PAGE POUR PARIS AT CHRISTMAS-This photograph shows Canadians on .short leave in Paris doing their Christmas shopping for the folks back home. The place is the Gift Shop in tha Palais d'Orsay Hotel. Left to right, front row, are: Pte. V! Smith, Royal Army Service Corps, London, Eng.. C.S.M. L. W. Randall, Killarney, Man.;Sgt. P. G. Doan, St. Thomas, Ont.; Cfn. J. H. Pettcrson, R.C.E.M.E., Gull Lake, Sask.; Pte. S. W. Stefiszyn, R.C.A.S.C., Devilie, Alta. Front tow, Rfn. J. C Stoneman, Portage La Prairie, Man.; Tpr. A. C Witty, Toronto, Ont.; Pte. G. R. Christopher, R.C.E.M.E., Belleville, Ont, and Mile. Simone Boulongne, pleslady at the shop. v ,' these words hold for u's an-added significance: t THE DAILY NEWS Returned Flier Is Honored By j Skidegate- Friends i SKIDEGATE. Dec; 18 Pilot 'officer Percy Gladstone, R.C. AP.. who returned recently from service overseas, was presented i with a gold rin ati a gathering (held in his honor In Skidegate i Mission town hall last week. The (ring; a gift of the people of ; Skigate Mission, was presented by Miss Pauline Jones after PO. Gladstone had been Introduced Lby Henry Green. Wing Commander McKnee, of Allirord Bay made a brief speech or welcome. The hall was filled with visitors from all parts of the Islands, and members of the R.C:A.F. PO. Gladstone, who has. made 30 flights over Germany and flew Timely Topics from S;0!" in homes, stores, halls beaches his on D-day, expressed appreciation at the fine gesture his people had made for him. The latter part of the evening was given over to dancing, with music supplied by the Harmony Boys' orchestra. The percentage of fixed carbon, created by Paleozoic sunshine, determines the value of cool rs a fuel. and restaurants. tire school had been appropri ately decorated for the occasion, even the hallway being hung with pretty red and green streamers centred with a large 0 We Canadians, whether we fight in over. We are fighting that the spirit of the' factory or on the farm in industry Christmas shall endure. And we rejoice or in the armed services, wish peace on that this Christmas brings with it the def- earth to men of good will the world inite promise of freedom for all mankind. ,v.' y . . v, ' . ; ; The House of Seagram - Terrace SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS IS ABROAD; COMMUNITY ENTERTAINMENT TERRACE, Dec. 18 The spirit of Christmas is abroad and is making his presence felt everywhere. People seem gayer, more friendly and more cordial in their greetings than they have been for many a long day. The children, out of school for the holidays,.are having a rollicking, good time., Even the weather man has been co-operating and Terrace is being favored with a succession of clear, sunny, cold days. There is no snow on the red boll. The following visited the school: Mrs. C. Haugland, Mrs. F. Kirby. Mrs. C. King. Mrs. T. ground but obvious signs of Yule-! Cote, Mrs. J. Haaland, Mrs. Q. tide are to be seen. Red and green trimmings, wreaths and beautifully decorated Christmas tronc nt nnnnnrlnit net If t Kerr, Mrs. J. Normandeau, Mrs. A. Harris, Mrs. S. Guggins, Mrs. F. Llewellyn, Mrs. Watts, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. L. Thomas, Mrs. Richmond; and Mrs. Farouam. ! Events are In The programs consisted of Im keeping with the general atmosphere. On Thursday afternoon, Divisions 1, 2, 3 and 5 of the Terrace Elementary School had Christ promptu songs, recitations or piano selections rendered by the pupils themselves. There were followed by games, the giving qut of Christmas presents and mas trees and parties. The en- refreshments. Many pre-school children were In attendance and were delighted when Santa paid his visit Division 5, in the Legion Hall, did not have Its party and Christmas tree until the following afternoon. This classroom had also been suitably decorated) for the occasion. Mrs. Hubble, the teacher, welcomed those who came to visit and all present had a very enjoyable i afternoon. On. the same afternoon, Divisions 1, 2, 3 and 4 teachers took their pupils up to the Military Hospital and put on part of their ; original Christmas concert for tne patients and staff. The pupils arid teachers were made very welcome and every courtesy was extended to them by Colonel R. II. Hughes and Nursing Sister Pacem. The pupils were permitted to see the different parts of the hospital and many, who had never been there be fore, marvelled at the cleanliness I and order. The concert was put j i on in the canteen. A large audience had been expected but i ( many of the patients had been ! i moved out the previous week. I Those able to watch the performance were the Jollowlng: (Pte. Martlnlsk, Pte. Freiberg, Pte. Marchand,, Pte. Habinlskl, Pte) Martineau, Pte. Porter, Pte. Roberts, Bdr. Hallsky, Bdr. Homing, Pte. Sellnger, Pte. Mark-wart. Pte. Vauier, Pte. Syubal-ko, Mr. Stevenson and .Mr. iTharriew. Following the presentation of tho concert, Pte. Hati'ilski played several selections on his accordion for the pupils. The patients and staff were very appreciative of the efforts of the children, talked 'to them and treated them to Ice cream and candy. Friday evening, the pupils! ; "J the Terrace High School had a very enjoyable Christmas , party. In accord with the general lr'ea of Christmas, there is going to te a Community Christmas tree In tlv lower army drill t hall next Thursday evening. This will be the first of a series of 'Community Christmas Trees to perpotuate the memory of the 'late W. II. Johnstone who left i$5C3 to the Legion, the Orango land the Oddfellows' Lodges to be used as the basis of a perpetual Community Christmas Tree Fund. Committees were ; appointed by the Lodges to take care of this fund. M. Dubeau, F. Hall and S. Klrkaldy for the Legion; R. Beecher, E. Haugland and G. Lambly for the Oddfellows'; R. Matthews, C, Haugland and B. West for the Oranee Lodge. Of this group, the chairman ls( R. Beechcr, the secretary is S. Klrkaldy and the treasurer is E. Haugland. The committees held a meeting on Friday eve ning and Invited the teachers to attend. Certain plans were drawn up and Miss Lips and Miss Riley were put In charge of pur chasing and preparing a Christ mas package for each child in the district. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE . IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN TIC MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP DANIEL MCKINLEY KEAN, DECEA8ER. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge Fisher. Loral Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the Hth day of December, A.D. 1644, appointed Administrator with the will annexed, of the Estate of Daniel Mo Klnley Kean. who died on the onth day of January, 1B39. All persons Indebted to the raid estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said Estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or be. fore the 15th day of January, 1044 falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such Claims Of Which I have hin nnHM,l DATED at Prince Rupert, DC, this Uth day of December, A.D. 1944. ALBERT EDWARD RODDI3, "''vim luiiiuiiairainr. Telegraph Creek, n.C, 5 ec RD IMfM lev WW CHFTt KAIEN HAROWAdc , ' " w w m I I I if 11 - iiar lit,. 6th AVE. E., BESIDE P.O. STATION B As Good as the Best Better than the Rest POULSEN'S GROCERY Our stock fresh and complete, prices rigid Courtesy, and Service Free Delivery-Red mi 1945 DIARIES and CALENDAR PAC POCKET DIARIES, from i LARGE DIARIES, from I 5-YEAR DIARIES WITH LOCK . l)5 to $1.23 to! ! SMALL CALENDAR PADS AND STAND, complete LARGE CALENDAR PADS AND STAND, complete i EVERYDAY CALENDAR PADS AND STAND, complete from $1.75 to Aw SMALL CALENDAR PADS (GEM) LARGE CALENDAR PADS (JUMBO) Dibb Printing Company BESNER. BLOCK THIRD AVpl c cMiKir: l V LI Nil yU SHOES... WHITE,- HLUE AND BLACK . . . SATIN. SANDALS Silver ancf Gold Sandals IN HIGH AND LOW HEELS yc!e"tcc'cceie'ctf''cc'c,c!sie'c!',e't'tt'et'tx!i P TO OUR CUSTOMERS . . . u I SEASON'S BEST WISHES j Family Shoe Store LmW "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES Don't leave it too Close to Christmas-Try Our New Nestle's Cold Wave You will be Pleased PEGGY SAUNDERS (Annette Powell) Fourth Street (across from Post Office) rhone Skeena Grocery $ ACROSS FROM HOSPITAL We are here to give our customer the best of service Our prices arc right 500 5th Ave. East Tllinnfl