaches Orade One at Conrad Street, will Instruct half her class in the morning and the other half in the afternoon. Classrooms in all the city's public schools are filled the Board was told by Miss E. A. Mercer, King Edward principal. She suggested It might be wise to transfer some Orade Two children from King Edward to Borden Street where that class was smaller. SuDDortlng Mr. Wahl in an ap peal for library books, Miss Mer cer said that her school had never had sufficient books to build up a library. "One reference book used by 40 students gets worn out before it gets a message across," she asserted. "We use the enterprise system of education under which we encourage children to go to the library, so we need books badly." Among the 38 teachers on the city schools' staff, 15 are begin ning their first term here, and two have transferred from Seal Cove school, which is now closed. New teachers at Booth Mem orlal High School are Miss M. D. Klrkpatrlck, of Saskatoon; T. Fletcher, Stettler, Alberta; F. Canty. Moose Jaw, Sask.; E. Laird, Lloydmfnster, Sask.; Miss F. Connor, Brandon, Man.; Miss A. Wlnsklll. Vlcto"rla: T. L. Davles, Squamlsh; Mrs. Lewis, Reglna, Sask.; Mrs. Grogan, Sas katoon, Sask.; Mrs. Thompson, Falrvlew, Alberta. At Borden Street Miss, Vau- chan of Sardls. B.C. Is teaching Grade One, and Miss N. E. Smith, formerly at Seal Cove, Is teaching Grade Three. Principal of Conrad Street is Edward Wahl, of Kelowna, and the three other staff members are Miss M, McDonald of Princeton; Miss V. Smith of Chllliwack; and Miss Eileen Gibson, who taught at Seal Cove. Only one new teacher came to the King Edward public school staff. She Is Mrs. J. Summer-vllle, of North Vancouver. !' CANADIAN LANDING CRAFT RUSH SUPPLIES TO THIRD FRONT Canadian landing craft are shown rushing supplies to Commando troops who have captured Isle De Levant, off the French mainland near Toulon, France. Just six hours after the capture of the Island, Allied forces effected landings on the beaches of southern France. WAR NEWS R.A.F. BOMBERS BUSY . LONDON Despite dismal weather;-1 Royal Air Force mosquitoes hammered Hamburg, German seaport, Wednesday night, Other mosquitoes strafed Nail transport from Utrecht to Arnhelm in the Netherlands and near Dusseldorf in, Germany. The mosquitoes blew up one convoy and set a train afire. American fighter-bombers destroyed 135 trucks, 5G locomotives, 35 oil tank cars and 15 coaches full of Geiman troops on Wednesday. MERELY BREAR-OFF - v LONDON A nerlin broadcast today confirmed that Bulgaria had declared war against Germany but an hour later Berlin corrected this to give confirmation of breaking off of diplomatic relations but not a declaration of war. RUSSIANS REACH GREECE NEW YORK The Russians" ,iave driven "across Bulgaria Into Greece, reaching the Turkish ftoitlIiv Demotla area after a sensational 160-mile advance in two days, the German radio said today. V. i fg(; j' NAZIS KNOCKED OUT WASHINGTON United States Secretary of War Stimson said today that Geiman armies had been so crippled or- destroyed that they would be unable to defend the Reich for long. He warned, however, that "the war will not be won until our troops march into Berlin." Old Type of Telephone System Now Hampering Expansion of Service Unable to Use Standard Equipment on City Circuits. Manufacture of Special Parts Necessitates Delays. Modernization and expansion of Prince Rupert's telephone system is recommended in a report compiled by the utilities committee and read before city council by Alderman Thomas Elliott, committee chairman, Tuesday night. The present system is so old,-Alderman Elliott told council members, that standard parts cannot be used on It. Special equipment must be made by manufacturers and this delays receipt of orders for replacements. "Some party lines are not completely filled with subscribers because we are unable to get the particular type of phone required for our circuits," he reported.- There are about 2.000 phones on the system ut present, 360 of them being .main line phones. Some of the panel boards which connect them at the central office have been In; Use since 1913. Connection of new phones mlcht create a situation where in operators might not be able to handle the increased traffic, unless the calls were staggered, the report stated. It added that the of panel boards might in a breakdown which would mean the loss of the use of several hundred phones. At present, 150 conversations can be earned on tne system at the same time. To extend the service, the present exchange room must be enlarged. No new phones are available at present. Orders for equip ment and parts s-ent In last March have not yet been acknowledged. When new phones come, they must be Installed according to priorities Discussing the report,. Alder man Hill suggested that, since there was little likelihood of extending the s-ervlce greatly before the end of the war, it would be a good idea to plan for a hew telephone exchange building. i Alderman Black felt that because the present telephone system is a paying utility, every ef fort should be made to keep It as well maintained as possible. He made a motion that efforts be made to get more telephones. Council adopted the motloni Italy Battle Is Slowing Up ROME, Sept. 7 ---WUhiheavy fighting but slow progress . re ported from thei British .Eighttv Army's Adriatic f ron,i Americans of the Allied Fifth Army have captured Lucca, lmportan (Jentre, ten miles' northeast of Pisa, and have driven the Ger tanSiiolthJn Air Force Ship Found Near Here Germany Enters Final Throes of-Losing War LONDON, Sept. 7 W Germany today ordered Eighth Grade pupils into war work and sent thousands of Red Cross men and women Into armament plants In far-reaching extensions of total mobilization decress. .A number of universities have been closed. All travelling shows and shops for fairs have been abolished. Publication of many periodi cals have been curtailed. I.O.D.E. Prepare Bags (or British Women in Service Among present activities of Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E., Is the preparation of- 60 service bags which will be filled with useful articles and sent to service women In Britain, Mrs. J. M. Taylor, first vice-regent of the chapter reported at the regular monthly meeting held at the home of Mrs. J. E. Boddle, Seal Cove, Wednesday night. Mrs. Taylor was chairman ot the meeting in the absence ot the regent, Mrs. D. C. Stuart, who is holidaying in the east. There was a good turnout of members. Mrs. W. Brass gave a report on the annual tag day held Aug. 12, and appreciation was expressed to all who helped to make It a success". An interesting paper, "Women of the Bahamas," was also read by Mrs. Brass. Following the program refreshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. S. D. Mc Donald, Qth ave. west. HALIBUT SALES Canadian Prosperity A., 23,000, 18',ic and I6V2C, Co-op. About 1,300 bulls are killed annually In Spanish bull fights. A Royal Canadian Alr Force plane mitsing in the Prince Rupert area, has been found, Royal Canadian Air Force of ficials announce. A number of men aboard are ,all un harmed. A search was under way and an appeal had been made for any information wnicn may be available in regard to the overdue plane which it was thought might have made a forced landing in Ihe vicinity. REDS CLOSE ON BELGRADE Cutting Through Alp Also Approaching East Prussia MOSCOW, Sept. T tB Russians are reported lighting within ninety miles of Belgrade today after reaching Yugoslav soil to the south where the Iron Gate Gorge cuts through the .Alps. Tumu-Severln on the frontier was captured Wednesday. In northern Poland a great battle that may liberate Warsaw and carry the war Into East Prussia has Increased In violence with two Russian Army groups attacking on a 35-mlle Iron ajong theNarew River. tne mam uotnic aeience nne, in 1944 there will he an In-headquarters announced today. I crease In Canada of about 40 Allied forces have entered Rlc- per cent over last year In the cionemarlna and have captured Besanlgo. production of small arms am munition. TO START WORK ON PIONEERS' HOME City Council has given the go-ahead to construction of the new Pioneers' Home. The health committee has been advised to proceed with the development of plans for the new building and construction will begin as soon as materials are made available. Voluntary contributions to the fund now total $6,000, to Which the city will add $5,000. Priorities for material have already been applied for. Douk Deaths Are Mystery NELSON. Sept. 7 (CP) Cause of the death of Alex Pankoff, Krestova Doukhobor. Is still a mystery after post-mortem examinations which revealed his estranged wife had died from hemorrhage with severing of veins In the neck. The woman's body was found in a garden a mile from Krestova shortly before the discov ery of Pankoff's body in a eel lar under the village home. Cornwall Feels 'Quake Again CORNWALL, Ont., Sept. 7 O A mild earth tremor was felt In this eastern Ontario industrial town last night. It threw a scare into residents who were still Jit tery from Monday night's severe shock when heavy damage was done. - Last night's disturbance shook crockery and tables and many residents ran Into the streets In fear of stronger shocks which did not come. There were no reports of damage. Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto did not feel last night's shock, Nip Situation More Intense; Invasion Fear NEW YORK, Sept. 7 (CP) Emperor Hironho warned the Japanese Diet today that the war situation is becoming more intense. Premier Koiso said that the empire must concentrate total power to combat mounting Allied attacks and possibleinvasion. Allied forces are gradually closing in towards the More Jap Ships Are Being Sunk ALLIED HQ. IN SOUTH WES1 PACIFIC, Sept. 7 0) United States Navy flying boats sank three small Japanese freighters off Mindanao in the southern Philippines while bombers continued neutralization of airdromes around Davao most important port in the southern Philippines toward which Mac-Arthur forces have been aiming. Australian and United States fighter bombers raided Vogel- kop Peninsula In. Dutch New' Guinea. CROWBOROUGH, Eng. 0) . Col. Lord Douglas Compton, C.B.E., of the 9th Lancers died here recently. He was In India from 1891 to 1896 on the staff of1 Lord Wlnlock, Governor of Madras. FRANK WARNE NEW FISH SUPERVISOR Frank Warne, former assist ant district supervisor of fish-r cries, has been appointed super? visor following the retirement of James Boyd who finished 23 years of unbroken service at the end of August. Mr. Warne's position has been filled by G. E. Moore, ' formerly Inspector at Butedale. Mr. Boyd plans on taking sev eral months holiday before looking around for "something to do." Otherwise, his plans are Indefinite. "I feel that I have earned a rest," he says. "I have not had a vacation in the 23 years I have been with the fisheries de partment." LONDON (CB Neil Grayson, 40- year.-old convict who escaped from Dartmoor was recaptured In the bar of a central London hotel after a slight scuffle about a month after his escape. heart of the Japanese empire from all directions with the -es tablishment of bases bringing naval and air power Into increasing play. Community Threatened HORSESHOE BAY FIRE SERIOUS VANCOUVER,. Sept. -7 CB . A forest fire In Horseshoe Bay environ- area on the North Shore reached within one' hundred yards of the summer colony and all available residents, regardless of age or sex, were called out in an effort to save .the. town and their homes. About 70 soldiers from near- ui cum us iue iieiuiiit m me ' ft battle to stor the llamii fMas'r L giuis auu uiuviaia aic aisu lng upon Royal Canadian tif aiinns fnr snllnrs tr lnA Jhpln " . - - - - w -....j.. r-u -y 7 . v s-i -w .- Blackout in Britain Being Lifted in Ten Days LONDON, Sept. 6 05 Lights will come on again In Great Britain September 17, the ministry of home security, announced last night. Thus will be relaxed rigid blackout regulations which have kept the country In darkness for five years since the war began. Fire protection measures are being eased and two million home guards are being excused from further weekly drills. , T Canada Dimout -: Is Carried On OTTAWA, Sept. 7 Oh There will be no dimout for the time being at least of existing dim-out regulations In Canada, It Is announced. Power shortage Is already causing illuminating restrictions in many Canadian cities. Allies Moving Steadily On In France; More Resistance ALLIED HQ. IN FRANCE, Sept. 7 (CP) Gen. Patton?s Third Army has encountered what appears to be the first real resistance from the Nazis along a 30-mile front on the Moselle River in the Metz area near the frontier of the Reich. Allied forces have advanced well beyond the Meuse River as they plunge deeper Into Belgium. British, Canadian and Polish forces are still advancing in the region of Calais and Boulogne. The First Canadian Army In vaded Belgium today, sending an armored Polish division into Ypres while the British Second Army took two other Belgian towns Ghent and Courtral the latter without resistance. The Canadians, with forces on both sides of Calais, battled Into the outskirts of Boulogne; advancing to within seven miles west and southwest of Dunker que as they prepared to besiege the Germans In their Belgian strongholds of Ostend and Zee brugge. The American First Army has driven the Germans well beyond lines that existed at the time of the 1918 armistice, . striking well beyond the Meuse River in southeastern, Belgium. The Columbia Broadcasting system reported unofficially from Rome that Americans from west and south France had join ed forces at an undisclosed point near the German border. The Americans and French, attempting to prevent German withdrawal from southern France, have captured a number of additional towns, headquarters reported today. The Americans are approaching the strategically important Doubs valley adjoining Switzerland. An Allied communique Indicated that the Nazis were still outrun,-nlng their pursuers and contained no word of major fightlnj. ! i - f