m w To create the right impression GET "HIS" GIFT . . . AT . . . LLIAM F.S "CLOTHES OP DISTINCTION" TONE UI RATE SHOE STORE ACR03S FItOM ORME'S DRUG STORE XMAS Shopping i:T EARLY SO YOU CAN HAVE FIRST CHOICE OF OUR SMARTER LADIES SLirrt-ua. Buy Your Christmas Gifts Now! EN'S & BOY'S WEAR AT REAL SAVING PRICES GIFTS FOR THE MEN . . . ru Silk Scarfs Ul kinds 'to choose special X I UU " Al.DU la's Silk Ties .. gut bUc 3l.ou t .1 PI! L .zcs Black and brown- $2.75 to $3.25 fen's Bath Robes p-vy weight. Nicely trimmed. All sizes. ib:- election S6.45 tn's Leather Jackets Gcmine Horsehlde $14.43 to tyll.DV L's Bill Folds A. leather, with zippers $1.95 en's Leather Cigarette Cases .:. i..l jl.vu en's Sweaters aii-wooi Sl.ya l" E t n r i.inpd or unllned - len s Fine uress uiovcs be Special. $2.00 tO $2.95 en's Leather Belts' All ;izes Special - 75c 10 $1.25 I , . a-r. nc ens. Kairi Coats en's Gnhartline Coats Pawn colored $14.00 len's Fine Wool Worsted Suits- Blue and brown stripe-all sizes-Special .... $32.50 en's Sport Jackets Iter $21.50 Now - $W.OU len's Heavy Lined Doeskin Jackets INuw pj.i0 len's Winter Overcoats Lar..e selection $22.50 10 $5.UU GIFTS FOR THE BOYS . . . ys' Sweaters All- wool, also cotton mixture all sizes 65c to $2.75 ays' Pnnfa I Well made. Pair $2.50 to $3.25 VS' Shoes A" leather $3.50 l $4.25 ays' Raincoats Special $3.75 tys' All-Wool Overcoats $11.95 GIFTS THE HOME FOR . . . H-Wool Blankets rey only $5.95 Rnkets aii-wooi $17.00 to $25.00 C CLOTHIERS LIMITED mi)AVENUR PHONE BLACK 321 THE DAILY NEWS PAGIf FTVB A A A A A A A KEEPING HOUSE IN WARTIME i A A A A A A A a A A A A A X A a1 si A A 3 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Conservation Hints - - Old Kins Coal Needs nursing along . . . yes, it is important to save one ton in five. Not Just for the family dn the next street but for you. Period. Here are three ways: Clean your furnace. When soft coal is burned a soot de posit of 110 of an inch results j in a 34 waste. Clean it out once a week. Take care of the hot water tank. An insulating Jacket will save heat. The accumulation of sludge in the bottom of the-tank should be drained off through the tap provided for that purpot. Take a look at it now '. . . even If you. are a woman you can turn a tap. Draw your window shades or curtains radiator the Christmas greenery. It you love pine and cedar as we do, , don't strip the trees. Gather carefully . . . doesn't it make jyou mad to see enthuslatlcally lhacked-at little evergreens that ! will never live to see the spring? Put boughs in water in a cool i;lace until the Day of Decoration dawns. Tin Naked" Said one apple, bursting with i rt1fk "Or urn T ontrl iin nthor t "Naturally," say we, being extra partial to such, even at breakfast time. Keep apples from splitting by pricking the skin with a fork before putting In the oven. Last Call for Shoppers j Chances are that you've polished off the last item on your j list and you're now needling the man of the house for what In (he end you know will be an appendix to your list. Unless of course he's the kind that likes to do his own shopping, In which case we retire In amazement. This Is the time to be I agreeable but firm. Stores are no place for the llkex of anybody frpm now on. You won't lind what you want and you ' won't want what you find. Show this to that Man. I Cranberries Tart Make cranberry sauce this year instead of cranberry Jelly. ! Reason one: Tna distinctive tartness ot the cranberry tastes good with Uie bird. Reason two: Can be made with half as much sugar. Reason three: Vitamin C di- Iminishes in quantity when, ex posed to air. This Is true of any fruit. Sieving It reduces I the amount of this vitamin; that I reaches the finishing line Intact ARE HAMMERED American Heavy Bombers, willi Fishier F.seorts, Smash at Hanover and Kassel LONDON, Dec. 18 W Six hundred and fifty heavy American bombers hammered at west ern Germany rail and industrial tentres of Hanover and Kassel Friday with more than 2000 tons of bombs. The Brltlslufoased bombers were accompanied by 550 fighters. Dally News Classified Ads bring quick results. Smooth Organization in the Kitchen Makes for Happy Christmas Meals Get organized in the kitchen ; now for a happy Christmas j which won't find you worn to a frazzle with the rush of last minute preparations. Plan the menus now for the week from the 21 to the 27, making the pre-Christmas meals of the easy to prepare variety. Make a shopping list and order ail staples and non-perishables right away. Then get busy with advance preparations. Mincemeat, Christmas pudding and fruit cake have first call on your attention If not already made. Cranberry sauce (store it in an airtight sealer), a supply of salad dressings and cookies come next. Don't overlook the possibilities I and convenience of Icebox cookie dough which will keep for a week at night. Helps keep before baking.. heat from taking a I Final shopping- for the Christ- walk outsld? your window. It's ; mas week-end had bsst be com-cosler anyhow. I pietcd by Friday. There will be Signal For C.reens jmore choice and shops will be Npnrlv t1m til, hp ffnthprlni? , less crowded. For the Christmas dinner Itself we suggest two menu. The first is for a family dinner in the traditional style, the Second can be served semi-'butfetl'style and is manageable in an apa'rtment with limited kitcKen facilities and no dining room. FAMILY' CHRISTMAS DINNER Cranberry Apple Ice, Itoast Turkey, Sa'vory Stuffinj Brown Gravy Mashed Potatoes, Diced Turnips, Honey Onions Red' Currant Jelly Sliced Head Lettuce . Russian Dressing, Rolls individual Christmas Puddings Holiday Sauce, Beverage SKMI-MIFFET CHRISTMAS DINNIilt Tomato Juice garnished with Chopped Parsley Rcast Chicken, Selery Stuffing Roast Potatoes, Peas Harvard Bet3, Cranberry Sauce Relish tray of Carrot Sticks Celery Curls, Watercress Buttered Hot Rolls Individual Hot Mince Pies i RAIL TARGETS i Beverage Qranberry , Aj'pleIce 2-3 cup sweetened cranberry sauce 1 1-3 cups grated apple Few grains salt PARTICULARS 1. Only, the usual amount of milk available. TIME SCHEDULE A.M. Fraser St- - 030 to 9:40 1st Ave.ito 9th St 9:45 to 10:00 9th St. to 11th St 10:15 to 10:25 2nd Ave. to McBrlde 10:30 to 10:50 3rd Ave. to Biggar Place 10:50 to 11:15 Crush the cranberry sauce wth a fork, mixing with the apple and add salt. Mix thoroughly, place In freezing tray and freeza to a much or until firm If preferred. Six servings as an appetizer; if desired as dessert 'in crease recipe 10 l cup cranberry sauce and 2 cups grated apple. , 'Honey Onions 4 medium onions cut in inch slices Salt and pepper to taste 2 tablespoons water 1 tablespoon honey ,2 teaspoons butter . Place onion slices in a large greased casserole or pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper and add water. Cover and bake In a moderate oven, 350 degrees F., for 15 minutes or until tender. Remove from oven, dribble with honey and dot with butter. Return to oven fof 10 minutes to glaze and brown slightly, basting at lease once. Six servings. Holiday Sauce 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon cornstarch. Pinch, of salt Vz cups milk 2 egg yolks or 1 whole egg '2 teaspoon vanilla 1-3 cup choppcd' maraschlno cherries Mix sugar, cornstarch and salt with 1 cup of the nlllk. Heat in double boiler.' Beat, egg yolks or whole egg slightly with remaining milk and add slowly to the hot mixture. Cook; stirring constantly until the mixture Is thickened enough to coat the spoon, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat, add vanilla and cherries. Six servings. Celery Stuffing 2 cups finely diced celery 1 cup boiling water ' cup minced onion IVi tablespoons butter A cup mild-flavored fat 8 cups lightly packed soft stale bread crumbs v 4 teaoons poultry seasoning " , teiiulppfrt'1 7 Simmer celery in the boiling water for 15 to 20 minutes or until tendec. Drain, measuring li THIS AND THAT I "i- ' N " t 1 : i m Itfl if 1 The Com MjIiIi Um .tirf. Int. Nt ' 7 "Peggy II Do you want to cut yourself?" 2. You must come to the wagon for your milk. 3. Bring M.T. bottles. Back 3rd to Cow Bay ...11:25 4th E. to Booth School .. .11:30 to 11:40 5th E. to McBrlde 11:45 P.M. 5th W. to Dunsmulr 12:01 to 12:10 4tlr W. to Agnew Place 12:25 Of General Interest On Making Room Families who rent a selX-con-tained apartment and wish to-take a relative or friend In to live with them may do so without being charged extra- rent. No Notice Required Haussholders, who wish to rent Iheir houses furnished or unfur nished for any period under five months, without giving the usual six months' notice to vacate, may enter Into a "term certain" lease with their tenant. When the lease expires, the tenant must vacate without receiving any further notice. No Ceiling on- Public Halls Commercial a c c o m modation used soley for the purpose of public entertainment or public exhibition, other than for operating a moving picture theatre, Is exempt from the provlnslons cf the rentals regulations. Six Months to Vacate Light housekeeping rooms rented by the week come under the same regulations as all other housing accommodations. In other words six months' notice to vacate is required. quid and adding water if neces MAKE MAKE YOUR YOUR- CIIRISTMAS CARDS AND NEW YEAR CALENDARS Distinctive with our Local Views i sary to make V2 cup. Cook, onion In butter and fat over low heat until tender but not brown. Mix crumbs and seasonings together. Add celery, celery water, fat and j onions and mix thoroughly with I a fork. Sufficient to stuff a six I to seven pound chicken. Part of j the dressing may "oe baked In individual muffin tins if desired. I Buy War Savings Stamps. BARR & ANDERSON LIMtTKD Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner-2nd Ave-and 4th SC Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 121M WRATHALL'S JJ Photo Finishing. THIRD AVENUE Special Delivery Dec. 25 & 26 If the store from which you get your milk regularly is unable to supply you, tHis Special Delivery will try to reach you on the above days. 4. If you have the right change It will hem to give better service. 5th W. to Dunsmuir 12:30 to 12:40 Cth W. to Summit . 12:45 to 1:15 Taylor St - 1:20 7th, W - 1:35 to 1:40 Midway Store u 1:50 3th E 2:00 9th E 2:30 Wishing All Our Friends and- Customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year VALENTIN . DAIRY Lamps n Mirrors Lamps and Mirrors make, fine IX.;..-S' CHRISTftffe mi e SEE OUR STOCK OF BOOK-ENDS AND ORNAMENTS GORDON & ANDERSON, Ltd. PKDKKAL BLOCK TlllllU AVKNUK can Vis, Try . Vi,, tSo. CS,:; VS.. VS. 1xrPrS,J. ,." Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 PJH. . Kindly give. 'us your order before 12 o'clock noon during. your delivery day. We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and cooked meat- fresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE 21 THIRD AVE. W. MOTT ELECTRIC LIMITED Electrical Contractors COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL & MARINE" ELECTRICIANS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs Offices In, Vancouver, and New, Westminster Phone Black 3G7 326 2nd Ave. RUPERT BRAN D :.: SMOKED i: BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS CIRCULATION COUNTS. 11 i M It 1 tin I